Gifi ofthe Panama Canal Museum m^ Vol. 5, No. 4 BALBOA HEIGHTS, CANAL ZONE NOVEMBER 5, 1954 5 cents Thanksgiving, Canal Zone Style CANAL ZONE CENSUS TO BE TAKEN SOON BY QUESTIONNAIRES A census of all residents of the Canal Zone, similar to but more inclusive than the annual census of the Canal Zone which has been taken since early con- struction days, will get under- way next week. The census is expected to cover 75,000 to 100,000 persons. The census is designed not only to count the population of the Canal Zone but also to provide data, for staffing ant^ budget purposes, to indicate the load which such Canal Zone facilities as hos- pitals and schools will be called on to carry. Although Canal Zone residents and employees will be asked, through ques- tionnaires, to provide more answers than- the annual police census has called for, all of the questions will be of an imper- sonal nature, rather than the somewhat THANKSGIVING'S Thanksgivina, even if the Pilgrims are wearing Guatemalan shirts and saddle oxfords. And Indians can be just as fierce in khaki pants as they can in buckskins. If the background personal nature of the questions asked in looks suspiciously like the Balboa elementary school, that's because it is. the Federal census taken each 10 years^ Wide Distribution The questionnaires, printed in different Answers Now Available To Some Of Queries colored inks for different categories and for easier sorting, will be distributed to every employee of the United States Asked By Employees About Vacation Travel Government in the Canal Zone; to every employee of the United States Govern- Answers on the vacation transportation by topics and put into question-and- ment in Panama—Embassy employees, questionnaires distributed throughout the answer form. for example; to the dependents of all mili- Company-Government by the Personnel ELIGIBILITY: tary personnel; and to all persons who Bureau indicate that there are many live in Canal or access Q. Who will be eligible? the Zone have to questions among employees concerning A. Any United States citizen em- Canal Zone facilities in any way. This application in their own individual cases ployee who has completed two years of last category will include employees of of the recently-enacted legislation. Late like oil ship- service as a civilian employee in the Canal private firms, companies and in October, about 2,400 questionnaires lines, retired employees, religious Zone or who will have completed two ping and had been returned to the Personnel workers. years of service when he is granted leave, Bureau. and the immediate members of his family. Government employees who live in and work in the Canal Zone will The questions asked by employees set A dependent parent is considered an Panama a general pattern falling into certain immediate member; a dependent parent- also be included in this year's census. census to be taken next month will categories. Many of the questions can in-law is not. All employees accepting The be answered; the answers to some, how- the transportation must sign an agree- be handled by the Personnel Bureau of ever, still await a directive from the ment to return to their jobs. the Panama Canal Company. The forms Bureau of the Budget. Meanwhile the which each employee, and those in other Q. Are locally-hired employees eligible? Transportation Section is operating on categories, will be asked to fill out have A. Yes. an interim Company-Government plan been worked up by a committee headed Q. My wife is a Panamanian citizen ; is and answering specific questions for em- by Mrs. Eula DriscoU, Assistant to the she eligible? ployees who are about to go on leave. Personnel Director. A. Yes. The Canal Zone Police will assist in The transportation legislation, which Q. I am about to retire; am I eligible? taking the census among the land licensees is an amendment to section 7 of the A. Employees must have more than and the employees of private firms in the Administrative Expense Act of 1946 one year to serve after return from leave Canal Zone, and the United States (commonly known as Public Law 600), before their retirement to be eligible for Embassy will handle the csnsus for U. S. was designed to make it possible for and the vacation transportation. citizens working in the Republic of encourage employees outside the conti- Q. Is my son who is attending college Panama who have Canal Zone privileges. nental United States to return to the in the United States eligible for P. L. 600 The distribution in military agencies will United States at frequent mtervals; and transportation? be handled by military authorities. to treat overseas employees more uni- -4. Yes, if he is accompanied to or from formly for vacation purposes. the United States by the employee. (If One Per Household The most frequently asked questions he is traveling unaccompanied he is In the Company-Government organ- and their answers follow; they are divided entitled to one round trip (.s'«e me 20) ization, the census forms {See page 18) THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW November 5, 1954 COMMUNITY CHEST CAMPAIGN AIMS FOR LARGEST GOAL AND HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION COMMrXIT'i' L'llKST Board of Directors met recently at the Jewish T. Wise, Mrs. .\rnold Hodgson, Campaign Secretary; W. G. .\rey, -Ir., Board Welfare Board-l'SO to complete last details of this year's drive for funds. Chairman; Mrs. I. F. Mcllhenny, P. A. White, Campaign Chairman; Stanley Twelve of the directors are elected from the community at large, three are Loney; back row: Brodie Burnham, Glenville Davis, Elvin Butcher, C. W. appointed representatives of the Armed Sen'ices, and the others are appointed Hoffmeyer, Lt. Col. William Drake, W. R. Price, Lt. Col. W'alter Gerdau, l)y the various Canal Zone civic councils. Lt. Comdr.Jones W. Purcell, and Roger W. Adams. Other members of the Board Left to right they are, front row: Beresford Gittens, Mary Brigham, Russell are: Eugene I. Askew, Mrs. Cleo Burns, William .Jump, and Nelson Maper. With two record goals —a larger em- heads this year's campaign committee. the Community Chest are: Boy Scouts ployee participation than ever before, He is assisted by Mrs. Arnold Hodgson, of America; Girl Scouts of America; and a larger quota, $50,000, than in past as Campaign Secretary, and by all mem- International Boy Scouts; International years — the Canal Zone Community bers of the Board. A. E. Beck, Chief Girl Scouts; Jewish Welfare Board-USO; Chest's annual drive for funds got under of the Terminals Division, is working Armed Services YMCA-USO, Balboa; way late last month. with Mr. White oiTtBe ^lantic side, and Armed Services YMCA-USO Cristobal; Community Chest Sunday was observed Robert J. Boyd is in charge of the solicita- Salvation Army; Summer Recreation (Jctober 24 in churches throughout the tion in Panama. Board, U. S.-rate; Summer Recreation Canal Zone. The following day Com- The Community Chest campaign will Board local-rate; Congress of Civic pany-Government representatives who continue until November 15. CouncOs, local-rate, and Cristobal-Mar- will handle the actual solicitation for Agencies w^hich will receive funds from garita Civic Coimcil. funds in their respective divisions met for "kick-off" meetings on both sides of the Isthmus. Bids For First Large 60-Cycle Govenior Seybold addressed the em- ployee representatives at the Pacific side Generators To Be Opened Dec. 1 meeting and was scheduled to make a similar talk on the Atlantic side, but a Bids will be opened December 1 at One of the engineers first makes an last minute change in his official plans Balboa Heights for furnishing and instal- appointment with the householder for a forced him to cancel his Atlantic side ling four new generator units and a con- date on which his personally-owned appearance. trol board in the Gatun Hydroelectric equipment may be surveyed. Later a Although the $50,000 goal is the highest Station. This is one of the first major survey team of two men visits each home which the Community Chest has been steps in the conversion from 2.5-cycle to and inspects the household equipment called on to raise since the Chest was 60-cycle current in the Canal Zone. to obtain the technical data necessary started several years ago, the Governor The four vertical-shaft, hydraulic- for conversion. expressed his confidence that the resi- turbine-driven 60-cycle generators and Each householder is tald that such dents of the Canal Zone would accept governors will replace part of the 25- equipment as refrigerators, washing ma- their community responsibility and pro- cycle equipment at the Gatun station. chines, or fans will have to be modified vide the necessary funds for the Chest's They will work in parallel with two other in order that it will operate on 60-cycle dozen participating agencies. units which will be converted to 60 current and that the Panama Canal Com- Governor Seybold pointed out that the cycles later. pany will pay the cost of these changes, Community Chest was the one annual Other developments in the conversion provided the equipment is in regular use opportunity to give to many organiza- program are the 10-day visit to Toronto, and in operating condition. tions through one and expressed the hope Ontario, last month, by Col. Hugh M. After the survey is finished, an inven- that all employees would give generously, Arnold, Engineering and Construction tory of the equipment in his home which not because they felt that they had to but Director, and the continuation of the will have to be converted is mailed to lii'cause they felt that they wanted to.
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