Sunday 1st June 2003 FIRHILL STADIUM, GLAS OW ~ Kick-off 3.20 p.m. OFFICIAL PROGRAMME £2.00 From the Secretary YEAR WINNERS RUNNER UP 1942/43 ROB ROY......... .. 3 BENBURB .............. 1* The big day has arrived, with the long trai l that started back in 1886 /87 FAIRFIELD GOVAN ....3 EDINBURGH WOODBURN ... 1* * After drawing 1-1 and 0-0. October , now about t o reach a dramatic conclusion * After first match was protested . 1943/44 PERTHSHIRE.. ....... 1 BLANTYRE VICS......... O 1887/88 WISHAW THISTLE..... 3 MARYHILL. .. .......... 1* 1944/45 BURNBANK ATHLETIC..3 CAMBUSLANG RANGERS. .. 1* Appropriately, given that this is the first season of the Super League, both * After two protested games. * After first match was protested . 1888/89 BURNBANK SWIFTS... .4 WEST BENHAR VIOLET.... 1 1945/46 FAULDHOUSE UNITED.. 2 ARTHURLIE ............0 finalists are not only member s of the new set-up, but from the same league. 1889/90 BURNBANK SWIFTS... 3 BENBURB.......... ..... 1* 1946 /4 7 SHAWFIELD..... .....2 BO.NESSUNITED ....... 1* Indeed, thi s is only the fourth occasion that two sides from East Region have * After first match was protested. * After a 1-1 draw. 1890/91 VALE OF CLYDE.. ....2 CHRYSTONATHLETIC ....0* 1947 /4 8 BO-NESSUNITED . ....2 IRVINE MEADOW ........ 1 faced each other, the last being eight years ago w hen Camelon def eated * After a 1-1 draw. 1948/49 A UCHINLECK TALBOT. 3 PETERSHILL ...........2 Whitburn at Fir Park. 1891/92 MINERVA. ........... S WEST BENHAR VIOLET... 2 1949/50 BLANTYRE VICS...... 3 CUMNOCK............... O 1892/93 VALE OF CLYDE.... ..3 DUMBARTON FERN....... 2* 1950 /51 PETERSHILL......... 1 IRVINE MEADOW .... ...0 Both finalists have tasted success in this compet ition in recent years. * After a 1-1 dra w. 1951/52 KILBIRNIE LADESIDE.1 CAMELON ...............0 1893/94 ASHFIELD....... ....3 RENFREW VICS .........0* 1952/53 VALE OF LEVEN. ..... 1 ANNBANK UNITED.... ...0 Tayport we re w inners in 1996, whilst Linlith gow Rose are defending th e crown * After a 1-1 draw. 1953/54 SUNNYBANK.......... 2 LOCHEEHARP .......... 1 the y wo n last season. 1894/95 ASHFIELD....... ....2 WEST CALDERWANDERE RS.1* 1954/55 KILSYTH RANGERS.... 4 OUNTOCHER HIBS ....... 1* * After a 1-1 dra w. * After a 1-1 draw. The pair also met in the semi-final stage last season at ~ivingston, and if this 1895/96 CAMBUSLANG HIBS. ... 2 PARKHEAD. ............. 1 1955/56 PETERSHILL........ .4 LUGAR BOSWELL........ 1 afternoon's final is half as good as th at game, then those here today, and 1896 /97 STRATHCLYDE........ 3 DUNFERMLINE JUNIORS ..0 1956/57 BANKS O' DEE....... 1 KILSYTH RANGERS...... 0 1897 /9 8 DALZIEL ROVERS.. ... watc hing on t elevision at home , are in for a treat, such was the qual ity of that 2 PARKHEAD .1 1957/58 SHOTTSBON ACCORD.. 2 PUMPHERSTON. .........0 [ 1898 /99 PARKHEAD.. .........4 WESTMARCH XI ......... 1 1958159 IRVINE MEAOOW ......-2 SHETTLESTON.... ...... 1 gam e. MARYHILL.... ....... 3 1899 /00 RUGBY XI ............. 2 1959/60 ST ANDREWS.. .......3 GREENOCK.............. 1 1900 /01 BURNBANK ATHLETIC..2 MARY HILL...... ........ 0 1960/61 DUr,_IBARUNITED ...... 2 CAMBUSLANG RANGERS. ..0* Consequentl y, we are anticipating a very good crowd and that can only add to 1901 /02 GLENCAIRN......... 1 1 1 1902 /03 PARKHEAD.. ......... 3 the occasion. ~~~~~tt·TH1\Tit ...o 1961/62 RENFREW .. ............0* 1903 /04 ~t:~ ~~.~ :~ . ~~~r VALE OF CLYDE.. ....l PARKHEAD. .............0 * After a 1-1 draw . Of course, the Scottish Junior Cup has been richly enhanced over t~e past 15 1904 /05 ASHFIELD. .......... 2 RENFREW VICS ......... 1 1962163 IRV:(NE MEADOW. ....2 GLENAFTON......... .... 1 1905 /06 DUNIPACE JUNIORS. .. 1 seasons from the sponsorship by O.V.D. and in thanking the compan y for their ROB ROY. ............ 0* 1963/64 JOHNSTONE BURGH. •.. 3 CAMBUSLANG RANGERS... 0* * After a 2-2 draw . * 71.fter a 1-1 draw. past support, I'd lik e to reiterat e the Associatiqn's great pleasure at O.V.D.'s 1906/07 STRATHCLYDE..... ... 1 MARYHILL xr .........O* 1 * After two 1-1 draws. lAIWWJ.Wlif illl:IC,.Ni:l•~➔ M• - : MllliiiHIJ cont inued support at least until next season, liaving recently confirm ed their 1965/66 80NNYRIG G ROSE..... 6 WHITBURN ............. 1* 1907/08 sponsorship next year wit h an option on a further two years. r 1908/09 ~~L: 1:~~6H~ !~ L~E~s.1 ~:A~~~~DDEt .XI After a )- 1 draw. ::::o~ 1966 167 KILSYTHRANG ERS. ...l * After a 0-0 draw . I RUTHERGLENGL ENCAIRN.. 1 Their ext ended support has been a great vote of confidence for th e juni or game l * After a 1-1 dra w. 1909 /1 0 ASHFIELD........... 3 KILWINNING RANGERS... O* and reflects the gro w ing imp ortance and popularity of the O.V.D. Cup Scottish Juni 1967/68 JOHNSTONE BURGH.... 4 GLENROTHES........... 3"' \G * After first match was protested . After a 2·2 draw. Football 1910 /11 BURNBANK ATHLETIC..1 PETERSHILL..... ......0* * competition throughout the country. * After a 2-2 draw . 1968/69 CAMBUSLANG RANGERS.1 KIRKINTILLOCH ROB ROY.O Associ ation BLANTYRE VICS... ... 1 PENICUICKATHLETIC.. .. 0* I wo uld also like to take th is opportunity to thank Alan Dick, the Partick Thi stle 1911/12 PETERSHILL...... ... S DENNY HlBS..... ....... 0 1969no 2-2 1912 /1 3 INVERKEITHING UTD.. 1 DUNIPACE JUNIQ.,RS.... ..O * After a draw . Chief Executive w ho has again lent his usual willing and ready assistance in 1913 /14 LARKHALL THISTLE... 1 ASHFIELD .............. 0* 197on1 CAMBUSLANG RANGERS.2 NEWTONGRANGE STAR.. ... 1 ·, - mpden P~ 1971n2 CAMBUSLANG RANGERS.3 BONNYRIGG ROSE..... ... 2* helping to organ ise, what I am sure w ill be, another smoothly UA final. * After draw ing 1-1 and 0-0. 90D 1914 /15 PARKHEAD. ..........2 PORT GLASGOW ......... 0 * After a 1-1 dra w. Finally, t o the off icials, players and supporters of Tayport a d Linlithgow Rose, w, G42 197 203 IRVINE MEADOW ...... 1 CAMBUSLANG RANGERS.. ..0* 1915 /16 PETERSHILL......... 2 PARKHEAD. ............. 0 may I congratu late you on reaching the final and I wo uld , as usual, repeat the 1916 /17 ST MIRREN JUNIORS.. 1 RENFREW JUNIORS ......0 * * After dra wing 3-3 and 2-2. * After a 0-0 dra w. ,11otuw• · 1t*Jj:Ji~i!·Mcii!-1M14illl■ ll~illl:ICM$1;11fiMII Association's plea for sporting beha viour. Telepho~ 1974/75 GLENROTHES......... 1 RUTHERGLENGLENCAIRN .. 0 1917/18 PETERSHILLAWARDED CUP - NO FINAL PLAYED I appreci ate just how much is at stake, but play hard, but fairly, is my message 1918/19 GLENCAIRN... ....... 1 ST ANTHONYS .......... 0* 1975f76 BO' NESSUNITE0 ..... 3 DARVEL.... ............0 r-- 0141 -620 560 ·.•· * After a 1-1 draw. 1976f77 KILBIRNIE LADESIDE.3 KIRKINTILLOCHROB ROY.1 to both clubs. 1919 /2 0 PARKHEAD.. .........2 CAMBULANG RANGERS. ....0 1977(78 BONNYRIGG ROSE... .. 1 STONEHOUSE VIOLET..... O F • 1920 /21 ROB ROY. .......... 1 ASHFIELD..... .... ..0 1978(79 CUMNOCK. ........... 1 BO-NESSUNITEO ........ 0 Enjoy the game and may the best t eam w in . 1921/22 ST ROCHS. ......... 2 KILWINNJNG RANGERS... 1* 19 /80 BAILLIESTON.. ......2 BENBURB ..............O+ * * After first match was protested. + After extra -time* After a 2-2 dra w. 1922/23 MUSSELBURGHBRU NT.. 2 ARNISTON RANGERS... ..0 POLLOK. ........... 1 ARTHURLIE ............0 TOM JOHNSTON 1923 /24 PARKHEAD... .. .3 BAILLIESTON.......... 1* BLANTYREVICS . ..... 1 BAILLIESTON... .......0 * After a 1-1 dra w. EAST KILBRIDETH . .2 BO.NESSUNITED .......0 1924/25 SALTCOATSVICS ..... 2 ST ANTHONYS ..... ..... 1 * BO.NESS UNITED... ..2 BAILLIESTON ..........0 * After dra wing 1-1 and 3-3. 1984/85 POLLOK. ............ 3 PETERSH1LL........... 1 * ij"~~~' 1925/26 STRATHCLYDE........ 2 BRIDGETON AV ..... ...0* 'II Aftef a 1-1 dra w. * After a 1-1 draw. 1985/86 AUCHINLECK TALBOT..3 POLLOK................ 2 1926/27 GLENCAIRN.......... 2 CAMBUSl-A,NG RANGERS.... 1 1986/87 AUCHINt ECK TALBOT.. 1 KILBlRNIE LADESIDE.. .0* 1927/28 MARYHILL HIBS.... ..6 .BURNBANI<:ATHLETIC.. ... 2 * After a 1-1 draw. 1928/29 DUNDEE VIOLET...... 4 DENNY HIBS........... 0* 1987188 AUCHINLECK TALBOT.. 1 PETERSHILL....... .....O Assistant Secretary * After a protested game and a 2-2 draw. 1988189 CUMNOCK ............ 1 ORMISTON PRIMROSE..... 0 A~ n~ 1929/30 NEWTONGRANGE STAR.. 3 HALL RUSSELL.......... O 1989/90 HILL O BEATH ....... 1 LESMAHAGOW.. .......... 0 1930 /31 DENNY HIBS......... 1 BURNBANK ATHLETIC..... O 1990/91 AUCHINLECK TALBOT.. 1 NEWTONGRANGE STAR..... 0 Dis~ ~retary 1931/32 PERTHSHIRE. ........ 2 ROB ROY.. ............. 1 1991192 AUCHINLECK TALBOT.. 4 GLENAFTON............. 0 1932 /3 3 YOKER ATHLETIC... ..4 TRAN ENT JUNIORS...... 2* 1992/93 GLENAFTON.. ....... TAYPORT. ..............O A lex Hamilton * After a 0-0 dra w. 1993194 LARGSTHISTLE ...... 1 GLENAFTON .............0 1933 /34 BENBURB.. .......... 3 BRIDGETON WAV ........ 1 1994/95 CAMELON ...........2 W HITBURN ..............0 NORTH--··REGION 1934135 TRANENT JUNIORS.... 6 PETERSHllL............ 1 1995196 TAYPORT............ 2 CAMELON.. 1935 /36 BENBURB.. .......... 1 YOKER ATHLETIC....... 0* + After extra-time. Jack Whitehead,.,,. * After a 1-1 draw. 1996197 POLLOK............. 3 TAYe.QRT.., ... 1936/37 ARTHURLIE.... ...... S ROB ROY............ 1 1997/98 Scottish 1937/38 CAMBUSLANG RANGERS.3 BENBURB .............. 2 1998199 ~~:1~~\~iiidiiirns , ~~ci~EARrs~ o 1938 /39 GLENCAIRN. .........2 SHAWFIELD.... .... 1 1999100 WHITBURN ......... 2 JOHNSTONE BURGH ......2§ Junior 1939 /4 0 MARYHILL .......... 1 MORTON JUNIORS ....... 0 § W_!litburn won 4-3 on pen,alties after extra -time. 1940/41 PERTHSHIRE ........ 3 ARMADA LE THISTLE ..... 1* 2000101 RENFREW .......... 0 CARNOUSTIEPANMURE .. ..0§ Football * After dra wing 2-2 and 0-0. § Renfrew won 6-5 on penaltie s aft er extra -time . CLYDEBANK..... .....4 VALE OF CLYDE fUMViFMIWUl:frttNl:Uf➔ W · Hl ➔ :li~IO ➔ :IMl:JeiM•M Associ~ti~ ':.11 C. v Linlithgow Rose Welcome to Firhi/1 Stadium .._________ ---------,.&!) Firh ill Stadium this afternoon stages its fifth successive O.V.D. Junior Cup Final - t he 18th in total as Thistle celebrate retaining LINLITHGOW ROSE the SPLs t atus they won the previous season.
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