im THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC founded m 1SU by Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop oj Pittsburgh Diocese IS PITTSBURGH, OCTOBER 25, 1923. M y. 43 I TO PADRAIC COLUM AT IN SYNOD HALL |UNITED STATES (REUNION AT OLD .Y, N. J. ON MONDAY EVE. ! ARMY MAN FOR | ST. PATRICK'S IS HIGH SCHOOL | PLANNED OCT. 30 «Ufe Will Participate 'IS Intellectual Will Speak at Center in , On Irish Literature and Its Sacred Heart Boys to Have Will Take Form of Halkmctai , Which Has Influences—WiU Speak Be- Military Training Under Di-1 Festival and Former a Swamp to a fore the Catholic Literature rection of Captain T. C. Present Members of Congre- Catholic Com- Club m the Evening and in Program in De- Knight of the Regulars- gation Will Gather to Renew the Afternoon Before the Girls to Share Old Friendships and Cele- i Twentieth Century Club brate the Feast Captain T. C. Knight of the October 28, the parish Padraic Colum, Irish intellectual, rsf lit Carmel, Tenafly, United States Regular Army, and Tuesday, October 30, will be a real ^'^ter will speak before an active physical instructor of reunion at Old St. Patrick's, when jfipi by the Carmelite Cathonc Literature Club in ¡ celebrate its Golden 5 next Pittsburgh, has been appointed by members of the congregation of n ?^ Monday evening, other years will join with those of It a general reunion of ail October 29, at 8:15 o'clock. He will the Rev. Thomas F. Coakley as jvUeh planted the Ca th- physical director of the high school the present in making the Hal- « dì be introduced by William J. Balfe lowe'en festival in the church hall in Bergen County. .Tlie who has recently returned to Pitts- students, and the children of the ^^„aedin June, 1374, an-1 undergraduates of Sacred Heart a glorious success. A special prize burgh from Toronto, and who is school, Center avenue, East End. will be offered to the person pre- H| fsars has already seen iumself familiar with present day senting the most unique novelty to " i formed, all of which conditions in Ireland and an authori- Captain Knight has had a wide pltqe of the Carmelite experience in this line of work in the members of the committee on Wji jj ty on what is termed by many the the night of the festival. The gen- Pittsburgh Carmelite Gaelic Rennaissance. the various training camps of the eral committee in charge of the af- Ml participate in the Although most readers are ac- United States Regular Army. He fair includes Charles Rice, Matthew <9 is instructor of military science and Pena | quainted with the accomplishments Benner, Charles Riley, Joseph Ha- in •tor was a Father Jo- of Padraic Colum, this will be his tactics, and has been head of the gan, Stephen Coll, John McCaUe, ó|lJ , an Italian, who read first appearance in Pittsburgh be- training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Jr., James Riley, John McDonald, barn, and the second fore a Catholic audience. He was in The regular training for the boys James Welsh, Michael Breen, Mrs. I father. Cornelius Cannon, and girls in the graded system will Davis, Mrs. M. Benner, Mrs. Breen, ;*» basement church, in (Continued on Page 5.) begin at once, to enable them for all Mrs. Coone, Mrs. Stephen Coll, Mrs. _JM were held until the 'iVlVVVVWAMA, outdoor exercises. Sorce, Mrs. McClelland, Mrs. John I given to the Carmelites, McCabe, Miss Agnes Donelly, Mrs. (lore McDonald, O.C.C-, Mercy Hospital Leo Obeirmeir, Miss Cunningham -The work done by the Wayside Festival and Miss Mariorie Coll. era in Bergen County The following members of St. J interest when it is un- In Johnstown To gf Patrick's church sodality will have I Oat the whole district 50 At Sacred Heart charge of a booth at the festival: i was a swamp. The mission Raise Big Fund Miss Marie McCarthy, chairlady; t«U known for years as the Was Great Success Miss Marie Carr, Miss Nellie OKa- jpiuion" and the growth of For Maintenance Needs Ef- honey, Miss Bertha Bowler, Miss [lu considered next to an Proceeds the Report Shows Margaret Carr, Miss Hannah Mc- forts Will Be Made to Sub- Carthy, Miss Edna Benner, Mise scribe a Fund of $15,000— Made Total of More Than HMNf to the intense Catho- $7,000 and Rector, Assistant Loretta Clock, Miss Gertrode fltt people, who walked fully First Event in Campaign a Sweeney, Miss Grace Cunningham» ("ftwn Tenafly to Fort Lee Bazaar—New High School is Priests and People Are Much Miss Mary McNamara, Miss Mil- Wi that the gradual de- Pleased—Praise For Chair- dred Benner, Miss Alma Manning, i w a parish became pos- Blessed By Bishop MfCort Miss Helen Burke, Miss Mary Es- man and Committees posito, Miss Mary Lobiango, and (Special to The Pittsbjrgh Catholic) Miss Nell Burke. IfttfBued on Page 5) At a meeting of the heads of JOHNSTOWN, Pa., October 24.— booths, and the executive committee Members of the Johnstown Mercy in charge of the recent Wayside i Hospital Guild have undertaken to Festival, held by the Sacred Heart ST. WENDELIN'S DUQUESNE raise $15,000 for a maintenance fund. congregation on their groun<{| on The first effort towards that enil will North Highland avenue, the repprts OBSERVE GOLDEN KFES LARGE be a splendid bazaar which will be indicated that the sum of $7,244.35 held on December 6. 7 and 8 in the was realized in consenuence of the JUBILEE TRIDUUM Fronheim Block, Main street two nights' activities of the men and MEMBERSHIP Without any formal ceremony the women having the affair in charge. Rt. Rev. Bishop John J. McCort, on Great praise has been accorded Bishop Boyle Celebrant at Pon- at William Penn last Monday morning, blessed the Mr. Frank P. Patterson, the gene-al tifical Mass—Children Gather ins Made For Many new building of the Catholic High chairman, who selected a notable School. The Bishop was assisted by group of workers for the sub-com- to Celebrate Anniversary- — Grand Worthy the Rev. Father T. T. Cawley, su- mittees, and the co-operation of all Members of Parish Hold Re- ? Appoints Commit- pervisor of the schools; the* Rev. concerned made the affair a success union—The Dead Are Re- For Dance Father James Fitzgibbon, of St. Co- 1 socially and financially, which called lumba's church, and Rev. Father forth the thanks and the warm con- membered John Fostoric, chaplain of Mercy gratulations of the clergy attached Duquesne No. 651», Catholic Hospital. to the Sacred Heart Church. Impressive services marked rJtrs of America, initiated a celebration of the golden jubilee an- f class on last Sunday at the SPECIAL MEETING OF Impressive services marked the celebration of the golden jubilee of the founding of St. Wendelin's church, Car- MOVEMENT STARTED niversary of the founding of St. km Penn Hotel. Tuesday night rick, of which the Rev. Father Julius Gtecht is rector. Sunday. Above—A view of the procession before Wendelin's Church, Carrick, Sunday, pew members were welcomed COURT PITTSBURGH TO TO ERECT MAUSOLEUM a cleverly anranged social the Pontifical Mass celebrated by Bishop'Hugh Boyle. Below—Fifty flower girls in the line of march ,XT •„„„„, Monday and Tuesday. The Rt. Rev. ing. ARRANGE FOR DANCE representing the fifty years of the church's life and growth.—Courtesy of Pittsburgh Gazette Times. IN COLUMBUS' HONOR I Hugh Boyle was celebrant at the as are being made for two pontifical Mass which opened the ob- affairs during the coming A well organized effort has been servance of the glad occasion Sunday Court is Also Making Preparations COMMERCE CHAMBER* I McKEESPORT KNIGHTS started to erect one of the most morning. The sermon was preached I, the first a large dance at the For lis Part in Big Benelit fori ASSOCIATION FOR j beautiful mausoleums in the world at by the Rev. Sigismund Cratz, O.M. JC. clubhouse, Fifth and Be'le- Confraternity in William Peon PRESIDENT SPEAKS AT OF COLUMBUS ELECT ATHLETICS FORMED I Santo Domingo, in honor of Christo- Cap. [«venue, and the second a card Hotel and for Other Activities of SETON HILL COLLEGE ITS NEW OFFICERS! | pher Columbus. The idea has the F at Kaufmann & Baer's. Its Members AT SETON HILL Officers of the Mass assisting were Grand Knight, Thos. M. Dugan; endorsement of the authorities at Rev. Joseph F. Bauer, former pastor, Margaret M. Reardon, ; Washington and plans are being arch priest; Rev. George Hack, CJ\, /Grand Regent, has appointed There will be a special meeting of W. J. Walker, of the Greensburg Deputy Grand Knight, Edward F. Officers Are Elected at First Busi- 4 Joyce; Chancellor, Dr. C. F. King; I formed to invite every nation in the a son of the parish, deacon of honor: Hokn A. Kapp general chairman Court Pittsburgh, C. D. of A., in the Business Organization, Addresses ness Meeting—New Movement to i new world to contribute toward the Kev. Benjamin Wirtz, C.P., deacon of [ dance, wh'eh will take place K. of C. building, 237 Fourth avenue, Students on the Value of Adver- Finanç ai Secretary, Frank W. Mc- Stimulate Enthusiasm Among Fadden; Treasurer, Edgar J. Stiffler; proposed tomb. It has further been honor; Rev. A. J. Mayer, former as- i and Mrs. John A. Don- tomorrow evening, at 8 o'clock for tising. Students For Approved Athletics proposed that the Knights of (Jolum- sistant priest of the parish, deaeon ,. chairman of the card the committee in charge of the nov-1 Recording Secretary, Grand Shee- !W l han; Warden, P.
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