Of ,Be .I"" All Nopnbt Quill")

Of ,Be .I"" All Nopnbt Quill")

The Hospitals Commission fifth general report 1939, 1940 and 1941 Item Type Report Authors Hospitals Commission Publisher Stationery Office Download date 06/10/2021 13:50:08 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/253463 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse I" vie~' orlh~ .. "",.",...... htt quon,i.yo(",.""avoilable from ,Iou ""'" "'~iT"",,,,ot be ullnwrvt'dly ....."' .. ia' ,h,,/igu'" .....od ond .hOttid I", """fi,,,,,,,1 hy (""he,.-... .. 0 .... of'ho vi ••1 fact.,.. "ft'r<:1,ng~';<>'" in ",!!""i'o.It<! , ...""'''"". ",.,,",ion of ,be .i"" All nopnbt qUIll"),. ,It<! ....."', in .he "".. ....,11 ito .10.",., 10 "",.., boffi "nif.,.....,y s-i""'" ,.... ". ... .....u .... boffi in WIO • ..-i,h , .....x"p'ioo of .......,,' ...",,010 whieh. 01> , .... , .... i<ltn<>o<l """\aMino"'o,,. This imp"ri'y"" ......., ,,'" ,0 ba,.., bto>n I""'""" in I'''''';''''' "" ........" ..mplo •• ",,11 ,be P""lI>OIJnt ••''''''il .... otO inoli ....d 10 ....rib< i~ '0 oon"'minotion of ,It<! .n'ple bot,!., or to 01100' f.",,,,,, no! di,..."lj· OMOCio.,ed ... i,b ,h... ",., .....11 """I,ly. A.o ,h... m]>!. in ,,_ion,..,.. "'ktn during ,h. """",,' wa,m w... ,h., ,.. riO<l, 'h. ('<>tnmiMion ,.,,""clo," ,h., 'ho "",",ihlli'), "f """"'mi".Iio" of'ho "'0110"1'1'1)' to)' '10" 1","'0";118 "f,ho groulld wn'", heill' ,h. "T.i"i'~' OO,mol IJ<' nl'''II''lhCT Igno".]. I r, he .it,' i. '" be J>Onnall''''''.v f't'I.i""d, 'ho {\,m,"i.. irnt "",.. id.", ,h., ,h. i".li,,,ti,,,, .ho"I,1 """trnl'ho L,,,,I wi,hi"" ""Ii". "flwo 10 ,h..,.. h"",I",,1 y ..d. uf 'loo woll • .., .. 10 oli,",""h' .",(""" wM"r """"""i".,I"" .. f", M llO... iblo. Th" I.nd odjolning IW" .101 .. ~f 1100 fl.ldll1 wlll.l, 'loo ",.111. 1"... , ..,1 I,", 1'''.... ,,' hol,1 by .nu,".' a... no,. Ill. bOll"~"";'" .'" not. ,"fficiol1.I)' ,lI.In", [,,'''' 'hn .... 11 """If" "",I. thO<<;Ilt ~ .. rrlel101l)' "lI""' ....,,," ~~i$t.< 1"""',,(,11 hi", .,~I Ih,' &""" .. i"", "tt'horltl....... ~."lo "u.~"ri"g ~r ''''''ro< in .1'0 "i<inil)', ,hi, ,1_ nnl I'mviM .ito ...,,,";,y "'hid' .1", ('omm;"",,,,, ~... "Id ..".,id-t ....,ntl.l. 1'h<n' __ 10 [,. "n I",mod",. poooibilily or "",,,,..,'i'<;I .h~ ;,,,,,it".1oo "it!, .be '08. Lift'oy W ..., ~01'1,1~' s<h.",,", [f .uoh • '''pply """Id 110 a".icipo. •.,.1 ,..;,h ",n.i"'y,. "'""ut <I,.. b.ok to ,I .. pemtIOnt'n' n'I~"';"" or,1Io '",m<N,n' &i'. """,~l Ill> I',,"yid«l f<l,. S.i<obJ~l of $;J. J.. p"""""",,, 1kr&t>~I, .'rom ,It<! [tai"l of..., .. of os""", .<><1 ...,...;billty 'loo oi'~ ftlJlY "" ronDdo....t ..,i",bl•• ,,"l'1"' ....1oo 'a "" f~ from f""", ."d m..... It"' ",.hor 01""' ~O<I ..ind, .....,1" I»t, 11,", I",,".i,," """Id br im"",~«I by ,h. iudiciou'I''''''i''II of,,·i"" bel ... Th" "",";';00' of ,10" 1'''''0WIi ""... ""-'ago di,,,,,,,,1 'P'''''' ,,·illlli". oul"'l''''''' """""8" fAclliti". for .m· ",,'''''"'''''' rl"",,IOI'mon~ of .h. i""Ii,,,ti,,,, ,,·hloh mj~h' ...-nol~,· "" "''';'';110,«1: On .h. 0,1",1' land, tho """i'ion .. rf'glInl .....I<t 'OI'I,ly ",,"a' "" """.!d""", ..."'i,,,ly ...Ii,r •• t"r.,', And .ho (:o",m"""oll ,..o"hl r",,1 10'1'1'1., ifth" <oi •• """Id bo li,,~,,1 "I' ~'ilh 'ho !.iff,y,eh"",e. [r,iti. ~,'''' Ilono Ih" CO"""'''''on ,,"oulol h•• " no " ..ltAtlon In """,,",,,,,,,cling ,h. I""""'"'''' "ol'l'lol'n"'''', or Ih ...h .... foe "" "",",to't ,an.ld-ratlo.. "ro """.. mod. lot .,hlilio", ho~·" ••" '0 ,h_ """,i<lentllo,,o . ••""un' ,"".1 be ,a~.n of .10. p,,"~ilnit .• of .h. oi'. t<.t ,h. ~lIl1'a,)' AI,!""t .. Hnldon".. 1. "'hi'h 1.0 OI,!,r<>xi,no"ly 11 milN <Uo ... ". ;" ,Ill'<'<" 11,",. TI ... {'(,mm;.;oo j, not in" [".. Lt;.." to j"dfl'O 'he Ht<nt. to .,hfoh 110.1010""", "lA)' 1Jo.""'"tt· A ftlililATJ' obj<ctive in wo, 'im< .... tl'" ' ....... "h;,,], may br .......'.d ..-L.b ,I,. vt.lnit1 in ,I .., """""";on. A f .... h.. dltood,·... , .... ~",., ..-Llh u.. I"'>'i"'i'), ~f" 1, ..pi,.1 '0. ",mtA,), flil'· 1_ ill , .... noioo r"",,,,. UI' 1<' ,bo p ......, 'hilt .... no< .11""" ..1 1'"""",", btt,. ,..hen """"'",pIo'i,,, ,~ ,...........,.., ,.. "",Km of ,Ite oi"'. ,1>0 I_bility of luge ...... """""'1''''''"' of "i!ll" ")'1"/1 .•i,b ;to """""l""'" """"loo .. 0<' I_lion,.' ""''- ..... not "" ".orIo<>It .. 1. The eon",,""'" """Id """,,,,",,,,,,,. ,b«er...,. ,'''', ,1>0 ~tinil!l<1' """""It ,It<! Uq_""'"" of l)ef......, "" ,_ "I""''' of ,I>!' 1...... 0."" ";1 •• hoof"", 1'O,"'l1jI '0" fl ...1 001101"""", "" .f><. '1"""';00 of.f><. 11t""".. "1 ""~"Ii.. o of lit<! ';'0. " ",., ,loo Mi""tor motu.. gran' of tIt.OtlII tu lho n.'ho,it .... of I'".. mo"", &".,.,1"," .n ..... ltlo 'M ".... '.m .... lI@" (1101I(11III1 ph"" '0 \to i"""lIod In"n.. dlo'~lr· 2. Thn, ,I,. r ... mom" .il~ loo .,lop,,,d 101" ...·rm'mrnt "."0101''''''0'­ (~) If th. "",,,,. wl'ply ea" loo 1"" on B ",'i>fll.t'a<y LA. ..... • ~,"" ...i a,~1 qu.,:::.J" (~J lft .... l ....Iimi'y oft!.., llite 10 BaldOll"oi )t.I".ry Airport ean loo~ .. not in.ol~i"l! _ dAnger 10 ,10" i... li",,;un or \.Cl lb. nll-I"'1If! olill I'"'"'"'" 2' ;·1l13li. lio. ~l. Vlm(:I':~10UN1' FI~VER IIOSI'I"l·AI., (J[.Ol':~KEJ\OH, llum.IS". Th. "I'pli,.'io" "hiol, i. 'M ,."bjOCl; of lhill "'I"''''' w, .. ",r,m><! to ,he Hoopicolo (·0""..... 10" I" ,h. Jli,.;"I ..•• mmm"";,,,,io," of 'I,~ ((I"dll n. Foghmh.!>, I~ Tho ,,,,ni<ul,,,. ,ul'l>lltd in support of ,I" d.im i,,(\ioo., ..1 Ih.~ a gnm' r",.. .. l.loopi'.t. Tn.. , .'11"<1 ..~ clioim"'; I.)' ,11< DubUn Jlullirll'.. 1 ,\u,hori'ieo. to <1<&0, Ill> """ of. ""I ..no. of OI''''';'''' =d imp",vrmenlll" VUlI"mQ""1 F~v.T HoopitoI. (1onoko"gh. " .. V_~lIt .'..... H,.pi'ol if tbe I""pOI"\y of Ih~ l)Ubli" C~ I .......m"""'"tlO1l 10 110 hetb, of which 3~ \\"etO ....."Ily P"'~i<Iod by oddi"",,"" 'hr <IIisi.w f*~lIiona. 0.-;l1li III rootin""" r-'" It be<lam8 I->' in 1-~ """'.mp..... fun""," OIp&nOion <4 _m<>dotion. nnd it ...... tIoei<I«I "'"' tlIio ~Olll<\ tako Ih. form of 11010 ".~. f*,iUo,," providinK U bod .•• bringing lhe ,.to! \0 ",~ IIL,I •. 1'!," in_ in bod =p\emont i""ol\'oo th', I)n>v";~" of oddilion&l.OIA4 1I«,,,,n,,,,,,I.,,,,,, ',1<1 ot),,,, ;"'I"'NC",""". d""",,,1 ",......,.rl- '0 "".ore ,be rffi~ uf thQ .nl~rge<t hool,il<1. Tho oHimMrd _I of 'he '''''IIr~n'''' •• "bmltted "' "'""" 10 ",,~ou.n' 10 £~U,OO .•"I""'1uontly i,,=.,..d b)' £'.100 IQ o",'Or ,he .ddiHonoJ ~ ~r l""ld"'M 11'0 ,~ ." .I~vilion' in ~on.",\". Co""i,l.r~hl" P"'8n"'" hn, WU ,nod< '" 'loo ~.ll ..l!on "'.Ilto ,.mprovomo,,'. ""homo. The "p)lIIO"lioll for "~,,,n' rram IM' 11""1'".1, 1 "'., fUllo,. "", fON'ord undor ,I", follo~'i,,~ 'I, .... , ho.d,n!!':-- II1 f:'jI"ndi",,,, inourrNt. 12) ~:'th,,"'<,<1 on.t of )'TOP<'""<I .dili,io"" (~) r..,.-I alto"'tin""•• 10. le7 EoIi"",ltti Cool of l'ropootd AddilioN<,~ '11", program"'" undr, ,hi!! he.d.iJ:>~ ""'~1II 1110 folloll'i,,~ IU,,,,,, >- (G) Word IJlo<k (ooikli''il onl.,·) 1'IO~i,li"K. I .-ard of 12 beds. I nnl <.of g b<da. ~ • ....J.o of I bod ....h. (6) ('"bid. Hlo<k (b";~ling onl)') 1",,,·.. li"8' I~ oi"lll~ bed ,,-anIB.. I lWO-bod Wl!.nI. I ,h_bed .... rd. £.1."00 (,) "I""h." IJI""k with &«><ImmoclMloo fOTd";',f""liR/lI'I',,1 !7,""" (d) i>;,oI"f<'<'\;"8 1'1"", IUId ki,d.." o'l"il""o,,', i"el",li"R ..",1- Ird'OU (.) III""'i,,1 "'1";1"''''''. ''''oh""""n.• ""cl ''''rilt.;,'lC room, .rr.Q" If) ~:"I","" 11"1"', n.. ol,,·,.y •. 010_ l:l,r,(lO) (fI) (iRI. k><11I" £70.1 (h) Mort"R'Y 11""" (<It a>UJ (6). Wo<k On ,he ..........rd Md ""biolt! blo<ko hu ....,Md .n &d~"" ••ol "ur i" a«o,d.. """ ... i,h piano appro'""" bl" <hoe Miniol<r. The ""Ud,ngo ore of poOm!anetI' """,,",u, ""nI'mOlion 0Dd.~ ~"ll ~ by di=, labour. The {'o",m_ ondft-.. o\.Ondo .bo. 'hio • .'.,.. of «>OIlm"';oo ...... odopt<d, .. , ........ i"""«I -. .1>0 ..«1 ...,Iy • ooml,"",'in/y olitIh' iD=-eo """" .bot for buildingoo of • "mi,ptrmanrn' ty,... If, .. it &n'icil,"'«I. ,110 0"&Id ODd eubid. bIoeko 0"" romplot<d -.-i,run ,he _imol< ~, ,110 _, .·ilI """'I'"~ ...ry r ..""",bly .'l,h ,bo, 01 "' .... """pi'ot build."p .-hioh loo,' • • ,,,.... " ..10, U,. 1.."0"'...-00" ",","", 1/"", «). A ..... ki\.cllen hl""k io cloa"it<oly .-..t, .. 'ho ...... 'i''!I kil<I .." f&clli • .,. 'm i.&d"Q".10 fo, .,"" ,I,. ",... ,~(Ot\1led hoop'lol. The l'",nm"-ion ",~Ioto",ndo ,h., ,hi, lIom .. ""do, di.."",,"m, ....ith n vie.. , '0 inel"din~ ..It 10 'ho Prol....-J ki'~ho" a prov",'o" f(>l" ,,311 BOOOm"""\&lion. The ilK""'" lP"n f.". .1 .....l",MO,1 _, fur .hl. i'~n' nnd fo, Iwn, (dl ",,,,t, Ih.""fo..,. n~... it oQ"Hrn,.';<.o" 10, ,10. light of I..-iLIo ..,.i,lo"•• I,.", (e). '1"10;' lU,m OOV~l"I nOOf];...t "'I"i~.... " "",I otmli"" .. fOf 'ho ,~,O) ""... blook.o, .M 11", .... im ... of UOO .Pl...... '0 110 fftOO()II4blo. I"... cn, Ill) ~.J {kl. AIr lhe Min.irler ,t-' "'" 'pJlN-I" 10 bo ... ).." ."",."...1 ,_ il<IlUI in principio, tI", C'''",m'-ioo 1""P'*" ~ dr,f..

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