WÊ voice Of AFRICAN AMERICAN Vol. LUI-----No. 7 February 26, 1999 Do Spelman Students Work Too Much? Professor Heads Scholarship Fundraising Effort by Danica Tisdale, On-Site Staff Writer says. Martin believes that The Vision of Arriving home from giving people the time to a long evening of work, learn is of utmost impor­ Mortar Board sophomore Brandi tance to the educational ex­ Crenshaw comes home to perience. a dorm room full of books Dr. Martin’s to be read and a desk clut­ fundraising ideas began to Proceeds from book sales enues supportive of learn­ tered with assignments to take root nearly eight years will go towards scholar­ ing.” Although Martin be completed. Like stu­ ago when he was inspired ship funding. Dr. Martin says this project is still in dents at colleges and uni­ by the quote, “Wisdom is says he wants to both af­ its beginning stages, his versities across the coun­ the rainbow, and the truth ford some students the fi­ determination and willing­ try, Ms. Crenshaw main­ is the rain.” He began to nancial support that is ness to help students at tains an off-campus job to ask both colleagues and much needed and allow Spelman and throughout help defray rising educa­ students to take these students more “time to the AUC has inspired other tional expenses. words and write about what reach a level of excel­ interested participants. Unlike many students this quote meant to them. lence.” Martin encourages others Breast who find it difficult to bal­ As more people began Currently, Dr. Mar­ to “see the precious gift of ance school and work, Ms. making contributions to tin has been working in life through learning.” Cancer in Crenshaw has proven to this collection, Dr. Martin hopes of “establishing a College Research Center Black Women be an exception to the rule. began “producing a book As a dispatcher for the to support college funds.” to generate ideas for rev­ ' A' ' «■' Atlanta Journal and Con­ ;.... ? stitution, Crenshaw spends several hours each week in Ms. Spelman Sponsors the office. “Having a job 15WÍSIH helps me pay for expenses, - • ■ ' Lupus Awareness Week but I keep my priorities in order,” explains Ms. by Erin Johnson, On-Site Crenshaw. She advises Staff Writer other students to “stay on top of things” and “keep Ms. Spelman 1998- penny drives also will be detection is the key.” The Amen your life under control.” 99 will sponsor Lupus sponsored throughout the Lupus is a chronic Although Ms. Awareness Week March week as fundraising activi­ autoimmune disease in Corner Crenshaw has beaten the 1-6 in conjunction with ties. which the immune system odds, many students fall National Women’s Health Ms. Spelman, senior becomes hyperactive and through the cracks and lose Awareness Month. Nabulungi Mack-Will- attacks normal body tis­ focus. In response to this Lupus Awareness iams, says her interests and sue. The cause of this im­ very pertinent issue, Week begins with an in­ goals for this week stem mune system failure is not Spelman professor Dr. formation table in Upper from her awareness of lu­ known. One objective of Frank Martin has taken on Manley from 12:00 - 2:00 pus as a serious disease the awareness week is to the challenge of helping p.m. on Monday, March 1. that is prevalent within the raise funds for the Ameri Spelman students lessen Other events for the week Black community. Mack- can Cancer Society to fur­ their financial struggles. include a movie night fea­ Williams wants the week ther research for cures for As an Associate Professor turing a cancer awareness to help educate Spelman lupus. Editorials of Sculpture and Drawing, film, a lupus awareness students about the severity Additional informa Dr. Martin confronts the forum featuring a guest of this disease. She ex­ tion about participating in problem of overworked speaker, a fundraising ben­ plains, “Becoming aware lupus awareness activities students each year. “Work­ efit, and a walk-a-thon of the symptoms that cause will be available at the in­ ing is infringing on the time around The Oval on Satur­ lupus is a major focus of formation table on March for learning,” Dr. Martin day morning. Raffles and the week because early 1st. page 2 Spelman Spotlight »February 26,1999 Spotlight Letter from Spelman Spotlight the Editor Spring 1999 STAFF I hated Black History Month in middle and high school. Sometime towards the end Erin M. Lott, Editor-in-Chief of January, realizing that February was fast Keisa Davis, Advertising Manager approaching, one of the counselors at school would ask that I read the Black Adriana Hill, Business Manager History lesson of the day - Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Rev. Dr. Martin Kendra Gillis, Office Manager Luther King, etc. You get the point. In history class we somehow (out of sequence) learned about slavery, and in English we had our choice of one of three books by African American authors. And I became the reference point for everything Black that month. From slang to sentiment... Let's ask Erin. Arts & Entertainment On Site Info. And those twenty-eight days flew by. It was time to get back to the Ivy Redd Andei Williams curriculum — no more mention of Blacks in America. Not once in my science or Ayo Carter Heather Holloway math classes was it mentioned that the Greeks that were credited for various Ayana McPhail Melissa Husband formulas actually studied in Egypt, or that Egypt was a part of Africa. Najeema Davis- Erin Johnson We come to this place and learn Black History from day one (remember Washington Danica Tisdale ADW???). When you leave this place, continue your mentoring. Mentoring Theia Washington Angela Green doesn't have to be established through an organization — mentor you little cousin or niece. Teach them that Black History is not something condensed in twenty- Beyond the Gates Voices eight days. It's everything that posits us where we are today, and everything that Tiffany Edwards Mesha Williams gives us the strength to persevere through tomorrow. Shannon Bradford Shannon Gore Sommer Brokaw Nicole Harris Nicole Carson Hawaii Miller r —_ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —-i Natasha Davis Natasha Thomas Temi Oluyemi Laquawn Thompson i Corrections i Kristin Wyckoff Rayna Ward In the Feb. 12 issue of the Spelman Spotlight the positions of two members of the Spelman College faculty were misreported. Rev. Norman Rates currently holds the Photographers position ofDean ofthe Chapel, not College Minister., and Crystal Flowers Dr. Etta Falconer is still the Interim Provost as the search Shironda White for Provost continues. U —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —J Layout and Design Heather Holloway Temi Oluyemi GOOD Andei Williams Staff Advisors Vicki Williams WEEKLY Dr. Madeline Picciotto INCOME processing mail for national company! Free supplies, postage! No sell­ ing! Bonuses! Start imme­ diately! Genuine opportu­ nity! The Spelman Spotlight welcomes all submissions. Submissions will be reviewed Please rush Long Self- and considered as space permits. Work is Addressed Stamped Enve­ subject to editing. The Spotlight reserves the right to retain any submitted work. lope to GMCO Editorial opinions expressed are not representative of the Spotlight or Spelman P.O. Box 22-0740 College. All submissions should be sent through Campus Hollywood, Florida 33022 Mail(Box#1234) or placed within thefolder on the Spotlight Office door (Lower Manley Room 104). Spelman Spotlight *February 26,1999 page 3 On-Site info. ment is respon­ stands networking is an Spelmanites Get the sible for groups important aspect of busi­ like Silk and ness and had attended the Hear Say luncheon to begin that con- Hook-Up at Media Record. tactprocess. “I’mnetwork- Luncheon ing. With graduation Industry Luncheon panelists agreed quickly approaching, it’s that networking good to keep making con­ by Melissa Husband, On-Site Staff Writer and persistence tacts and have these con­ are important nections,” Mallett said. During Explosion ‘99 establish the week as a for people inter­ Panelist Karl Carter, Media and Arts Week Feb­ valuable campus event. ested in the en- music editor of Rolling Out ruary 15-19, Industry Lun­ The Industry Lun­ tertainment Urban Style Weekly pub­ 'JCOI cheon panelists advised cheon was the concluding ,2-2 PM business. They lication commented that students that hav­ event of Media and Arts UP « insist that these the luncheon was impor­ Spelman « ing the “hook up” is the Week. Spelman alumna esser aw puerwm networking ex­ tant. “We must share our key to success in the media Peggy Hayes was one of periences will experience and knowledge industry. the featured panelists. get you in the with the new generation of The purpose of the Hayes has recently fin­ door and then aspiring industry leaders,” week was to expose ished writing, directing, ducer on the WB broad- your skills will help you Carter said. He remem­ Spelman students to the maintain your position. bers attending many fo­ world of entertainment "It's not always what you “It’s not always what you rums and sessions to gain business and to offer op­ know, but who you know in know, but who you know some of the knowledge that portunities to broaden in the business,” said sev­ allowed him to begin his knowledge of how to pros­ this business." eral panelists. After the current lucrative career. per in the industry. In pre­ Media Industry Panelists luncheon, panelists enter­ Carter and other panelists vious years Media and Arts tained additional questions recommended that stu­ Week hadn’t been well re­ and producing her first casting network; Stacey and networked with dents interested in a career ceived by students and film, which aired on tele­ Dunson, marketing man­ Spelman students who in entertainment must go Lise-Pauline Milton, cur­ vision this past week.
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