Index addiction amblyopia, 31 and aggression, 167 American Medical Association, 47, 136 bond with computers, 141 America’s Army, 263 chemical addiction to games, Anderson, Craig, Iowa State University, 118–120 165–168 child game addicts, 135–137 androgyny, 89 definitions and symptoms, 124–128 Animal Crossing, 199 online games, 121, 141–142, 148–149, Animation Station, a multimedia project in 152 Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK, 213 pathological computer use, anthropomorphism, 89 124–125 Asheron’s Call, 170 rewards in games, 118, 120, 123, augmented reality games, 209–212, 129, 139, 225–227 295 treatments, 134–138 Australian National University in Canberra, advergames, 243, 266, 268–269 29 Age of Empires, 228 avatar aggression androgyny and anthropomorphism, and appearance in online games, 87 89 behaviour and clothing colour, 86 and clothing, 85–88 and driving habits,COPYRIGHTED 104, 108 controlling MATERIAL with new technology, 286 and TV, 167, 171 fantasy appearances, 82, 92, 142, 210 Aiman, Lata, Deakin University, Melbourne, gender-bending and experimentation, 52, 63, 65 90–91 Alzheimer’s disease, 28, 47, 52–53 and identity, 84–93 313 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331313 33/5/2008/5/2008 66:14:38:14:38 PPMM 314 index and machinima, 311 Bubbles, 37 and torture, 95–97 Bully, 100–101 Ayiti: The Cost of Life, 245–247, 249–250 bullying and Columbine massacre, 156, 177–178, Baldwin, Mark, McGill University, Montreal, 181, 187 24, 25 games to combat, 100 Banjo Kazooie, 65 television and, 172–173 Bartholow, Bruce, University of Missouri- Burnout, 106, 108 Columbia, 164, 166 Bartle, Richard, 81 cancer, 32–33, 35 Battan, Kate, Columbine investigator, 176 Carson, Linda, West Virginia University, 3 Battlefield 2, 265 Cascade, 10 Bavelier, Daphne, Rochester University, Caspian Learning, 220–222 New York, 29–30 Castaldo, Richard, 189 BBC Panorama, 130 Castel, Alan, University of Toronto, 30 BBC survey into game use, 284 Center for Computer Games Research, Beck, John, 222–223 Copenhagen, 169 Bioshock, 169 Centre for Mass Communication Research, Blast Theory, Artists’ group, 295 Leicester University, 130 Blitz Games Ltd, 223 Charité University Medicine Berlin, 119 Block, Jerald, MD, 122, 129, 137–138, 141, Charles Sturt University, New South Wales, 148, 150–151 Australia, 5 board games, 53, 196, 203–204, 214 cheating, 110 Bogost, Ian, 190, 243–244, 248, 263, 266 Cheok, Adrian David, Mixed Reality Lab, Bolter, David Jay, Georgia Tech, 56–58, 67 Singapore, 301 Braben, David, 308–310 China, 130, 136, 150 Brain Age, 45–46, 49 Civilization, 76, 128, 133, 202, 228, 269 brain development, 174–176 Club Penguin, 80 Brandeis University, Massachusetts, 27 Columbine massacre, 155–156 British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), and games, 137, 156, 180–182 185 game based on events, 187–189 British Dietetic Association, 7 possible causes, 176–178 British School of Motoring, 104–105 Conjecture, 59 Brown, Brooks, 178, 181 Consalvo, Mia, 110 Brunel University, 80, 230 Continuous Partial Attention, 68 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331414 33/5/2008/5/2008 66:14:38:14:38 PPMM 315 index Counter-Strike, 66, 158 eMotion, 290–291 Crash Bandicoot, 76, 106 emotional intelligence (EI), 204 Criminology (journal), 171 Emotiv, 285–286 Crowe, Nic, Brunel University, 80, 86, 230 The Empire Strikes Back, 59 Crystal Castles, 47 Energy: Fuelling the Future, 277 Cyberbike, 11 Entertainment and Leisure Software cybercafes, 135–136 Publishers Association (ELSPA), 186 cybersex, 82 Environmental Detectives, 210 epilepsy, 27 dance, 2, 15, 20 EverQuest, 81, 113, 117, 121, 141, 147, 202, Dance Dance Revolution, 2, 3, 15, 277 231 dangerous driving, 74, 102–109 Everything Bad is Good for You (book), 60, Darfur is Dying, 241–242, 250–252 226, 270 Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, Exile, 200 52 EyeToy, 9, 16–17, 37, 204 Delwiche, Aaron, Trinity University, Texas, 231 FaceBook, 58, 212 dementia, 45, 52–53 Fair Play (Swedish parent-led games Deus Ex, 199 organisation), 142, 144 Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, 37, 124, 200 Farmer, Mike, Prince Albert Primary Digital Natives, 56, 67 School, Aston, 205, 208, 238 Disaffected!, 270–271 FIFA 2005, 106 Doom, 156–157, 177, 179, 182, 184 50 Cent: Bulletproof, 169 dopamine, 118–120, 225–226 film violence, 156, 171–172 Duncan, Graeme, Caspian Learning, 220– Final Fantasy, 124 222, 230 first-person shooter (FPS) games, 156, Dungeons and Dragons, 146 160–164, 169, 177, 263 Fischer, Peter, Ludwig-Maximilians Edge magazine, 123, 139 University, Munich, 104, 106, 108 Education City, 206 Fizzee Digital Pet, 10–12 edutainment, 205 flight training, 64 Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Simon, IT University of ‘flow’, 134 Copenhagen, 227 Francis_7, 85, 142, 311–312 electroencephalography (EEG), 164, Frasca, Gonzalo, 265 285–286, 289 Freecell, 61, 151 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331515 33/5/2008/5/2008 66:14:39:14:39 PPMM 316 index Full Spectrum Warrior, 22 Greenfield, Baroness Susan, 40–41, 48, Futurelab, 10–11, 215–220 55–56, 67 grey gamers, 43, 53 Gamasutra (gaming industry website), 139 Griffiths, Mark, Nottingham Trent game ratings, 185–186 University, 77, 79, 121, 124–125, 126, game violence, 157, 160, 163–170, 174, 128, 131, 133–134, 147–148, 167, 170 183–189 Gunter, Barrie, Leicester University, GameCycle, 11, 13, 14 130–131, 139 Gamelab, 245–247 Gymkids, 11 gaming benefits, 59 Haier, Richard, University of California at dangers, 36, 144–147 Irvine, 62 identity in, 84–89 Half Life, 23 obsessive, 116–118, 120–122, 126–129. Halo, 117, 311 See also learning; literacy Happy Neuron, 47, 49 Gard, Michael, Charles Sturt University, Harris, Eric, 156, 176–182, 187 New South Wales, 4–5, 7, 38 Harry Potter, 38, 57, 202 Gee, James Paul, 199 Heriot-Watt University, 9, 16, 102 gender-swapping, 91 Hogg, Chris, BBC Japan Correspondent, Georgia Institute of Technology, 56, 44, 46 243 How to Stop Your Kids Watching Too Much GestureTek, 17–21 TV (book), 6 Glasgow Caledonian University, 69, 97, 290, hypertext, 56–57 293 Global Conflicts: Palestine, 274 Immersive Education, 214–215 golf, 44, 63, 287 interactive whiteboard, 202, 205, 207 Gopher, Daniel, Israel Institute of Invisible Train, 303–306 Technology, 64–65 Iowa State University, 166 Got Game: How the Gamer Generation is Reshaping Business (book), 222 Japan, 44–46, 105, 185, 202 Gran Turismo, 103, 232 Jenkins, Henry, MIT, 185 Grand Theft Auto, 98, 100, 109, 158, 184, Johnson, Jeffrey, Columbia University, 186, 190, 306 171 Graz University of Technology, 303 Johnson, Steven, 60, 226, 232, 270 Green, Shawn, Rochester University, New Juul, Jesper, Center for Computer Games York, 29, 66 Research, Copenhagen, 169 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331616 33/5/2008/5/2008 66:14:39:14:39 PPMM 317 index Kinetic, 10 Manhunt, 100, 159 Kirby, Michael, University of Hertfordshire, Marathon, 169–170 53, 70 Marble Madness, 59 Klebold, Dylan, 156, 176–180, 187 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Konami, 2 (MIT), 185, 210 Krotoski, Aleks, 82, 91, 307–309 Mathletics, 205–206 McGill University, Montreal, 24 learning memory, 28, 31, 45, 47–50, 55, 238 and brain exercise, 63–64 Metal Gear Solid, 37 by making games, 212–219 Metazoa Ludens, 301–302 games designed for training, 220–225, Metroid Prime, 37 263–264, 299 Midnight Racer, 106 games in the classroom, 201–219 Midtown Madness, 23 games’ effect on brain areas responsible Milgram, Stanley, 98 for learning, 118, 120 military games, 65, 137, 223, 260, 262–263 how games are changing the way we MindFit, 41–43, 48–50, 55, 70–71 learn, 196–200 MindLab, 203–204 Ledonne, Danny, 187 MineSweeper, 61 Lego Star Wars, 37, 134 Mission Aviation Fellowship, 250 Lineage, 200 MissionMaker, tool for creating computer literacy games, 213, 215–216 games boost, 191–196, 199–202, 208, Mixed Reality Lab, National University of 213–214, 231 Singapore, 301 games threaten, 59 Mixed Reality Lab, Nottingham University, media literacy, 202 295 new kinds of, 68 Mona Cyclona, 77 London Racer, 23 Morpurgo, Michael, 6 Lucas, Simon, Spiral Productions, 278, MUD (Multi-User Dungeons), 81, 200 280 multitasking, 42, 66, 68 music in games, 293–294 machinima, 311–312 myopia, 29 Madrid, 248 MySpace, 58 Mafia, 37 Myst, 1, 132–134, 164, 191–194 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 32, 160, 174 Nanyang Technological University, Manchester University, 196 Singapore, 170 bbindex.inddindex.indd 331717 33/5/2008/5/2008 66:14:39:14:39 PPMM 318 index NASA, 65 Parkside Community College, Cambridge, National Institute of Mental Health, 174 202 National Institute on Drug Abuse, 226 PDAs, 303, 306 National Institute on Media and the Family PE, 2–3, 15, 36 (NMIF), 126 PEGI system for game rating, 185 Need for Speed, 102–104, 106, 109 Pelletier, Caroline, Institute of Education, neurogenesis, 50–51 University of London, 169, 213, 227 NeuroSky Inc, 287 Peña, Jorge, University of Texas at Austin, Newman, James, 107 86, 88 Newseum, 227, 272–274 Persuasive Games (book), 243, 269–270 Newsgaming, 248 PET (positron emission tomography), 47, Newton, Eric, Knight Foundation, Florida, 118 67–68, 227, 272 phobia, 23 Newtoon, game authoring project at Planet Green Game, 253–254 Futurelab, 215, 219–221 plasticity, 29, 41 Nintendo DS, 37, 45–46 PlayStation, 8–9, 11, 16, 44, 130, 186, Nintendo GameCube, 11, 14 196 Nintendo Wii, 9, 15–16, 230 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, 37 Nottingham Trent University, 77, 167, Poole, Steven, 103, 269, 271 170 Postal, 159 Nowak, Kristine, University of Connecticut, PowerPamplona, 268 90–91 Prensky, Marc, 56 Nuclear Waste: Can You Handle It?, 277 problem-solving, 175, 196–198, 211–212, numeracy, 196, 199, 201, 206 220, 229, 238 procedural rhetoric, 244, 274 obesity,
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