Appendix E. Vascular Plant List for City of Banning, Liberty XXIII Renewable Energy Power Plant Project Appendix E- Liberty XXIII Renewable Energy Power Plant Vegetation Assessment Xeric Specialties Consulting - Botanical Surveys _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vascular Plant List for City of Banning, Liberty XXIII Renewable Energy Power Plant Project A = Smith Creek wash scrub and terraces B = California buckwheat succession C = Catclaw alluvial fan scrub D = disturbed open areas E = east of ponds and misc. peripheral areas F = burn scrub succession on slopes to east Scientific names mostly follow: The Jepson Manual, (Hickman, 1993), Flora of Southern CA (Munz, 1974) * - exotic plant taxon, + - incidental or peripheral plant sp. Scientific Name Common Name Comments A B C D E F AMARANTHACEAE Amaranth Family exotic, annual, likely A. albus, scattered Amaranthus sp.* amaranth X X X living plants throughout the site ASTERACEAE Composite Family native, weedy annual, living plants Ambrosia acanthicarpa Annual bur-sage X X X X X X throughout the site native, annual, scattered throughout the Chaenactis glabriscula Yellow pincushion X X X X site native, annual, uncommon in the NE Chaenactis sp. ( ca. xantiana ) Xantus pincushion X corner Cnicus benedictus Blessed thistle exotic, annual, rare along Smith creek X Corethrogyne (Lessingia) filaginifolia Cudweed aster native, perennial X X native, shrub, uncommon at NE corner Encelia actoni Acton encelia X of site Ericameria cf. pinifolia+ Pine-leaved goldenbush native, shrub X native, annual, frequent throughout the Filago californica Herba impia X X X X X site native, annual, occasional in sandy, Filago depressa Herba impia X X X stony or flat areas exotic, annual, uncommon in the dump Filago gallica Herba impia X X and pit areas native, subshrub, uncommon, scattered Gutierrezia cf. sarothrae/californica Snakeweed throughout site, most common along X X X X wash Helianthus annuus Sunflower native, annual, frequent in 2008 X X Heterotheca grandiflora Telegraph weed native, biennial X Hypochaeris glabrata Cat’s ears exotic, annual, uncommon X native, annual, uncommon in the north Lasthenia californica Goldfields X X X X edge of the parcel native, annual, uncommon throughout Lasthenia coronaria Goldfields X X X the parcel native, shrub, flowering plants common Lepidospartum squamatum Scalebroom to dominant along Smith Creek, rare X X X elsewhere Page 1 June 2008 Appendix E- Liberty XXIII Renewable Energy Power Plant Vegetation Assessment Xeric Specialties Consulting - Botanical Surveys _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scientific Name Common Name Comments A B C D E F exotic, annual, occasional throughout Matricaria (Chamomilla) sauveolens Pineapple weed X X X X the site Psuedognaphalium (Gnaphalium) Cudweed native, perennial, rare X canescens cf. var. beneolens Senecio vulgaris Groundsel exotic, annual, occasional X X Soliva sessilis Soliva exotic, annual, occasional X X Sonchus oleraceus Sow-thistle exotic, annual, occasional X X Stephanomeria exigua Wire-lettuce native, annual, occasional X X X X native, perennial or subshrub, frequent Stephanomeria pauciflora Wire-lettuce X X X X X X in 2008 Stylocline gnaphalioides Nest straw native, annual, occasional X X X X Taraxacum officinale Dandelion exotic, annual X Uropappus lindleyi Silver puffs native, annual, occasional X X X BIGNONIACEAE Bignonia Family native, tall shrub or small tree, common Chilopsis linearis Desert willow X to dominant along Smith Creek BORAGINACEAE Borage Family native, annual, – abundant in 2008 Amsinckia intermedia Common fiddleneck X X X X X throughout the site. native, annual, – abundant in 2008 Cryptantha intermedia Common cryptantha X X X X X throughout the site. native, annual, common throughout the Pectocarya linearis Comb-bur X X X X X site Pectocarya penicillata Comb-bur native, annual, occasional X X native, annual, – occasional in 2008 Plagiobothrys arizonicus Arizona popcorn flower X X throughout the site. native, annual, frequent in 2008 Plagiobothrys canescens Valley popcorn flower X X X X throughout the site. BRASSICACEAE Composite Family Brassica tournefortii* Sahara mustard exotic, annual, occasional to frequent X X X X X Capsella bursa-pastoris* Shepard’s purse exotic, annual, uncommon, X Lepidium sp.( cf. strictum ) pepper grass exotic, annual, uncommon X exotic, biennial, widespread throughout Hirschfeldia incana Hoary mustard X X X X X the site, but not dense Sisymbrium altissimum Tumble mustard exotic, annual, occasional to frequent X X Sisymbrium irio London rocket exotic, annual, occasional X X X Sisymbrium orientale Oriental rocket exotic, annual, occasional X X X Page 2 June 2008 Appendix E- Liberty XXIII Renewable Energy Power Plant Vegetation Assessment Xeric Specialties Consulting - Botanical Surveys _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scientific Name Common Name Comments A B C D E F CACTACEAE Cactus Family native, succulent subshrub, occasional Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris Beavertail X X X in central to NE part of site native, succulent subshrub, uncommon Opuntia phaecantha Common prickly pear X X along Smith Creek, rare elsewhere exotic, columnar succulent, cluster of Trichocereus sp. Cereus cactus plants, apparently naturalized, at N X edge of old borrow pit CARYOPHYLLACEAE Pink Family Spergularia marina Sand spurry native, annual/perennial, uncommon X Stellaria media Chickweed exotic, annual, uncommon X CAPRIFOLIACEAE Honeysuckle Family native, tall shrub or small tree, Sambucus mexicana Blue elderberry occasional along Smith Creek, X X X especially at SW edge of site CHENOPODIACEAE Goosefoot Family native, shrub, occasional, plants grazed Atriplex canescens ssp. canescens Four-wing saltbush X X down to woody trunks Chenopodium album goosefoot exotic, annual, occasional exotic?, annual, occasional living plants Salsola tragus Russian thistle X X X X scattered throughout site CUCURBITACEAE Cucumber Family native, perennial/vine, uncommon, a Cucurbita foetidissima Calabazilla X few plants in old borrow pit native, perennial/vine, uncommon, in Cucurbita palmata Coyote melon X X X disturbed areas or along Smith Creek EPHEDRACEAE Ephedra Family native, shrub, occasional along Smith Ephedra californica California ephedra X X Creek, especially at SW edge of site EUPHORBIACEAE Spurge Family native, perennial or subshrub, common Croton californicus California croton in disturbed or sandy areas throughout X X X X X X the site native, annual, common in disturbed or Eremocarpus setigerus Turkey mullein X X X X X X sandy areas throughout the site FABACEAE Legume Family native, shrub, common in central to NE Acacia greggii Catclaw X X X X part of site and along Smith Creek native, perennial, need fls, spring leaves for ID, uncommon, mostly along Astragalus pomonensis/ or douglasii Pomona milk-vetch X X Smith Creek and in disturbed areas, rare in 2008 native, subshrub, occasional, plants Lotus scoparius var. scoparius California broom X X X X X heavily grazed, mostly dead, scattered Page 3 June 2008 Appendix E- Liberty XXIII Renewable Energy Power Plant Vegetation Assessment Xeric Specialties Consulting - Botanical Surveys _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scientific Name Common Name Comments A B C D E F throughout the site, occasional in 2008 native, annual, occasional throughout Lotus strigosus Sand lotus X X X X the site native, annual, – abundant in 2008 Lupinus bicolor Bicolored lupine X X X X X throughout the site. Lupinus concinnus var. orcuttii Bajada lupine native, annual, uncommon X native, annual, locally dense along Lupinus sparsiflorus Coulter lupine X Smith Creek Medicago Bur-clover exotic, annual, occasional X X Melilotus sp. Sour clover exotic, annual, occasional X X X exotic, tree, occasional, plants Parkinsonia aculeata* Mexican palo verde scattered throughout site, frequent X X X X X along Smith Creek GERANIACEAE Geranium Family exotic, low annual, uncommon, a few Erodium botrys* Long-beaked filaree skeletons in upland areas, abundant in X X X X disturbed and rocky areas in 2008 exotic, annual, frequent in disturbed Erodium brachycarpum* filaree X X X X areas and flats exotic, low annual, abundant, skeletons common, especially in disturbed areas of site, most numerous living annual of Erodium cicutarium* Red-stemmed filaree X X X X X X 2007 at site, abundant throughout the site, but lower annual cover rank in 2008 Erodium moschatum* filaree exotic, annual, uncommon X HYDROPHYLLACEAE Waterleaf Family native, tall shrub, plants appear intermediate between var. crassifolium Eriodictyon crassifolium Thickleaf yerba santa and var. nigrescens, occasional along X X Smith Creek, common succession plant of burned slopes to S and E Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia var. Eucrypta native, annual, rare X chrysanthemifolia Phacelia ca. brachyloba Phacelia native, annual, occasional X X Phacelia distans Blue phacelia native, annual, occasional X X native, perennial, uncommon on burn Phacelia ramosissima+ Phacelia X slopes among boulders LAMIACEAE Mint Family Lamium amplexicaule Henbit native, annual-biennial, uncommon X X Salvia apiana+ White sage native, annual, common on burn slopes X native, annual, uncommon except
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