The original documents are located in Box 133, folder “Rustand, Warren (2)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. I I ,/ j '.-, l Aa 1 meatiooecl at tt. Mlliol' daft meetbaJ thla morning, 1 feel .ueaaly abftt DOt lettln& the P.-e.Wet aet pushed and p.t.Ued . lD.to commlttlAaldmMll to a lot ol eepuate Ble:entennfal fi'V'ente all ewe• th. eoanuy al'OUQd the July 4. 1976 period. :rev..,._. ·w!U Wllllt the PJ'eaideut at hla eYut,. aatl .tnce m&JlY ol. the epoa.ol.'• ·an b14toU of w-. he ta HM1y to let himllelf ._ talked iJlto it. J am. tbilaldn1 ol the Billy. Gnbam/W111a.rd Mal'riott n.U aa oae T.bla ia aa opportwnty ·to:r the Phaldent to aay .om.etbing TerJ'~ ""'rf lmportant to the Natl.oc about the paat and the future., aDd to have him 1'aclo.J all ove:r the country to appeal' at va:riOWJ :BlceDtermial event• 1 tl:dnk. will dllute hia meaaage and bla paft!clpat:ioa.. lt eeema to me thai the maximum i.mpaet aad ex­ po..ue W'GIIIdd be obtalu.ed li'Om a siagle PJ'eaidutial appean.nce ..- apeecb oa lulJ'. "-- 1976 bl PbilaWpata. ~ :· . ·.· . \~:~;·::f:t:/~~~'~;?~ ::·.·· ~;,_ .. ., ' > .. e.ea lltok Cheaer . .nm. Cormo1' Wan-. B.uataDd RN:jg Digitized from Box 133 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ........ lwo.WJ.epe ~--.tt t *Y low tile CUI... r tnll.... ptYelrJlla•_,...t ..... 4t00 • 5J00 .. m. • • - ......., 11. 197J O.BAND I"&.OMa F-* an•••• ..._ cw._ ef &M ~-- a..s c ........ ........... dlat tM Pl'elltrll Aim aWn cemmeftial fw tile ... c..... Waftll ..... c.... e.tll ... ..... Ilk• ........Nlal .... la ........................,. ••••Ia•• ............................. -Ia..,. ... 1 -.. ao ...... le•M• -way •• tile odael' all11d diU ..., ••,. _.,.I caa lwe•• a ,..atleatl• olcau......... tM ....w..e .. to .w. n •••ienlal. a. ................ tt •• ••• ...... •• .... Pn.W•• Ia ......... ., • ......, ...... / • PRESIDENT FORD --TV ADDRESS--60 SECOND VERSION- MCU PRES. FORD My fellow Americans. The voh1ntary way has always been the American way. We have always believed in neighbor helping neighbor. Today no organization typifies this voluntary spirit better than the Americ Red Cross. When disasters occur, the Red Cross ••• yo "Good Neighbor"••• furnishes the assistanc. that helps mend broken lives. When blood needed, volunteer donations of this preciou fluid collected in Red Cross centers are relied on by over half of our medical facilit Veterans and service personnel turn to the Red Cross for help also. March is Red Cross Month. Red Cross chapters will be asking you to help with financial contributions and by becoming a volunteer yourself. Be a Good Neighbor. Help your Good Neighbor ••• the American Red Cross. Thank yo~. f•' PRESIDENT FORl: TV ADDRESS--30 SECOND V. .SION '--' -- MCU PRES. FORD My fellow Americans .. The voluntary way has always been the American way. And no organization typifies this voluntary spirit better than the American Red Cross. Disaster relief, voluntary blood donations, help to our veterans and service personnel are just three areas where the Red Cross is a dominant factor. March is Red Cross Month. I urge you, give a little of your time and money. _, Be a G::>od Neighbor. Help your Good Neighbor ••• the American Red Cross. Thank you. -... THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGT0:-1 February 18. 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: DONALD RUMSFELD ROBERT HARTMANN JACK MARSH _.., RON NESSEN DICK CHENEY ..... ~ FROM: .. WARREN RUSTAND SUBJECT: Proposed Meeting between the President and theAdministrative Committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops on March 4 or 5 We would ap?reciate having your comments and recommendation on the attached pro?osal from Bill Baroody. /} cto- - SCHEDULE PROPOSAL DATE: February 14, 1975 FROM: William J. Baroody, VIA: WarrenS. Rustand MEETING: Between the President and the 30 members of the Administrative Committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. DATE: March 4 or 5, 1975. PURPOSE: To hear their views .on several issues of concern to the Catholic community in the United States. FORMAT: -location: Cabinet Room. -participants: Members of the Administrative Committee. -expected length of participation requested: 30 minutes. TALKING POINTS: To be provided in briefing paper prior to the meeting. PRESS COVERAGE: White House Photo. STAFF: William J. Baroody, Jr. Theodore C. Marrs Donald A. Webster RECOMMEND: William J. Baroody, Jr. PREVIOUS PARTICIPATION: No previous meetings. However, the President attended a Mass on January 26th at St. Matthew's Church here in Washington where he heard a sermon delivered by the General Secretary of the National Conference, Most Reverend James Rausch. BACKGROUND: The 30 bishops who serve on the Administrative Committee of the Catholic Conference will cpn­ vene for a meeting in Washington on the above. BACKGROUND (cont): mentioned dates. This would seem to present an opportune time for a meeting with the President, especially since it would occur fairly soon after his January 30th meeting with a delegation from the National Council of Churches. We believe it is important that the President see this group because the Catholic communi­ ty in the United States is large, influential and actively concerned with certain issues. One of the topics sure to be raised by the bishops is the urgency of the world food crisis, and their plan for alleviating it. They want to focus national attention on the plight of the hungry and generate support among the public for efforts to aid these people. APPROVE ----- DISAPPROVE ----- ~~~--~------~----- MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 18, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: RON NESSEN FROM: WARREN RUSTANnWh't.--- SUBJECT: Invitation to the Spring Convention of the Illinois Press Association in Decatur, Illinois on April 4, 1975 Please note Jerry Warren's recommendation here that the Vice President be asked to do this. If you agree, we will check it out with him as to his availability before you give a final response on the invitation, :.;cm I -j/./.· / MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 12, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: WARREN RUSTAND FROM: JERRY WARREr I understand this invitation will be turned down shortly. I suggest the event be recommended to the Vice President. ....__ ... ---- l.i Decerobcr 13, 1974 ' Dear l.fr. li'~rstl: \ Don l'.. um:d·:lld pas.oc~ along to rne n. copy of your letter suggesting that President ilo~d hold a pr czs ccu!('.rence d~"!.dng the vpring con..,·cnt.ic!l o£ the n; · oh l?rt;su Asao~iaHon in .t:-.pril, 1975, at tl'lo :Uolitiay ba ir, Dec~tu.r. J.llinoia. It 1~ too c<lrly to k!'!W:~ for ccrt in ~:hnt the Presi.dcnt• fJ ochcclulc \":~!1 be at ti':~t time. lio· :·nv~"!' , it ::: ~ '!". ls like a J100d ide<:~, and Y!e wi ·l cr­ t~in.!y l;eco yonr kin:l hL'Ilt;.'!.t!oa in r.."\ · •• d. 1 will 1Jc b<2cl.>:. in tm1.ch v.: 'h yot\ ~ftr:.r f::.o ilrst of i:hc Y•;::L'r Y. :1en ! hn.ve ~ better idea o£ hm.·1 the Preoii:lcm;:<J scb.odule i9 o11~ping up. ''lith bei!t wishe!l for th~ holidnycl, Sincerely, Rcu NcH:3en Prcns O::Jec1·ctary to the ;;;.;1·coidcn: l'.1r. Jor:(!• 1!1 L. Fc1·~u E~ccti.tiv~ Vil.'!e P.l70"'i.:knt bee w/ copy of inco1ning: Tom. DeGair, Eric Rosenberger, Jerry ".·-arren, Donald Rurnsfcld RN/F.MO/rnw • • - ---~ -----------I"' ..... ,... .. ~ ... ~-· ... .. ~ ~: · ~: _· ;).. ___ _ Dear Joe' Thanr-3 uo m~ch for your intaTost in r.-c· , .-. -i-. uritinq. :t h:tve p-!tt:3ed aloniJ to tho tJt. I ;< 1~.' -: co:z~~;-ats ~nil . Scl1c.Uuling e..:ficc your ! - ,.. , :-=-------~..:. !r.J.~~o·'tion"! a· ~- ,t nr .~....,i~,:-~t:' :,..:~1 ~zc~o .. con..:~::'·"" '1-:::·-:::-:J ;::o c .;A'!; t..:! .v c · .1 n:1.--.:o a IZr.- · - /_ . .:-u 41 \l{;;~~~no.;;.t..;i.c~l. vZ t.~~a iiivA:it ..., ... iV.;;;;: iu{;:,'3.fl i:-t co:lj ur:ctio&l \ ·i. t.h the r:.~~Y ott.or c1c:;.:~nds Oil t!""a.-D Prt~Si(!r=;nt * s tine. Sincerel.y, Co!"~ld ~:n.~afc.lu ;~;~l.!it~~li:. ~o \:.::a 1:' :-~ lsidant 'T'~·O-"\---- _.... ,..,.·· .,~ .. -·.·~···· ................. .,. .............. .:. ..... t_..,. ""'"""' _,..., ~~ ~~· _, 7519 Horth Anhltmd ]l:.renua Chicngo, 1llLloi~ Guti2G cc: noa l!erw~m u/copy o.f incc~il-g Na..'t'ren Rustand vt/copy of incoming DR:~!D:mlg .: . • ~ . , .:. MAINOFFIG - MYtR!i PUBLISWUG COMPANY • 751? tJ. Ashland Ava. • Chicago, Ill. 60626 • ?hone (312) 761-7200 t005H:l NC.WS?M~WS • 1647 IN. B-:-lmont Ave. e Chicago, 111. 60657 • 2B 1-7500 Tlt!.CS BOi.\E I 'C\'/SI·.~t'::RS • 7235 VI. lrvir.g Pork • Chico:J:>, Ill. l/J634 • 625·31 00 LIH SKO!<IE C•I.OUP o 51 5'3/iooin St• $1<okie,lll. 600n.• 637·7700 ~;:;.,...-~'\b.-.- LIFE HIGHLA:W Pt..RK GROUP • 1908 Sheridan Rd. • Highland Pork, Ill. 60035 • 432-9090 . ~ VOICE tiEWSPAPi:RS o 1495 Tonne Rd. o Elk Grove Villoge,lll.
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