HAL ES L SO FREE ISSUE GG T U H E “Keeping D R R T O O F N the Community G informed” N A W PARISH MAGAZINE EDITOR: SUE TAYLOR VOLUMEVOLUME 14 14 NO. NO. 5 5 FEBRUARYFEBRUARY 2019 2019 STEAM RALLY RAISES £40,000 FOR CHARITIES At the 'thank-you' party for the 44th Grand Henham Steam area covered by the Messenger. Although a dedicated group of Rally volunteers, local charities received generous donations local volunteers give up their weekend to work in the Village totalling £40,000. The proceeds of the Rally are divided Pantry and man between Wangford Community Council, the Southwold (Sole the Hot Dog stall Bay) Lions Club and the Parochial Church Councils of at the rally itself, Sotherton, Uggeshall and Wangford-cum-Henham. work is required Representatives from these organisations were amongst the throughout the original volunteers who made the rally possible, and through year. Volunteers their continued hard work, have made it one of the most are needed to con- popular events in the local area. tribute new ideas, to be creative, to One of the beneficiaries, Wangford and District Community modernise the way Council, was formed in 1970 to raise funds to build Wangford things are done Community Centre, which remains one of the best appointed and to help the Malcolm Woolnough represented Wangford village halls locally, and is widely used by the community. In rally continue to be and District Community Council. order to keep the Centre in good condition, the Community enjoyed by a new Council continues to raise funds for its upkeep. For the past 44 generation of visitors. By becoming a volunteer, you will be years, the majority of these funds have come from the proceeds helping to ensure the future of the rally and the provision of of the Steam Rally. much-needed funds for the upkeep of the Community Centre However, the rally and the three churches. is now desperately short of volun- For 2019 and beyond, enthusiastic and hardworking people are teers, particularly needed for the following roles: from Wangford Minute Secretary: to take and email minutes and prepare and the surround- agendas for approximately ten meetings per year. ing villages. Only Programme Advertising person: to find prospective advertisers one third of the for the souvenir programme. team who organise Sponsorship person: to help increase income by seeking out the event come Gerard Walker, Sotherton, accepts the cheque and liaising with interested companies. from within the on behalf of the three churches. Working Crafts person: to develop the outside Rural Crafts The 45th Grand area by sourcing local crafts-people to demonstrate their skills. Henham Steam Rally is on If you would like to be involved or need more information, 21st & 22nd Sept 2019 please contact: 10am to 6pm Helen on 07557 784927 or email: [email protected] Graham 01502 578692 or email: [email protected] at Henham Park THE MONTHLY PARISH NEWSPAPER FOR WANGFORD, UGGESHALL, HENHAM & SOTHERTON 1 THE MONTHLY PARISH NEWSPAPER FOR WANGFORD, UGGESHALL, HENHAM & SOTHERTON PARISH MA GAZINE Community First Thursday CommunityCommunity WHAT’S ON IN FEBRUARY FirstFirst Thursday Thursday Centre Flags WHAT’SWHAT’S ONON ININ FEBRUARYFEBRUARY Knitting Group CentreCentre FlagsFlags KnittingKnitting GroupGroup Wangford Parent and Toddler Group Sadly our first meeting of WangfordWangford ParentParent andand ToddlerToddler GroupGroup SadlySadly ourour firstfirst meetingmeeting ofof Mondays from 9.30 - 11.30am Community Centre the year was poorly MondaysMondays fromfrom 9.309.30 - - 11.30am11.30am CommunityCommunity CentreCentre thethethethe yearyearyearyear waswaswaswas poorlypoorlypoorlypoorly attended due to coughs attendedattendedattendedattended duedueduedue totototo coughscoughscoughscoughs Wangford Art Group and colds and similar. We Ray Lurkins has retired WangfordWangford ArtArt GroupGroup andandandand colds coldscoldscolds and andandand similar. similar.similar.similar. We WeWeWe RayRay LurkinsLurkins hashas retiredretired Thursdays from 9.30 am Community Centre meet again on Thursday, from volunteer flag- Thursdays from 9.30 am Community Centre meetmeetth againagain onon Thursday,Thursday, fromfromfromfrom volunteervolunteervolunteervolunteer flag-flag-flag-flag- ThursdaysThursdays fromfrom 9.309.30 amam CommunityCommunity CentreCentre 7th February at 2.30 in the raising duty at Wangford 77thththth FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruary atatatat 2.302.302.302.30 inininin thethethethe raisingraisingraisingraising dutydutydutyduty atatatat WangfordWangfordWangfordWangford Knitting Group Community Centre. Community Centre. Knitting Group CommunityCommunity Centre.Centre. CommunityCommunity Centre.Centre. KnittingKnitting GroupGroup Thank you, Ray, for Thursday 7th February 2.30 pm Community Centre ThankThank you,you, Ray,Ray, forfor ThursdayThursday 7th7th FebruaryFebruary 2.302.30 pmpm CommunityCommunity CentreCentre We shall be discussing quietly getting on with WeWe shallshall bebe discussingdiscussing quietlyquietly gettinggetting onon withwith Suffolk Wildlife Trust future projects and the job in such a Suffolk Wildlife Trust futurefuturefuturefuture projectsprojectsprojectsprojects andandandand thethethethe jobjobjobjob inininin suchsuchsuchsuch aaaa SuffolkSuffolk WildlifeWildlife TrustTrust exchanging ideas for professional manner. exchangingexchangingexchangingexchanging ideasideasideasideas forforforfor professionalprofessional manner.manner. Thursday 7th February 7.30pm Southwold Arts Centre future meetings. All are ThursdayThursday 7th7th FebruaryFebruary 7.30pm7.30pm SouthwoldSouthwold ArtsArts CentreCentre futurefuturefuturefuture meetings.meetings.meetings.meetings. AllAllAllAll areareareare If you are interested in welcome, do come and IfIfIftakingIf youyouyouyou onareareareare this interestedinterestedinterestedinterested role, please inininin Book Club welcome,welcome,join us. dodo comecome andand takingtakingtakingtaking onononon thisthisthisthis role,role,role,role, pleasepleasepleaseplease BookBook ClubClub joinjoinjoinjoin us. us.us.us. contact: Thursday 7th February 8.00 pm Community Centre contact:contact:contact:contact: ThursdayThursday 7th7th FebruaryFebruary 8.008.00 pmpm CommunityCommunity CentreCentre Malcolm Woolnough on Valerie Beckett 578987 MalcolmMalcolm WoolnoughWoolnough onon The Arts Society Southwold Valerie Beckett 578987 01502 578701. The Arts Society Southwold ValerieValerie BeckettBeckett 578987578987 0150201502 578701.578701. TuesdayTheThe 12th ArtsArts February SocietySociety 2.00pm SouthwoldSouthwold St. Edmunds Hall TuesdayTuesday 12th12th FebruaryFebruary 2.00pm2.00pm St.St. EdmundsEdmunds HallHall Singing Group SingingSinging GroupGroup Wangford Church Wednesday 13th FebruarySingingSinging 10.30 GroupGroup am Community Centre Christmas Charity WangfordWangford ChurchChurch WednesdayWednesday 13th13th FebruaryFebruary 10.3010.30 amam CommunityCommunity CentreCentre ChristmasChristmasChristmas CharityCharityCharity Coffee Morning Collections CoffeeCoffee MorningMorning Uggeshall Garden Club CollectionsCollectionsCollections UggeshallUggeshall GardenGarden ClubClub Carol Concert This month's Coffee CarolCarol ConcertConcert ThisThisMorning month'smonth's is on TuesdayCoffeeCoffee Wednesday 13th February 7.30 pm The Old School Hall Morning is on Tuesday WednesdayWednesday 13th13th FebruaryFebruary 7.307.30 pmpm TheThe OldOld SchoolSchool HallHall The retiring collection at MorningMorning26th at isis 10.45 onon TuesdayTuesdayin the TheThe retiringretiring collectioncollection atat 26th26th atat 10.4510.45 inin thethe Uggeshall Coffee Morning the Community Council Community Centre. UggeshallUggeshall CoffeeCoffee MorningMorning thethetheCarolthe CommunityCommunityCommunityCommunity Concert raised CouncilCouncilCouncilCouncil £65 CommunityCommunity Centre.Centre. Thursday 14th February 10.30 am The Old School Hall CarolCarol ConcertConcert raisedraised £65£65 Do join us for home-made Thursday 14th February 10.30 am The Old School Hall towards the purchase of a Do join us for home-made ThursdayThursday 14th14th FebruaryFebruary 10.3010.30 amam TheThe OldOld SchoolSchool HallHall towardstowardstowardstowards thethethethe purchasepurchasepurchasepurchase ofofofof aaaa DoDocakes joinjoin and usus forforscones, home-madehome-made freshly- more portable wheelchair. cakes and scones, freshly- Uggeshall Cinema moremore portableportable wheelchair.wheelchair. cakescakescakesmadecakes andandandandcoffee scones,scones,scones,scones, and freshly-freshly-afreshly-freshly- good UggeshallUggeshall CinemaCinema mademade coffeecoffee andand aa goodgood Thursday 14th February 7.00 for 7.15pm Old School Hall Carolling round old natter. ThursdayThursday 14th14th FebruaryFebruary 7.007.00 forforforfor 7.15pm 7.15pm7.15pm7.15pm Old OldOldOld School SchoolSchoolSchool Hall HallHallHall CarollingCarolling roundround oldold natter.natter. Wangford Lunch Club WangfordWangford LunchLunch ClubClub Tuesday 19th February 12.30 pm Community Centre Despite the dismal TuesdayTuesday 19th19th FebruaryFebruary 12.3012.30 pmpm CommunityCommunity CentreCentre DespiteDespiteweather, a thethedoughty dismaldismal band Wangford Men’s weather,weather, aa doughtydoughty bandband WangfordWangford Men’sMen’s Whist Drive played and sang round Breakfast Group WhistWhist DriveDrive playedplayedWangford andand onsangsang December roundround BreakfastBreakfast GroupGroup Wednesday 20th February 7.00 pm Community Centr WangfordWangford onon DecemberDecember WednesdayWednesday 20th20th FebruaryFebruary 7.007.00
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