VOL. LXI 21 IYAR 5773 · MAY 1, 2013 No. 9 ,uguca khk iueh, TIKKUN LEL SHAVUOT SHAVUOT TORAH TEACH-IN Tuesday, May 14 • 9:15 p.m. Shavuot is called “the time of the giving of the Torah.” Shavuot evening has always been dedicated to the study of the Torah and other great works of the Jewish tradition, such as the Mishnah, the Gemara, the Midrash and other religious literature. This tradition of study in honor of Shavuot is referred to as TIKKUN LEL SHAVUOT. On the fi rst night of Shavuot, Jews throughout the world gather and study Torah together from night until the early morning hours. From 9:15 p.m. until at least midnight, we will sit together, enjoy Yom Tov delicacies and study Torah with Rabbi Weiner. Coming in May & June Come and enjoy this inspiring, lively evening of Torah study. It will be an exciting, enriching MAY 3 event for all. YJF Services MAY 5 CONGREGATIONAL LUNCHEON TO FOLLOW Israel Bonds Dinner SHAVUOT SERVICES — WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 MAY 10 It is a time-honored tradition to celebrate Shavuot with a festive dairy meal. Join us for our Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner Annual Shavuot Luncheon following our services on the fi rst day of Shavuot. It will all add up MAY 11 to a joyful celebration of this festival that celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. C lub Shabbat MAY 19 We look forward to seeing you there. Center for Food Action JUNE 2 Israel Day Parade SHAVUOT SERVICE SCHEDULE Tuesday, May 14 Erev Shavuot Minchah ........................................................................................................................................................................................................8:00 p.m. Maariv ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................9:00 p.m. Tikkun Lel Shavuot Study Session..............................................................................................................................9:15 p.m. Wednesday, May 15 First Day of Shavuot Shacharit ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Shavuot Luncheon following services Minchah, Maariv ...............................................................................................................................................................................8:00 p.m. Thursday, May 16 Second Day of Shavuot Early service and Yizkor .......................................................................................................................................................... 6:30 a.m. Shacharit ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. Yizkor will be observed Minchah and Maariv ...................................................................................................................................................................8:00 p.m. jewish community center of paramus From the Rabbi ed both the confidence and the on Siddur Sim Shalom. We believe Next time you are in the syna- optimism of American Jewry as it it has the right combination of gogue, I hope you will take the emerged in the post-World War II faithfulness to the Jewish liturgical time to familiarize yourself with era. In terms of presentation, it was tradition, uplifting and accessible our new prayer book. The Religious a marked improvement over the English translations and additional Committee conducted its delibera- prayer books used in most tradi- readings, interesting explanatory tions on this important synagogue tional synagogues in the previous notes as well as aesthetic appeal matter with you in mind. I have ev- generation. that will serve the needs of our ery confidence it will meet your congregation today and for many needs and exceed your expecta- As it has been almost two genera- years in the future. tions. tions since the Silverman Siddur was introduced to the Jewish com- munity, we may not be aware of how the Silverman was considered quite radical in some respects, Light making changes in prayers and other editorial changes that were the quite controversial in its time. Rabbi Arthur D. Weiner Based on the needs articulated to Sabbath our Religious Committee, we have Earlier this year, our synagogue been thinking about our prayer Candles voted to replace our synagogue’s books for many years. Seven years siddurim (prayer books). Perhaps ago we introduced a new translit- Friday, May 3 ................................7:34 P.M. you have noticed that for the past erated siddur, the Siddur for Shab- two months, we have been using Friday, May 10 ..............................7:42 P.M. bat of the Jewish Community Cen- the new Siddur Sim Shalom for ter of Paramus, to assist community Shabbat and Festivals in our sanc- Friday, May 17 ..............................7:48 P.M. members who wished to partici- tuary. The new siddur has been pate in our religious services yet met with approval and much en- Friday, May 24 .............................7:55 P.M. lacked the Hebrew skills necessary thusiasm from our membership. for the regular siddur. The Siddur Friday, May 31 ..............................8:00 P.M. Why did we make the difficult but for Shabbat has continued to make necessary switch from the Silver- a most positive impact in our reli- man Siddur to this new one? To gious services. But new and emerg- answer the question, we must be- ing needs articulated by our mem- jewish community center of paramus gin with a few words about what a bership made the consideration of siddur is. A siddur is a compendi- a new prayer book a priority. E. 304 Midland Ave. · Paramus, NJ 07652 um of prayers for religious services After much consideration, we de- Phone (201) 262-7691 · Fax (201) 262-6516 and events. As a traditionally ori- cided that we needed a siddur with ented Conservative synagogue, [email protected] improved English translations re- we generally follow a fixed liturgy Published monthly by the JCCP flecting not only the common Eng- for most of our religious services. lish of today’s America, but also one Nonetheless, editorial choices that was more sensitive to gender RABBI Arthur D. Weiner must be made when assembling issues. We also looked for a siddur RABBI EMERITUS Aryeh L. Gotlieb such a compendium, as I have with more transliteration to im- RABBI’S STUDY 201.262.7339 tried to explain to both our Reli- prove the prayer experience of CANTOR Sam Weiss gious Committee and Board of those lacking Hebrew fluency. We Trustees. Learned men and wom- wanted a siddur that reflected our EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Joe A. Herrmann en who are steeped both in the sense of the religious significance EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR Marcia Kagedan Jewish liturgical tradition and of the State of Israel (remember HEBREW SCHOOL 201.262.7733 sensitive to the needs of the com- that Israel had not yet become an Early CHILDHOOD CENTER Director Judith S. Fox munity must balance often com- independent nation when the Sil- Early CHILDHOOD CENTER PHONE 201.967.1334 peting values to create a prayer verman Siddur was originally pub- book that not only will meet the lished). We also wanted a siddur PRESIDENT Harlan L. Cohen religious needs of the current that would help us achieve our goal VICE PRESIDENTS Jacob Bauer generation but also anticipate the of facilitating both traditional and Howard Leopold needs of future worshipers. egalitarian religious opportunities, Lloyd Hyman so that by offering different options, TREASURER Paul Auerbach In that respect, the Silverman Sid- we could increase opportunities for dur that served our congregation learning and Jewish growth for all FINANCIAL SECRETARY Harriet Kugler for more than 50 years was a mas- members of the community. RECORDING SECRETARY Esther Marks terpiece. It offered a clear and well- BULLETIN EDITORIAL The Bulletin Committee presented Hebrew text, a highly It was not an easy choice. We con- readable (though somewhat stilt- sidered and rejected several out- BULLETIN EMAIL [email protected] ed) English translation, and reflect- standing works before we settled Synagogue OFFICE 201.262.7691 jewish community center of paramus From the Executive Director Three years ago the JCCP had a pre-price increase sale, and this year for a limited time only, we will be running another pre-price increase sale. Graves can only be purchased by current members of FRIdaY EVENING SERVICES the JCCP, as well as by their Jewish Friday, May 3 .................................................................... 8:30 p.m. family members. Family members Young Jewish Families Service .................................. 7:30 p.m. include all relationships based on ONEG HOSTS: JCCP birth, including all cousins. Family SABBATH SERVICES members also include all relation- Saturday, May 4 ................................................................9:00 a.m. ships based on marriage, includ- TORAH READING: Behar-Bechukosai ing all Jewish in-laws. The current KIDDUSH HOSTS: JCCP cost of a grave is $1,000, but as of JUNIOR CONGREGATION: ..........................................10:00 a.m. July 1, the price will increase to MINCHA & MA’ARIV: ....................................................... 7:35 p.m. Joe A. Herrmann $1,200. FRIdaY EVENING SERVICES
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