Regulation of the game «#TecnifibreMoments» - From january 30th till february 8th, 2019 Article 1. Organizing company The Tecnifibre company, whose head office is ZI of the Brickyard RD 307, 78 810 Feucherolles, recorded in the Register of companies of Versailles under the number B 315 765 651, organizes of 30/01/2019 12:00 am on 08/02/2019 12:00 am, a game competition to win one day at the heart of ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament on Sunday, February 17th, 2019. Article 2. The participants The game competition is opened to the physical and major persons with the exception of the people having participated directly or indirectly in the organization of the game, their legal successors, the members of staff of Tecnifibre. The participation in the game competition involves the unconditional acceptance of the present regulation in its entirety. The failure to respect these conditions will generate the nullity of the participation. Article 3. Progress and modalities of participation in the game competition The game competition takes place in two stages. Stage 1: to participate in the game competition, the participant must: 1. Have a Facebook or Twitter or Instagram account which is subjected to the general terms of use of the site Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and which is administered under the only responsibility of the company Facebook, Twitter or Instagram 2. Like the Facebook Tecnifibre page (https: // www.facebook.com/tecnifibre), follow the Twitter account (https://twitter.com/tecnifibre) or the Instagram profile (https://www.instagram.com/tecnifibre/) 3. Comment on the post of Wednesday, January 30th by tagging the person’s account with whom the participant would like to be accompanied on Facebook or Instagram, or Retweet the post on Twitter. Stage 2 : a Tecnifibre’s jury will deliberate on Friday, February 8th and will randomly select the winner among comments. No other way of participation will be taken into account. Any incomplete or inaccurate participation will not be taken into account and will pull the nullity of the participation. A single participation is allowed. Article 4. Winner designation The end of the game is planned on Friday, February, 8th at 12:00am. The winner will be informed by comment Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for a maximum extension of 24 hours as from the end of the game competition Article 5. Endowment The winner will gain one day for 2 people in Rotterdam for a day at ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament all expenses paid on Sunday, February 17th, 2019 the unit value of which is 460€ (four hundred sixty euros). The stay includes: the transport (round-trip) for 100€, the expenses of catering at the level of 30€, the access all day to the center for 100€, and an access to a practice court to play tennis for 30 minutes during the day. The endowments cannot give rise to the delivery of their exchange value in euros. They cannot be exchanged, not give in nor to transfer and it is possible to ask their repayment. The participants will have to sign a disclaimer and an agreement to release image rights for the promotional purpose. Article 6. Delivery of the endowments After check of the respect for the conditions of participation of the winners (expressed in the article 2), these will be informed by comment Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The winner will then have to show himself by message deprived with the organizing company within 48 hours and by confirming the acceptance of the lot then by sending his mail address and phone number. If the winner did not show himself with the Organizing Company within two (2) days as from the day when he will have been informed for the first time, the lot will be attributed to another participant. The endowment will be passed on to them by mail. Article 7. Guarantee All the participants so guarantee countered Tecnifibre any disorder, action, complaint, opposition, claiming and any eviction resulting from a third which would argue that the creation rapes its rights, as well as against any damage or responsibility incurred in the exercise of the rights attached to the participation. Article 8. Consultation of the regulation The regulation is available for consultation on the Internet at the following address: Article 9. Responsibility and case of force majeure Tecnifibre reserves the right to cancel, to shorten, to suspend the competition if circumstances required him, and it without engaging his responsibility. In case of computer virus, in case of outside attack, in case of fraud, in case of technical failure, Tecnifibre saves himself the discretionary right to cancel or to modify the terms of the competition, without the participants can look for his responsibility. She reserves the right, in this hypothesis, not to attribute the subsidies and\or to pursue in front of the competent jurisdictions the authors of these frauds. Tecnifibre could not be held responsible for damage of whatever nature, having for origin a case of force majeure or outside element, such as any loss of income, of data, clientele, any commercial financial or commercial, quite shady loss, any loss of income or any immaterial damage. The responsibility of each of the parts cannot be looked for if the execution of the present contract is delayed or prevented because of a case of force majeure or a coincidence, because of another part or because of a third or because of outside causes such as labor disputes, intervention of the civil or military authorities, the natural disasters, the fires, the water damage, the malfunction or the interruption of the electricity network. The force majeure gets on of any event outside the affected part, presenting an at the same time unpredictable, irresistible and insuperable character, which prevents the one or the other part from executing all or part of the obligations put by the present contract at his/her expense. In every case, the prevented part will have to do everything in his/her power to limit the duration and the effects of the coincidence, the force majeure or the outside cause. Article 10. Access and availability Tecnifibre is subjected to a best effort undertaking to the participant in the maintenance of the site and thus makes a commitment to implement all the necessary means to assure the progress of the game competition in the best conditions of transit time, useful debit and office. However, because of the nature of the Internet and the computing and network infrastructures necessary for the progress of the game, Tecnifibre could not guarantee a functioning of the services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In every case aimed in the present article, the dysfunctions or the unavailability of the site competition which would result from it cannot be held as periods during which Tecnifibre does not fill its obligations, and no compensation. Article 11. Intellectual property rights All the data of whatever nature, in particular the texts, the graphics, the logos, the icons, the images, the graphic creations and the audio clips or the videos, the marks, the software, representing on the site competition are inevitably copyrighted, the right of the marks and all other intellectual property rights, belong to Tecnifibre or to third parties having authorized Tecnifibre to exploit them. Tecnifibre agrees to the participant a private, not collective and not exclusive right of user on the aforementioned contents. The participants make a commitment in these conditions not to reproduce, to summarize, to modify, to alter or to rerun, without preliminary express authorization of Tecnifibre, all or part of the contents aimed in the present article. Article 12. Release of Liability By participating in the contest, entrants and each winner agree to release and hold harmless Tecnifibre, ATP Tour Inc., AEG and their parent, subsidiaries, related companies, affiliates, divisions, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers, and directors (“Released Parties”) from any and all liability, loss, harm, damage, injury, cost, or expense whatsoever, including without limitation property damage, personal injury (including emotional distress), and/or death, which may occur in connection with preparation for, or participation in, the contest, or possession, use, or misuse of any Prize or participation in any contest-related activity, including but not limited to winners’ travel to and from and attendance at the ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament 2019, and for any claims or causes of action based on publicity rights, defamation, or invasion of privacy and merchandise delivery. Article 13. Computing and liberties The information required for the game competition such as the first name, the name, the zip code, the address, the telephone are collected and used to execute a service in compliance with its expectations, contact the participants, administer the platform, and keep a track of the exchanges and the transactions. This information, will be used for the realization of in-house statistics and will be the object of no communication or transfer in thirds, other than the technical persons receiving benefits possibly in charge of the management of the game competition, which have to respect the confidentiality of the information and to use them only for the very precise operation for which they have to intervene. The participants have a right of access, rectification or radiation of the information concerning them who can be exercised on simple written demand sent to Tecnifibre – Route Départementale 307 – 78810 Feucherolles. The personal data will be handled(treated) according to data protection acts of January 6th, 1978. Article 14. Applicable law The present regulation is subjected to the French law. Any persistent dispute will be subjected, for lack of mutual agreement, to the competent court of Paris. Article 15. Applicable law The winner must execute an affidavit of eligibility and release, to be provided by Tecnifibre, before they will be permitted access to the practice court at the ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament.
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