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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61300-2 — Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt Emily Teeter Index More Information Index abstract thought, 9 temple of, 33 Ahu Sir, 47 Amun of Bukenen, 111 Abydos, 11 , 29 , 43 , 46 , 51 , 58 , 60–1 , 93–4 , Amun of the Date Palm, 80 213 , 216 Amun Re in the thickness of the door, 79 access Amunemhet to gods, 77 career as priest, 27 Aesclepius, 97 Amunhotep I, 33 , 67 , 73 , 80 afterlife, 190 Amunhotep III, 7 , 44 , 55 , 68–9 , 73 , 97 , aha , 166–7 , 169 , 172 185–6 , 195 Ahmose, 27 , 104 Amunhotep IV, xvi , 182 , 185 Ahmose Nofertari, 27 , 67 , 74 Amunhotep of the Village, 74 akh(s) , 22 , 31 , 34 , 72 , 96 , 125 , 143 , 148–53 , Amunhotep Son of Hapu, 96–7 , 99–100 155–7 , 163–4 , 167–8 , 171 , 189 Amunirdis, 29 ability of, 150 Amun-Re Who Hears Prayers, 80 as evil being, 150 Anatolia akh iker n Re , 149 , 151–3 cult state rituals in, 45 Akh Menu , 20 animals akh stelae, 150 fi gurines of, 90 Akhenaten, 14 , 16 , 49 , 182–4 , 187–8 , 190–2 , mummifi ed, 91 194–6 , 211–12 , 215 ankh bouquet, 72 , Pl. X and relationship to Aten, 184 Ankhiry, 156 Alexander the Great, xvii , 114 Ankh-Khufu, 128 Alexandria, 13 Ankhmeryre, 128 Amarna Period, 14 , 49 , 182 , 185 , 190–1 , 214 Antony, xix Amarna Religion, 182 Anubis , 16 , 19 , 25 , 123 , 139 , 143–4 , concept of afterlife, 190–3 164 , 195 , Pl. XV impact on society, 193–4 Apophis, 144 , 172 , 181 opposition to, 195–6 appeal to the living, 95 , 131 Amenhotep III, 51 , Pl. VIII appointments amuletic decrees, 170 by oracle, 111 amulets, 43 , 89 , 112 , 115 , 118 , 127 , 170 , 174 , art, 4 197 , 210 artisans Amun, xvi , 3 , 9 , 17 , 23 , 26–9 , 32 , 35 , 39 , 41 , payment of, 123 43–4 , 46–7 , 50 , 53 , 67–71 , 73 , 77–81 , Ashurbanipal, 54 84–5 , 92 , 95 , 98 , 101–2 , 104 , 107 , 111 , Assmann, 162 113 , 117 , 149 , 153–4 , 179 , 184 , 186 , Assyrians, 26 , 54 194 , 213 , 217 Aswan, 126 , 132 219 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61300-2 — Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt Emily Teeter Index More Information Aten, xvi , 16 , 49 , 183–91 , 193–5 coffi n, 12 , 14–15 , 22 , 63 , 66 , 124 , 126–7 , 130 , as sole god, 186 138–9 , 143 , 145 , 154–5 , 181 , 195, form of, 186 Pls. XIII , XV , XVI Atenism, 183 cost of, 127 Atum, 11–12 Coffi n Texts, 35 , 62 , 171 Aye, 187 coffi ns, xviii , 12 , 65 , 91 , 119 , 127 , 134 , 138 , 146–7 , 197 , Pl . XIII , XV , XVI ba , 11 , 43–5 , 91 , 94–5 , 142–3 , anthropoid, 127 180 , 191 , 203 corn mummies, 62 , 63 , 66 migration of, 45 craftsmen, 2 , 4 baboon, 91 creation myth, 12 Bakenkhonsu, 80 , 117 crown career of, 27 blue, 74 Basa, 29–30 cult bau , 44 , 112–13 , 115 , 118 , 200 household, 151 baw , 100 cult statues Beautiful Feast of the Valley, 7 , 66 , 71 , 147 description, 42–6 bed, 10 , 14 , 59 , 62 , 64 , 90 , 134 destruction of, 53 beer, 5 , 13 , 37–8 , 57 , 71 , 74 , 93 , 95–6 , 123 , Currelly, 89 131 , 160 , 166 , 168 , 173 , 190 curses, 124 , 126 benben , 12 Bentresh Stela, 44–5 daily life, 8 Berlin 3055, 47 daily offering ritual, 20 , 24 , 25 , 41 , 45–7 , 49 , Bes, 90 , 166–8 , 170–1 , 173 , 194 , Pl. XI 51 , 52 , 194 Beset, 166 dance, 62 , 143 , 145 , 200 Bible, 167 , 169 Day of the Dead, 67 blindness, 113 dead boat(s), 10–11 , 20–1 , 22 , 50 , 60–1 , 63 , 67–8 , realm of, 148 70–2 , 78 , 90 , 94 , 106–9 , 111 , 115 , 138 , death, 9 , 119–20 , 209–10 , 216 173 attitude toward, 119 Book of the Dead, 22 , 31 , 34 , 125 , 139 , 149 , Debehen, 121–3 170 , 174 , 180 , 186 , 190 , 199 , 209 Decade Festival, 57 , 59 Borghouts, Joris, 162 decans, 134 bricks deceased Osiris, 66 mobility of, 72 Bringing of the Foot, 48 Deir el Bahri, xvi , 57 , 68–72 , 89 , 96 , 100 , 113 , busts, 150 115 , 117 , 122 , 134 , 217 Butehamun, 154 Deir el Medina, 73–4 , 86 , 113 , 115 , 117 , 134 , 136 , 149–50 cachettes, 55 deities Cairo Calendar, 150 , 209 nature of, 76 canopic jars, 14–15 , 64 , 138 Dendera, 17 , 19 , 27–8 , 30 , 41 , 44 , 57–9 , 62 , Canopus Decree, 53 64 , 140 , 210 cartonnage, 12 Deshasheh, 7 cat, 90 Dheuty, 137 catacomb , 92 Dheutyemheb, 101 , 114 falcon, 92 Diodorus, 132 ibis, 91 distinctiveness celibacy, 28 of Egyptian culture, 197 cenotaph, 93 divine choirs, 27 Chapel of the Hearing Ear, 64 , 79 , 80 , 103 divine revelations, 184 childbirth, 89 divine wrath cippus, 174–7 protection from, 117 circumcision, 32 divorce, 8 Clement of Alexandria, 161 Djadja-em-ankh, 165 Cleopatra, xvii Djau, 122 Index 220 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61300-2 — Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt Emily Teeter Index More Information Djed-Hor, 177 food prohibitions, 34 Djedi, 35 , 165 Four Sons of Horus, 181 Djed-khonsu-iwef-ankh, 26 funeral, 8 , 14–15 , 20 , 22 , 25 , 61 , 123 , 135 , Djer, 60 , 93 137 , 140 , 142 , 144–5 , 190 , 195 , Djoser, 96 Pls. XVI , XVII dream, 101 , 113–14 , 155 , 158–9 , 216 funerary bier , 60 as means of communicating with funerary endowment, 129 the dead, 158 incubating, 101 gender equality, 27 dwarf, 144 , 169 geziras , 12 Dynasty 25, xvi ghost, 150 God’s Father, 17 , 22 , 24 , 27 , 47 , 52 , 95 , 193 ear stelae, 84 , 86 responsibilities of, 23 ears, 31 , 83–5 , 89 , 103 , 137 , 198 God’s Servant, 25 East Karnak god’s shrine, 32 Aten temples at, 185 God’s Wife, 19 , 28–9 , 95 economy, 4 gods Edfu, 37 , 41–2 , 44–6 , 58 , 217 accessibility of, 76 Temple of Horus at, 17 contact with, 76 eldest son, 136 modes of appeal to, 76 embalmers, 132 , 134–5 , 138 , 146 protection from, 115 tools, 134 sensitivity to presence, 100 embalmers’ cache, 135 The Golden Bough , 161 embalming, 62 , 122 , 132–4 , 137–8 , Pl. XV Gourna time required, 133 temple of Seti I, 68 Esarhaddon, 54 grain, 36–7 , 40 , 48 , 52–3 , 62–3 , 66 , 123 , Esna, 113 129–31 , 136 , 142 Esoeris, 137 granaries, 36–7 , 53 execration fi gures, 159–60 , 178–9 Greeks, 12–13 Exodus, 167 tradition of mysteries, 31 faience, 43 , 58 , 83 , 89 , 166 , Hakoris, 83 171 , 199 Harkhuf, 18 falcon, 110 Harnuphis, 161 false door, 51 , 68 , 123 , 128 , 205 Harsaphes, 114 fan, 7 , 67 , 70 , 73 Harwa, 19 , 95 feast Hathor, 28 , 71 , Pls. VII , XI funerary, 146 music associated with, 27 Feast of the Valley, 66–7 , 70–2 , 74 , 200 , priest of, 17 , 29 Pls. VIII , IX , X temple of, 19 , 27 , 30 , 57–9 , 66 , 69–72 , modern survival of, 67 84 , 89–90 , 96 , 101 , 114 , 128 , 157 , female fi gurines, 90 194 , 214 fertility, 10 , 48 , 62 , 70 , 88–90 , 160 Hatnofer, 136 fertility charms, 70 Hatshepsut, 22 , 43 , 57 , 69–71 , 78 , 83 , 89 , 94 , Festival of Amunhotep I, 73 104 , 109 , 115 , 136 , 185 , 202 , 215 festivals, 38 , 50–1 , 56–8 , 60 , 62 , 66 , 73 , 89 , Hawara, 132 , 215 94 , 105 , 129–30 , 200 He Who Is Over the Secrets, 132 fi gurines Hedj-renpet, 133 of women, 89 Heka, 162–3 votive, 87 hem netcher , 20 , 25 First Priest female, 27 selection by king, 26 organization of, 25 First Priest of Amun, 18 , 26–7 , 30 responsibilities of, 26 female, 27 Hem-ka , 21–2 , 23 , 129 fi sh, 33–4 , 180 Heni, 158 fl owers, 9 , 48–9 , 52 , 58 , 68 , 70 , 72 , 194 Henui, 159 Index 221 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61300-2 — Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt Emily Teeter Index More Information Henuttawy, 143 Karnak, xiv , xvi , 16–17 , 20 , 24 , 26 , 29 , 31–3 , Herodotus, 3 , 30 , 32–4 , 107 , 132 , 37 , 39–41 , 46 , 52–4 , 56–7 , 63–4 , 67 , 134–5 , 216 77–81 , 92–3 , 97–100 , 106 , 111 , 164 , hieroglyphic script, 4 184–5 , 202 , 211 , 213–16 High Priest of Onuris, 17 Karnak Cachette, 54 , 92 Hittite, 112 , 210 Kenna, 74 holes Khamwaset, 165 in reliefs, 78 , 82 Khentika, 31 Hor, 94 Khenty-Imentyu, 62 , 93 Horemheb khery-hebet . See lector priest edict of, 57 Khnum, 12 , 25 Hori, 17 , 31 temple of, 21 Horus, 1 , 4–5 , 17 , 43 , 45–6 , 48 , 58–62 , 65 , Khnum-hotep, 129 72 , 90 , 137–8 , 140 , 145 , 164 , 168 , 170 , Khoiak, 58–9 , 62–4 , 66 172–7 , 181 , 186 , 217 , Pl. VI Khons, 20 Horus on the Crocodiles, 176–7 Khonsu, 18 , 41 , 46 , 50 , 67 , 78 , 102 , 107 , Huya, 195 117 , 187 Hypostyle Hall, 39 , 41 , 46 , 52 , 54 , temple of, 18 77–8 , 92 Kiki, 102 king, 4 ibis, 91–2 , Pl. XII status of in the Amarna Period, 194 ibu , 132 Kom el-Wist, 110 Idi, 93 Kom Ombo, 83 Idu, 34 Ikhernofert, 42 , 58 , 61 Lady of Drunkenness, 71 Ikhtay, 154 , 211 Lahun, 38 Imhotep, 45 , 96 , 98 lector priest, 18 , 23–4 , 31 , 47 , 129 , 132 , Imiu, 157 137–41 , 145 , 149 , 163–5 , 180–1 impact of religion, 3 and lliteracy, 22 incense, 15 , 20 , 26 , 31 , 40 , 47–8 , 51 , 52 , garb of, 22 55 , 57–8 , 72 , 94 , 104 , 109 , 119 , 131 , in adminstration, 22 143 , 146 , 151 , 153 , 160 , 166 , 196 legal texts, 8 initiation, 16 , 30–1 , 164 leopard, 195 instructional literature, 8 leopard robe, 24 Instructions for Merikare, 162 letters to the dead, 153–5 , 158 Instructions of Ani, 107 form of, 153 Intefoker, 178 linen, 134 intellectual curiosity, 12 literacy rate, 131 intercessory cults, 96 love, 17 , 34 , 89 , 120 , 163 intercessory statues, 96 Lucian, 161 intermediary Luxor Temple, xvi , 4 , 47 , 55 , 57 , Pls.

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