. ~ METHOD OF OPERATION 2. Reading of Notes -Notes giving further interchange are to be interpreted exactly as they read. Example: GENERAL FORMAT -Each car make is listed under a A note under 120 reads "Our No.150 fits." Under separate tab. On the first page after each tab is a Table of 150 is a note reading "150 fits our 120." The note Contents which follows this general format. under 120 is no problem, but the note under 150 means just what it says and does not mean that 120 1. GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION --Includes fits 150. relevant information about each model. This con- sists of starting serial to year cross-over, Model 3. Coverage -All interchange is based on original Identification & Picture Identification. equipment as installed at the factory unless stated 2. INDEX SECTION -Each model car has its own index. otherwise. Special care must be taken (especially on older models) when making an interchange be- Find the index for the model needed. In each index tween replacement and original equipment parts. the parts are listed under the following headings: Many times replacement parts have been installed ENGINE that are completely different from the original ELECTRICAL equipment part. BRAKES & WHEELS Note that this order STEERING & SUSPENSION follows the same order Warning: In earlier years, cars may be titled a AXLE & DRIVE SHAFT of groups as the Hollander different year than produced. Use the serial COOLING & FUEL Auto- Truck Edition. number crossover to years in the General BODY PARTS Information sections to determine year . CLUTCH & TRANSMISSION 4. Assembly Interchange -Many parts are covered Opposite each part listing is our interchange number. as complete units or assemblies as the used parts 3. INTERCHANGE SECTION -Locate the interchange dealer would sell it. Such assemblies as Brake number in the Interchange Section which immediately Assembly, Engine Assembly, Carrier Assembly, Axle Assembly, Transmission Assembly, Trans- follows the index. Under that number we list all Axle Assembly are covered as complete units. vehicles using that part. See the following "WHAT PARTS ASSEMBLIES 4. PRICE -The suggested list price is located in the INCLUDE" for what parts are covered in each interchange section to the right of the interchange assembly. number. All prices are rounded to the nearest dollar. Prices not shown are either not available or are sub- WHAT PARTS ASSEMBLIES INCLUDE ject to factory invoice. Effective date of price is shown on the first page of each interchange. Foreign car parts ENGINE prices are not stable and often dealers do not sell at Engine Assembly -Interchange includes manifolds, .factory list price. carburetors, & oil pan. Interchange does not include flywheel. Horsepower & emission control devices 5. I LLUSTRA TIONS -For several makes an illustration are not considered in the interchange. section of the more important chassis parts are shown. ELECTRICAL Alternator -Interchange is less pulley. Tail Lamp Assembly -Interchange includes housing HOW TO READ OUR LISTINGS & lens. However, interchange does not consider the design of the lens. In some cases it will be necessary Part Numbers -When two part numbers are listed to interchange lens in sets. together, the first number is the right hand (Passenger Prices -Are for new parts, not rebuilt. Rebuilt prices side) and the second number is the left hand. Example usually 33-40% less than new price stated. 4268766- 7. Number 4268766 is right hand and the BRAKE & WHEELS number 4268767 is the left hand. Right & left hand Front & Rear Brake Assembly -Disc brakes include parts, inner & outer parts do not interchange unless caliper, disc, & backing plate. Drum brakes include otherwise stated. drum, & backing plate. Continued @ 1982 BY HOLLANDER COMPANY Pa ge CONTENTS INDEX Page 124 .. 13101516 INTERCHANGEStrada.X1/9Lancia . .20 128. .18 131 .. .21 850. .24 1100R 18 ILLUSTRATIONS .52 MODEL & SERIAL NUMBER TO YEAR - FIAT 128SW continued lli Sdn Spider 1870371 thru 1971373 1975 thru 362092 1966-67 0005618 thru 0010553 1968 1971374 thru No Info 1976 362093 thru 490919 1968 0010554 thru 0021860 1969 490920 thru 0658587 1969 0021861 thru 0022588 1970 ill Sdn 0658588 thru 0826843 1970 0022589 thru 0047031 1971 0826844 thru 1040464 1971 0047032 thru 0059591 1972 553 thru 86856 1975 1040465 thru 1240166 1972 0059592 thru 0071649 1973 86857 thru 265524 1976 1240167 thru 1358831 1973 0071650 thru 0088791 1974 265525 thru 3290685 1977 1358832 & up 1974 0088792 thru 0099908 1975 3290686 thru 4425153 1978 0099909 thru 0113342 1976 4425154 & up 1979 0113343 thru 0126165 1977 1980-81 No Information 0126166 thru 0142000 1978 sw 0142514 & up 1979 1980-81 No Infonnation thru 352999 1966-67 0051 thru 4024184 1975 353000 thru 493213 1968 4024185 thru 4097359 1976 493214 thru 0658907 1969 4097360 thru 4140697 1977 0658908 thru 0890000 1970 ~Sdn 4140698 thru 4257814 1978 0890001 thru 1028446 1971 4257815 & up 1979 1028447 thru 1240220 1972 0472894 thru 0682800 1971 1980-81 No Information 1240221 thru 1358303 1973 0682801 thru 1119700 1972 1358304 & up 1974 1119701 thru 1458267 1973 1458268 thru 1864414 1974 1864415 thru 1973214 1975 2564 thru 26559 1974 1973215 thru 2277221 1976 26560 thru 40658 1975 2277222 thru 2454000 1977 Coupe 40659 thru 57029 1976 2454001 thru 2599740 1978 57030 thru 74000 1977 0034514 2599741 & up 1979 thru 0066279 1968 74001 thru 98000 1978 0066280 thru 0113869 1969 98002 & up 1979 0113870 thru 0115876 1970 1980-81 No Informatfon 0115877 thru 0181441 1971 sw 0181442 thru 0206904 1972 ~ 0206905 thru 0240099 1973 728924 thru 1139446 1972 0240100 thru 0269933 1974 1139447 thru 1458267 1973 2034154 & up 1979 0269934 & up 1975 1458268 thru 1870370 1974 1980-81 No Information LANCIA MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBERS TO YEAR 1975 sedan up to 503000 1977 sedan 504192 and up 1979 sedan 506001 and up up to 603000 coupe coupe 607336 and up coupe 610001 and up HPE N/A HPE 701201 and UD HPE 703001 and up Scorpion 101369 and up 1976 sedan 503001 up to 504191 1980 coupe N/A 603001 up to 607336 coupe 1978 sedan 505001 and up Zagato N/A HPE 700001 up to 701200 coupe 608001 and up 100001 and up Scorpion HPE 702001 and up 1981 coupe N/A Zagato N/A DIFF DIFF YEAR MDDEL ENG TYPE/DISPLACEMENT TRANS RATID YEAR MOOEL ENG TYPE IDISPLACEMENT TRANS RATIO 1966 850 2dr coupe 843cc 4spd MT 4.87 1968-69850 2dr coupe 817cc 4spd MT 4.87 1100Rl03P 4dr sdn 1089cc 4spd MT N.I. 850 2dr sdn 817cc 4spd 1100Rl03PF 4dr SW 1089cc 4spd MT N.I. MT/AT 4.62 124A 4dr sdn 1197cc 4spd 850 2dr Spider conv 817cc 4spd MT 4.87 MT/AT 4.1 124A 4dr sdn 1197cc 4spd 1967 850 2dr coupe 843cc 4spd MT 4.87 850 2dr Spider Conv 843cc 4spd MT 4.87 MT/AT 4.10 124AF 4dr SW 1197cc 4spd 1100Rl03P 4dr sdn 1089cc 4spd MT N.I. MT/AT 4.44 1100Rl03PF 4dr SW 1089cc 4spd MT N.I. 124AC 2dr coupe 1438cc OHC 5spd MT 4.10 124A 4dr sdn 1197cc 4spd 124AS 2dr Spider conv 1438cc OHC 5spd MT 4.10 MT/AT 4.1 124AF 4dr SW 1197cc 4spd MT/AT 4.44 FIAT-LANCIA GENERAL INFORMATION 2 @ 1982 BY HOLLANDER COMPANY YEAR TO MODEL CROSSOVER -continued DIFF YEAR MODEL ENG TYPE/DISPLACEMENT TRANS RATIO 1970 850 2dr coupe 903cc 4spd MT 4.87 850 2dr sdn 817cc 4spd MT/AT 4.62 850 2dr Spider conv 903cc 4spd MT 4.87 850 2dr racer 903cc 4spd MT 4.87 124A 4dr sdn 1438cc 4spd MT/AT 4.10 124AF 4dr SW 1438cc 4spd MT/AT 4.44 124AC 2dr coupe 1438cc OHC 5spd MT 4.10 124BS 2dr Spider,conv 1438cc OHC 5spd. MT 4.10 1971 850 2dr coupe 903cc 4spd MT 4.87 850 2dr sdn 903cc 4spd MT/AT 4.62 850 2dr Spider conv 903cc 4spd MT 4.B7 850 2dr racer 903cc 4spd MT 4.87 124B 4dr sdn 1438cc 4spd MT/AT 4.10 124AF1 4dr SW 1438cc 4spd MT/AT 4.30 124 2dr coupe 1438cc OHC 5spd MT 4.30 124BS1 2dr Spider conv 1608cc OHC 5spd MT 4.30 128B 2 & 4dr sdn 1116cc OHC 4spd MT 4.077 124BC1 2dr coupe 1608cc OHC 5spd MT 4.30 1972-73850 2dr Spider conv 903cc 4spd MT 4.87 124B 4dr sdn 1438cc 4spd MT/AT 4.1(j 124AF1 4dr SW 1438cc 4spd MT/AT 4.30 124 2dr coupe 1608cc OHC 5spd MT 4.30 124BS1 2dr Spider conv 1438cc OHC 5spd MT 4.30 128A 2 & 4dr sdn 1116cc 4spd MT 4.077 128AF 2dr SW 1116cc 4spd MT 4.077 128AC 2dr coupe 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.077 1974 124B 4dr sdn 1592cc OHC 4spd MT/AT 4.10 124 4dr SW 1592cc OHC 4spd MT/AT 4.30 124 2dr coupe 1756cc OHC 5spd MT 4,30 124CS1 2dr Spider conv 1756cc OHC 55pd MT 4;30 128A 2 & 4dr sdn 129Occ OHC 4spd MT 4.07 128AF 2dr SW 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.41 128AC 2dr coupe 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.07 X1/9-128AS 2dr coupe 129Occ OHC 4spd MT 4.07 1975 124CSI 2dr Spider conv 1756cc OHC 5spd MT 4.30 124CC1 2dr coupe 1756cc OHC 5spd MT 4.30 128A1 2 & 4dr sdn 129Occ OHC 4spd MT 4.44 128AF1 2dr SW 129Occ OHC 4spd MT 4.44 128AC 2dr coupe 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.44 X1/9-128AS 2dr coupe 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.42 131A3 2 & 4dr sdn 1756cc OHC 4spd MT/AT 4.44 131AF2 2dr SW 1756cc OHC 4spd MT/AT 4.44 1976-78124CSI 2dr Spider conv 1756cc OHC 5spd MT 4.30 128A1 2 & 4dr sdn 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.42 3.76 128AF1 2dr SW 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.42 3.76 1283P 3dr hatchback 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.42 3.76 X1/9-128AS 2dr coupe 1290cc OHC 4spd MT 4.42 131A3 2 & 4dr sdn 1756cc OHC 4spd MT/AT 4.44 4.10 1979 @ 1982 BY HOLLANDER COMPANY 3 FIAT-LANCIA GENERAL INFORMATION -- "illR" -"t:O MODEL CRossovER DIFF YEAR MODEL ENG TYPE/DISPLACEMENT TRANS RATID 1979 Cont'd 131 AFZ (BRAVA) 2dr SW 1995ccDOHC 5spd MT 3.583 3spd AT 3.583 138 (STRADA) 3 & 5dr sdn 1498cc OHC 5spd MT 3.588 3spd AT 3.588 1980 124 2dr Spider cony 1995cc/DOHC 5spd MT 3.90 3spd AT ~.58 128 X-l/9 2dr coupe 1498/0HC 5spd MT 4.077 131 Braya 2dr,4dr,SW 1995/DOHC 5spd MT 5.583 3spd AT 5.583 138 Strada 3dr,5dr 1498/0HC 5spd MT 3.588 3spd AT 3.588 1981 124 2dr Spider cony 1995cc/DOHC
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