Smijers, Mumford, Frankel, Among Week-end To Feature Seventeen New Faculty Members Services, Sing, Rally The appointment of seventeen new faculty members at Brandeis University was an­ One of the highlights of this years Orientation Week will nounced this week by President Sachar. be the inauguration of religious services for students in the Lewis Mumford will be Ziskend Visiting Professor in Humanities. The noted author of Brandeis Catholic and Jewish chapels. Conduct of Life, The Culture of Cities, and numerous other books, Mumford has held teach­ Prof. Schlomo Marenof will officiate at a traditional Kol ing posts at Dartmouth, Harvard, Stanford University and the University of North Carolina. Nidre service on Sunday night at 7 o’clock. Prof. Ludwig A Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, he is former vice-president of the Lewisohn will deliver the sermon. Yom Kippur services will resume on Monday morning at Egan. A cook-out and folk-song fol­ International Housing a n d New York City Center, and the the Academy of Political and Social 9:30, and continue throughout lows the pep rally, and an appro­ Town Planning Federation and Dramatic Workshop of New York, Science. the day. priate musical instruments (guitars, has served on the Board of He also serve<* as stage manager Dr. Jacob Landau, visiting lec­ Under the supervision of the New­ banjos, ukes washboards, etc.) and Higher Education of the City of for the Broadway productions of O turer in Near Eastern Studies, for­ man Club, services in the Catholic or musicians to match, to help out ' New York. Mistress Mine, The Young and Fair, merly of Hebrew University in chapel will begin with a Saturday with the entertainment are needed. Dr. Albert Smijers, a Ziskend and Born Yesterday Jerusalem; Dr. Leon J. Goldstein, morning Mass. Tickets for seats on the buses Visiting Professor of Musicology, is Dr. Stanley Diamond, assistant instructor in philosophy, of Brook­ professor of anthropology, former­ leaving Saturday afternoon for the one of the world’s outstanding mu­ lyn, New York; and Miss Denah Pep Rally; Folksinging ly on the faculties of Brooklyn Col­ Boston University football game can sicologists. Dr. Smijers has been Levy, instructor in Spanish, former­ The Friday night pep rally will lege, the University of California, still be purchased from Ina Chat­ serving on the faculty of Utrecht ly assistant professor at Sweetbriar feature a talk by Head Coach Ben­ and Columbia University, is the au­ kin in Hamilton C, or in the Castle University in Holland. He is the College in Virginia have also been ny Friedman, and a program of cafeteria on Friday and Saturday President of the International So­ thor of Dahomey — A Proto-State appointed. songs and cheers, emceed by Tom morning. ciety of Musicology, of the Society in West Africa and Symposium on for Dutch History of Musicology Cultural Background of Jazz. He and of the International Society for has conducted research in Israel on Catholic Church Music. aspects of life in an Arab village. Dr. Harold P. Klein, assistant pro­ Dr. A. H. Sackton, will be Visit­ ing Associate Professor of English. fessor of biology, will joint the He joins the Brandeis faculty on Brandeis faculty after having leave of absence from the Univer­ served as assistant professor in the sity of Texas in Austin. Author of Department ->n Microbiology at the Rhetoric as a Dramatic Language in University of Washington i n Seattle. He is a member of the Ben Jonson, he has also published a number of articles in the Univer­ American Chemical Society, the sity of Texas Studies in English. American Association for the Ad­ Dr. Silvan S. Schweber, associate vancement of Science and the So­ professor of physics, recently com­ ciety of American Bacteriologists. pleted a term as visiting professor Dr. Margaret Lieb is a member of physics at the University of of the Genetics Society of America Pennsylvania. He has also taught and the Society of American Bac­ at Princeton University, the Carne­ teriologists. A summa cum laude gie Institute of Technology and graduate of Smith College, she re­ N D E I 8 Cornell University. Author of a ceived her M.S. from Indiana Uni­ number of articles in scientific versity and her Ph.D. from Colum­ UNIVERSITY journals, he recently published bia University. Dr. Lieb has also Volume Vm No. 1 Field Theory: reasons and Fields. taken advanced study at the Insti- tut Pasteur and the Institut du Ila- Dr. Felix Browder, assistant pro­ dium in Paris. fessor of mathematics, has served Maurice Stein, assistant professor on the faculties of the Massachu­ of sociology, has taught at Dart­ setts Institute of Technology and mouth College, Oberlin College and Two Chapels Boston University. He was a Gug­ the University of Vermont. Co-au- genheim Fellow in Mathematics and thor of a chapter on Research held the Charlotte E. Proctor Fel­ Methods on Patterns of Industrial lowship at the Princeton University Bureaucracy, he has conducted re­ Sachar Defines Concept Graduate School. search for the University of Buf­ Dr. Harold Conroy, assistant pro­ falo, the Columbia Bureau of Ap­ T wo " f th® three chapels on the Brandei s campus were dedicated at ceremonies this fessor of chemistry has conducted plied Social Research and under a research in the field of chemistry Social Science Research Council m0" th- J *16 thlrd chaPel> for Protestant students, is completed but will not be dedicated on Fellowships from the Atomic Fellowship. until October, according to University officials. The Berlin Chapel, for students of the Jewish Energy Commission, the Public Robert Evans, acting instructor faith will be used by the Brandeis Chapter of the Hillel Foundation. Rabbi Judah Stampfer has been named advisor to the group. F Health Service and Harvard Univer­ in English will join Brandeis fiom sity. A member of the American the graduate school of the State Born in Jerusalem and educated in the United States, Rabbi Stempfer comes to his assign- Chemical Society, he is the author University of Iowa. A recipient of ment from the University of I also served as Newman Chaplain at of a number of scientific articles. the Hopwood Awards in Poetry and Manitoba in Toronto, where. he Tufts University. The Catholic Aaron Frankel, assistant professor Fiction, he served as an instructor also served as Hillel advisor. Chapel was dedicated by Arch­ of theatre arts, will come to Bran­ in English at Ripon College. He is no stranger to Brandeis, hav­ bishop Richard J. Cushing. The library has asked us to deis from the American Theatre Milton I. Sacks, instructor in poli­ ing spent a year as Hillel counselor Speaking at the dedication of the remind the Freshmen not to Wing and the Neighborhood Play­ tics is author of Communist Stra­ Catholic Chaplain Appointed Berlin Chapel, President Sachar lend their cards promiscously. house School of the Theatre. A Phi commented on the Three Chapel tegy in Southeast Asia published in The Rev. Basil W\ Kenney, C.S.P., Each student will be responsible Beta Kappa graduate of Columbia Pacific Affairs. Concept at Brandeis. ‘The Three He has attended of St. Ann's Parish Back Bay, has for any overdue or lost books University, he studied the French Yale University as Cowles Fellow in Chapel Concept was the result of been appointed Catholic Chaplain charged out to his card. Theater on a Fullbright Fellowship. Government and Social Science Re­ long and patient exploration. There of the Newman Club it Brandeis. A His professional experience in­ search Council Area Training Fel­ was of course the strong tempta­ Students are encouraged to cludes Director of the Bucks County native of Toronto, Fr. Kenney was low. A member of the American tion to emphasize “ unity** by con­ make use of the Waltham Pub­ Playhouse, the Bahama Playhouse, an Infantry Chaplain with the centrating all worship in one build­ Political Science Association, he is lic Library for extra-curricular the Arena Stage, the Dobbs Ferry also connected with the American Canadian Army in Europe for five ing, with a revolving altar to serve Playhouse, the New Dramatists, each denominational group in turn. reading. Institute of Pacific Relations and years during World War H. He has The spacious atttractiveness of this suggestion was soon dissipated by maturer consideration. A technique which is suitable to the emergency conditions of a military barracks Sophie Tucker Judges Take On Tough B. C can not possibly meet the long range needs of the religious spirit.” Gives Chai Unrealistic Solution Brandeis University announ­ “Nor was it practical to strive for ced today that entertainer So­ Stehlin To Head Upset Bid a non-denominational service”. Pres­ phie Tucker has established a ident Sachar continued. “ Such ser­ Chair in the theatre arts at the vices are feasible for special occa­ sions . but they are completely eight year old university. unrealistic as a regular pattern of The Chair, according to Dr. in B r l n S '°P 'eam 'n N™ " '° r ,,,C worship.” He pointed out that ‘it is Abram L. Sachar, university pres­ ident, will be known as the Sophie not possible to check religions dif­ attack11Wr iu S te T b ^ W s ^ w n ^ i, " 7 enteril?S his junior year- wiU spearhead a wide open ferences at the entrance of the Uni­ Tucker Chair in Theatre Arts and g g tCd his own sharply accurate passing. Under the tutelage of Coach Benny will be occupied by a member of versity along with umbrellas and the faculty who will be selected to ^ | Friedman, who is in the Foot- overshoes. Religious differences ex­ % m- Wf% ball Hall of Fame chiefly be­ ist, and they should not be glossed head the University’s Theatre Workshop program.
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