7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXI, NO. 29. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1949 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Schedule Polio Talk Riverview Gets $2,500 From Service League Monday At Leonardo Educators Have Taxes May Drop Dr. Nicholas S. Ranaohoff, head of the polio ward at Monmouth Memorial hospital, Monday night will speak at the Leonardo grade school auditorium as guest of the $559,877 Budget In Fair Haven Middletown township March of Dimes committee. All interested persons are invited to attend. Mrs. Frank Hayes of Red Hill Local Board Asks More In Taxes- Year Ends With $76,572 On Hand road is chairman of the township drive. The area chairmen are as follows: Conover lane, Mrs. Rol- Program Include* Teachers' Raise — Eichele Elected Boro President ston Waterbury; Blossom Cove rd., -• Mra. Eugene Mtltenberger; Everett, The Red Bank board of educa- With the reminder that it will Mrs. Charles Conover; Headden's Corner, MUs Edith McLean; Mid- tlon Tuesday night reported a pro- be a fight against rising cost* of posed school budget of $369,877.76 operation. Fair Haven's mayor and dletown village, Mrs. Frederick New Manager Lutheran Church Philipp, Mrs. Ward Thomas and for the year 1949-50, including a, council Monday night held out board-approved increase In teach- • hope that) through sharp economy, Mrs. P. H. Meyer, Jr.; Holland rd., Mrs. Edward Viner; Nutswamp Selected For ers' salaries of $32,563. the borough may be able to lower Head In India This would make necessary a its tax rate this year. rd., Mrs. Alex Her; Orchard Acres, Mrs. P H. Meyer, Jr.; Holland id., | raise in local real estate taxes ot At the very least, it was stressed | five cents per ?100 valuation, ac- both byMayor Edgar V. Denise and Mrs. Edwin Beekman, Jr.; Leonar- Jacey's Shops To Speak Here do, Mrs. Otto Barth; Belford, Mrs. cording to Alston Beekman, Jr., the Councilman Peter J. Eichele, fi- IVt-^idi'iit Carter board's president. nance committee chairman, the Lsland Richmond; Keyport rd., To Addrese Luther Mrs. Thomas F. Morford; New The budget, to be given a pub- citizens may expect that no effort Monmouth, Mrs. C. F. Gordon; To Devote Full Time lic hearing Thursday evening, Jan. will be spared to keep the tax' League Rally In Port Monmouth, Miss Claire Col- 27, at the senior high school, stands needs of local government from lins; Red Bank road, Mrs. Torvald To Higher Duties at $15,229.26 more than the IMS- rising. Red Bank Church ,. Ueland, and Mrs. L. Garrison Pas- IS figure. The increase to be borne Economy was the watchword of kus, publicity. Hcrmnn .T. Carter, president and by borough taxpayers, said Mr. council's annual reorganization Rev. E. Frakasam, B.D., presl general manager of Jacey's Wom- Beekman, is $0,700. meeting, a session also marked by dent of Andra Evangelical Luther- en's Shops, Long Branch and Red Stating ho had seen published re- the election of Mr. Eichele as bor-an church of India, will be the main Bunk, announces the appointment speaker at a rally of the Shore ports by Enaley White, Red Bank ough president to succeed Council- Catholic Glee Left to right—Seely B. Tuthill, Mrs. Julia E. Thiockmorton, ndmlnlstrator or the lmsjiitnl. nnd of Bertram S. Bills, Jr., of 1626 building inspector, that permits in man Tony Hunting. Selection of District Luther league Sunday at Mrs. Frank F. Blaisdell. River St., West. Bclmar, as general 3:30 p. m. in the Red Bank Luth- tho amount of $2,427,406 had been Mr. Eichele, said Mayor Denise, manager. issued during the year, Mr. Beek- was under the normal rotation pro- The Red Bank Junior Service ful mainly through its able chair- Thrift shop profits have also Mr. Carter named Mr. Bills as his Club To Perform league Tuesday presented a certi- man expressed concern that the cedure followed by the Fair Haven men, Mrs. John Hawking, Mr:*, made possible donations to tnu assistant in order that he could borough had added to its ratable! board. fied check for $2,500 to the River- Stanley Wllkins, Mrs. Warren Zim- Children's shelter at Freehold, the devoto more time to his duties as view Hospital Building fund, ear- mcr and Mrs. William Morgan. Mis. Cerebral Palsy clinic at I-,on ' in 1918 only $192,000. Had half the In his annual appointments Mayor Saturday Night h buyer nnd general merchandise amount involved in permitted con- marked for two ward beds and a Albbie Rnthbone, who is employed Branch, Allenwood hospital, and manager. Denise decided to retain all of last bassinet. Mrs. Frank Blaisdell, by the league, hns sold in the shop the Children's Preventorium at struction liccn added to the tax year's committees, as follows, the Complete Sell-Out Mr. Bills was formerly associated rolls, he said, it would have become president of the Service league, every Thursday, Friday and Satur- Farmingdale, In addition to this, with Stolnhach's, Asbury Park, aa chairman being named first in each For Lecture By presented the gift to Seely B. Tut-day mornings since the shop Ural the league for many years has pro- unnecessary for the school board to case: hill, treasurer of the building fund. assistant display director, and wasrequire an additional tax demand opened. Each league member is vided needy families with milk, dis- a World war II overseas veteran. Streets, Walks and Shads Trees— Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen This money has been the result responsible for ton dollars worth tributing 2,867 quints in 1948, and for its operations. James A. Bnrlght, Tony Hunting. Rus. of thousands of hours volunteer of merchandise a year and, in addi- supplying 15 families with Christ- Donald Griffiths of Red Bank, Explainin,„„ g ftfurthe „r „.,th_e increase.„„_d Bcll H. Minion. Seventy-five members of Red also it World war II veteran, will I amounts involved in the proposed Fire. First Aid and Insurance—Min- work on the part of the league's US tion, many members work in the inas baskets. Jt is also co-sponsor- ton, Jesse J, Mcllruy, Hunting, Bank Catholic high school's Glee members. The most recent amount, Thrift shop sorting donations anil ing and llnancially aiding: tho lor- replace Gornld Cestare ot Eaton-1 budget, which is advertied in full 1'nlilio Buildings. Sanitation, Library club will perform in the school au- a total of $800, resulted from the repairing and pressing clothes. mation of a council of social agen- town, :i window trimmer, nnd will |n today'y s Registerg , Mr. Beekmsn, —Mclhuy. Peter J. Eichele, Arthur li. ditorium Saturday night. The con-November 27 benefit ball. League members also do hun- cies. work umler the direct supervision said "the cost of our salary sched- IUemnn. cert will precede the lecture to be ot Mr. Bills. Finance, Printing and Supplies— The balance of $1,700 Is the ac- dreds of hours volunteer work at The league has had a continued ule—$70,000 above what it wa» be- Eichele, Eni'ight, Rictnan. given by Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, na cumulated profit from the League the state hospital at Marlboro and interest in Riverview hospital for fore 1948—must come from the tax- Police— Rlcman, Minton, Knright. tionally acclaimed orator and pro-Thrift shop on Wharf avenue. The the blood bank at Monmouth Me- many years, and in June 1UIU do- payers." This, he said, includes a Mayor Denise and Councilmen fesor of philosophy at the Catho- shop, selling nearly new clothing morial hospital, which was started nated a $650 oxygen tent to the Economy Pledged $35,000 jump for salaries of teach- Enright, Hunting and Eichele, all lic University of America, Wash- and bric-a-brac, has been success- by the league. hospital. ers and administrators. re-elected to new terms, were ington, D. C. Operations costs estimated for the sworn in by Borough Clerk M. Magi. Sheen, who now is fea- By Mayor Denise year include expenditures for such Floyd Smith. In turn, each thanked tured on radio station WNBC's Bcuowilz Installed necessities as a new roof on the the voters for their confidence in Sunday night Catholic Hour, will Mainstay's 25th. New Building Asks Itcsideiits To Oakland street school, and th* ex- their ability and pledged continued epeak on "The Supreme Alternative As B'nui Israel Head tension of waterproofing at Rivet —A Broken World or Broken Aid Boro Progress service to the borough. Max Benowitz was installed as j street school. The proposed ex. The mayor then delivered his an- Rev. E. Prakasam Hearts." His lecture Is scheduled Anniversary Year penss of the athletic program ha: for 8:30 p. m. Msgr. Joseph T. president of Congregation B'nni Fund Growing Mayor Edgar V. Donlso of Fair nual message to the borough resi- Israel at the synagogue on River- Haven, in a public messago to the been doubled, from $2,500 to $5,000. dents, thanking them for his re- eran church. He will address the Casey, St, James pastor, announced 9 Still continuing at exceptionally early this week that tickets for the side avenue last week, succeeding ! citizens and voters of his borough election and calling upon them to youth of the Lutheran churches of 'Record Breaker Harry Roman. Mr, Benowitz has At Riverview j Monday night expressed his grati- high levels is the cost of all ser- be generous of their personal time Red Bank. Keyport, Long Branch event have been completely sold vices and supplies, the board presi- out.
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