Three New Species and Some Synonymic Notes on the Arctiidae from Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines

Three New Species and Some Synonymic Notes on the Arctiidae from Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines

The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan utttw 1),6 to Ga, 39 (2):99'118, 1988 Three New Species and Some Synonymic Notes on the Arctiidae from Japan, Taiwan and The Philippines Hiroshi INouE 311-2, Bushi, Iruma City, Saitama Pref,, 358 Japan In writing this paper I am much indebted to Mr, A. WATsoN, British Museum (Natural History), London, for his advice and for his kind offices which enabled my examination of the rich collection of the Arctiidae under his curation. I wish to thank Dr, T. KuMATA, Hokkaido University, Sappore, and Dr. R. GAEDIKE, Abt. Taxonomie der Insekten, Institut fUr Pflanzenschutzforschung der AdL. Bereich, Eberswalde, who I am also provided me facilities in exarnining the type-series under their cares. indebted to Dr, D. STUNING, Museum Alexander Koening, Bonn, for the loan of paratypes of Lithosin chekiangica DANiEL. I am grateful to the following friends for their gifts of specimens: S. AzuMA, B-S, CHANG, K. DEGucHI, A. KAwABE, S, KINosHITA, Y. KIsmDA, T, MAsul, I. OHTsuKA, M, OwADA, M. SAIKAwA, R. SATo and S, SUGI. All the specimens including the type-series of the new taxa recorded in this paper are preserved in my collection, excepting those specified. Descriptions of new species Subfamily Arctiinae Spilarctia graminivora sp, nov. (Figs, 1, 2, 5, 6) LEEcH. SPiiosoma bisecla: INouE, 1982, Moths of 1tzPan 1: 651; 2, 339, pl, 228: 4, nec Similar to Sbilarcha bisecta (LEEcH) from continental China, but forewing with ground colour less whitish, the interrupted line of black spots from apex to middle of hindmargin more developed, less straightish, being incurved at CuA2, subterminal row of minute dots almost always developed at anterior half, a small spot on IA+2A placed at midway between base and terrnen often vanished in 9. Hindwing with discocellular spot and subterminal row of blackish marks heavy, the former usually angular along discocellular veins, the ]atter sometimes interrupted between Rs and Mi, sometimes hair along hindmarginal area pinkish. Under surface more whitish, both wing$ with discocelluar spots and subterminal bands much heavier than on above, forewing with rosy flush in and around discocel- lular cell, but often this colouring is extremely weak. Dorsal surface of thorax with NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocletyLepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan joo Hiroshi INouE // .tr.ptfftA'・ :e-/.. ',,'・"',,:tt・・ ...s f"Srw,za.trj.,,iri-..,... , .tve N7 ."..... '-rbe.. :.k . J"t.. ltsge.t- uat.' '.-' 1've-tsin,. ..... .,.,,.,. ve '' va'/i,".suntil.,.kl//"tu's-.N ・-・ 7 -.-.,';iSi..l f'.be"t L- fo.,t".':"-'itt-wh'v/・ ・.i i・ -, ' ,,,・, ,.st . ' ---VAf' ..x・ ・・ t.t"ttt .s.,'-t "it '""rrm--t:.'.' .., /t Ztkmpatt,l,/s. ge. -・ .? ・ ,AI・・ /: er es..k.. t'.'isi /t .., pt. '5・ -?.i.ewr,. ・. pa.ttr'aj,・#ut ・,r,lt'・,,x・lg /t ' '・',w..,. tttt ', 2, t tsu t t.,..ttt :,{,tt r-'"'"vax '・Wi'iX,.ftS . ,t .. ../:,.,.pm.. :va",.・i,-. - $ i ・ . ;s. -E,,・l,/.t ua・; "tt V-v-- Ad. , I'b ・・:・-・ 3 ' tt ・ ・- ・',・ -.R /・ t ttt ttttt . t.. -"..,.ttrtijvt..t. tt. ajt.:ut ''' .. t '.tt't'va di ,mt.. /' u:"ge. "'L・', '1 ge .' /.tm's/ee}'/ ts.x . /. .s ge'-":',l. ; /..l: pt, #.t. w, " e ti dipt ,ilpa' , scb ts ・" ,. ':. li-, :,'il"j・・' :l,i,,xix'k,.ag・,g ' :t・'Ii -: 4 f. Y'i l' ・Fsig,va'1"'. ..I. Figs. 1-4. 1: SZ)ila,etia graminivora sp. nov., holotype, a. 2: Ditto,paratype, 9. 3: SPitaTz;tia bisecta (LEEcH), lectotype, 8 [Nagasaki] . 4 : Ditto, 9, Moupin. black transverse line developed as in bdsectn. Length of forewing, & 18-2e, 8 20-24 mm. Male Valva an margin genitalia. oblong plate,distal gently rounded, a small process at ventral edge, cornuti two masses of minute spines and a stick-like sclerite, Holotype, a, Takamatsu City, Tokushima Pref., 8, v. 1981 (T. MAsul). Para- types. Data as holotype,2if; type-locality, 2. v. 1980,la,ISiZ; ditto,8. v. 1981,1? ; ditto, 2-9. v, 1983, 38, 29 (T. MAsul), Settsu City, Osaka Pref,, 22. iv. 1974, 1& (S. KINosHITA). Kengunrnachi, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto PreL, 16. iv. 1987, 3e (I. OTsuKA). A pair of paratypes in coll. British Museum (N.H.). Distn'bution, Japan (SW. Honshu, N. Shikoku, N, & C. Kyushu). Related to szabtestacea SZ)ila7Ttia (RoTHscHILD) from Taiwan, but wings less brownish, abdomen not orange but scarlet, postmedian row of black dots on forewing and subterminal band of hindwing usually heavier, The tooth-like process from NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocletyLepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan New Species and Synonymic Notes on Arctiidae 101 .# 6: Figs. 5L6, 5 : S?)iltirctia gramimvo,u sp.nov, a genitalia (H, I. Slide10594). Ditto, 9 genitalia (10595), ventral margin of valva rnuch weaker. More or less similar to SPilarctid serintQPunctata (MoTscHuLsKy), but antennal pectination in a longer, the black streak on dorsal surface of thorax developed, lacking black streak at costa of forewing from ba$e te one-third; dorso-apical protuberance and ventral projection of valva developed in sen'atoPuncinin are absent or vestigial. 1984, The immature stages of this new species were described by TERAMoTo, based on foPan Heterocerists' J. 127: 17-22, under the name of SPilarctia bisecta, of specimens collected and bred in Osaka Prefecture. He compared the larva this species with S, sericitQPunclala. The food plants in captivity are Morus, Ficus and NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan 102 Hiroshi INouE various species of grasses, such as Twfotsum, Plantzrgo, Artemisia, Habitats of this species seem to be confined to urbanized lowland, where vegita- tion is unsettled by hurnan intervention, The extant information before me shows that the present new species inhabits southwestern part of the mainland of Japan. LEEcH, Although (1889), Proc. 2ool, Soc. Lond. 1888: 618-619, pl, 31: 3, founded SPilosoma bisectn on two males from Hong Kong and Nagasaki, the latter specimen might have been secured in China. HAMpsoN, 1901, Clat. LePia iPhalaenae Br, "Nagasaki Mzts. 3: 290, designated the Iectotype as (LEEcH) la type bisecta" under the collective name Dikecrisia obliqua. RoTHscHILD, 1910, iVbvit. zool. 17 : 135, recorded Dincn'sia obliqua bisecta from several places of China. DANIEL, 1943, Mitt Mzanch. ent. - Ges. 33 : 690 692, recorded S. bisecta from various places of China and showed photos of many specimens. His identification of majority of specimens seems to be sound. The valva of bdsecta shown by him (fig, 7) has a large canine-like process from ventral margin near middle, which in this new species is underdeveloped. SubfamilyLithosiinae Asuridia rubrlpennis sp. nov. - (Figs. 7 9) Miltochn'sta (14surididV cavaipicin : MATsuMuRA, 1931, 6000 iggrtst. insects lltpan-Empire : 969, fig., nec BuTLER, Asztn'dia carnipicin (part.): INouE, 1978, jaPan Ebterocerists'f. 97: 6e5, fig. 2, nee BuTLER. Closely related to A. carveiPicta (BuTLER) from China and Japan (Island of Tsushima), but transverse lines of forewing usually thicker, and median fascia more straightish. The lines and fasciae of upper surface are more strongly reproduced on under surface than in carnipicta, Length of forewing, spring brood (la) 12 mm, summer brood 10-11 mm, Male genitalia, Uncus slenderer, valva ampler distally than in carnipicin, downcurved spinulous process of costa longer, a strong process from near base of sacculus developed in camaipicta is vestigial. 9 unknown. Holotype, e, Chihtuan, Taoyuan Hsien, 23, iv. 1983 (B.S. CHANG). Paratypes, , , Figs. 7-8. 7: Asun'diantbn'pennissp. nov., holotype, e. 8: Ditto, paratype, CrL. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan New Species and Synonymic Notes on Arctiidae 103 s, it tttt tt tt :'・ /" ,lk '' ' k ,'I.'}//.//.1'. .' .," ,' .ajiiww.di・1 .' .' ・. ,,tk,t,".masu,R'1,.. la.. s?fl・r・yXinsi,'e t/' ltt [} /- l'" 1 9 Asuridib Figs, 9-10. 9: genita]ia (le740). 10: caiveiPicta (BuTLER) aedeagus omitted, Fenchihu, 1600 m, Chiai Hsien, 38" (H, INouE); ditto, 21. viii, 1968,1 8 <M. SAIKAwA); Wenshan Hualien Hsien, 4-5. viii. 1983, 16L (A. KAwABE). Distribution. Taiwan. MATSuMuRA, 1931, illustrated female and groundlessly recorded Japan (Honshu and Kyushu), recorded A, carnipicta from the island of Tsushima for the first time time dubitatively associated with it four males collected in Taiwan, Mittochrista expressa sp. nov. - (Figs. 11 15) thltochn'sta abervans okinatvana(part.):INouE, 1980, TNo- Ga 30:165; id,l98Z, Motiis of ILipan1: 648, nec MATsuberuRA. Similar to M. aberrans okinawana MATsuMuRA, but usually transverse lines on forewing thicker, discocellular black dot distinct as in the nominate subspecies of aberrans, while in ofeinawana the dot is absent. Hindwing more thickly pinkish than - in abervans, Length of forewing, &9 8 10 mm. Spring brood is usually larger than $ummer and autumn broods. at middle Male genitalia. Costa more limitedly and strongly protuberant dorsally than in aberrans, apex ending in a minute thorn, while in aber7uns costal projection is strong, terminal process of harpe slenderer than in the typical aberrans, Female genitalia. Sclerotized ductus bursae much shorter, lamella antevaginalis much less strongly produced caudally at each side. NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocletyLepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan 1ou HiroshiINouE ' t..t si-tttt・:/ttt/::.i13' , ttf': tt.t.t ;t tt t t.t ./12 Figs. 11-13. 11: Miltochriste eP ressa sp. nov., holotype, a. 12: Ditto, paratype, if. 13: Dttto, paratype, 9. ttiva ,・lzt ',/t'/ili{ii.,' ' ,: ,'f' ttt t tt/t+ -. fi・.gtt t.t tt tt //ttt . Figs,14-17. 14: A4iltochrisld etpressa sp. nov., a genitalia (11670). 15: Ditto, 9 genitalia (11669). 16 : Miltochn'sta abeuans abemans BuTLER, if genitalia (6812). 17 : Ditto, 9 genitalia (6813). NII-Electronic Library Service The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society ofofJapan Japan New Species and Synonymic Notes on Arctiidae 105 Helotype. 6",Bannadake, IshigakijimaIs., 21. iii. 1981 (K. DEGucHD.

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