INDEX 235 Index A Board of Commissioners of “ABCD encirclement”, 24 Currency, see BCC, 211 Abdul Razak, Tun, 164 Brani Terminal, 208–09 ACS (Anglo Chinese School), 1, 15 Bretton Woods Agreements Bill, 151 Administrative Service Association Britain, Japan’s ally, 22–23 of Singapore, 160 British Defence White Paper, 162 Albar, Syed Ja’afar, 127 British imperialism, 25 AMDA (Anglo-Malayan Defence British racism, 14 Arrangement), 168 Bukit Ho Swee fire, 81–84 Ang Nam Piau, 190 bumiputra, 35, 122 A Port’s Story, A Nation’s Success, 207 Byrne, Kenny M., 45, 90, 115 Area Licensing Scheme, 103 Armed Forces Day, 168 C Asian Development Bank, 152 Cairnhill Community Centre, 117 Asiaweek, 214 Cairnhill constituency, and Lim Kim San, 112–17 B Central Bank of Malaysia, 139 “banana” currency, 33 Central Business District, 103 Bank Negara Malaysia, 139–40 Central Provident Fund, see CPF Bank of England, 140 Chan, Alan, 219 Barisan Sosialis, 98, 100, 111–12, Chan Choy Siong, 177 125 Changi Airport, 103 Bases Economic Conversion Charter for Industrial Progress, 150 Department, 163 Cheong Yip Seng, 218 BCC (Board of Commissioners of Chiang Hai Ding, 170 Currency), 211 Chiang Kai Shek, 23 Beijing Hospital, 42 China Berth Appropriation Scheme, 208 Chiang Kai Shek, under, 23 “Black Market Administration”, 34 communist country, Asia’s first, Black Tuesday, 15 35 BMA (British Military Japan, relations with, 24–26 Administration), 34, 55 China Relief Fund, 24 14 Lim Kim San Index 235 11/20/09, 9:03 AM 236 LIM KIM SAN Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 30 F Chinese Middle School, 169 Federation of Malaya, 36–37, 111 Chin Peng, 36 Federation of Malaysia, 112 Ch’ng Jit Koon, 184 Foreshores Act, 82 Chor Yeok Eng, 48 FPDA (Five-Power Defence Chua Mui Hoong, 5 Arrangement), 168 Commonwealth countries, 167 Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ G Conference, 130 General Improvement Plan for communism, threat of, 18, 22 Singapore, 53 communist insurgency, 35, 118 Goh Chok Tong, 49, 105, 205, “Confrontation” by Indonesia, 112, 210–11, 231–32 118–19, 125, 127, 130, 143–44 Goh Keng Swee, 5, 10, 17–18, 27, 32, CPA (Council of Presidential 39, 41, 45, 61, 107, 113, 121, Advisers), 3, 194, 213–15 133, 211, 229, 232 CPF (Central Provident Fund), 8, minister for defence, as, 165, 169, 92, 229 171 Crown Colony, Singapore minister for finance, as, 65, 106, as separate, 35 162 Great Depression, The, 6, 15–16, 22 Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity D Sphere, 24 Democratic Party, 38 Development Bank, 9 H Dhanabalan, S., 230–31 Hassan, Riaz, 109 Dutch attitude in Indonesia, 14 HDB (Housing Development Dutch East Indies, 24 Board), 1, 6–7 Annual Report 1960, 55–56 E awards, 100, 228 East India Company, 2 Bukit Ho Swee fire, 81–84 Eber, John, 36, 39 Five-Year Building Programme Echigoya, 23 (1960–64), 60 Economic Society of Singapore, formation, 57, 59 199 home ownership, 91–94, 228–29 EDB (Economic Development land acquisition and resettlement, Board), 3, 8, 105–08, 163, 177 77–80, 84–88 Elected Presidency, 213 landlord, 97–98 Eu Chooi Yip, 18, 36–37 land reclamation, 94–100 Ex-Political Detainees Association, Lim Kim San as chairman of, 1, 6, 182 60–74, 100, 102–03, 105 14 Lim Kim San Index 236 11/20/09, 9:03 AM INDEX 237 Tan Kia Gan as chairman of, J 90–91 Japan Hoalim, Philip, 36 Britain’s ally, 22–23 Hock Lee Bus riots, 38 China, relations with, 24–26 Home Ownership Scheme, 91–92, imperial ambitions, 24–25 228 Russia, war with, 25 Hon Sui Sen, 8, 106–07, 211, 229 Singapore, occupation of, 6, 8, 18, Horsburgh Lighthouse, 208 26–32, 55, 69, 225 Ho See Beng, 155–56 Southeast Asia, economic Housing a Nation: 25 Years of Public penetration of, 22–23 Housing in Singapore, 78 Japanese imperialism, 25–26 Housing and Development Act, 64 Japanese surrender, 30–31 Housing Commission, 52–53 Japanese Trade Exhibition Centre, Housing Committee report, 55–57 24 Housing Development Board, see Jeyaretnam, Joshua Benjamin, 50 HDB Jurong Industrial Estate, 107 Jurong Wharves, 207 Howe Yoon Chong, 64, 71, 95, 211, 229 K HUDC (Housing and Urban Kapitan China, 13 Development Corporation), Kempeitai, 28 88, 104 Keppel Automated Warehouse, 207 Hwang Soo Jin, 104–05 Keppel Distripark, 210 Khaw Kai Boh, 48, 126 I Koh Cher Siang, James, 228–29 IMF (International Monetary Fund), Korean War, 35, 108 139–40, 151–52 Kumiai, 29 Indian Mutiny of 1915, 22 Kunpo, 29 Indonesian “Confrontation”, 112, Kuomintang, 26, 30 118–19, 125, 127, 130, 143–44 Kwan, Kenneth, 117 Indonesia, trading with Singapore, 143–44 L Institute of Education, 196 Labour Front, 38 International Bank for Lam Peng Er, 130 Reconstruction and Land Acquisition Act, 78 Development, 151, see also Land Acquisition Ordinance, 77 World Bank land reclamation, 94–100 Ishihara Sangyo, 22 Laski, Harold, 8 Ismail, Tan Sri, 139 Laycock, John, 38 Ismail, Tun Dr, 121 Lee Ah Seong, 112 14 Lim Kim San Index 237 11/20/09, 9:03 AM 238 LIM KIM SAN Lee Ek Tieng, 205–06 HDB, chairman of, 1, 6, 60–74, Lee Kuan Yew, 4, 11, 32, 39, 41, 90, 90, 100, 102, 103, 105 99–100, 130–31, 163, 230–31 Japanese, and the, 26–32 Bukit Ho Swee fire, 82–84 Legislative Assembly, debate in, currency issue with Malaysia, 97–99 142–43 managing director of Monetary Hon Sui Sen, on, 8–9, 106 Authority of Singapore, land reclamation, 94–95 211–13 Lim Kim San, on, 48–49, 117, “media watchdog”, as, 217, 219 121, 165, 215–16, 228, 232 ministerial portfolios, 2–3, 194 Ong Eng Guan, on, 62 minister for defence, as, 165–78 Ong Teng Cheong, on, 214–15 minister for education, as, 194–98 own career, 9 minister for the environment, as, pay cuts in civil service, 45–46 194, 202–06 Singapore’s independence, 111– minister for finance, as, 136–59, 12, 119 162 technocrats and politicians, 8–9 minister for the interior, as, Toh Chin Chye, and, 42 178–90 Val Meadows, on, 47–48 minister for national Lee Siew Choh, 65, 111 development, as, 90–91, 194, Lee Teck Him, 172 221 Lee Thiam Choy, 17 Ministry of National Lee Yock Suan, 108 Development, at, 103–05 Lim Ang Chuan, 112 “Mr HDB”, as, 3, 6 Lim Boon Keng, 30 Oral History Interview with, 6, Lim Chin Siong, 111–12 32, 43, 50, 62, 70, 85, 102, Lim Kean Chye, 36 106, 130–33 Lim Kim San Order of Temasek award, 100 apolitical, being, 6–7, 36 PAP, and, 3, 6, 39–42, 48 assess people, ability to, 48–49 politician, as, 5, 8–9, 117 association with MDU, 36, 39 PSA, chairman of, 206–11 born, 12 PSC, in the, 44–50 business interests, 19–20 PUB, chairman of, 194, 198–202 Cairnhill constituency, 112–17 Raffles College, at, 16–18 Council of Presidential Advisers, Ramon Magsaysay award, 100–03 chairman of, 213–15 remembered by his children, death, 3, 224 224–28 EDB, at, 105–08 “Robert Taylor” of campus, as, 17 family background, 12–15 SPH, chairman of, 217–20 14 Lim Kim San Index 238 11/20/09, 9:03 AM INDEX 239 technocrat, as, 5, 7–9, 50 Malaysian Tariff Advisory Board, 137 “The Hangman”, as, 219 Manchukuo, 23 Lim Kim San Professorship, 228 Manchuria, 23 Lim Yew Hock, 38–39, 114 Mao Zedong, 42 Lingam, S.V., 188 Marcus, P.C., 63 Local Defence Corps, 27 Marshall, David, 38, 112 Loh Kah Seng, 83 MAS (Monetary Authority of Low Guan Onn, 171 Singapore), 3, 194, 211–13 LSE (London School of Economics), May 4 Movement, 23 8 MCA (Malayan Chinese Association), 39 M MCP (Malayan Communist Party), Magsaysay, Ramon, award, 100 26, 36–37, 111 Malacca Sultanate, 13 MDU (Malayan Democratic Union), Malayan Chinese Association, 35–37 see MCA Meadows, Val, 47 Malayan Communist Party, see MCP MediaCorp, 219–220 Malayan Democratic Union, see Medisave, 42 MDU ministerial salaries, 215–16 Malayan Emergency, 35, 37, 169 MNCs (multinational corporations) Malayan Forum, 39 exploiters of cheap labour, 3–4, Malayan Indian Congress, 39 147, 155 Malayanization, 44–45 Monetary Authority of Singapore, Malayan Union, 35–36 see MAS Malaysia Monk’s Hill School, 116 common Mountbatten, Louis, 36 market, with Singapore, 118–20, MPAJA (Malayan People’s Anti- 137, 144 Japanese Army), 26, 36–37 import controls, with Singapore, 137–38 N merger and separation, 118–33 Nair, C.V. Devan, 5, 125 PAP campaigning in, 124–25 Nantah (Nanyang University), 197 preferential policies, 122–23 National Health Service, 42 separate currency, with Singapore National Iron and Steel Mills, 107 138–43 Ngiam Tong Dow, 229, 232 Malaysian General Election, 124 Ng Yeow Chong, 174 Malaysian Malaysia, 128 Noordin Sopiee, 130 Malaysian Solidarity Convention, NS (National Service), 4, 164, 169– 128 78 14 Lim Kim San Index 239 11/20/09, 9:03 AM 240 LIM KIM SAN NSmen, 170, 173 police force, of Singapore, 179–80 NTUC (National Trades Union “political entrepreneurship”, 5 Congress), 150, 154–55 PSA (Port of Singapore Authority), NTUC Welcome Consumers’ 3, 194, Cooperative Ltd., 194 awards, 208–10 NUS (National University of world’s busiest port, 207 Singapore), 170, 197, 228 Prince of Wales (battleship), 27 Progressive Party, 112 O PSC (Public Service Commission), OCBC (Oversea-Chinese Banking 44–46, 174 Corporation), 35 PUB (Public Utilities Board), 3, 194 Old Guard, of PAP, 5 water and power conservation, Ong Eng Guan, 47, 62, 63, 79, 99 198–202 Ong Lian Teng, 99 Pulau Pisang Lighthouse, 208 Ong Teng Cheong, 213–15 PWD (Public Works Department), 91 Ooi Kee Beng, 128 orang puteh, 14, 63 R Order of Temasek, 100 race riots of 13 May 1969, 165 Overseas Chinese Association, 30 Raffles College, 1, 16, 39 Raffles Institution, 13 P Raffles Lighthouse, 208 Pacific Bank, 35 Raffles, Stamford, 1, 3 Pacific War, 55 Rajah, A.P., 38 Pang Gek Kim, 19 Rajaratnam, Sinnathamby, 5, 229 PAP (People’s Action Party), 3, 6, Rajoo, S., 157 111, 152, 189 Rayman, L., 52
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