National Park Service Park News U.S. Department of the Interior The official newspaper of Channel Islands National Park Island Views Volume 5, 2009 — 2010 Tim Hauf, www.timhaufphotography.com Channel Island Live— GMP Process Underway Connecting the Park to the People Channel Islands National Park is one that vision. The new plan also will help of America’s newest and more complex identify how the National Park Service may People are drawn to the Channel Islands national parks. As one of America’s “crown best protect cultural and natural resources by their inherent beauty, rich resources, and jewels,” it is important that park resources, while providing for visitor enjoyment. isolated nature, yet their remoteness naturally both terrestrial and marine, continue to be The park wants to communicate, consult, limits the number of people able to visit—less preserved and protected for future and cooperate with all interested individu- than half of park visitors ever get out to the generations. als and groups throughout this planning islands. Consequently, bringing the park to the The current General Management Plan process. We urge you to take advantage of people takes on added importance. (GMP) for the park was completed in 1985. all opportunities to share your vision and A core park mission is to foster an apprecia- Since that time much has occurred, such as support for this magnificent national park. tion of the islands’ unique ecology and human completion of the park’s major land acquisi- Your participation will ensure a strong public history amongst a diverse and growing popula- tion effort, expansion of park operations voice and will result in a better vision and tion. Through Channel Islands Live (CHIL), and visitor facilities, and an increase in the protection of park resources. Channel Islands National Park and the Ven- number of resource issues the park is facing. Please let us know your concerns, issues, tura County Office of Education (VCOE)are multimedia educational programs for Ventura A new plan is being undertaken to pro- and thoughts on what should be addressed joining forces to provide new opportunities County schools. By expanding the FCC- vide a vision for the park’s future, as well as in the GMP. For more information about the for people to learn more about the Channel licensed microwave and fiber optic commu- guidance in resource preservation, protec- planning process visit www.nps.gov/chis/. Islands and their place in the local ecosystem. nications systems, VCOE has connected all tion, and management that will help achieve To bring the park to people, the National schools in Ventura County to the Internet and Park Service (NPS) developed the underwater Internet2, part of the K12HSN high speed dive program on Anacapa Island nearly 25 educational network. This network will also years ago, offering visitors a rare glimpse into help to bring the islands to more people than the park’s remarkable marine ecosystem. From ever before. Park’s 30th Anniversary 1995 to 2001 a microwave link transmitted this Partnering with VCOE is a natural fit to During 2010, Channel Islands National popular program to the park visitor center in bring live science and research from the park Park will celebrate its 30th anniversary as Ventura. and marine sanctuary to county students and our nation’s 40th national park. The five is- eventually to the public nationwide. Both lands and the surrounding one mile of ocean Expanding Through Partnerships VCOE and the park are dedicated to providing that comprise Channel Islands National Park Seeking to expand this program, the park opportunities for teachers, students, and the were designated on March 5th, 1980, when joined forces with VCOE in 2006. The Office general public to learn more about the park President Jimmy Carter signed Public Law of Education recently increased the capaci- and sanctuary, their significant natural and ties of its wireless network to accommodate please see 30th ANNIVERSARY, 8 please see CHANNEL ISLANDS LIVE, 7 Island Information Things to Do Focus on Resources 6 Anacapa Island 2 Visitor Centers, Programs, Transportation 4 Forward to the Past 3 When To Visit, Where to Stay 5 Climate Change and Geology in the Park 12 Santa Cruz Island 4 Hiking, Fishing, Watersports 7 Monitoring Kelp Forests in the Park 8 “From Shore to Sea” Lecture Series 8 Channel Islands National Park Timeline 10 Camping, Backcountry Camping 11 Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary 16 Santa Rosa Island 13 Santa Cruz Island Visitor Center and Film 11 Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas 20 Boating and Kayaking 13 Island Scrub-Jay 18 San Miguel Island 20 Limiting Your Impact 14 The Island Chumash Tim Hauf 24 Volunteering 17 Recovering Endemic Island Plants; New Pier Aerial view of Channel Islands National Park 24 Parks as Classrooms; Jr. Ranger Program 19 Fox Recovery; Wetland Restoration 22 Santa Barbara Island and National Marine Sanctuary 23 Restoring Seabirds Welcome from the Superintendent When to Visit—Through the Year National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior The park staff and I wish to welcome you to Visitors often ask what time of year they Channel Islands National Park, one of North should visit Channel Islands National Park. America’s magnificent treasures. Close to the Since the park is located in “sunny” southern Channel Islands National Park California mainland, yet worlds apart, the park California, it may seem that the obvious an- Named for the deep trough that encompasses five of the eight California Chan- swer is “any time of year.” And, true, you can separates them from the mainland, the nel Islands (Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, visit throughout the entire year. But, believe it islands off the California coast and their San Miguel, and Santa Barbara) and their or not, we do have seasons here in southern encircling waters are home to plants and ocean environment, preserving and protecting California. While the seasonal changes are animals found nowhere else on Earth. a wealth of natural and cultural resources. The nothing like one would find in Minnesota, Isolation over thousands of years and the park bridges two biogeographical provinces there are differences that visitors should take mingling of warm and cold ocean cur- and in a remarkably small place, harbors the into consideration when visiting the park. rents give rise to the rich biodiversity of biologic diversity of nearly 2,500 miles of the Each season has its own character and casts a these islands. Today, five of the islands, North American coast. The Channel Islands unique mood over the islands. their submerged lands, and the waters are home to over 2,000 terrestrial plants and In addition, visitors also should be aware within one nautical mile of each island animals, of which 145 are found nowhere else that ocean and weather conditions vary are protected as Channel Islands in the world. considerably from day-to-day and island-to- National Park. Like the Galapagos Islands of South island. Although this makes planning your America, isolation has allowed evolution to visit a little difficult, we must remember that Mailing Address proceed independently on the islands. Marine this unpredictable and, at times, unforgiving Park Superintendent life ranges from microscopic plankton to the weather is one of the main reasons that the Channel Islands National Park blue whale, the largest animal to live on Earth. islands have been afforded so much isolation 1901 Spinnaker Dr. Archeological and cultural resources span a and protection from the rapid changes seen Ventura,CA 93001 period of more than 13,000 years of human on the mainland. It is, in part, what makes the habitation. provide for your enjoyment. If you visit the marked contrast to the bustle of southern Cali-Channel Islands such a unique and wonderful Phone The protection of these fragile island park, you will be one of a very select group. fornia most people experience. It will always place. 805-658-5730 resources was ensured when Congress, in the Few people actually see this park because it be a place where you can step back in time and We encourage you to take the opportunity act that created Channel Islands National Park is not easy to get to—you can’t drive to the experience coastal southern California the wayto fully enjoy the islands throughout the entire Park Website in 1980, established a long-term ecological islands. A short but exciting ocean voyage it once was. year. Channel Islands National Park is truly a www.nps.gov/chis/ monitoring program to gather information on or a commercial flight in a small airplane is We are delighted you are interested in this place for all seasons. the current health of resources and predict required. The park is one of the least visited of marvelous place. Thanks for making the effort! Climate E-mail future conditions. This information provides all of America’s national parks. The relatively We hope our park newspaper encourages you In general, the islands have a Mediterranean [email protected] park and natural resource managers with use- light visitation enhances the islands’ feeling of to safely explore and discover Channel Islands climate year-round. Temperatures are relative- ful products for recreation planning, conser- solitude and assists in the protection of fragile National Park while taking care to protect and ly stable, with highs averaging in the mid 60s°F The National Park Service cares for the vation and restoration programs, and early resources. In establishing the park, Congress keep these beautiful and fragile islands unim- and lows in the low 50s°F. The islands receive special places saved by the American identification of critical issues. recognized the value of solitude by allowing paired for future generations.
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