23-mm Antiaircraft Gun ZU-23 ZU-23 DESCRIPTION: The ZU-23 comprises twin 23-mmcannons on The ZU-23fires the same ammunition as the a towed two-wheel carriage. The cannons mount 23-mm SP AA gun ZSU-23-4 On the towed side-by-side between large ring-type trunnions. In system, ammunition feeds from box magazines appearance, the ZU-23 resembles the 14.5-mm mounted on the outside of each trunnion. Reload- ZPU-2; however, the shape and placement of the ing is fast and uncomplicated. The magazines are ZU-23ammunition boxes (at right angles to the easily accessible. The beginning link of the new gun carriage) and prominent muzzle flash suppres- belt attaches to the link of the last old cartridge. sors are distinguishing features. This last cartridge automatically interrupts the firing cycle when it reaches the feedway and signals the bolt to remain open. CAPABILITIES: LIMITATIONS: The ZU-23 is a highly mobile, air-droppable weapon. A battery of 6 ZU-23sis organic to Soviet One drawback of the ZU-23is its inability to air assault brigades, as well as to airborne regi- fire anything but automatic fire. ments. A battalion of 18 ZU-23sis organic to the REMARKS: Soviet airborne division. It is that division's principal antiaircraft artillery (AAA) weapon. It Introduced in 1962, the ZU-23 is the Soviets' has an effective AA range of 2,500 meters. It can newest lightweight, automatic, towed AA gun. It also be effective against lightly armored ground is used extensively by airborne units and possibly vehicles. by some MRRs that have not yet converted to the ZSU-23-4/SA-9air defense battery. ZU-23salso In firing position, the ZU-23is leveled by jacks provide close-in air defenses for an SA-4 brigade. and stabilized on a three-point base. It uses an optical-mechanical computing sight for AA fire The Soviets have exported the ZU-23 to many and a straight-tube telescope for ground targets. countries. Some of these countries have added a The crew can fire the gun from the traveling posi- degree of mobility to the system by mounting it tion in emergencies. on various trucks and armored vehicles. 23-mm Self-Propelled Antiaircraft Gun ZSU-23-4 ZSU-23-4 DESCRIPTION: The ZSU-23-4is a fully integrated, SP AA TRs. Two ZSU-23-4swill usually support each of system with four liquid-cooled 23-mmautomatic can­ the two first-echelon battalions. These two nons mounted on the front of a large, flat, weapons are normally separated by 200 meters, armored turret. The chassis has many components and they typically travel 400 meters behind the borrowed from other Soviet armored vehicles. The battalion's leading elements. suspension system resembles that of the PT-76 and ASU-85; that is, it has six road wheels and The ZSU-23-4 is not amphibious, but has a no track support rollers. The driver sits in the fording capability of just over one meter. During left front of the hull; the rest of the crew (the river assaultoperations, the ZSU-23-4s would be ferried to the far bank immediately after the lead­ commander, gunner, and radar operator) sit in i the turret. The GUN DISH fire control radar ng companies. mounted on the rear of the turret can fold down The ZSU-23-4has the capability to both acquire during travel. and track low-flying aircraft targets, with an effec- The Soviets have produced a number of dif- tive AA range of 2,500 meters. It also is capable ferent ZSU-23-4models. These are distinguishable of firing on the move because of its integrated externally by the types of stowage boxes on the radar/gun stabilization system. The high-frequency turret and minor modifications in the mounting operation of the GUN DISH radar emits a very of the guns. narrow beam that provides excellent aircraft tracking while being difficult to detect or evade. CAPABILITIES: However, such a frequency also dictates a limited range; linking the system to other long-range A platoon of four ZSU-23-4s,along with four acquisition radars in the area can compensate for SA-9-GASKINSAM systems, is organic to the air this. The ZSU-23-4can also engage lightly defense missile and artillery battery of MRRsand armored ground vehicles. 23-mmSelf-Propelled Antiaircraft Gun ZSU-23-4 (continued) The four guns are water-cooled and have a ZSU-23-4receives a degree of protection from the cyclic rate of fire of 800 to 1,000 rounds per thin armor (maximum thickness 9.4 millimeters in minute each. However, the gunner normally fires the hull, 8.9 millimeters in the turret). A radiation them in bursts (2 to 3 rounds per barrel) to reduce detection and warning system and an air filtra­ ammunition expenditure and prolong barrel life. tion and overpressure system provide collective Each ZSU-23-4carries about 2,000 rounds onboard. NBC protection. Supply trucks, which follow the ZSUs at a distance of 1.5 to 2.5 kilometers, carry an esti­ LIMITATIONS: mated additional 3,000 rounds for each of the Heavy machine gun fire can penetrate the hull four ZSUs. Electronic target acquisition, tracking, and turret. Tread and road wheels are vulnerable and ranging ate automated; an onboard computer to artillery fire. rounds can penetrate the determines superelevation and azimuth lead. Frag-HE Conventional optical sights also are available. armor, destroy the radar dish, or rupture the liquid coolant sleeves of the 23-mm cannons. The system The onboardload normally mixes two types of is also vulnerable to ECM. ammunition at a ratio of three HEI-T rounds per one API-T round. An HEI round is also available. REMARKS: The HEI-T and HEI rounds are intended for defeating aircraft by blast, fragmentation, or The ZSU-23-4,introduced around 1965, is called incendiary effect. However, they may also be used Shilka by the Soviets. The rest of the Warsaw against personnel in a ground role. The API-T Pact has deployed it widely since 1970. Despite round can penetrate lightly armored ground tar- the ZSU-23-4's good record, the 30-mm SP AA gets and aircraft and defeat them by an incen- system 2S6 is replacing it. The 2S6system, previ- diary effect. Tracers facilitate correction of fire. ously known as SP AA gun M1986, has improved AA range, rate of fire (per barrel), and fire-control The An-22/COCK or IL-76/CANDID transport equipment. The newer system is mounted on a aircraft or the Mi-26/HALO A heavy-lift helicop- more heavily armored chassis derived from the ter can airlift the ZSU-23-4. The crew of the SA-4/GANEFSAM launcher vehicle. 30-mm Self-Propelled Antiaircraft System ZS6 DESCRIPTION: The 2S6 system integrates four 30-min auto- and missiles allows the 2S6 to replace both the matic cannons with launchers for eight SA-19 ZSU-23-4SP AA guns and the SA-13 SAM sys- SAMs on the same chassis. In addition to two tems at this level. The separate radars for target guns and four SAM launchers on each side, the acquisition and fire control enable the 2S6 to turret mounts a fire control radar on its front and search for and engage targets simultaneously. a target acquisition radar on its rear. The sus- Compared to the ZSU-23-4the 2S6 guns have pension system resembles that of the SA-4/GANEF improved AA range and rate of fire (per barrel). SAM system, but it has only six road wheels. The onboardSAMs can engage even longer-range targets. CAPABILITIES: REMARKS: A battery of six 2S6 systems is organic to the air defense battalion which replaces the air The 2S6, previously known as the SP AA gun defense missile and artillery battery in some M1986,has been deployed in WGF since the spring MRRs and TRs. The mixed armament of guns of 1987. -mm Antiaircraft Gun S-60 S-60 DESCRIPTION: The S-60 is a towed, road-transportable, short- guidance. This weapon, designed to provide de- to medium-range, single-barrel 57-mm AA gun fense against aircraft and helicopters, can also be system. The recognition features include a four- effective against lightly armored ground vehicles. wheeled carriage; a long, thin tube with multi- The four-wheel carriage can be leveled and stabil­ perforated muzzle brake; and a distinctive gun ized on jacks to form a point firingbase. The four. shield. The prime mover for the S-60 is usually round clipsfeed ammunition horizontally into the the Ural-375cargo truck. Besides on-carriage weapon. The gun can fire from the traveling posi- optical fire control, the S-60 also employs an off- tion in emergencies. carriage SON-9 or FLAP WHEEL fire control radar, mounted on a separate van. LIMITATIONS: CAPABILITIES: The towed S-60 system lacks the mobility of The S-60 is present in the AA regiment of some the newer SAM systems which are replacing it. MRDs and TDs. However, the SA-6/GAINFULor SA-8/GECKOSAM systems have replaced it in REMARKS: most divisions in the forward area. It also may be organic to territorial defense units, especially The S-60,introduced around 1950, is no longer organic to first-line Soviet divisions. The Soviets around airfields. An S-60-equippedregiment has 24 guns: four firing batteries, each consisting of introduced an SP version, the ZSU-57-2, in 1957. six guns and a fire control center. It had twin 57-mm guns mounted on a modified T-54 tank chassis.
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