,111101J iiiiflJi%ii. 1 I/li * ' ii?! NEVER BEFORE A i6nmi. SOUND FEATURE PRINT SALE LIKE Tll!S! C I iii SUIIJECTS AVALRLE--S9ME IN COLOR! GAY LOVE with Ilorence l)esmond, Sophie Tucker. OUTLA\VS OF STAMPEDE IASS with Johnny Yes, this is Blackhawks biggest feature saic! Were you' Sf.)C(ialli 51)11 priucil at ........ .....S19.95 Mack Brown. Regularly $29.95. Specially the normally heavy selling season for just ahead of GENTlEMAN JOE PAl OOK'\ with Leon F.rrol, priced at ................ .............. $24.95 this season fcaturcs-btit used prints available to us Joe Kirkwood, Elvs(- Knox. Reçuilarlv $69.95 OUTI.AWS OF THE PLAINS with Buster Crabbe, have been greater and generally better than in sea- .cpi'tiallv sole priced fi Al St. John. Regularly $2995 .5 pecially sale pr/elI! at ........... ............... $24.95 Sons past. Thus, on a number of titles we have built GOt t) with Jack Iloxie. R('Cu,!arlv $29.95. Special- $ I 9.95 OVERLAND RIDERS with Buster Crahhe, Al St. up an inventory of six: eight and ten prints-more lv sale priced at GREAT Ml K F with Stuart Erwin. Regularly, John. Regular/v $29.95 .5 ja'eially sale iriced than is justified by demand at this time of year. il-I 13 $.91i5 ..c .ali' f'ri.eeiI at ..........9.95 at . .So, the reduce our iflVC?ZlOr\' s(,n?ewIlal, PAROlE. INC. with Michael O'Shea. Tc,rhan Rey, 'Il-IF (LIll 1Y with lonita (rutnvillc, t)on Castle. you a BU Y OF B (JYS on used 1 6w,??. S()14F1(i FEA - Fvclsii tickers. /?i'gieli,rlv $599.5 Speciuill 1? ' cIil(ui1V 5?9 )S ./O(iulllV .cali 1i,ieed at .... $29.95 These special sale prices are effect- cafe priced at...... ..... ............. $49.95 TURE PRINTS! FI.AI It JR I(;GlR CASEY with hick I'errin, Betty OF THE TRAIt. with Johnny Mack lye only to the extent of our present stock of prints xi k . R('L'ill(, 1 lv S 2'). 95..a'iiallv yule ,ici'd PARTNERS Brown. Regularly $29.95 .5 penal/v vale pric- and are guaranteed effective only until Monday. (it . $19.95 ed at .... ............................ $24.95 , I I F.\l)I.INF \\ OMAN with heather Angel. April 2, 1 957. So, pick 'em now, and rush in your THE Rtg- Roger l'ryor. Reu.,ul(Irly $29.95 . Specially sale THE PAY OFF with Tom Brown. Lee Tracy. $39.95. Specially sale priced (it .. ... $29.95 order! fl/il cd at .......... I 9.95 alone I .aR&IC. l'guularlv ItACK LASI! with Jean Rogers, Richard Travis and I-IEARI.\CHFS with iiugiiig star. Vie Mort(.)n. Rev- PIONFF R J USTICF. with 1.ash 539.95. SperiallY sak priced at ......... $24.95 1 arry Bakc. Reqi,kirIV $59.95 .S peciallv sale ulurly $51)95 Spe( iallv yali' priced at $4995 49 .95 PRAIRIE with Lenore .'\iihcrt. Alan r3uxtcr. (I! ............................S hER F \\ ()RIl F P 'sIIINT with latin (;irroll, THE pu'iullv yule li'eularlv 569.95. Special/v vale j'rieei/ (it $.E.) 2 }! HI". ) •!HE MASK vith Kane Richiiond. Bar- Rwh llui . l?ua.'ulu!y 549.95 .5 ,. a Rced. Regularly $19.95. Specially sail' fruil at PR.\ I It t F B.\l)\l FN with I3iiicr ('rabbe ..Ah St. .1 i 9. 95...jyjj1. , sale JaiL nil ',1cd (It ... .... ...... .... ..... .....)•95 ]IlI)l)l\ lNITNI'i iitTi \'i:LrrCn litill. Kuuv I iivaker. l u ii . R u'lu,i u $2 1 9 . 9 S Ut ....... . $2 ()1 SAN FERNANDO with I)onald \Voot. R( hirir 529.95..p cia/tv .suI!e /iiu(iI at tT I'R\I RIP Ot I I ..\'v\S lALlic I)ean. R i q, u larlv Varien. Rl''lIt(lrIy $39•95 SJ'I (iU!l\' Ill J.\CK}l) yyith jiln I), v ii dar.lui \Iae lone", with ( aria va/i piji ('(/ at $24 .....................S29. 95 I ):u v jul Biiicc. li' '((II,! li $5 99_S ../uceially %ah, 539.95 .5 !c(,( ill/li . ,',, !I priccl tit Shei!a Ryan. flu/i 1,1 ....... RAIl R()A l)FI) with John I icland. ()\\ iI1E DEADLINE with \Varrcn I)otilas, (II . 1t., I HOLLYWOOD It;\RN I) \N(F. with rncst rtihh H iirh Baiimont. Regularly $59.95. Special- Rtin.ay Ames. Regularly $39.95 .SpCi(Ii' 5 Fl euudarlv $(,i. 95. .Sp( e- Ii sale iurictul at ......... ....... $19.9 sic priced at .......................$ 29 . 95 ,tnil lis I roi I lu liitii' . jul/v ci;ui' (au id at ... S 5995 RE'rIFI)Y FOR RIChES with Jean Ilersholt. Edgar Id ()NI)F FOR A I)AY with Hugh Beaumont, I?iu'uila,li' $4995 .Spi'< iall sale Regularly 53995. Specially INI FROM .'\ RK,\\ S/IS with Slim Siinurnervillc Kennedy. K;%thrvn Adams. $59.95.5i'cciuill priced at " c Jric.:'(l at ....... ......... ... ..$29.95 and El Brciuulel. J?i'uul,,rlv RFNDIZVOUS 24 with \Vi!liam Garran, Marie 1ENACF with Bill Cody. Reetlarly ,ale p,icuI :i ......... $49.95 1()ID! I' I':lnicr. lt UMoore. I'guiliirl) , $59.95. 29.95 .5 pecially sale priced at ... ... $ I 9.95 IN Til IS ( 1)RNt R svth Scott Brads'. Anabel Shaw. I) Ri an/any $5995 .s: 1'1'jIlca/c prieeil at ... $.j9i5 .Spei jul11 cit/c uiitil at ............. h)Rl)FR RANGERS with Don Barry. Pamela RFNFC,\DF (.flRL w4th .\nn Savage. Alan Ciiiii'. RCCIII(lllY $39.95. I RI NU 1)00k II I I I S wit Ii A inc C.wviine. Rohert Blake. ltol'ert Lowery. $')) . sale uiui. ltii_'ii/uiili' 54995..I! .5(1/I prhrd itt priced at ......... .. .... $29.95 Sha ne. I.: ui1r.; lu [il'( jul/v SpeciaIl' .1(111' ,l9S5 RI2PI.Al PERFORcTANCF with I aids hlayisard, I MAN with Iorn Neal, Jane Adams. Rondo d at ... ItRUI, 4, 1 lelen Joan 1.cslic. Regularly 559.95 . Specially va/i' • Regularly .519 . 95 .Spe emily sale ISLE OF NI ISSING \l IN with John blowa; H itton. at . $4995 ............................S 39 . 95 Gilbert. J?uxuilurlv $19.95... Specially stile tile- turicerl price(l at with John \\aync. Ri'guilar- BURN 'EM UP BARNES with Frunkie Darro. lola eu (it ... ....... ........... $29.95 RIDERS OF 1)ITSTINY Regu- $49.95. Specially vale prle'd tit ..... $39.95 Lane. R(C((l(lrl)' $39.95 .S pecially sale priced JIGSAW with Franchot Tone. Jean Wallace. ly 3995 RII)ING THE CALIFORNIA TRAIL with Gilbert at ............... ............ ....... $29.95 larlY $49.95 .5 peial1v VOle priced ut ........ Roland. "The Cisco Kid." Regularly $39.95. COLORADO SERENADE (In Cinecolor) with Ed- JOURNEY TOGETHER with 1_enore Auhert, Alan Baxter. Reu'uluu,Iv $50.95 .SIW Cull/V sale pric- Specialls' sale priced at . ..... .. .... ... $29.95 die l)ca. Regularly $79.95 .5 pecially sale RIMFIRE with James Mihlican, Mary Beth Hughes. p,icd at ......................... $69.95 I'd at ....................... $49.95 71 HF (OURAGEOUS 1)R. CHRIS1]AN with Jean JUNIOR l'ROM with June Preisser, Freddie Stew- Regularly $59.95 .5 peeially cole priced at .iale priceil ROSES ARE RED with Peggy Knudson. l)oa Castle. I cr',holt. Robert Baldwin. Regularly $49.95. art. R(ua(larls 559.95 .5 penally S49.95 I?t'u.'ula,ly'.$_59.95 .Sju' daily yule priced at . $49.95 .5; Ii!allv silc priced at ...... ..... ...... $29.95 at s R1STI.ER'S Hll)FOUT with Buster Ciabbe, Al St. 'I I I F ( R INIE SMASHER w•iih Edgar Kennedy. Gale KILL OR HF K ILLEI) itil (coruc (.'onlouris. Mar- utliurI' $19.95. Sucially sale John. Revilarls' 529.95.Spe dully vale iuriceil iarrn. Regularly $39.95. Specially vale pricell nsa O'Brien. Ri ........................ 2.1.95 a? .............................$2 9 . 95 priced at ................. 95 at SFCIFT INVESTIGATOR with NIarjorie Reynolds, fllF ( RIMSON KEY with Kent Taylor. Doris I.AI)Y IN TIlF rsR)RGI.IE with Preston Foster. Regularly S39 . 95 .51)(li(il!' 11 (f(tl(ltlY S5 9.95. Specially sgle Patricia Ellis. I?u,'ularlv $39.95 •ll' sale Charles Quigley. I ) vl ing. $29.95 jrwt'tl (it ...........................49.95 priced at .................... $29.95 nile Priced at ............. ShlADU\'S ON THE RANGE with Johnny Mack l),\N(;rRouS MIllIONS with Kent Taylor, Dona LARCENY IN HER HFART with Iluch Beaumont, penally Brown. Repiilarls' $29.95, l)rakc. Regularly $5995. Specially sale priced Cheryl Walker. Re'nlarly $39.95 .5 Raymond Hutton. S29.95 Specially ,culc priced at ...... ...... $24.95 at... ... .... ..... ....... ........ ..... $49.95 S(d(' priced at ..................... DARK AlIBI (Charlie Chan) with Sidney Toler, LAW iIEN with Johnny Mack Brown. Regularly SHADOWS OVER CHINAFOWN with Sidney Regularly $5995. ?%lanta n Moreland. Regularly $59.95. Spec- $29.95 .5)(( iill Sale iiii'c1 at ......... $ 19.95 Toler as Charlie Chain. .. $49.95 irilh' sale priced at ............. ... .... ..$49.95 LAW OF TFIE [ASH with Lash LaRue. Regularly S1'i'ciall2' .cali' cri( cr1 a. ............... DEAI)LJNE FOR MLJRI)ER with Paul Kelly, Kent $39.95 .5 l,l'(iall\ , sale priced at . ... ... $24.95 SHADOW VAI.LEY with Fvlvhie Dean. Reguiiirly 24.95 Taylor, Sheila Ryan. Regularly $59.95 .Spec- LIGHTITOIJSF. with Don CatIc, June Lange, John $39.95 .Spe cially caIn priced at ........ iallv sale priced at ................... .......$49.95 I.itcl. Regular/v $59.95 .5 peeiallv sale priced SIIOO'l' ro Klt.l. with Russell Wade, Edmond Mac- DR. CHRISTIAN MEEFS THE WOMEN with (it . I)ontdd. Regular/v $19.95...peticilly vale pric- Jean lIer,holt. Edgar Kennedy. Regularly 1.0SF hONEY F)ON with Franchot lone, Ann ccl at .
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