The Hospitals Commission fifth general report 1939, 1940 and 1941 Item Type Report Authors Hospitals Commission Publisher Stationery Office Download date 06/10/2021 13:50:08 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/253463 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse I" vie~' orlh~ .. "",.",...... htt quon,i.yo(",.""avoilable from ,Iou ""'" "'~iT"",,,,ot be ullnwrvt'dly ....."' .. ia' ,h,,/igu'" .....od ond .hOttid I", """fi,,,,,,,1 hy (""he,.-... .. 0 .... of'ho vi ••1 fact.,.. "ft'r<:1,ng~';<>'" in ",!!""i'o.It<! , ...""'''"". ",.,,",ion of ,be .i"" All nopnbt qUIll"),. ,It<! ....."', in .he "".. ....,11 ito .10.",., 10 "",.., boffi "nif.,.....,y s-i""'" ,.... ". ... .....u .... boffi in WIO • ..-i,h , .....x"p'ioo of .......,,' ...",,010 whieh. 01> , .... , .... i<ltn<>o<l """\aMino"'o,,. This imp"ri'y"" ......., ,,'" ,0 ba,.., bto>n I""'""" in I'''''';''''' "" ........" ..mplo •• ",,11 ,be P""lI>OIJnt ••''''''il .... otO inoli ....d 10 ....rib< i~ '0 oon"'minotion of ,It<! .n'ple bot,!., or to 01100' f.",,,,,, no! di,..."lj· OMOCio.,ed ... i,b ,h... ",., .....11 """I,ly. A.o ,h... m]>!. in ,,_ion,..,.. "'ktn during ,h. """",,' wa,m w... ,h., ,.. riO<l, 'h. ('<>tnmiMion ,.,,""clo," ,h., 'ho "",",ihlli'), "f """"'mi".Iio" of'ho "'0110"1'1'1)' to)' '10" 1","'0";118 "f,ho groulld wn'", heill' ,h. "T.i"i'~' OO,mol IJ<' nl'''II''lhCT Igno".]. I r, he .it,' i. '" be J>Onnall''''''.v f't'I.i""d, 'ho {\,m,"i.. irnt "",.. id.", ,h., ,h. i".li,,,ti,,,, .ho"I,1 """trnl'ho L,,,,I wi,hi"" ""Ii". "flwo 10 ,h..,.. h"",I",,1 y ..d. uf 'loo woll • .., .. 10 oli,",""h' .",(""" wM"r """"""i".,I"" .. f", M llO... iblo. Th" I.nd odjolning IW" .101 .. ~f 1100 fl.ldll1 wlll.l, 'loo ",.111. 1"... , ..,1 I,", 1'''.... ,,' hol,1 by .nu,".' a... no,. Ill. bOll"~"";'" .'" not. ,"fficiol1.I)' ,lI.In", [,,'''' 'hn .... 11 """If" "",I. thO<<;Ilt ~ .. rrlel101l)' "lI""' ....,,," ~~i$t.< 1"""',,(,11 hi", .,~I Ih,' &""" .. i"", "tt'horltl....... ~."lo "u.~"ri"g ~r ''''''ro< in .1'0 "i<inil)', ,hi, ,1_ nnl I'mviM .ito ...,,,";,y "'hid' .1", ('omm;"",,,,, ~... "Id ..".,id-t ....,ntl.l. 1'h<n' __ 10 [,. "n I",mod",. poooibilily or "",,,,..,'i'<;I .h~ ;,,,,,it".1oo "it!, .be '08. Lift'oy W ..., ~01'1,1~' s<h.",,", [f .uoh • '''pply """Id 110 a".icipo. •.,.1 ,..;,h ",n.i"'y,. "'""ut <I,.. b.ok to ,I .. pemtIOnt'n' n'I~"';"" or,1Io '",m<N,n' &i'. """,~l Ill> I',,"yid«l f<l,. S.i<obJ~l of $;J. J.. p"""""",,, 1kr&t>~I, .'rom ,It<! [tai"l of..., .. of os""", .<><1 ...,...;billty 'loo oi'~ ftlJlY "" ronDdo....t ..,i",bl•• ,,"l'1"' ....1oo 'a "" f~ from f""", ."d m..... It"' ",.hor 01""' ~O<I ..ind, .....,1" I»t, 11,", I",,".i,," """Id br im"",~«I by ,h. iudiciou'I''''''i''II of,,·i"" bel ... Th" "",";';00' of ,10" 1'''''0WIi ""... ""-'ago di,,,,,,,,1 'P'''''' ,,·illlli". oul"'l''''''' """""8" fAclliti". for .m· ",,'''''"'''''' rl"",,IOI'mon~ of .h. i""Ii,,,ti,,,, ,,·hloh mj~h' ...-nol~,· "" "''';'';110,«1: On .h. 0,1",1' land, tho """i'ion .. rf'glInl .....I<t 'OI'I,ly ",,"a' "" """.!d""", ..."'i,,,ly ...Ii,r •• t"r.,', And .ho (:o",m"""oll ,..o"hl r",,1 10'1'1'1., ifth" <oi •• """Id bo li,,~,,1 "I' ~'ilh 'ho !.iff,y,eh"",e. [r,iti. ~,'''' Ilono Ih" CO"""'''''on ,,"oulol h•• " no " ..ltAtlon In """,,",,,,,,,cling ,h. I""""'"'''' "ol'l'lol'n"'''', or Ih ...h .... foe "" "",",to't ,an.ld-ratlo.. "ro """.. mod. lot .,hlilio", ho~·" ••" '0 ,h_ """,i<lentllo,,o . ••""un' ,"".1 be ,a~.n of .10. p,,"~ilnit .• of .h. oi'. t<.t ,h. ~lIl1'a,)' AI,!""t .. Hnldon".. 1. "'hi'h 1.0 OI,!,r<>xi,no"ly 11 milN <Uo ... ". ;" ,Ill'<'<" 11,",. TI ... {'(,mm;.;oo j, not in" [".. Lt;.." to j"dfl'O 'he Ht<nt. to .,hfoh 110.1010""", "lA)' 1Jo.""'"tt· A ftlililATJ' obj<ctive in wo, 'im< .... tl'" ' ....... "h;,,], may br .......'.d ..-L.b ,I,. vt.lnit1 in ,I .., """""";on. A f .... h.. dltood,·... , .... ~",., ..-Llh u.. I"'>'i"'i'), ~f" 1, ..pi,.1 '0. ",mtA,), flil'· 1_ ill , .... noioo r"",,,,. UI' 1<' ,bo p ......, 'hilt .... no< .11""" ..1 1'"""",", btt,. ,..hen """"'",pIo'i,,, ,~ ,...........,.., ,.. "",Km of ,Ite oi"'. ,1>0 I_bility of luge ...... """""'1''''''"' of "i!ll" ")'1"/1 .•i,b ;to """""l""'" """"loo .. 0<' I_lion,.' ""''- ..... not "" ".orIo<>It .. 1. The eon",,""'" """Id """,,,,",,,,,,,. ,b«er...,. ,'''', ,1>0 ~tinil!l<1' """""It ,It<! Uq_""'"" of l)ef......, "" ,_ "I""''' of ,I>!' 1...... 0."" ";1 •• hoof"", 1'O,"'l1jI '0" fl ...1 001101"""", "" .f><. '1"""';00 of.f><. 11t""".. "1 ""~"Ii.. o of lit<! ';'0. " ",., ,loo Mi""tor motu.. gran' of tIt.OtlII tu lho n.'ho,it .... of I'".. mo"", &".,.,1"," .n ..... ltlo 'M ".... '.m .... lI@" (1101I(11III1 ph"" '0 \to i"""lIod In"n.. dlo'~lr· 2. Thn, ,I,. r ... mom" .il~ loo .,lop,,,d 101" ...·rm'mrnt "."0101''''''0'­ (~) If th. "",,,,. wl'ply ea" loo 1"" on B ",'i>fll.t'a<y LA. ..... • ~,"" ...i a,~1 qu.,:::.J" (~J lft .... l ....Iimi'y oft!.., llite 10 BaldOll"oi )t.I".ry Airport ean loo~ .. not in.ol~i"l! _ dAnger 10 ,10" i... li",,;un or \.Cl lb. nll-I"'1If! olill I'"'"'"'" 2' ;·1l13li. lio. ~l. Vlm(:I':~10UN1' FI~VER IIOSI'I"l·AI., (J[.Ol':~KEJ\OH, llum.IS". Th. "I'pli,.'io" "hiol, i. 'M ,."bjOCl; of lhill "'I"''''' w, .. ",r,m><! to ,he Hoopicolo (·0""..... 10" I" ,h. Jli,.;"I ..•• mmm"";,,,,io," of 'I,~ ((I"dll n. Foghmh.!>, I~ Tho ,,,,ni<ul,,,. ,ul'l>lltd in support of ,I" d.im i,,(\ioo., ..1 Ih.~ a gnm' r",.. .. l.loopi'.t. Tn.. , .'11"<1 ..~ clioim"'; I.)' ,11< DubUn Jlullirll'.. 1 ,\u,hori'ieo. to <1<&0, Ill> """ of. ""I ..no. of OI''''';'''' =d imp",vrmenlll" VUlI"mQ""1 F~v.T HoopitoI. (1onoko"gh. " .. V_~lIt .'..... H,.pi'ol if tbe I""pOI"\y of Ih~ l)Ubli" C~ I .......m"""'"tlO1l 10 110 hetb, of which 3~ \\"etO ....."Ily P"'~i<Iod by oddi"",,"" 'hr <IIisi.w f*~lIiona. 0.-;l1li III rootin""" r-'" It be<lam8 I->' in 1-~ """'.mp..... fun""," OIp&nOion <4 _m<>dotion. nnd it ...... tIoei<I«I "'"' tlIio ~Olll<\ tako Ih. form of 11010 ".~. f*,iUo,," providinK U bod .•• bringing lhe ,.to! \0 ",~ IIL,I •. 1'!," in_ in bod =p\emont i""ol\'oo th', I)n>v";~" of oddilion&l.OIA4 1I«,,,,n,,,,,,I.,,,,,, ',1<1 ot),,,, ;"'I"'NC",""". d""",,,1 ",......,.rl- '0 "".ore ,be rffi~ uf thQ .nl~rge<t hool,il<1. Tho oHimMrd _I of 'he '''''IIr~n'''' •• "bmltted "' "'""" 10 ",,~ou.n' 10 £~U,OO .•"I""'1uontly i,,=.,..d b)' £'.100 IQ o",'Or ,he .ddiHonoJ ~ ~r l""ld"'M 11'0 ,~ ." .I~vilion' in ~on.",\". Co""i,l.r~hl" P"'8n"'" hn, WU ,nod< '" 'loo ~.ll ..l!on "'.Ilto ,.mprovomo,,'. ""homo. The "p)lIIO"lioll for "~,,,n' rram IM' 11""1'".1, 1 "'., fUllo,. "", fON'ord undor ,I", follo~'i,,~ 'I, .... , ho.d,n!!':-- II1 f:'jI"ndi",,,, inourrNt. 12) ~:'th,,"'<,<1 on.t of )'TOP<'""<I .dili,io"" (~) r..,.-I alto"'tin""•• 10. le7 EoIi"",ltti Cool of l'ropootd AddilioN<,~ '11", program"'" undr, ,hi!! he.d.iJ:>~ ""'~1II 1110 folloll'i,,~ IU,,,,,, >- (G) Word IJlo<k (ooikli''il onl.,·) 1'IO~i,li"K. I .-ard of 12 beds. I nnl <.of g b<da. ~ • ....J.o of I bod ....h. (6) ('"bid. Hlo<k (b";~ling onl)') 1",,,·.. li"8' I~ oi"lll~ bed ,,-anIB.. I lWO-bod Wl!.nI. I ,h_bed .... rd. £.1."00 (,) "I""h." IJI""k with &«><ImmoclMloo fOTd";',f""liR/lI'I',,1 !7,""" (d) i>;,oI"f<'<'\;"8 1'1"", IUId ki,d.." o'l"il""o,,', i"el",li"R ..",1- Ird'OU (.) III""'i,,1 "'1";1"''''''. ''''oh""""n.• ""cl ''''rilt.;,'lC room, .rr.Q" If) ~:"I","" 11"1"', n.. ol,,·,.y •. 010_ l:l,r,(lO) (fI) (iRI. k><11I" £70.1 (h) Mort"R'Y 11""" (<It a>UJ (6). Wo<k On ,he ..........rd Md ""biolt! blo<ko hu ....,Md .n &d~"" ••ol "ur i" a«o,d.. """ ... i,h piano appro'""" bl" <hoe Miniol<r. The ""Ud,ngo ore of poOm!anetI' """,,",u, ""nI'mOlion 0Dd.~ ~"ll ~ by di=, labour. The {'o",m_ ondft-.. o\.Ondo .bo. 'hio • .'.,.. of «>OIlm"';oo ...... odopt<d, .. , ........ i"""«I -. .1>0 ..«1 ...,Iy • ooml,"",'in/y olitIh' iD=-eo """" .bot for buildingoo of • "mi,ptrmanrn' ty,... If, .. it &n'icil,"'«I. ,110 0"&Id ODd eubid. bIoeko 0"" romplot<d -.-i,run ,he _imol< ~, ,110 _, .·ilI """'I'"~ ...ry r ..""",bly .'l,h ,bo, 01 "' .... """pi'ot build."p .-hioh loo,' • • ,,,.... " ..10, U,. 1.."0"'...-00" ",","", 1/"", «). A ..... ki\.cllen hl""k io cloa"it<oly .-..t, .. 'ho ...... 'i''!I kil<I .." f&clli • .,. 'm i.&d"Q".10 fo, .,"" ,I,. ",... ,~(Ot\1led hoop'lol. The l'",nm"-ion ",~Ioto",ndo ,h., ,hi, lIom .. ""do, di.."",,"m, ....ith n vie.. , '0 inel"din~ ..It 10 'ho Prol....-J ki'~ho" a prov",'o" f(>l" ,,311 BOOOm"""\&lion. The ilK""'" lP"n f.". .1 .....l",MO,1 _, fur .hl. i'~n' nnd fo, Iwn, (dl ",,,,t, Ih.""fo..,. n~... it oQ"Hrn,.';<.o" 10, ,10. light of I..-iLIo ..,.i,lo"•• I,.", (e). '1"10;' lU,m OOV~l"I nOOf];...t "'I"i~.... " "",I otmli"" .. fOf 'ho ,~,O) ""... blook.o, .M 11", .... im ... of UOO .Pl...... '0 110 fftOO()II4blo. I"... cn, Ill) ~.J {kl. AIr lhe Min.irler ,t-' "'" 'pJlN-I" 10 bo ... ).." ."",."...1 ,_ il<IlUI in principio, tI", C'''",m'-ioo 1""P'*" ~ dr,f..
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