674 A.D. A.D. 1726 — 1790 General William Roy, 1736 — 1802 George Fordyce, physi- 1746 — 1767 Michael Bruce, poet. mathematician and sur- cian. 1746 — 1817 Rev. William Thomson, veyor. 1737 — 1801 John Donaldson, artist. LL.D., miscellaneous 1726 — 1797 Dr. James Hutton, geo- 1737 — 1802 Alexander Geddes, poet writer. logist, &c. and critic. 1746 — 1823 Admiral George Keith- 1726 — 1796 John Anderson, F.R.S., 1737 — 1804 William Forsyth, arbori- Elphinstone, viscount professor of natural culturist. Keith, K.B. philosophy. 1738 — 1791 Elspith Buchan, religious 1747 — 1813 Alex. Fraser Tytler, for- 1726 — 1792 Sir David Dalrymple, impostor. ensic lord Woodhouse- forensic lord Hailes, 1738 — 1796 James Macpherson, au- lee. antiquary. thor of Celtic poetry, &c. 1747 — 1836 John Gillies, LL.D., (1726)— 1806 John Abercromby, horti- 1739 — 1806 David Dale, philanthro- F.R.S., F.A.S., historian. culturist. pist. 1747 — 1792 Paul Jones, naval com- 1727 — 1807 Neil Gow, violinist and 1739 — 1808 James Anderson, agricul- mander. composer. turist. (1747)— 1803 James Sibbald, anti- 1728 — 1795 Rev. Alexander Gerard, 1739 — 1805 Dr. John Robison, pro- quary. D.D., miscel. writer. fessor of natural phi- 1748 — 1819 John Playfair natural 1728 — 1793 John Hunter, F.R.S., an- losophy. philosopher. atomist. 1739 — 1806 Sir William Forbes, 1748 — 1788 Rev. Dr. John Logan, 1728 — 1792 Robert Adam, architect. banker. poet, &c. 1728 — 1799 Joseph Black, M.D., che- 1740 — 1804 John Ker, third duke of 1748 — 1831 Archibald Cochrane, mist. Roxburghe, book-col- ninth earl of Dun- 1729 — 1805 William Buchan, M.D., lector. author of Domestic donald. Medicine. 1740 — 1818 Rev. Robert Balfour, D.D. 1749 — 1834 Sir Gilbert Blane, M.D. 1740 — 1795 James Boswell of Auch- 1749 — 1786 Hugo Arnot, historical 1730 — 1795 Sir Robt. Murray Keith, inleck. K.B., diplomatist. writer. William Smellie, natur- (1730) — 1800 Walter Anderson, D.D., 1740 — 1795 1749 — 1806 Benjamin Bell, surgical of Chirnside. alist. writer. Rev. William Lothian, 1730 — 1802 John Moore, M.D., mis- 1740 — 1783 1750 — 1830 Robert Anderson, M.D., cellaneous writer. D.D., F.R.S.E., histor- ian. biographer. 1730 — 1794 James Bruce of Kinnaird, 1750 — 1825 Lady Anne Barnard, traveller. 1741 — 1793 William Russell, histor- ian and miscellaneous poetess. (1730)— 1783 William Berry, seal-en- writer. 1750 — 1843 Thomas Graham, lord graver. 1741 — 1818 Patrick Brydone, F.R.S. Lynedoch, general. 1730 — 1802 James Johnstone, physi- (1750)— 1812 John Clerk of Eldin. cian. 1741 — 1811 Henry Dundas, viscount (1750)— 1829 General Sir David Baird. 1730 — 1803 Sir William Hamilton, Melville, statesman. ambassador. 1741 — 1802 Rev. Henry Hunter, 1750 — 1823 Thomas Erskine, lord D.D., miscellaneous Erskine, lawyer. 1730 — 1781 Robert Watson, LL.D., historian. writer. 1750 — 1793 Lord George Gordon, Protestant agitator. William Falconer, poet. 1741 — 1830 Rev. Thomas Somerville, (1730)— (1769) D.D., historian. 1750 — 1774 Robert Fergusson, poet. William Aiton, horticul- 1731 — 1793 1741 — 1809 Alexander Adam, gram- 1750 — 1817 James Glennie, geome- turist. marian. trician. 1731 — 1822 Thomas Coutts, banker. 1742 — 1829 David Stewart Erskine, 1750 — 1827 Rev. Sir Henry Mon- 1731 — 1804 Lord Viscount Duncan, earl of Buchan. creiff Wellwood, Bart., admiral. 1742 — 1830 John Kay, miniature- D.D. 1732 — 1810 David Herd, antiquarian painter and caricaturist. John Lowe, poet. collector. 1750 —(1798) 1742 — 1818 Robert Beatson, LL.D., 1750 — 1825 Rev. David Bogue, D.D. 1732 — 1781 Thomas Alex. Erskine, miscellaneous writer. sixth earl of Kellie. 1750 — 1819 Rev. George Hill, D.D., 1742 — 1786 Gilbert Stuart, LL.D., his- professor of divinity. 1733 — 1817 Dr. Monro, secundus, torical essayist. physician. 1750 — 1806 Andrew Dalzell, A.M., 1742 — 1825 George Chalmers, anti- F.R.S. 1733 — 1814 John Ogilvie, D.D., poet, &c. quary, &c. (1750)— 1803 James Tytler, miscellan- 1742 — 1827 George Jardine, A.M., eous writer. 1733 — 1805 Alex. Wedderburn, first professor of logic. earl of Rosslyn. 1751 — 1826 John Farquhar, Indian William Richardson, pro- merchant. 1734 — 1801 General Sir Ralph Aber- 1743 — 1814 cromby, K.B. fessor of Latin. 1751 — 1808 Alexander Grey, sur- geon. 1734 — 1811 Robert Mylne, architect. 1743 — 1829 Robert Hamilton, LL.D., mathematician, &c. Gilbert Murray Kyn- 1734 — 1798 Rev. John Barclay, A.M., 1751 — 1814 1744 — 1818 George Rose, politician. nynmond Elliot, first founder of " Bereans." earl of Minto. 1734 — 1788 William Julius Mickle, 1744 — 1828 Andrew Duncan, sen., poet, &c. M.D. 1752 — 1787 John Brown, artist. 1744 — 1796 David Allan, painter. 1752 — 1831 George Fulton, educa- (1735)— 1799 James Tassie, sculptor. tionist. John Brown, M.D., 1745 — 1818 Vice-admiral Sir Robert (1735)— 1788 Calder. 1753 — 1828 Dugald Stewart, meta- founder of Brunonian physical writer. system. 1745 — 1831 Henry Mackenzie, mis- cellaneous writer. 1753 — 1832 Andrew Bell, D.D., edu- 1735 — 1818 George Dempster of Dun- cationist. nichen. 1745 — 1795 Hon. Alexander Aber- Lieutenant-colonel John 1735 — 1801 John Millar, professor of cromby, lawyer. 1753 — 1783 law. 1745 — 1800 William Cruickshanks, Campbell. James Gregory, M.D. (1735)— 1820 General Sir David Dun- F.R.S., surgeon. 1753 — 1821 das. 1745 — 1815 William Creech, book- 1754 — 1832 Sir William Grant, law- 1735 — 1803 James Beattie, LL.D., seller. yer. poet, &c. 1745 — 1813 William Craig, forensic 1754 — 1835 Sir John Sinclair of Ulb- lord Craig. ster, Bart. 1735 — 1788 Admiral Sir Samuel Greig. 1745 — 1820 Patrick Colquhoun, stat- 1754 — 1827 Rev. Alex. Waugh, D.D. ist. 1736 — 1808 Alexander Dalrymple, 1755 — 1838 Mrs. Grant of Laggan. hydrographer. 1746 — 1818 Hector Macneil, poet. 1755 — 1788 Andrew Macdonald, dra- 1736 — 1785 Alexander Runciman, 1746 — 1795 Rev. George Low, natur- matic and miscellane- painter. alist. ous writer. 1736 — 1819 James Watt, F.R.S., en- 1746 — 1817 (Hon.) Henry Erskine, 1755 — 1813 Robert Kerr, miscellane- gineer. lawyer. ous writer..
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