bio O 4 DOCUUENT anums 0 ED 141 757 12 00565 '.. ,/ TITLE -::,Advisory List of Instructional Media for dance, INSTITUTION N.North. Carolina-a- Dept. cf 'Public Ins ruction; Ral4igh. Div. of,Educational Media. , , ( PUB DNrDATE :77 . :" NOTE, 87p.; For related docim ents, see.IR 065'550-569 - .EDRS-PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$4.67 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; *Book Reviews; Elementary Grades ;' *Instructional Media; *Library Collebtions; Primary Grades; School Libraries; *Science Education; *Science Programs; Seccndary Grades ABSTRACT . \ This advisdry list deiciibes instructional media , appropriate to school science programs' for primary through tsenior high school grade levels. Entries included on the list were selected from those materials submitted by publishers which received favorable reviews by educators. Materials are arranged by type of media: books, films,filmstrips, kits, slide sets, and study prints. An unannotated list of books favorably reviewed in the indicated sources is / attacked. Entries include citation, price if available,grade-Avel, and annotation. (Authoi/KP) N . **W****************************************************************** '* * . Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made - * * from the original document. ************************************************i********************** OF HEALTH. U S DEPARTMENT EDUCATION &WELFARE NAtIONAL INSTITUTE OF DUCATION HAS BEEN REPRO- THIS DOCIJMENTAS ReCEIVED FROM DUCED EXACTLYORGANIZATION ORIGIN- THE PERSON OR viEW OR OPINIONS ATING IT POINTS OF NECESSARILY REPRE- STATED DO NOT OF NATIONAL (POLICY SENT OFFICIALPOSMON OR POLICY , EDUCATION 4K ss N a 7. ADVISORY LIST OF INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA FOR SCIENCE "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS 1 MAE.RIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY 7 Rita* G. Graves , TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOVRCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) AND USERS OF THE.ERIC SYSTEM " r State Department of Public Instruction Division of educational media Raleigb,,%North Carolina Jan. & Sept. 1977 i - OfaterialsReview & Evaluation Services Raleigh,j4orth Carolina 'Division of Educational'Media January 077 9 State' Department of Public Instruction I : ADVISORY LIST OF INS RUCTION4 MEDIA / FOR SCIENCE This bibliography includes instructional media approprito to the Science program in the schools.'The items are.listed by type of media. The orderof,the li'sting is as follows: , activity cardp filmstrips (silent) rogrammed materials art prints filmstrips -(sound) zzles books games r lia . books (for teacher use) globes recordings (cassett ape books (reference) kits recordings (disc abooksjsupplementary texts) manipulative devices recordings (re -to-reel tapes) books with recordings maps repr ts ,\ calendars measuring tapei- ,shortstrips 0 -, charts microforms Slide sets (2"x2") ° dictionaries slide sets (sound) duplicating masters models. study prints film loops (silent). periodicals transparencLes filt loops (sound) pictures videotapes - films 0.6mm) posters workbooks with recordings . The absence frpm this list of a gdven tyy6 of media indiales that no media of that type.were reviewed or that none were deemed worthy of being called to the . attention of schools,. The'name of a =school administrative unit 'appearing after an annotation indicates that educators in "that school system reviewed the item ,annotated and submitted the information for inclusion on the ADVISORY LISTS. Occasionally, such items may notappear on display at the Materials Review and Evaluation Center in Raleigh. Educators should bear'in mind that materials included on this list were selected from those which publishers chose to submit for evaluation and may assume that materials available for purchase not appearing on the list either were not submitted for evaluation or received unfavorable reviews. Information about negative reviews, which do nqt appear On this bibliography, can be 'obtSined by writing.or calling the.Materials Review and Evaluation Center. ,At the end of this bibliography may be found an,unannotated list of books which have pad favorable reviews, in reliable revtewing sources. ' The levels at which the media may be most effectively used are indicated by , "print", (primary: Grades K-3), "elem" (elementary: Grades 4-6), "jhs" (junior, high school: Grades 7- 8[9]), and "shs" (senior high school: Grades-E9110-12) ' The inkertion of an arabic numeral after. the grade.levelindicates that the item is especially'pertinent- at that specific grade level--e.g., "elem-6." in some cases pilices were not available. Prices shown'are those quoted Fly :publishers and, roducers. Prices quoted do not include postage and are subject to chSng26 \ All items included on this bibliography except 161mnfitms and some items suggested 'forinclus4on by local school administrative units #1:$ displayet in the Materials Review and Evaluation Center ae.620 North WeeeItreet in:Raleigh. PLEASE DO NOT ORDER BOOKS ON THIS LIST FROM THE MATERIALS REVI04 ANDEVALUAITON' Sources of the books are listed opI . CENTER DR FROM THE,DIVISION,OF TEXTBOOKS. the colored sheets at,the end of this biblibgraphy a d in theDIRECTORY OF 4' PUBLISHERS AND PRODUCERS PARTICIPATING IN'THE MEDIA. VIEW PROGRAM, a s.eparaEe publicatfon accompanying the complete s6t of ADVISOR LISTS OF INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA. An abbreviated or code name for the publisher/grodUcer appearing in the ' biOliographic entry, on this list appears in the DIRECTORY, where the complete . , address follows the code name. SChosls'may use this list to aid in selection of materials but'are i.n no way 'restricted to purchasing items included on this list. `f --\ BOOKS ts I ). Adkins, Jan. INSIDE:SEEINGBENEATH THE SURFACE., Walker E.' Co., 1975, 32 p. $6.85.' elemjhs A A , Eloquent plea td.see beyond the surface to reality, to view ordinary things with'..\, extraordinaty perception using the inner eye of imagination and vision; detailed cross sections of everyday items illustratepoint--pencils, sandwiches, tree, airliner, ocean liner, street, harbor, valley, apple pie as seen byengineer and a bakerdone in shades Of gray, carefully labeled; Clearly written text with touches, of wit, poetry, and philbsophiCal insight . Anderson, Norman D. INVESTIGATING SCIENCE USING YOUR WHOLE BODY. McGraw,'1975. 96 p. $5.72, elem jhs ' , Unique presentation of science by North Carolina State UniversityScience Education professor in which students use their bodies to learnaboilt mattd.r and energy, earth science, life science; employing their fivesensesi muscles, temperature, awareness of pain, pressure, equilibrium,readerd'exiplore density ,' -concept and principle of leverage,,measureclung capacity,finctheir own horsepower; suggested activities include drawing emap of baske4ball court ,dimensions and making a planetarium; excellent in-depth study wIthclarifying diagrams; indexed; for individual orsmall-group Assignment ° a Annixter, Jane and Paul. MONKEYS AND APES. Watts,'1976. 65 p. elem- jhs Introduction to primates with descriptive materialg on prosimians,monkeys, and apes; contrasts Old World and New World monkeYs;. comparesevolution of , . monkeysonkeys and man; describes many species of primates and r'et*,,ats experiments with monkeys and chimpanzees to measure their intellitenoeand language ability; emphasizes their importance in scientific advances,; such as (1,.velopment i of Salk vaccline, establishment of RH blood types', space travel; acctirat,.., . straightforW'ard presentation in most instances; large, deikprint and high - . quality black-and-white photographs;-indexed . ,-, , . T 't \ . Arehart-Treichel, Joan. IMMUNITY:' HOW OUR BODIES RESIST DISEASE. , HOliday, 1976. ,- 1. , . 160 p. $6.95. jhs shs, Examines what immunologists now know aboUt.how the human body protects itself,,. And changes in the immune system-from moment of conception in womb through adolescence, adulthood, and death; includeOpWVaccines'got started and " curreqx keewledge about organisms that cause various infectious diseases, such 4 T.', 3 . IMMUNITY: HOW OUR BODIES RES;STDISEASE. (Conttd) as tuberculosis, pneumonia, tetanus; further information concerns, immunology and cancer, allergies, asthma, and autoimmune diseases; informative resource ,book, well illustrated with photographs, drawings, diagrams; glossary and index Asimov, Isaac. AS1MOV ON ASTRONOMY. Anchor, 1974. 271 p. 50paper. jhs shs Cbllection-of 17 previ us articles by Isaac Aspov, readable, enjoyable, informative; topics i clude double stars, gravity, solar system, galaxies,'and tides; captioned blac nd,white photographs with mini-lesson explanations; complete index; valuable addition to astronomy collections. Asimov, Isaac. .THE EgDS OF THE EARTH: THE POLAR REGIONS off THE WORLD. Weybright, 1975. 363 ,p. $15. jhs, shs dailoprehensive'disdussion of Arctic and Antarctic, covering exploration of polar , regionsbehavior'pf ice,wedther and climates, and astronomical phenomena of North and South Poles; author's enthusiasm enlivens material, making subject fascinating, informative; each topic clearly explained; 60 line drawings and diagrams, plus index Asimov, Isaac.. HOW DID WE FIND OUT ABOUT ATOMS? R lker & Co., 1976. 62 $5:85. elem jhs, 111, Traceg.development of atomic theory from ancient GrAek philosbphers who disagreed apong themsplves concerning notion of athms through specific contributions-by scientists dating from Boyle's L47 in 1622, including such notables as Dalton, Berzelius, Kekule, and Einsteln, to Mueller's invention of .` field-emission microscope in X1936; well organized,Oearly explained,enriche0 by line drawings,
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