WEATHER: Chance of s c a tte r e d showers, partly cloudy with light, variable wlndsy high in the low 60’s. V ol. 45 — No. 53 Associated Students,University of California, Santa Barbara___________________Friday, March 12, 1965 POWER STRUGGLE HITS UC By BARRY WINOGRAD The existing turmoil goes be­ pus is probable but not definite. C h a ncello r s, Vice-Chan­ tors "are on the horns of a The struggle for power be­ yond the two tendered resigna­ In Kerr’s seven-year tenure cellors, and Deans—have as­ dilemma.” tween the administration and the tion of Kerr and Meyerson. Left he has been the driving force sumed their current positions He added, "Anytime I feel Board of Regents in the Uni­ to speculation is the extent of behind development of the during Kerr’s time in office. my services as Chancellor are versity of California system, reaction within the University California Master Plan for Whether the ties of friendship, Ineffective, for any reasons, I most recently marked by the re­ system. Higher Education as well as the loyalty and organization will am through. I have enough depth signations of President Clark UCSB Chancellor Vernon growth and development of the prompt more resignations is of interest in what I did be­ Kerr and Berkeley Acting Chan­ Cheadle has hinted that at the UC nine-campus goal, an inte­ very much up in the air. fore to go back to it.” cellor Martin Meyer son, is not present time his continuing as gral part of that plan. Chancellor Cheadle, a former Regarding the recent re­ over. head of the Santa Barbara cam- Most of the administrators— botany professor, conceded that signations, Cheadle said, "my as a Kerr appointee the question First hope is that the Board of could be asked whether he Regents will not accept his and/or other appointees should resignation. President Kerr is also resign. He emphasized a not only a good administrator readiness and a willingness to and hard nosed man when he resume his teaching and re­ has to be, but he’s still a human search should that be in the best being in the finest understanding Interests of the University. of the term. If Kerr comes Cheadle noted that he was back, it will be on his own persuaded by Kerr to come to term s.” Santa Barbara in 1962. The The Chancellor first heard Chancellor had held various ad­ of Kerr’s statement Tuesday ministrative positions for 18 afternoon during a Campbell years and although Acting Vice- Chancellor at Davis he was in the process of returning full­ time to teaching and research BULLETIN when President Kerr appealed to him. BERKELEY—The Board of Shortly after this interview Regents will meet in emergency Chancellor Cheadle flew to session to consider President Berkeley for a meeting caUed Clark Kerr’s resignation Satur­ by President Kerr and attended day on the Berkeley campus. by UC Chancellors. UCLA A statement issued late yes­ Chancellor Franklin Murphy is terday by Edwin W. Carter, in Brazil and could not attend. regents’ chairman, said "those The Chancellor returned to matters dealing primarily with the campus late yesterday personnel will be considered in morning. Two meetings were executive session.” on campus last month for an Open Forum held in Berkeley, one with the A University spokesman said LAST VISIT ...Clark Kerr, who resigned that would refer to the resigna­ his post Tuesday, is shown here with and Regents meeting. Berkeley’s Acting Chancellors and President Kerr Chancellor Martin Meyerson also resigned and the other with just the tions of Kerr and Berkeley UCSB Chancellor Vernon Cheadle and an Chancellor Martin Meyerson. informal group of students as he appeared Tuesday. Chancellors. Photo by JOHN D. STRAHLER At the Chancellor’s con­ Carter’s statement also said ference a telegram was drafted the board is meeting "to discuss SELMA RACISM to be sent to every member of restoration of appropriate con­ the Board of Regents asking trol over student conduct on the that they not accept Kerr’s Berkeley campus, problems re­ resignation statement. lating to principal university officers and the special Forbes Student marchers protest Cheadle declared when asked Committee.” about more resignations, "I By STEPHENRITTENBERG human dignity, Robert Henry Reviewing SNCC’s program think the situation is fluid with City Editor West, member of Santa Barbara on Selma, West stated that beat­ regard to other officials. I think Hall lecture by Dr. Paul Til­ More than 300 students Friends of. SNCC, outlined the ings and jailings were the local it would have to depend on who lich. That evening telegrams marched Wednesday, two a- existing situation in Selma and (Continued on p. 6, col. 2) came in.” Campus administra­ were sent to President Kerr and breast, to protest the treat­ the challenge it presents the Board Chairman Edward W. ment of Negroes in Selma, Ala­ nation. Carter signed by Cheadle and bama. "The rights we possess today UCSB Vice-C hancellors Walking behind a large ban­ are a result of a national yearn­ Stephen Good speed and A. Rus­ ner proclaiming ‘ÇSelma, We're ing. And these selfsame rights, KERR EXPLAINS WHY sell Buchanan. The communi­ in Sympathy,” students and fa­ guaranteed by the Constitution, cations suggested that Kerr’s culty members marched from are being denied by a corrupt BERKELEY -- University President Clark Kerr, in proposed leaving was "a North Hall to the free speech minority to an otherwise quali­ the only statement he has issued since his sudden resigna­ tragedy for the University and area in front of the Student fied majority,” asserted West. tion Tuesday, implied he had been pressured by several the Santa Barbara campus.” Union. Among the marchers According to West, Selma is members of the UC Board of Regents to take Immediate The telegram to Kerr asked was Dean Lyle Reynolds. like any other small country disciplinary action against students Involved in the so-called for reconsideration of the pre­ Upon reaching the free speech town in that it has "piney hills "Filthy Speech Movement.” sently pending resignation. Kerr said "due process must have its due place” and Carter, as Chairman and re­ area, the students formed a and dances on Saturday night.” added that he resigned to prevent "a new confrontation at semicircle to listen to speakers presentative of the Board of of the SNCC-sponsored demon­ BLACK BELT Berkeley potentially filled with great passion.” Regents, was asked not to accept stration. It, however, differs in being It is believed that Kerr felt any attempt to discipline the resignation. in the middle of the Black Belt. students arrested for displaying obscene words before they The statements of both Kerr Claiming that there are still are tried in the civil courts would bring renewed strife men who would deny justice and "Selma is over 50 percent and Meyerson can become Negro, yet only 0.1 of one per­ between students and administrators on the Berkeley campus. effective when the Regents next cent are eligible to vote.” (Free Speech Movement members protested violently meet on March 25. As the legally last fall against the University’s disciplining of students tor authorized body to handle situa­ Holiday now set West also stated that "Selma violations of civil law. The giant Sproul Hall sit-in, during tions of this kind the board is Beachcomber’s Holiday will is the birthplace of Alabama’s which more than 600 students were arrested, was called empowered not to accept these be held tomorrow from 12-7 White Citizen’s Council.” after four FSM members were told to appear before a com­ resignations if it so wishes. p.m. In the Robertson Gym mittee on student conduct.) Regent Donald H. McLaugh­ parking lot. Voting for king Stressing that its police force The complete text of Kerr’s statement, issued Wednes­ lin said, "a resignation sub­ and queen candidates will con­ and posse are used for break­ day, reads:. mitted at a press conference is tinue during the carnival at the ing up civil rights demonstra­ "The problem before the university community is the hardly official. I haven’t the voting booth. tions as well as maintaining proper combination of freedom and responsibility. Re­ faintest idea whether the Re­ Prizes wiU be awarded to order, he said, "Under the sponsibility can come most effectively from the faculty and gents will accept their resigna­ students chosen at random from guise of public safety,’ Sheriff students and only partially from administrative or regental tions.” the Student Directory; Judo ex­ Jim Clark has seen fit to per­ discipline and community police action. secute Negroes who are unwill­ Newspaper reports by the hibitions, pie eating contests, "I have fought countless battles for 12 years to increase Oakland Tribune and the San and water balloon tossing will ing to remain second-class citi­ (Continued on p. 8, col. 3) be held. zens.” (Continued on p. 8, col. 1) Page 2—EL GAUCHO—Friday/ March 12, 1965 AFTER DEADLINE Seat saving R is a pathetic sight to see El Gaucho a UCSB co-ed wandering down the aisles of packed CampbeU Hall. At each row of chairs Opinion Page she stops and asks in a plain­ tive voice, “ Excuse me, are those seats saved?“ or “Pardon EDITORIAL me, but is anybody sitting there?” Each time the answer is the same. The smug early-comers The power struggle spread their belongings posses­ sively on the three or four President Clark K err's impending resignation shakes the nearest chairs and say, “Sorry, University to its very foundations.
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