COOPERATION RATHER THAN CONFLICT Rev. George G. Higgins CATHOLIC YOUTH -1949 Mabel Shannon . CATHOLIC WRITING TODAY John J. O'Connor THE APOSTOLATE OF THE FAMILY ADVERTISING THE FAITH NCCS-V A HOSPITAL SERVICE and NCCW Catholic Press Month Statement Labor Legislation Statement A NA IONAL MON HLY PUBLISHED BY TH NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE riee: 30e NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS "Over a manifold activity of the laity, carried on in various localities accordino to the neP-ds of the times, is placed the National Oatholic Welfare Oonference, an organization which supplies a ready and well-adapted inatrument for your episcopal miniatry."-Pope Pius XII. FEBRUARY, 1949 The National Catholic Welfare Conference wa organized in St>pt~>mber, 1919. TheN. C. W. C. is a common agency acting under the authority of the oishops to promote the welfare of the Catholics of the country. It ha for it incorporated purpo e "unifying, coordinating and organizing the PAGE atho1ic people of the United States in works of education, social welfare, immigrant aid and other activities." The Conference is conducted by an administrative board composed of ten arch­ labor legislation . 3 hi hops and bishops aided by seven assistant bishops. tatement of the Social Action De­ Each department of the N. C. W. C. is administered by an episcopal chairman. Through the general s cretary, chief executive officer of the Conference, the re­ partment, N.C.W.C., signed by ports of the departments and information on the general work of the headquarters Rev. R. A. McGQWan, director taff are ent regularly to the members of the administrative &oard. The admini trative bishop of the Conference report annually upon their work to the Holy See. Cooperation Rather Than Conflict. 4 Annually at the general meeting of the bishops, detailed reports are submitted by By Rev. George G. Higgim, Ph.D. the administrative bishops of the Conference and authorization secured for the work No official action is taken by any N. C. W. C. department without authorization of the coming year. Catholic Youth-1949 6 of its episcopal chairman. By Mabel Shannon No official action is taken in the name of the whole Conference without authoriza- tion and approval of the administrative board. It is not the policy of theN. C. W. C. to create new organization • Catholic Writing Today.. .. ..... 8 It helps, unifies, and leavee to their own fields those that already exi t. It aims to defend and advance the welfare both of the Catholic Church and of By ]olm ]. O'Connor, Ph.D. our b lov •d Country. The Apostolate of the Family {VI of It seeks to inform the life of America of right fundamental principle of religion and morality. N.C.W.C. Forum Series 1948-49- It is a central clearing house of information regarding activities of Catholic Religion in life) . .. .. I 0 men and women. By Rev. Edgar Schmiedeler, O.S.B., N. C. W. C. is comprised of the following departments and bureaus: EXECUTIVE--Bureaus maintained: Immigration, National Oenter Oonfraternitfl of Ph.D. Christian Doctrine, Information, Publication•, Business and Auditing, and CATH­ LIO AO'l'ION, monthly publication, N. 0. W. 0. National Council Catholic Women . 12 YoUTH-Facilitates exchange of information regarding the philosophy, organization, LAY ORGANIZATIONS-Includes the National Council of Catholic Men and the National N.C.C.S.-V.A. Hospital erv/ce and atholic Youth Council, the federating ag ncy for all e:d ting, approv d Catholic N.C.C.W.-N.C.C.S.-V.A. Hospi­ · youth groups, contacts and evaluates national governmental and non-govern· tal Service in Action-News mental youth organizations and youth servicing organizations. EDUCATION-Divisions: Statistics and Information, Teacher Placement, Research Notes-With Our Nationals-In­ Catholic .Education, Library Service, and Inter-American Collaboration. dustry and ocial Action lmtitutes PRESS- erves the Catholic press in the United States and abroad with regular new1, features, editorial and pictorial 1ervices. National Council Catholic: Men . 16 ociAL ACTION-Covers the fields of Industrial Relation•, International Af/aira, Oivic Education, Social Welfare, Family Life, and Rural Life. Advertising the Faith--Radio Sched- LEGAir-Serves as a clearing house of information on federal, state and local legislation. ule /or February, 1949 LAY ORGANIZATIONS-Includes the National Council of Catholic Men and the National Council of Catholic Women, which maintain at N. 0. W. C. headquarters perma­ nent represt>ntations in the interests of the Catholic laity. These councils function Calendar of Scheduled Catholic through orne 8,000 affiliated societies-national, state, diocesan, district, local and Meetings and Events . .... 19 parish; also through units of the councils in many of the dioceses. The N. C. C. M. maintains at its national headquarters a Catholic Evidence Bureau, ponsors three weekly nationwide radio programs-the Catholic Hour The Catholic Press and Catholic over the National Broadca ti~g Company's Network, and the Hour of Faith over living . .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. 20 th American Broadcasting Company's Network and the Catholic program in the "Faith in Our Time'' series on the Mutual Broadcasting System-and con­ Message of The Most Rev. Michael J. ducts a Catholic Radio Bureau. Ready, Bishop of Columbus, for The N. C. C. W. through its National Committee System maintains an adult education service, transmitting to its affiliates information and suggestions in all Catbolic Press Month 1949 field covered by the N. C. W. C., and conducting Institutes and Regional Con­ ferences for leader hip training; it cooperates with War Relief Services­ N. C. W. C. in a continuing clothing project for children; from 1921 to 1947 it ponsored the National Catholic School of Social Service. CATHOLIC ACTION TUDY-Devoted to research and reports as to pronouncements, methods, programs and achievements in the work of Catholic Action at home and abroad. All that are helped may play their part in promoting the good work and in main­ The COntentl of CATHOLIC ACTION are taining the common agency, the National Catholic Welfare Conference. CATHOLIC ACTION records monthly the work of the Conference and its affili­ indexed in the Ct~tholic Periodical Index. ated organizations. It pre ents our common needs and opportunities. Its special articles are helpful to every Catholic organization and individual. OATHOLIO ACTION published monthlr by the National Catholic Welfare Conference. ::mntered as second-clan matter at the post office at Washington, D. 0., under the Act of March 3, 1879. All changes of address, renewals and subecrip. tiona should be sent direct to OATBOLIO ACTION, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Wuhincton 6, D. 0. Pvblioatio~a, BditoriaJ and BeeovtitUJ 01ioe1 Sublorif)tton Rate• 1812 Massachul!letts Ave., N. W. $3.00 per :rear • ~.2G outllide the United States. Make checks or postal money order• WASHINGTON 5, D. C. II payable to CATHOLIC ACTION [ 2] CATHOLIC ACTION CATHOLIC ACTION Vol XXXI, No.2 February, 1949 Statement of the Social Action Department, National Catholic Welfare Conference. Signed by Labor Legislation: Reverend Raymond A. McGowan, the Director HATEVER is done about a new tal fact-finding and mediation, ask for Cooperation on apprenticeship train­ W labor law should not end at pro­ public ownership of railroads. While ing; cooperation on methods of pro­ tection of labor's right to organize this action is not totalitarian, it would duction; joint selection of impartial and to bargain or at the settlement inevitably become so if extended to all arbiters by labor and management to of disputes. Law and American prac­ or to most of the industries. decide the meaning of collective con­ tice should seek the cooperation of A new labor law should go beyond tracts when the two sides cannot agree; government with labor and business governmental guarantee of collective encouragement of industry-wide joint :and a continuously wider and more bargaining and government interven­ committees for the above purposes; peaceful labor-management partner- tion to settle disputes. The law should jointly controlled health and welfare ship in companies, industries and in provide in some way for: programs. economic life as a whole. When this 1.) Inclusion in the preamble of a Addition of business-labor advisory third step is taken in framing new laws declaration of the government committees to the National Labor Re­ and in establishing American practice, favoring labor-management coop­ lations Board; formation of such joint we shall have made the definite prog­ eration. committees in relation to the Federal ress necessary for the development of 2.) An accepted procedure in the Trade Commission and to other de­ a sound American social order. settlement of disputes to encour­ partments and agencies that deal with Much of the disorder on the Conti­ age labor-management coopera­ business and labor, such as Commerce, nent of Europe is due to past and pres­ tion with a description of such Labor, and Interior, Defense, the Fed­ ent practice of the ruling labor•move­ cooperation in the laws and ad­ eral Security Administration and the ments and business organizations in ministrative regulations govern­ Federal Housing Administration; addi­ many countries to stop at organized ing the agencies seeking settle­ tion of business and labor members to bargaining, with the consequence that ment of disputes. a joint congressional committee on the governments act only when a dispute 3.) A federal committee made up of workings of a new labor law and addi­ reaches a climax. Because there is not all departments and agencies deal­ tion of farmer members, as well, to the a strong and general practice of labor­ ing with business and labor to Joint Congressional Committee on the management cooperation and govern­ search out ways of encouraging President's Economic Report.
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