Owslebury Burials 1813 to 1961 THE PARISH REGISTER OF OWSLEBURY HAMPSHIRE 1813 to 1961 OWSLEBURY BURIALS 1813 TO 1961 Transcribed from microfiche November 2009 Spell checked 3 February 2010 Data examined and input onto a computer data base by B M Sullivan ACMA Telephone 01425 655827 Data only checked by Author Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document by checking against the original documents held by Hampshire Archives and Local Studies, Hampshire Record Office at Winchester the Author cannot be held responsible for any errors. If you wish to use the information provided you should always check back to the original documents held on microfiche at Hampshire Record Office, Winchester. The Author would be pleased if you could notify him of any errors in this document. Acknowledgement:- HAMPSHIRE ARCHIVES AND LOCAL STUDIES, HAMPSHIRE RECORD OFFICE, Winchester, SO23 8TH. Page 1 of 27 Owslebury Burials 1813 to 1961 Book Num Page Date Surname Christian Name Age Abode Remarks Vicar No ber 1 1 1 22.02.1813 Hoare Rachael 32 Beybridge Lisc(ombe) Clarke Curate J C Zillwood Off(iciating) 1 1 2 00.03.1813 Wise Stephen 36 Owslebury Min(ister J C Zillwood Off(iciating) 1 1 3 05.04.1813 Speary Mary 32 Owslebury Min(ister C Richards Jun(io)r 1 1 4 14.04.1813 Stanbrook Susanna 41 Cheriton Owslebury Off(iciating) Min(ister) Geo(rge) Richards 1 1 5 16.07.1813 Williams Elizabeth 47 Owslebury Off(iciating) Min(iste)r Lisc(ombe) Clarke 1 1 6 06.08.1813 Selwood Betty 62 Owslebury Offic(iating) Minister 1 1 7 10.09.1813 Swash Margaret 66 Owslebury J C Zillwood Curate J C Zillwood Off(iciating) 1 1 8 11.11.1813 Heathcote John 41 Enston Min(ister) 1 2 9 14.11.1813 Burgess Mary 88 Owslebury J C Zillwood 1 2 10 26.11.1813 May John 88 Enston J C Zillwood 1 2 11 05.12.1813 May John 61 Owslebury J C Zillwood 1 2 12 15.12.1813 Twynam Tho(ma)s 77 Owslebury J C Zillwood Char(rle)s Richards 1 2 13 06.01.1814 Parker Peter 34 Owslebury Jun(ior) 1 2 14 11.02.1814 Swash Mary 38 Owslebury J C Zillwood 1 2 15 25.04.1814 Guy Joseph 23 Owslebury J C Zillwood 1 2 16 01.05.1814 Hooker Mary 73 Owslebury J C Zillwood 1 3 17 03.07.1814 Glasspoole Lucy 25 Owslebury D Cockerton Curate 1 3 18A 03.11.1814 May Anne 87 Owslebury D Cockerton Curate Copy sent to the Registrar of the Diocese on June 9 1815 1 3 18B 31.12.1814 J Hodges Vicar 1 3 19 08.05.1815 Farmer George infant Owslebury D Cockerton Curate James Hodges Vicar of 1 3 20 11.05.1815 Anglas Amos 13 Owslebury Twyford cum Owslebury Hurst Common in the parish of James Hodges Vicar of 1 3 21 07.06.1815 Harding Dinah 58 Owslebury Twyford cum Owslebury Longwood Warren in the parish of James Hodges Vicar of 1 3 22 20.09.1815 Stanbrook Martha 75 Cheriton Twyford cum Owslebury The deceased was a Carpenter & engaged in work at Marwell House & Upper Marwell in died suddenly there: & was the parish of buried by the Coroner's James Hodges Vicar of 1 3 23 27.11.1815 Steel George 57 Owslebury Warrant Twyford cum Owslebury Copy given to the Church warden of the parish of Owslebury on February 11 1816 to be sent by him to the Registrar of the Diocese of Winton - James Hodges 1 3 24 31.12.1815 Owslebury Vicar Pile Hill in the parish of Bishop 1 4 25 19.02.1816 Barnard William 68 Stoke James Hodges Vicar Baybridge in the 1 4 26 17.03.1816 Burnett William 14 months parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Rev(eren)d F Swanton 1 4 27 22.09.1816 Peace Honor 67 Whiteflood Offic(iatin)g Minister John Haygarth Rector of 1 4 28 25.09.1816 Batchelor William 10 months Owslebury Upham Hurst Common E J Urquhart Off(iciat)ing 1 4 29 29.09.1816 Dick John 52 Owslebury Minister Braybridge in the Frederic Inamongen 1 4 30 14.11.1816 Hoar Mary 79 parish of Owslebury Off(iciatin)g Minister Marwell in the 1 4 31 09.12.1816 Stroud Lydia 35 parish Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Marwell in the 1 4 32 16.12.1816 Stroud Mary Hawkins infant parish Owslebury James Hodges Vicar 1 5 33 16.12.1816 Glasspole Anne 69 Owslebury Alice crossed out James Hodges Vicar Copy delivered to the Church warden of the parish of Owslebury Co(unty) of Southampton on January 12 1817 to be signed and sent by him to the Registrar of the Diocese - James 1 5 34 31.12.1816 Owslebury Hodges Vicar 1 5 35 31.12.1816 Owslebury Blank Colden Common in the parish of 1 5 36 12.05.1817 Carpenter Mary 62 Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Marwell Lodge in the parish of 1 5 37 15.05.1817 Croft Thomas 71 Owslebury James Hodges Vicar 1 5 38 03.06.1817 Young James 33 Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Baybridge in the 1 5 39 05.10.1817 Woodward Sarah infant parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Henston in the 1 5 40 06.11.1817 Boyes John 12 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar 1 6 41 17.11.1817 Burgess Charles 77 Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Copy delivered to the Church warden of the parish of Owslebury Co(unty) of Southampton on January 25 1818 to be witnessed and sent by him to the Registrar of the Diocese - James 1 6 42 31.12.1817 Owslebury Hodges Vicar 1 6 43 11.03.1818 Carpenter Elizabeth 31 Saint Cross James Hodges Vicar 1 6 44 05.04.1818 Light John infant Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Crowd Hill in the 1 6 45 09.12.1818 Wild Anne 21 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Page 2 of 27 Owslebury Burials 1813 to 1961 Book Num Page Date Surname Christian Name Age Abode Remarks Vicar No ber Copy delivered to the Church warden of the parish of Owslebury Co(unty) of Southampton on January 12 1819 to be sent by him, after his attestation of my signature, to the Registrar of the Diocese - James 1 6 46 31.12.1818 Owslebury Hodges Vicar Upham - and formerly a resident in Henston in the 1 6 47 16.04.1819 Carter James 82 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar 1 6 48 11.06.1819 Elkins Thomas infant Owslebury James Hodges Vicar 1 7 49 17.06.1819 New George 44 Southampton James Hodges Vicar Baybridge in the 1 7 50 15.08.1819 Knowles Samuel 94 Parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Stroud Wood in the parish of Bishop 1 7 51 15.12.1819 Sillwood John 72 Stoke James Hodges Vicar Copy delivered to the Church wardens of the parish of Owslebury Co(unty) of Southampton on January 12 1819 to be sent by them to the Registrar of the Diocese - James 1 7 52 31.12.1819 Owslebury Hodges Vicar 1 7 53 12.02.1820 Glasspool Lucy 6 Owslebury Bottom James Hodges Vicar Henston if the 1 7 54 21.06.1820 Wrestbridge John 78 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar 1 7 55 22.07.1820 Bunney James 70 Owslebury Bottom James Hodges Vicar Colden Common if the parish of 1 7 56 20.08.1820 Sharpe Elizabeth 14 Owslebury James Hodges Vicar This person died in the County Hospital and was Colden Common in brought for internment from the parish of thence to this parish where 1 8 57A 08.09.1820 Heathcote Henry 70 Owslebury his wife & family were buried James Hodges Vicar Copy delivered to the Church wardens of Owslebury in the County of Southampton & to be sent by them to the Registrar of the Diocese - James 1 8 57B 31.12.1820 Hodges Vicar David Cockerton 1 8 58 04.01.1821 Knight Elizabeth about 88 Owslebury Offic(iatin)g Min(iste)r Baybridge in the Harry Lee Off(iciating) 1 8 59 27.03.1821 Knight John 84 parish of Owslebury Minister Baybridge in the Harry Lee Off(iciating) 1 8 60 18.04.1821 Hoare William 86 parish of Owslebury Minister College Street in 1 8 61 20.05.1821 Bucknell Joseph 71 Winchester James Hodges Vicar St Mary's Parish in 1 8 62 20.06.1821 Bartlett Elizabeth 21 Southampton James Hodges Vicar Croud Hill in the parish of Harry Lee Off(iciating) 1 8 63 09.12.1821 Troynam Mary 79 Bishopstoke Minister Croud Hill in the Harry Lee Off(iciating) 1 8 64A 09.12.1821 Wyndust William 20 parish of Owslebury Minister Copy given to the Church wardens of Owslebury in the County of Southampton and to be sent by them to the Registrar of the Diocese - 1 8 64B 31.12.1821 James Hodges Vicar This man dropped down dead in Owslebury Street an inquest was taken by the Coroner who issued his warrant for the internment of 1 9 65 12.03.1822 Hayward John 73 Owslebury the corpse James Hodges Vicar Colden Common in the parish if 1 9 66 13.03.1822 Budden Edward 23 Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Baybridge in the 1 9 67 26.04.1822 Bufton Mary 70 parish if Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Baybridge in the 1 9 68 17.07.1822 Carpenter Charlotte 30 parish if Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Longwood Warren in the parish of Hugh Price Rector if 1 9 69 31.07.1822 Stanbrook Moses 89 Tichborne Newton Tony Wilts(hire) 1 9 70 13.10.1822 Earwaker Nicholas 26 Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Henston in the 1 9 71 16.10.1822 Blundell Faith 11 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Wansted in the 1 9 72A 03.11.1822 Prince Elizabeth 22 County of Essex James Hodges Vicar Copy given to the Church wardens of Owslebury to be sent by them to the Registrar of the Diocese - 1 9 72B 31.12.1822 J(ames) Hodges Vicar 1 10 73 01.01.1823 Farmer John 5 days Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Baybridge in the 1 10 74 28.01.1823 Knowles Mary 87 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Page 3 of 27 Owslebury Burials 1813 to 1961 Book Num Page Date Surname Christian Name Age Abode Remarks Vicar No ber Lodge Farm in the 1 10 75 19.02.1822 Harding Levi 5 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Henston in the 1 10 76 27.02.1823 Carter S 41 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar No Man's Land in the parish if 1 10 77 02.04.1823 Guy William 8 months Morested James Hodges Vicar Henston in the 1 10 78 07.05.1823 Blundell Caleb 18 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Longstock in the County of 1 10 79 20.09.1823 Cordery Henrietta 30 Southampton James Hodges Vicar Crowd Hill in the 1 10 80A 21.10.1823 Parker Thomas 6 months parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar Copy made out to this date and delivered to the Registrar at Winton on Jan(uary) 14 1824 - J(ames) 1 10 80B 31.12.1823 Hodges Vicar 1 11 81 01.02.1824 Elkins Mary 45 Owslebury Bottom James Hodges Vicar Rev(eren)d Geo(rge) Coxe Rector if St Michael 1 11 82 07.03.1824 Glasspole John 87 Owslebury Winton in the parish of 1 11 83 15.07.1824 Boyse Phoebe 78 Durley James Hodges Vicar Baybridge in the 1 11 84 16.08.1824 Pearce Elizabeth 18 parish of Owslebury James Hodges Vicar 1 11 85 02.09.1824 Barnes Mary 73 Owslebury James Hodges Vicar This person was found, on Sept(embe)r 12 1824 hanging on an apple tree in the Poor House Garden and was quite dead.
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