Mouse ears Race relations Check out the review of in die-rock sensation The Observer takes a look at the challenges Tuesday Modest Mouse's newest release The Moon and Notre Dame faces in uniting students of Anarctica. different cultures. SEPTEMBER 5, Scene + page 16 In Focus 2000 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXIV NO. 10 HTTP:/ /OBSERVER.N D.EDU U.S. News & World Report ranks Notre Dame at No. 19 Moore said University officials ers will rank a college whether Three schools - Columbia At 95 percent, Notre Dame's By JASON McFARLEY are pleased with the ranking or not it submits the requested Univeristy, Cornell University· graduation rate was beaten News Writer but noted that they don't pay information. "We figure that if and the University of Chicago - only by Princeton and Harvard. any great deal of consideration a lot of people are going to be tied for the No. 10 spot. "That's a category that we've Notn~ Dame ranked 19th in to such lists. The annually pub­ making judg- E m o r y always done well in," Moore U.S. News & World Report's lished guide is a means to ments based University said of the 1999 graduation fig­ "200 I America's Best Colleges" gauge national perceptions of on this publi­ "Certainly ifthere's going ranked just ure. guide. which was released to schools but not necessarily col­ cation, we to be a list of the top ahead of The University also fared well n e w s - leges' educational quality, might as well universities in the country, Notre Dame, with its retention rate of first­ stands Moore said. give them while the year students from 1999 to Monday. "Through the years, the ranks accurate, up­ we should be on it. " University of 2000. Notre Dame retained 98 This is the only reflect changes in the to-date infor- California­ percent of first-year students. sec:ond methodology of the ranking sys­ mation," Dennis Moore Berkeley According to the guide, 83 consecu­ tem. not anything we did at the Moore said. placed just percent of the Class of 2003 tive year University," Moore said, adding Ivy League director of public relations behind. Notre entered the University in the Notre that there may be no legitimate schools Dame finished fall of 1999 as graduates in the D a m e means to rank universities with Princeton. with 85 total top 10 percent of their high earnPd the Moore different missions and goals. Harvard and Yale topped this points in the survey. school classes. That, in addition I (Jth spot Notre Dame submits statisti­ year's list of best colleges. U.S. News & World Report to a 35 percent acceptance on tlw I ist. cal information about the Harvard earned the top spot evaluates schools on 16 mea­ rate. make s Notre Dame one of "Cnrtainly if thnre's going to University prior to the maga­ with 99 points. Last year's No.1 sures of academic achievement, the most selective universities be a list of the top universities zine's published list, but not California Institute of with academic reputation, stu­ in the nation. in tlw country, we should be on ever ranked university and col­ Technology slipped to No. 4. dent selectivity. faculty Other factors used to rank it." said Dennis Moore. Notre lege participates in this prac­ The Massachusetts Institute of resources and graduation and schools included SAT and ACT Dame's director of public rela­ tice. Technology rounds out the top retention rates given the most scores, faculty to student ratios, tions and information. According to Moore, publish- five universities for 2001. weight. and alumni donations. SMC renews Eldred's contract for five-year term By SARAH RYKOWSKI became the first lay woman ishing number of women's Saint Mary's News Editor to be appointed to the office liberal arts colleges. and ALICIA ORTIZ of the president at the "The faculty has been News Writer College. working on revisions to cur­ "I saw the need for better riculum," Eldred said. "Over Saint Mary's Board of community building within the years I've been here we Trustnns ren.ewnd Marilou the College and connecting have also developed the 1·: I d n~ d · s contract as pres i­ Saint Mary's more to the Master Plan." dent of tlw College .JunP 30 South Bend community," The plan includes renova­ for a f'ive-vPar term. Eldred Eldred said about her accep­ tion and aesthetic improve­ h as h I' I d · t lw o l'f i c n s i n c e tance of the position. "This ments around the campus 1997. campus felt like where I and extensive building pro­ "Siw has brought a sensP of wanted to be." jects. Another of the College's Pnnrgy and direction to the Students were generally focuses during Eldred's term CollngP ... said Bill Schmuhl. pleased with the decision to has been redefining athletics chairman of the Board of renew Eldred's contract. at Saint Mary's, which Trustnns. "Eldred has served "Personally I think it's real- involved hiring Lynn as wondl~r- ly wonder­ Kachmarik, the current ath­ ful rol1~ letic director, in 1999. · modnl for ful to have a "From what I understand, female "Saint Mary's, in the last tllP WOillPil president at four years, has undergone a of Saint she is very up on letting an all lot of great changes including Mary's students come in and talk women's the Master Plan and hiring a Collng11." to her. I think she does a college," new Athletic Director." Bnforp senior Page Warstler said. EldrPd's wonderful job. " Warstler· The first visible steps in the contract said. "I Master Plan are the new w a s Melissa Wheeler think she's Dalloway's Coffeehouse and renewed. Saint Mary's senior done a the Welcome Center at the the Board great job." entrance to the College. sought input " F r o m Hegina Hall was also renovat­ from tlw what I understand she is very ed over the summer as part students and faculty or the up on letting students come of the plan. Collngn. Thn response was in and talk to her," senior "We certainly want to unanimously positive. and the Melissa Wheeler said. "She increase overall enrollment cam pus was plnased with just wants to get to know the but also attract more minori­ Eldred's performance as the students. I think she does a ty and overseas students to leader of thn Saint Mary's wonderful job." the College," Eldred said. "My community. After reviewing Eldred has spent much of vision was to bring all of the J'I)Cdbaek from the stu­ her career working in those to fruition." dents and faculty the Board Catholic women's colleges, Eldred's next two tasks agreed to renew Eldred's and hopes to continue to do since her contract was contract. so. She believes that it is renewed will be to continue Eldred came to Saint important to maintain the to improve first-year enroll- Mary's to replace President NELLIE WILLIAMS/The PObserver reputation of the College in Saint Mary's president Marilou Eldred (center) was offered a contract William Hickey in June of the face of the rapidly dimin- see ELDRED/page4 renewal this summer. Among her noted achievements since she took 1997. At the same time she office in 1997 was the new Welcome Center, part of the Master Plan. page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Tuesday, September 5, 2000 INSIDE COLUMN THIS WEEK IN MICHIANA Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday For love is God • Art: Fernwood Botanic • Game: The Ultimate • Show: Sky Potpourri, • Open House: lloosinr Kids today. Garden: Clark Lecture Hall Corn Maze, 5 to 10 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. at the Valley Hailroad MusEHim I low many limns have I hnard that from dis­ grunllnd adults. frustrated with America's youth Gallery, Nature Center, Barbott Farms and Planetarium & Space Open !louse f'E~aturing and t.hE~ir lack of morals, eonsideration or tact? "Femwood Flora," pho­ Greenhouse Museum caboose rides, displays Well. this past weekend I was a disgruntled adult. tographs by Carol C. • Music: Front Porch • Art: Studebaker National and refn)shments, 11 a.m. Kate Steer For tlw past three years. I Bradley, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Music: Featuring Open Museum: "2000 Tom to 4 p.m. haw attended Notre Danw horne football gamE~s as a Stage with Wild Carrot, 8 Kellogg Exhibit," 9 a.m. to studnnt, and I have enjoyed Associate the spirit. and atmosphere of News Editor p.m. 5 p.m. the student section. Though the process of gntting stu- dent tickets leaves something to be desired, it's always a rush to walk up to the window with the OuTSIDE THE DoME Compiled from U-Wire reports hope of getting spectacular seats with my friends. And ynt I don't nxaggeratn when I say that I have never actually sat in those assignnd seats. Evm1 when last year we scored sixth row Presidential candidates to debate at Washington U. seats. we usually claimed third or fourth row by virtue of gntting to the stadium early. So when ST. LOUIS mat for thn debates has not bnen we walknd into the stadium a half an hour before For the third consecutive election, determined. If the debate is set up in gamn time- our normal arrival time- we the Commission on Presidential the format of a town-hall style Pxpected to bt> able to sit rnasonably near the Debates chose Washington forum, there may be mom available front.
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