A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the Journal of Computer and System Sciences Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 26 May 2021 Version 1.04 Title word cross-reference (s; t) [1475]. 0(n) [1160]. 1 [270]. 1 − L [1371, 924]. 12n2 [450]. 2 [3525, 3184, 2191, 1048, 3402, 1500, 3364, 2034, 2993, 834, 2473, 3101]. f2; 3g [2843]. #09111 [1814]. #AM01053M 2pn 1=3 − 2 O(n ) [1862, 1877, 1904]. #better 5X8 els [1856]. 2 [2353]. 2 [445]. 2 [1977]. 3 #better 5X8 els.pdf [1856]. #BIS [3184]. [1920, 2242, 2827, 2374, 1961, 2825, 3240, · #BIS-hardness #CSP 1071, 1133]. 43 [3620]. 4 Log2N [655]. 5=4 [3184]. ∗ 0 #econdirectM [1612]. 8 [2998]. =? [1433]. [858]. [2696, 2908, 2500, 3508]. 1 ∗ NP [1893]. #HA03022M [1860, 1875]. [1625, 3418, 1085]. [1523]. [3194]. NP[O(log n)] p ⊆ PH #HA05062N [1876]. #HA05062O [2235]. [995]. 2 [2235]. [1849, 1861]. #HA06043M [1501]. 2 [3418]. H [1565]. a [426, 289]. [1892, 1871, 1889]. #HA08111M [1846]. A[P (x); 2x; x + 1] [500]. Ax = λBx [377]. b · #P [1195, 3598, 1261, 1264]. [3253]. β [3444]. [3418]. d #praise 5X8 els.pdf [1832]. [2527, 1362, 3256, 3563]. δ [3553]. `p [2154]. #sciencejobs N [1802]. [1551, 2617, 1864, 1693]. g [3312]. h [1019]. K [1320, 2756, 191, 3494, 1300, 1546, 3286, #P [1373]. (1 + 1= dim ) [1590]. (1 ) 2357, 3085, 3590, 1788, 2535, 1940, 199, 2491, [3581]. (2 − 7=(3p +1))· [2414]. (2m) [1306]. 3256, 1188, 3603, 961, 3252, 3394, 1681, 1398, 1 2 2805, 3506, 630, 2690, 1339, 585]. L [1085]. -Hitting [2527]. -hub [3367]. 2i [541, 433, 314]. L = fa j; i ≥ 0g [772]. L1 -hyperbolic [3553]. -internal [2535]. [3358, 1736, 2474]. Lp [3344]. λ [2997]. -languages [416, 417, 722]. -Leaf [2491]. ∗ log n + O(1) [1735]. log n [473]. M -letter [2135]. -Limit [3127]. -Majority n [708, 1294]. N [174]. Zm [2157, 704]. Zm [3494]. -MCFL [3101]. -Means [2805]. [1196]. Zm [1486]. F [3629]. µ [3127]. N -Median [1788]. -min-wise [3256]. [1293, 655, 1433, 2780, 2135, 1792, 229, 895]. -Minor-Free [3629]. -MST [1546]. n2 [2135]. N m [1597]. n log n [751]. -Nilpotent [1048]. -norm [2474, 3344]. O(EV log2 V ) [566]. O(log2 n) [847]. -numbering [3350]. -page [961]. -parallel O(log3=2 n) [1422]. O(LogLogN) [960]. [229]. -Process [655]. -query [2034]. 2 O(log n) [2370]. O(Mp(n )) [1488]. O(n) -random [2617]. -regular [2678, 3196]. [1359, 3350]. O(n1:5 log n) [938]. -Resolution [3470]. -SAT O(nlog log n) [1268]. O(n log log n) [1311]. [2242, 2473, 2357, 1681]. -server O(n log n) [1864, 1359, 1430]. O(jV j log jV j) [3286, 1188]. -space [1961]. -spin [3184]. [1475]. ! -subcolorable [3364]. -systems [298]. [2678, 3196, 242, 416, 417, 443, 909, 722]. !2 -tapes [242, 460]. -Term [1300, 3506, 2690]. [298]. !n [460]. p [3367, 1141, 1294, 1359]. -Testability [1500]. -transducers PF · #P [1373]. Q [3470, 2918]. q = 7 [38]. r [426, 289]. -trees [858]. -tuple [2993]. -type 3=2 p [3343]. s [1427, 585]. S [1565]. Σ3 [1552]. [417]. -Uniform [3205]. -valued [655]. Σ2 [895]. st [3350]. ⊆ [1565]. t [1427, 3205]. -vertex [2535]. -Way [270]. T ! [469]. Θ(n log2 n) [1426]. V log V [213]. W [2] [1940]. X + Y [641]. Z2 [3101]. /= [1461]. * [159]. 0 [535]. -acyclic [3444]. -anonymous [3085]. 1 [535]. 1-center [3190]. 1-convexes [174]. -Approval [3343]. -approximation 1-median [3248, 3190]. [2191, 3581, 3620]. -arc [3252]. -armed 1.375-approximation [3564]. [2756]. -ary [1792]. -automata [909]. 1.5-approximation [2080]. -Biased [1551]. -bit [2998]. -bound [2135]. 1.75-approximation [2305]. 1/2 [2236]. -cheatable [1141]. -chromatic [3253]. 1971 [85]. 1994 [1378]. 1Heads [942]. -closeness [1141]. -cluster [3563]. -Clustering [3603]. -CNFs [2357]. 2 [3171, 2671, 2522]. 2-CSP [3171, 2671]. -colorable [1920]. -Complete 2-Sat [2671]. 2013 [3301]. 2015 [3465]. [1371, 1940, 1552]. -complex [1019]. 2017 [3576]. 2020 -Computations [443]. -connected [834]. [3542, 3567, 3537, 3520, 3528, 3556, 3548]. -connectivity [1133]. -construction [708]. 2021 [3622, 3578, 3613, 3594, 3599, 3637]. -context-free [416]. -D [3525]. -Depth 20th [3301]. 21st [3576]. 22nd [3647]. 2D [1320]. -Dimensional [1339, 2780, 1362]. [1230, 3412]. 2nd [2525]. -distinct [3394]. -extendible [2997]. -extra [3312]. -Extraconnectivities [2843]. 35th [2029]. 3rd [2525]. -Feature [1940]. -Flows [1475]. -Free [1693, 2374, 1864]. -Group [1359]. -hard 46th [3610]. 3 571 [1605]. 3019, 2338, 3546, 2772, 2818, 2574, 3233, 2767, 3152, 1835, 2337, 2400, 2407, 2816, 3052]. 65 [2926]. 66 [2185]. Adaptivity [2572]. adapts [2754]. adder [2998]. adder/subtractor [2998]. adding 73 [2359]. 74 [2469]. 75 [2501]. 78 [3109]. [3504]. addition [2788, 546, 3203, 3197, 826]. Additional [1750, 3254]. Additive [3607]. 81 [3187]. 82 [3199]. address [2464]. Addressable [456]. Addressing [573, 129]. Adequacy [574]. 9th [2971, 3465, 1378]. Adherences [547]. adjoint [25]. adjunct [235, 291]. administration [3007]. = [1461, 978]. Admissible [1361]. admission [2252, 2740]. admission-control [2252]. ADMs [2441]. A- [466]. A-transducers [558]. A.E. [1019]. advance [2801]. Advanced abduction [2534]. ABE [3322]. abelian [3236, 2880, 2868, 2827]. Advances [371, 2297, 3258, 1359]. Ability [1547, 50]. [3230, 3454, 2600]. Advantage [1292]. abortion [3115]. above Adversarial [1631, 3432, 2755]. Adversary [2552, 2585, 2659, 2442, 2997]. absolute [2509]. Advertisement [3451]. Absolutely [179]. absorbing [2046]. [1817, 1802, 1814, 1829, 1936, 1862, 1877, Abstract [126, 1742, 3425, 2713, 151, 1961, 1907, 1908, 1846, 1849, 1860, 1861, 1875, 306, 92, 357, 617, 264, 1060, 347, 2510, 845, 1876, 1832, 1952, 1856, 1871, 1889, 1955, 885, 583, 862, 31]. Abstraction 1956, 1957, 1958, 1970]. Advice [1698, 881, 700]. AC [1625, 3418, 1085]. [1262, 1495, 3286, 2497]. Aerial [3461]. ACC [1161]. accelerated [325]. AFA [196]. affect [514]. Affine [23, 1822]. acceptance [397]. accepted [1203]. AFL [264, 99, 139, 196, 292, 289, 309]. accepting [514, 1095]. acceptors AFLs [115, 114, 781, 359, 133]. AFPTAS [115, 114, 104, 249, 168, 69]. Access [3250]. after [825]. again [3476]. against [1366, 3280, 3432, 217, 3116, 2103, 743, 3005, [3231, 2563, 2285, 1557, 813, 2929, 3431]. 762, 3007]. Accessibility [634]. account Agent [3049, 3082, 3610, 2346, 2345]. [2975]. accrual [2823]. accumulations Agent-based [3049]. agents [3425]. accuracy [2448, 3456, 3580, 3504, 3055, 2674]. [1965, 2482, 2210, 2111, 2807]. Accurate Aggregate [1769, 1463, 2641, 1840]. [2662, 1808]. achieve [2881]. achieving aggregating [2423]. Aggregation [832]. Achilles [1535]. ACM [1410, 3551, 2258, 2750, 2855, 1879, 2993, [274, 345, 2029, 214]. acoustic [2809]. 2768, 2796, 2662]. Agnostic across [2966]. Action [2602, 2657, 544, 31]. [2436, 1670, 2753]. Agreement action-based [2657]. actions [908]. [3417, 3092, 2658, 836, 2439, 2371, 2615, 2906]. activation [3250, 2051]. Active agreements [1866]. Aided [1617]. airports [1531, 2436, 3008, 3237]. ACTL [1688]. [2341]. alert [2935, 2930]. Algebra actor [1132]. actualization [893]. Acyclic [1573, 1685, 1466, 1354, 1771, 118, 863, 833, [717, 1494, 3363, 3444, 2911, 3390, 2638, 2540]. 905, 2402, 1110, 337, 553, 2270, 977, 699, acyclicity [972]. Ad [1893, 1892, 1904, 3021, 510, 899]. Algebraic 2209, 2875, 2870, 2537, 3143]. ad-hoc [3143]. [906, 884, 111, 1150, 9, 1443, 148, 1988, 602, Adaps [2574]. Adapting [3391]. Adaptive 420, 678, 709, 653, 1066, 378, 1915, 716, 617, [1631, 1744, 2576, 2404, 1275, 2332, 2963, 448, 609, 5, 668, 953, 1012, 1227, 879, 862]. 4 Algebras [1352, 3226, 974, 909, 1152]. alternation [1307, 1528, 715, 1356, 635, 376, 1912, 1082, [925, 802, 567]. Alternative [1560]. 3154, 3039, 866, 729, 1101, 634, 710, 900, 695]. alternator [2133]. AM [2201]. alg´ebriques [378]. Algorithm AM01053LMS.zip [1877, 1904]. [1293, 1556, 1311, 1612, 1546, 1634, 1788, Amalgamation [886, 409]. Ambient 1583, 1576, 1320, 2535, 1367, 1392, 1473, [2713, 3048]. Ambients [2601]. Ambiguity 1789, 1504, 1268, 259, 1386, 1726, 1359, 1795, [235, 323, 1993, 1014]. ambiguous [237]. 2527, 3651, 2424, 3130, 2480, 3019, 2242, 779, among [561, 1042, 311, 421, 2767, 760, 41]. 956, 2275, 3336, 1913, 2305, 749, 2772, 3157, Amoroso [468]. Amortization [1478]. 3171, 3423, 2209, 2062, 545, 557, 789, 566, amplification [2563, 2014]. Amsterdam 2553, 2142, 2883, 2901, 2671, 2938, 1943, [1378]. Analog [1418, 3448]. Analysing 1063, 2080, 213, 2752, 2105, 605, 444, 3606, [2402]. Analysis [3119, 868, 1598, 1558, 442, 2423, 1213, 187, 2695, 2330, 3027, 944, 2378, 275, 1704, 1835, 1650, 1669, 2936, 1306, 485, 3505, 2371, 2805, 3620, 2703, 2723, 2160, 2916, 2657, 2343, 1040, 3104, 2894, 3651, 2086, 531, 3563, 1220, 2668, 3564, 2475, 3417, 3032, 2299, 3401, 3033, 2467, 1960, 76, 2623, 1184, 751, 2005, 1136, 2079, 3066, 3570, 3113, 2174, 2209, 3060, 3061, 2062, 3067, 2207, 3421, 2807, 823, 1511]. Algorithmic 3236, 902, 2856, 874, 2319, 444, 2330, 9, 1811, [3319, 3395, 1362, 122, 859, 1486, 1451, 3124, 569, 801, 3545, 2265, 106, 2316, 2871, 373, 2145, 2886]. Algorithms 2900, 2397, 2250, 1140, 835, 826, 2314, 3328, [1497, 1744, 1249, 1521, 1317, 1298, 1299, 2427, 2819, 2893, 2605, 2515, 2345, 3582]. 1751, 1560, 3643, 1598, 1644, 1600, 446, 2986, Analytic [2401, 3648]. analytical 48, 3434, 1290, 200, 809, 1368, 1393, 1446, [2828, 2207, 2622, 3025]. Analytics 1547, 1245, 1429, 2934, 1685, 1306, 2869, [3175, 3321, 3179]. analyze [2462]. 3169, 495, 1040, 1221, 2452, 385, 2462, 1947, anaphora [2920]. anarchy [1916]. 2560, 1949, 2168, 2418, 3409, 3311, 1898, ancestors [1178]. ancestral [1804]. 3478, 2491, 2020, 2394, 2496, 2132, 1879, Ancient [1299]. AND-OR-NOT [2984]. 2669, 1232, 1188, 2191, 2701, 2433, 2497, 950, and/or [2874, 3381]. annealing [2160]. 1192, 807, 2149, 1983, 2069, 792, 2563, 3380, annotated [2593]. annotation 2165, 849, 2228, 1926, 2044, 3393, 3205, 265, [2306, 2728, 2732]. annotations [1805]. 758, 276, 251, 2121, 1053, 3364, 827, 1164, Announcement [85, 135, 636, 784].
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