£j2u«!&. 11127. r- * 1A£w* don Gazette PnMtlgefc fep 2fntg}o?itp. From ^fi^ucaa? March 16, to tEuetAap March 19, 1771. Z?:/.$fo Csi^:7?, fl&rr*& 8. I Rights are equally dear to us as our awn, as we are p "s\ ^ II Z House of Commons having resolved sensible that our Happiness depends upon the Pre­ upcn an him.*>!e Address to His Majesty, servation of both in ,: J.ate. the fanivj .needier vvith an Address to the We congiHtuiate 3 jac Majesty on the Increase of Lc 1 Licute.-.ant, was this Bay presented your Majesty's Reyal Family, by the Bi::'i o; ano­ to hi*. ExcelAncy; and, with his Excellency's An­ ther Princeis, since the iast "JeiEon of Parliament; swers, are as follow : an Event the most interesting to us', as we consider every Addition to your Royal Family, as an Increase To the KING's Most Excellent Majesty. of Strength to the Protestant Inrerest, and to the Hap­ The humble Address of the Knights, Citizens, and piness of this Kingdom. ilurgesses, in Parliament aflembled. We return our most humble Thanks to your Ma- Most Gracious Sovereign, { jesty, for continuing his Excellency tbe Loxd Vif- E. you/ Majelty's most duiiful and loyal Sub­ ! count Townstienct in the Government of this King- W jects, the Commons of Ireland, in Parlia­ ' dom, from whose approved Integrity, and from ment assembled, beg Leave to express, in th* most whose long Knowledge and Experience of us and our dutiful Manner, onr unbounded Gratitude to your '• Sentiments, we are persuaded a just Representation Majfly for tht Affection you are graciously pleased • will be made of cur Loyalty and Daty to the best of to declare towards your faitliful iubjects of Ireland, • Princes. and yctr Readiness to rorx'r with us in every Mea­ sure A:hich ma;" conduce v. tieir Prosperity. C1 D CM We return our moi} liumoie Thanks to youi* Ma­ j £&} - °- *- jesty, fcr piAng us this Opportunity of taking into ! His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant's Answer. our Consideration such Law? as Ihall be found imme­ •" T Will take Care that this Address ssall be tranfinitted diately necessary for thc g^ieral Good of this King­ J •*• b:> the firfi Opportunity, to be laid bfiie His Ma- dom, and for the Reviving those, which from Experi­ ence have proved of Advantage to the Publick ; and 1 1 we asiure ycur Majeuy, tha* , with Hearts fad oi | To his Excellency'George Lord Viscount Town­ Graut-i.di*, we ascribe thia, and every other Benefit shend, Lord Lieutenaiit General, and General we recc/ve, to the spontaneous Dictates ofyour Ma­ Governor of Ireland. jelly's Royal justice and Benignity. The humble Address ofthe Knights, Citizens, and We acknowledge the great Wisdom and Hu­ Burgesses, in Parliament assembled. manity ofyour iVlajesty, in recommending to us, as sr. CbjeA of ths i.i^hest Importance, the present May it pleafi your Excellency, high ".'vice of Corn in this Kingdom. E, His Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Sub­ V. •» place th.e }.A\e'>\ Confidence in your Majesty's W jects, the Commons of Ireland, iii Parlia­ gr-:ei<-'us I'avour ano P.utection, for t-ie Support and ment assembled, return your Excellency our most un­ Ecco.-.-agemcnt oT cm' principal Branch of Trade, feigned Thanks for your most excellent Speech from the Linen Manufacture; and we are happy to /ind, the Throne; and beg Leave to express our since;e that not only the usual Bounties cn the Exportation Congratulations on thijParl'ament b?in* appointed to ofour Liiiens have been continued, b-it that they meet again under your Excellency ; from whose ap­ proved Integrity, and from whose long Ki ovvledge have been further extended by thc Britiih Parlia- j nien'. and Rx;x -ience of.us and of our Sentiments, we. are V fu JJQ cn-Hde- .he present Situation of this persuaded a just Representation will be made o.f our Loyalty and Duty to the best qs Princes. jCountr,}-, with Rc6....i to """rade, we have the high- : ef: ca:iisaftio». A :ng ii. ormed, that with very We acknowledge with great Gratitude t.he Conti­ liiict Œconomy, 'he Dt'tiej '.vhich were granted last nuance and Extensions the Bount'i^ given by t?:e Sc.'ru. of Parii-.vit^t, ami which wiil not expire un­ Britisti Parliament, on the Exportation of Irish Li­ til Airistma? next, may.be fufnvient to'answer the nens. Expotr^s ofyour Majesty's Government, and that We return your Excellency Thanks for the In­ no further L>upplko are to be asked ior. formation you have been pleased to give us, that And we beg Le*ve to assure your Majesty, that as you have Reason to expect that the Duties whicii nothing car-, give us greater Satisfaction than your were granted last Session ofParliament may be suf­ Majesty's Approbation cf our Conduct, so nothing ficient to answer the Expences of His Majesty's Go­ itan a d-d! us moj-; sensibly than any Mark ofyour vernment, and that you "are not now to ask for any Royal Displeasure ; and that we are incapable, even further Supply. in Thought,-of attempting any Thing against your We shall with the truest Pleasure co-operate with, Majesty's Authority, or the Rights of the Crown of your Excellency in all that may tend to the Publick vj'eat-Brituin, from whence we own, with the ut- Welfare, and in all our Deliberations fliall observe i-aost Gratitude, vve derive our principal Protection that Temper and Unanimity, which.alone can ren­ jnd Support. We acknowledge, with the most pet- der our Proceedings beneficial to the Publick, and bring them to a speedy and happy Conclusion* feet Submission, that we are ever tenacious of the Ho­ v*v **v*t'' nour of granting -Supplies to yoar Majesty, and of "*•*'?'%» I C-fcr. Dom. -Com. H. Alcock, \ - bemg the first Movers therein, as they are the vo­ *•*:• -.",-** luntary Tribute of grateful Hearts to the best of Mo­ His Excellency's-Answer; - - ' ' narchs ; and we most hun'-jly beseech your Majesty, T Thank the House cfi Commons fot this kind Address.' that your Majesty wiii not permit our Zeal in this I receive with great Pleafitre their Congratulations Particular to be construed into an Invasion of yowr on this Pai Jiazienf being- appointed to me't again under Majesty's Royal Authority, than which nothing can tne. My * long 'Knowledge and Experience of them and be more distant u-y.n our Thoughts. And we beg their Sentiments, will always induce me to make a just Leave to assure yuur Majesty, that your Majesty's Representation of their Loyalty and Duty to His Majesty. .
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