Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 133.147 (1) Antimycotics. weight of the finished food, the name of (2) Anticaking agents. the food is ‘‘grated lll cheese with (3) Spices. other grated cheese’’ or ‘‘grated lll (4) Flavorings other than those cheese with other grated cheeses’’, as which, singly or in combination with appropriate, the blank being filled in other ingredients, simulate the flavor with the name or names of those of cheese of any age or variety. cheese varieties present at levels of not (d) Nomenclature. (1) The name of the less than 25 percent by weight of the food is ‘‘grated cheese’’ or ‘‘grated finished food in order of predominance, cheeses’’, as appropriate. The name of in letters not more than twice as high the food shall be accompanied by a dec- as the letters in the phrase ‘‘with other laration of the specific variety of grated cheese(s)’’. cheese(s) used in the food and by a dec- (4) The following terms may be used laration indicating the presence of any in place of ‘‘grated’’ to describe alter- added spice or flavoring. native forms of cheese: (2) Any cheese varietal names used in (i) ‘‘Shredded’’, if the particles of the name of the food are those speci- cheese are in the form of cylinders, fied by applicable standards of iden- shreds, or strings. tity, except that the designation (ii) ‘‘Chipped’’ or ‘‘chopped’’, if the ‘‘American cheese’’ may be used for particles of cheese are in the form of cheddar, washed curd, colby, or granu- chips. lar cheese or for any mixture of these (e) Label declaration. Each of the in- cheeses. gredients used in the food shall be de- (3) The following terms may be used clared on the label as required by the in place of the name of the food to de- applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 scribe specific types of grated cheese: of this chapter, except that: (i) If only one variety of cheese is (1) Enzymes of animal, plant, or mi- used, the name of the food is ‘‘grated crobial origin may be declared as ‘‘en- lll cheese’’, the name of the cheese zymes’’; and filling the blank. (2) The dairy ingredients may be de- (ii) If only parmesan and romano clared, in descending order of predomi- cheeses are used and each is present at nance, by the use of the terms ‘‘milkfat a level of not less than 25 percent by and nonfat milk’’ or ‘‘nonfat milk and weight of the finished food, the name of milkfat’’, ‘‘milkfat from goat’s milk the food is ‘‘grated lll and lll and nonfat goat’s milk’’, ‘‘milkfat from cheese’’, the blanks being filled with sheep’s milk and nonfat sheep’s milk’’, the names ‘‘parmesan’’ and ‘‘romano’’ etc., as appropriate. in order of predominance by weight. [54 FR 32056, Aug. 4, 1989; 54 FR 35756, Aug. 29, The name ‘‘reggiano’’ may be used for 1989, as amended at 58 FR 2893, Jan. 6, 1993] ‘‘parmesan’’. (iii) If a mixture of cheese varieties § 133.147 Grated American cheese (not including parmesan or romano) is food. used and each variety is present at a (a)(1) Grated American cheese food is level of not less than 25 percent of the the food prepared by mixing, with or weight of the finished food, the name of without the aid of heat, one or more of the food is ‘‘grated lll cheese’’, the the optional cheese ingredients pre- blank being filled in with the names of scribed in paragraph (b) of this section the varieties in order of predominance with one or more of the optional ingre- by weight. dients prescribed in paragraph (c) of (iv) If a mixture of cheese varieties in this section, into a uniformly blended, which one or more varieties (not in- partially dehydrated, powdered, or cluding parmesan or romano) are each granular mixture. present at a level of not less than 25 (2) Grated American cheese food con- percent by weight of the finished food, tains not less than 23 percent of and one or more other varieties (which milkfat, as determined by the method may include parmesan and romano prescribed in § 133.5(b). cheese) are each present at a level of (b) The optional cheese ingredients not less than 2 percent but in the ag- referred to in paragraph (a) of this sec- gregate not more than 10 percent of the tion are cheddar cheese, washed curd 371 VerDate Nov<24>2008 07:59 Apr 26, 2010 Jkt 220066 PO 00000 Frm 00381 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220066.XXX 220066 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR § 133.148 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–10 Edition) cheese, colby cheese, and granular tion. They contain not more than 34 cheese. percent of moisture, and their solids (c) The other optional ingredients re- contain not less than 32 percent of ferred to in paragraph (a) of this sec- milkfat, as determined by the methods tion are: prescribed in § 133.5 (a), (b), and (d). (1) Nonfat dry milk. Hard grating cheeses are cured for not (2) Dried whey. less than 6 months. (3) An emulsifying agent consisting (b) Milk, which may be pasteurized or of one or any mixture of two or more of clarified or both, and which may be the emulsifying ingredients named in warmed, is subjected to the action of § 133.173(e)(1), in such quantity that the harmless lactic-acid-producing bac- weight of the solids thereof is not more teria or other harmless flavor-pro- than 3 percent of the weight of the ducing bacteria, present in such milk grated American cheese food. or added thereto. Sufficient rennet, (4) An acidifying agent consisting of rennet paste, extract of rennet paste, one or more of the acid-reacting ingre- or other safe and suitable milk-clot- dients named in § 133.173(e)(2). (5) Salt. ting enzyme that produces equivalent (6) Artificial coloring. curd formation, singly or in any com- (d) The name of the food is ‘‘Grated bination (with or without purified cal- American cheese food’’. The full name cium chloride in a quantity not more of the food shall appear on the prin- than 0.02 percent, calculated as anhy- cipal display panel of the label in type drous calcium chloride, of the weight of uniform size, style, and color. Wher- of the milk) is added to set the milk to ever any word or statement empha- a semisolid mass. Harmless artificial sizing the name of any ingredient ap- coloring may be added. The mass is cut pears on the label (other than in an in- into small particles, stirred, and heat- gredient statement as specified in ed. The curd is separated from the paragraph (e) of this section) so con- whey, drained, shaped into forms, spicuously as to be easily seen under pressed, salted, and cured. The rind customary conditions of purchase, the may be colored or rubbed with vege- full name of the food shall immediately table oil or both. A harmless prepara- and conspicuously precede or follow tion of enzymes of animal or plant ori- such word or statement in type of at gin capable of aiding in the curing or least the same size as the type used in development of flavor of hard grating such word or statement. cheese may be added during the proce- (e) Each of the ingredients used in dure, in such quantity that the weight the food shall be declared on the label of the solids of such preparation is not as required by the applicable sections more than 0.1 percent of the weight of of parts 101 and 130 of this chapter, ex- the milk used. cept that cheddar cheese, washed curd (c) For the purposes of this section, cheese, colby cheese, granular cheese, the word ‘‘milk’’ means cow’s milk or or any mixture of two or more of these goat’s milk or sheep’s milk or mixtures may be designated ‘‘American cheese’’. of two or all of these. Such milk may [42 FR 14366, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 49 be adjusted by separating part of the FR 10094, Mar. 19, 1984; 58 FR 2893, Jan. 6, fat therefrom or (in the case of cow’s 1993] milk) by adding one or more of the fol- lowing: Cream, skim milk, con- § 133.148 Hard grating cheeses. centrated skim milk, nonfat dry milk; (a) The cheeses for which definitions (in the case of goat’s milk) the cor- and standards of identity are pre- responding products from goat’s milk; scribed by this section are hard grating (in the case of sheep’s milk) the cor- cheeses for which specifically applica- responding products from sheep’s milk; ble definitions and standards of iden- water in a quantity sufficient to recon- tity are not prescribed by other sec- stitute any such concentrated or dried tions of this part. They are made from products used. milk and the other ingredients speci- (d) Safe and suitable antimycotic fied in this section, by the procedure agent(s), the cumulative levels of set forth in paragraph (b) of this sec- which shall not exceed current good 372 VerDate Nov<24>2008 07:59 Apr 26, 2010 Jkt 220066 PO 00000 Frm 00382 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220066.XXX 220066 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR.
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