" . THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF HU LLEGE Vol.21 Thursday, October 8, 1992 No.5 Humber studeni^tlireatened on campus with a handgun by Natalie Vujaklija A Humber student was held against his will last Thursday by another male believed to be carrying a silver handgun, according to a police officer who airived on the scene. The officer said that the victim didn't report the incident to police but the witness who did report it said it occuired a few minutes after noon outside Humber's NX building. The witness also told police that she believed the FYesident Gordon says he hopes that it wasn't a victim was being forced to drink an unknown sub- gun but does believe that some students at the col- stance. lege do carry them. The alleged attacker is described as a tall white "It is an assumption on my part, but I do believe male, with dark brown hair who is thought to be a that highschool students carry (hem, so why would Humber student, said one of the security guards. they suddenly stop just because they've gone to col- Three police officers searched the Arboretum lege, " said Gordon. area, but after an hour they failed to turn up any evi- In the 10 years that Gordon has been at Humber, dence. he cannot remember any other gun incident. "There are too many places to hide, too many President Gordon called a meeting with the Vice- paths," said one of the police officers at the scene. Presidents, Humber Security, SAC, and anyone else Police officers told Coven that Humber Security who is involved in dealing with assaults, to discuss had asked them not to speak to reporters. how they are planning on handling future situations. Vice President of Administration, Rod Rork, was "We've got to get our act together, we've got to unavailable for comment, but his secretary, Joan snuff it out somehow, but we've also got to be pre- Hamilton, spoke on his behalf, "Mr. Rork says that pared for the worst," said Gordon. no one to his knowledge would say that to police... One of the other reasons for calling the meeting no one has the right to say that." was to discuss with members of the college commu- According to Staff Sergeant MacKinnon of 23 nity a way to post notices about future assaults that PHOTO BY WENDY TAYLOR Division, the police cannot confirm that the are accurate but not alannist. I in too sexy... — Two models boogie down outside the assailant was definitely holding a handgun, "He Coven reporters were not permitted to attend the bookstore, showing off 1992 Humber ieatherwear. could have been holding a beer bottle for all we meeting know." Steps taken towards cultural diversity in courses Human Studies dean won't enforce specific changes, says that teachers don't need a checklist by Marg Land the late spring in "an attempt to Adrian Adamson, a Political believes more should be done. idea of a way (ha( they would like have a more inclusive curriculum Geography instructor at Humber, "An awful lot of people are to approach i(. Although Humber College's ... addressing the needs and inter- quite unaware of sexism in their According (o Hanft, qui(e a few Human Studies division has taken ests of a much more diverse stu- courses," he said. "An awful lot of (eachers arc planning (o make steps to implement multicultural dent body. people, if they're aware of it, they changes in (heir approaches to content in courses, it is unclear Hanft said that she asked the are resistant to changing." some classes. "There were a lot of whether there will be any perma- faculty to write a brief description Adainson added, "The fight against interesting things regarding issues nent guidelines. of changes that they plan to imple- racism, sexism, genderism ... is not that would be discussed ... types of Pamela Hanft, the Dean of ment or have already included in a thing where you make a few assignmenLs, (ex( selections." Human Studies, asked faculty to their courses. She has spent (he changes in your course outline and Hanft also mentioned the review courses in a bid to induce past weeks compiling the state- that's it." Human Studies division will be multiculturalism within the divi- ments into a booklet which is to be The Human Studies division is looking at a revision of the sion but set no guidelines to help distributed within the Human the only area of the college which Humanities textbook later on this faculty in making changes. Studies division. has currently done a review of year and plans to use a new edition "We didn't put out a question- "My request was simply to raise course materials based upon stu- of the text in the fall. Hanft Pamela Hanft naire or any specific guidelines or the issue to a little higher point of dent diversity. explained that material included in awareness, " "I format," Hanft said. "This is a said Hanft, adding, said that he believes that the "When we have the booklet put lectures and support materials prefer that work ... I'll it group of professional teachers. I would much we as Human Studies faculty has taken together share with some of given to Humanities instructors don't think they need a checklist." a group and make these revisions posifive steps toward removing my colleagues," she said. "They were revised during the summer. According to Hanft, the faculty internally rather than have them racism and sexism and inducing might not want to do (he same "But this is only the beginning," was asked to review courses during come from some other source." multiculturalism in courses but (hing bu( (hey may have ano(her Hanft said. "We'll do more." " Pagi2 Coven Thunday.'October 8. 1992 News Humber teacher headed to Russia Faculty Union by Janis Raisen workshop through Humber Indonesia involved assisting College. Last January, she trav- teachers to develop questionnaires all smiles A Lakeshore Campus faculty elled to Indonesia for two weeks for potential industry members. said. member is the Canadian represen- to encourage teachers to form Meek training partnerships with the business The International projects after agreement tative at a career sympo- office will cover Meek's travel sium in Kazan, Russia scheduled sector and indusu^y leaders. by Robb M. Stewart leges being cut back." Nova and accommodation expenses, for late October. Humber College and "It's a really creative agree- although small additional costs Patricia Meek, co-ordinator of Scotia Community College in number's Faculty Union ment when both sides can be for may be required, said Frank the Business Administration Co- Pictou County were partners has voted almost unanimously satisfied," said Wall, pointing Franklin, director of International op program was selected from 10 the Indonesian project. to ratify their proposed con- out the gcxxl news for students candidates to aid in the said Humber College Projects. Humber Meek tract. is two years without fear of a the point for the set "We're excited from retraining of Russian adults dis- was used as an example With 406 ballots cast, only strike. it turn out to be schc jI of view that could placed from the work force. up of partnerships between seven people voted to reject Wall credited the success of There's Colleges for the set up of a great opportunity for us. The Community and industry, and the proposed contract. Lynne negotiations to a change in the a major training initiative to take International Development advisory committees. Bentley, union returning offi- Ontario Public Service place in Russia," said Franklin. (CCID), an American organiza- A large part of the work in cer, calculated the percentage Employees Union's negotiating tion of which Humber is the only at 98 in favor of accepting the procedures. "They are now Canadian member, is sponsoring contract. Provincially, the col- more accountable to the indi- assists in the program. The CCID lege locals voted 96 per cent in vidual locals in the colleges," technical service programs over- favor. said Wall. seas. At a union meeting Sept. "We have had straightfor- "I'm interested in meeting peo- 15, the negotiating team urged ward and regular communica- ple all over the world. I'm from the teachers to ratify the pro- tions with the negotiating team interested in different ideas," said posed contract stating it since negotiations began a year Meek. addressed the union's top pri- and a half ago. The high per- Meek will be responsible for orities. Which included, infla- centage shows a satisfaction client assessment during her week tion protection and ending the with the process," said Wall. in Russia. She will match people's disparity between college Wall denied the proposed educational backgrounds with salaries and the salaries of contract was too "rich". "It suitable training programs. other Ontario teachers. was arrived at by the Council Meek currently runs a one-year The salary increase of Regents, who are well micro-computer business applica- involves a lump sum of $ 1 ,700 aware of the financial situation tions program, predominatly for in the first year, paid immedi- of the colleges, and the bar- mature students. This teaching ately, a 4.3 per cent increase in gaining team. They wouldn't focuses mainly on retraining for the second and a 2 per cent have agreed to something the the workforce. increase plus a cost of living colleges couldn't bear." She plans to share her knowl- clause in the third year. Humber President Dr. edge of business retraining with "Because we've been a year Robert Gordon said, "It was a 20 Russian educators in a seminar without a contract (union fair settlement, that's why they to be given upon her arrival.
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