It is with great pleasure that we express to all members of the Brotherhood fraternal greetings and the best of wishes for you and your family for a most happy Yuletide Season. During this joyous time of the year, when the Christmas Spirit of love and charity is abundant throughout the free world, let us remain thankful and pray that our nation will be spiritually·blessed with success, security, and progress. May the peace and happiness of Christmas and the New Year fill your hearts and homes. Z;//;,\, ... ...,. International Secretary International President EXECUTIVE OFFICERS THE CIIAIU.~:S II. 1'f1.I.,\IW hlf"....... ""~ ..1 P,..,ddtttl i~OO I ~I II SI .• N. W \\ ..lIinlllO ... IJ. C. ~OCIO~ JOSI:;I'II I). KELSA!' hl~' •• "o.ol .'i~r'd .. ,. l:fJO IAh ~, •• N. W W ..llinll",on . I). C. ~ OOO: Official Publication of Ihe InternotiDnal Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IIAIIIIY VAN AIISDALE, JI! 1"1~, .. "t'O~ .. 1 T,<I'u,", 1:10 .;".! ":,Ih ~tr.,., ' CHARLES H. PILLARD , Edilo. New' Yo'k. N. \. IUUt U ViCE PRUIDfNTS Firat I).. t';~t. WII .LlAM 1..... nyM,\S ·W I·"j.~,.,t, UI.. I ,. :;'''10' C:UI I )ECK\I BElt. 11)69 Toronlo I. Onl .. C... n.da. 8.-.-.... <1 1)1.\nd. JOliN E. ~'LYNN CO~TENTS 1100... !:!3. PArk s.",,,,~ 1II.1j{. 110:01<,". ~1 ......~hu",,11.o O~III Thl.,1 ot.,rr.t. A. k. JOflNSON ~O, 110,0.11,,",. II, ~.'" aUI San Diego Celebrates 200th Birthday 2 ',If; \\'n, hi"",.,,, I~ .I l'IIt.I,,,,do. I· R. I!,~~ '" IBEW Wins Top Safety Council Award ·1 (.'" .. ,1 1, n"l.kt. fl. II . III ANK ":!>lSIIII' t:,t:, VIti"" l'bO'}. Rotilroad Members Aw.,rded Certific.,tes 5 C!t,~it,nnll. Oh,,, 4~~06 Fift.ll »I'lrkl, G. X. It,\IIKEII EM.] Council Elects Officers 6 II!I I '~.~III' ... SI. N .•:". S .. 'I~ 20! .... ('.('0","'" 103011 IBEW Members Build B.,ker St.,tion 7 SiXlh Dialrl~l, T E. MALONE il< .. , ... 11t:•• 1"''''1'''' In u,a,,~,· H,,jldj"l< . ~ " N, W."~,·r On" NJATC Meets in Washington, D.C, 10 "'hl~.I{". UlIn ..l" Gl06 .. ' St· ..· "11I 1) ~ldr l. A, h. }: I)W A IWl> Electronics Imports Conference Held in Hotweii 12 HiW ( '"mn,,"'"'" W,II< !f1!7 W N"~"l h :'10 .....· •• ••.. ' 1 W"rlh. ·r,·u 7610'2 Editori.,1 Ell/hlh DI<lrlrl." t: '-1I0\1I'l'i01'. ltoo ... 102. WII«>x Uld¥ .• Life·S.,vers Club Boasts Membership of 299 "16 ;nO! . ",,,,h ... ..... Nunh 1'. 0 , u.. ~ I\J~" IUlIh"• • M()"L r,9l"~ EM·4 Meeting Held in W.,shington 20 NIoOl h J)1.lri~l. \\ L Vll'l'ifll\. CllOedien Labor News Ie ,,,·,,, ,,~~. h101 M.'t...·' ';\1,... 1. 2 1 S." t·r.nd r ... (·.IH".ni. ' 4\1O~ Tenlll m_lri<1.. FRANK 1'. Cl.AI>NEY With the Ladies 22 I: ....... II~. :AO Sollill \1',.1" SI"",'. ('h,ul/'" JIl''''';' ' .. G<" IBEW Members Serve in M<'Inpow f! r Progr.,ms t:$t,"',,11o III 1.ld, HQllt: ItT '"' . ~;AUItI'" ';,,11<' ~'I~, l,il'l",1<1 IIhl" Safety Tips ~~,!'O IV. IH-..l"e I"",d 0"",1",. "'..I,,,, ~ .. C'IH Washington Circuit Tw,·lfth m .I";cl. W. fl. 1'.'TTY 26 \\hlt .h ~ 1t.,H.lI"... U"" G;! ~ . UOIY 1'''1,1". \I,''''l'hi •• ,/",."",. .... 3 ~112 Annual Audit 27 INUItNAtlONAl £XlCUTlV( COUNC IL local lines E. J . I"I{ .\:-;SW.\" ('... " ...... Research and Education Oepartment !I~I \\' .... ~ \\'1 .... n .. n ."'~nut l l ,h,""u~" \\ , ..... " on ~O.:I In Momoriam t'''1 rnal.ld. RALrn IIALLORAN 260 W. Wal.. 81'Ht. 2nd t'loor t;l",I,,,. N~w Yo.k 11 ~ 'Ol Death Claims 79 &.",,,1 I Il.tri.l, CI I ,\ 1(1 .1';8 E. ell FI-"IIEY 110 ('h.·.ln\ll Sl,.d ON OUR COVER-This beautiful window, designed >l l mnK~d,', M" .."d,uoNI.I OlIO~ by Willet, is this month') Jourrlal front cove •. The inside f.ont and Thl.d I>1.I,i.1.. II AlIltY J . WU. LIAll:' III1 (;il... ·• A¥,·n .... inside back covers also are devoted to Christmas themes. Must read· Clnd ..... tl. Ohio 4 :.!O~ ing is "Write Your Senators Urging Tax Reform." which begins on t .... rtll m .... rlel. A W.8CIUUOT 5'~1 \\ ild w<><td ....en'"" page 1-4 . s. ...... ta. t·lo.lda 3&>.iJ .'Iflh Ol.lrkt. J ACK t·. MOORE 108'., W",,! Walnllt SITH' 1>1,.lnIlBd,1. MIOltO)u,1 G[;S06 ~I~\I, DI~lrlct. JOSEI'H C. t:I'N:ltSON 2~,Ofo Slll l'~ ''',nd St'eet . nel en: 11 0 ... ""'. T~u, n o~~ An· elo ~Yrnlh 1)l.lrkl. IlAI.I' 1i A. Lt:IGON II~O Sw"'''~" A,'~"u~ I ... \ ......... N ..... ,/a ~.'IOI D"ukl. t:EOR(; .: P. l' ATT):m,ON ..... • ~1"Nua ON """,503. US W~ Uln,"o" C.n<>en, ~ Wlnnlpq t. Wa n .. Canada 'OSlr.4ASIEItS, Chon!!_ of .000d.e .. ca.d, 0" ~o,'" )sn ,.a.IJ bt .e" fa "',,·M.,onal B'a',"'~ood of EI , ,.1 WO'~~'" 1200 f,hun'" St ... ,. N. w .. W"". MOl'''" D.C. 20005. '~b!;,'.d mO'hlv .nd ,e~o"~'.'." oa.loq' p:l ~. W." nq.on, C. C. 5.1>" ""u o"'~' Un led Sla'U ".d C",n'da. 52 per V'" in .dvan, •. P""lId ,n U.S.A. H" JOURNAL .. dl ",D ' 1>_ ""id '.,"""' ble fa, ~"." e,p,",,,,d b~ 'o"",oondonh. 10" ~'" oj .. <~ ""'n'h i, cio"ftQl do"'. ".1 cop', ",y,' be ,n ou. undo on o' belo'. I~:I " ", •. "d .<lv.,' "n~ ~o' ",cc~li··d f) Jl~S@ CELEBRATES 200TH BIRTHDAY TI.'. II ••ce"_ 01 huutii,,1 S... Di.90. The maio.I'" mounl.i"", in 11.. b.d. ground, ,i,e 1.' 9\', ...d in tho fore9,elt .. d i. Sa" Oi'90 B.y, where •• iIi"g ~e .. er. dod in II tropic.1 ,Imalph •••. , THE UECUICAl WORKER S' T I I IR pll:st ,I'I'IIt', 1)1(' city of Slin Ilit'j!o, {'atil\lI'lli,l, (-(,],'I)I':lll'd il" :.!OOlh IliJ'lhdll,I' 1Iml '\ ' a~ ]liJ~t to Ill(IlI",IIII\" III' WI'II'l lIlll' \'i"ilol'''. ~a]1 lJ iC'j!u i~ ( ',lIil'ol'l1i;)'s \lith,,,, and thinl-hl]'!!I'''t (·il.'·, wilh 11 1111'11'0- polillll1-ill'I',1 )()PUlllliul1 or .ill'" on'I' 0111' mitlion, til i,,, :!O{) ,\'1':11 ..... ~all Dil':'!O h,,'1 I!nm'lI 1'1'(1111 1[ lilll\, 1IIi:.."ioll, fOUJuh'd by F,llhl'I' ,l lllIiJu'nl ~1'I'I'Il, III 0111' of Ill!' IHilillu'" I\(IIS! 1"'lIlIIi- 11,' 111 111t'l1SI II'I' {'iIi,''', ,\ I"llllll1il1", I'i,;­ ill:,! liS high 11~ 1,,;-100 1'1'('1. pt'lIIid(, 11 local 51>9, San O'ago, .r.ctr;e;.ns hay. b.e n wo,l,ng On Build,ng 2A 01 the Un'v."ity or 1I];]~nifi(,t'nl Iw('I,g-I'tHllld fot' lilt' Californi. a' San 0'e90. Kneelin9, lef' to right, they are John Menning, Oon Brill, Bill eil,'-, ll1Hl 10 mill'S of 1l\.'1I(·11I'.~ ;II(1I1~ Wolf, R.y Sly, lou Wj11i"ms (sl.ward), P.t. Gy11inq, Ed COlgrove (app"nliee), end Ih(' 0('1'1111 I'nJl11 imih' 1'lIlil'(' r11mi­ Pete K.tter (gener.1 foreman). Standing: Oon Mo.n, Vern S.mIOn, Mae McCutcheon li(,<.; 10 ('IJjn,I' swilllliling, sudi,,!!, [apprentice), Oid f,eld, Harry Noland [forem.n), Norm JohMon, Mi ~ e PuruU (.'award), Bue k McCottum, Nid Toth, and J.d Oimond [forem.n), hOlllill)!, sl,ill-,Il"ing', l11H1 11I'I'P-SI';L fishillj!, :--;iIlI l' it'g'O'" :1\'\'1'111:(",1',':11'- 1'\1,11111 1"IIII)(,I'.lIul'" III' G:.! 1II')!I" "·s 1II(l1;.,'s ,hi' ('il,I' 11 IIUI"t pl,'JI<';lItit pl:l\'I' II, Ih(, HII.] \tOI'I" III hl':I\l t irlil !-4al1 Dil'}!11 B lty ill'l' l-lIitl,d :--;11111'" :\;11' ,1' \(',;~,'Is ( ,)]' :Ill 1."P"" ), 111 111 11Ii1I1," III' llit'II1 ill'l' Oll('ll to) Ill(' P1Ihli(', ~;1I1 n il'!!O iws (if; lil lt, g',l!f ('OIlI'''I'S. 'l' l u' SIlII I)il'j!() j 'hnl"j,,:" I's ( llIajol' !I'ng'HI' l',uII!)"I) ), llu' III'\\" ~<ltI 1 liq!'11 l 'lIdl"'~ ( llIl1 jUI' kllg'Ul' 1111~"h1 1 11 ) , ;)1)(1 Ihl' j ;ults (i('I' 11(1(" b,.,' ) !It'u\'idl' 1111." SlHII'l';-lIlill,I,'d l'i"l1(1)' 11'11 h llll1pli' tlppol'l uuit iI'S 10 ('II.iIl," lii~ fa\'Ul'ilt' ",POI'!. Th il close-up ,hoI of UCSO', stadium scoreboard .how. ill thou •• nds of ,ht"t ,,"C'I' 111I' lilll'd",', in ,\ [,,'dt'(l, li9hl bulbs. l oc~1 5109 wor ked m.ny hou .. b.for. the sco.. board liv.d up 10 ils promi.. of in lricate .nim.llon, hOI'SI' I':u'ill,l! 1111d d,)~ t'!)('ing', I'II{'I! :-\;)1111'<111:0 1111 11 ~lIlld;):o, ;)~ wl'll as bull fig-itl", ill ""IISIIII, (>1'1'll1illl,\" fill IiiI' hill I'IJJ' l'~c'i'I'IIl"HI sl'.. k"I"'. 1;O\lI'lIll'ls filld 1'~('c ' lIt ' 1I1 food ill llil' {,('lilith's.." 11',;I:IIII'll1l1s hw,lf(,d Ihl'(llI~.d1l11l1 Ilw (·il,\· ,lilt! ('OIlIlI,\', anc! ,{Wild 1111111'1 111111 )wh' l :1('('0111- l1lot1:ltioll.., :11'\' alwll,\'~ lI\'ailahli', Slalidill,l! Ilig-il ,lIop:J IJI'(llld 1I11'~;t illlli OH't'lu()killj.! ,lit, 1',H'ifil' ()rl'HII slal1l1", till' l 'nil'PJ'sity of ('lllifc'I'lli" H' Hall Di\',I!() (111 '1\" 1I11c1",' {'tlll~II'I\{'­ I iilll ) , 11 1','];11 in'I,I'-Ill'w PI'ojl>.;>t wl1i('11 hll~ h,','u 1!!'o,l"iIlj.!' 111 a I'n",' P,)('';> ;1Ilt! I,ill C'Olllill1W 10 ('xpntltl in I lit' I'lItlll'(', l '('~ ]) , ,Ill' !-«,\"I'nlh nlH1 J.;olllh"t'l1- most 111';]I!('11 I'HlljJll l ~ f)t' llli' Ilil1(>- 1':lllIptlS (,\)!IIJl!!'~ 01' thl' ['lIil"l'l'sit,l' oj' L'niifOl'lIiH, j" I<;I'HII'.! ill 1,;) ,I olln, Another S.n Oi'90 I.ndmark ,.
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