THE TBBSDAUB MERCURY—WBDMBHDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1876. ASTED now, or at Martinmas term, a Married PULLAN AND SONS, DYERS TO THE I/OR SALE, a neat STOVE. May be adapted URNISHED APARTMENTS at DEMESNES . QUEEN, PERTH.—Agent for BARNARD A either for Gas or Coke.—Apply at the Office of • • .... ••• . , Castle, and it is to be hoped that I W Man as HIND.—Apply to THOMAS Brats, East J F HOUSE, Abbey Bridge, Barnard Castles- Shaws, Barnard Castle. CASTLE and District, J. KENNEDY, this Paper. ' Apply to Mrs. ADDISON, Demesnes House. not neglect the d«* measures fel Queen Street. Gordon Bank, BgglestOne. NEW GOODS FOB THE SEASON ANTED, an active general SERVANT, with eervation. ESSRS. TARN will Sell by Auction, on SATURDAY, good character. Weslevan preferred.—Apply . MRS. THORPE ALLEN IMPORTANT TO FLOCKMASTER8. W November 18th, 1876, at Egglestone, the follow­ « to Mrs JAMBS TODD, jun., Barningham. f 8 now Showing a NEW STOCK of the FRENCH M In the course of last summer aj ing valuable Household FURNITURE and Effects, I PATTERNS and COPIES in MILLINERY, SCAB, TICKS. LICK, Ac., artisan visited Barnard Castle and t belonging to Mr T. Walton, consisting of 2 cbeffbnier * GENTS WANTED to represent an Old-Estab- MANTLES, COSTUMES, ULSTERS, Ac. SILK TEESDALE HOUSE, bedsteads, new; 2 iron bedsteads, do.; press, chest of Gwat Seduction in Price of LONG'S bourhood, |and jotted down an A lished, well known MANURE MANUFAC­ COSTUMES much below the present price, from 4 oak drawers, longsettle, kitchen table, oak table, round much that he had seen and heard, TURER, in districts where not already represented.— to 20 Guineas. A large Stock of CHILDREN'S NON -POISONOUS SPECIFIC do., 6 kitchen chairs, elbow do., looking glass, Ameri­ BARNARD CASTLE. Apply by letter to M. P., care of Mr Rutherford, 72, JACKETS, Ulsters, Dresses, 4c., FURS, Lace Goods. to 3s. per Gallon. having been placed in my hands (wi can eight days clock, kitchen fender and fire irons, 1 Grey-street, Nei castle-on-Tyne. Gloves, Ties, Ac. to publish the same) I have made 2 do., new; Wanzer sewing machine, clock, books, 24, BLACK WELLGATE, (INTEODtJCED IN VMS). tracts, which I now place before yo« ANTED, a geod general SERVANT, where 2 lamps, new; 12 new zinc pails, large scales, 2 new The Proprietors have much pleasure in inf ormimr the Public DARLINGTON. another eerrant is kept, who would be willing coffee pots, 2 do. tea pots, 12 new iron candlesticks, jgtUfa made arrangement, with the rerraeiit»ti~lj ID Deepdale he saw the " Cat Cast W NOT. 13,1876. *be late Joseph LOM. together with the .dotage* Set to attend Pony, and two Cows —Apply, stating wages, step ladder, 4 eides of bacon, a quantity of draperies, and Improved Machinery, they an enabled to .uppir this a mo*t splendid structure, as high to Mrs GOOD, Forest Vicarage, Teesdale. viz., shirtings, prints, skirts, winceys, tweeds ; kitchen valuable preparation through their numerous Ajrento at tka than the High Level Bridge, Newe above reduced price. «• w , DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, MEMORANDUM and bedroom papers, and a large variety of other is ail painted white, and looks so Respectable YOUNG LADY WANTED as articles. QUALITY GUARANTEED AS BEFORE. APPRENTICE to Millinery and Mantles.—Apply BOOKS, Ac: J. HOWSON there is no smoke to make it look f A Sale at 12 o'clock. *U»n»ACTDMES AJn> PHOPKINTOKS, to T. GASBUTT, Barnard Castle. It very much reminds me of a d Carry 4 Soper (ttmft Sktep Dressing Co.), BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, CHURCH HOUGHTON-LE-8IDE. COUNTY OF DURHAM. cage ! On the 12th of August, SHAD THAMES, LONDON, S.«. MUSIC. VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARM. is awfully hot, so take the advantage B. RICHARD WOODHAMS, PROFESSOR SERVICES, and -TO-BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Is now prepared with Novelties in the various OF MUSIC, teaches the Piano Forte, Har­ At the King's Head Hotel, DARLINGTON, in the County by woods. You seem as though M HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN: JUDSON'S DYES.—18 Colours, 6A each monium, Violin, Violoncello, and Singing.—Lessons of Durham, branches of his business. RIBBONS, WOOL, SILK, FEATHERS, not walk for mushrooms here, oommenced on TUKDAT, SEPTEMBER 5th. On MONDAY, the 20th day of NOVEMBER, 1876, at 2 for Completely Dyed in 10 minutes walk brought me to Percy moor < Ga'gate Terrace, Barnard Castle. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS: 3 o'clock in the Afternoon, without soiling the hands. not a castle, but a tremendous August 12th, 1876. Mr. R. S. BENSON, Auctioneer, Full instructions supplied. Of all Chemists and Subject to such conditions of Sale as will be then an­ overlooking all the country. Frfl DIARIES, Ac, FOR 1877: Stationers. O MASONS AND JOINERS.—The committee nounced, and in the following or such other Lots as trees look like bushes—you can L _ of the Workmen's Provident Society invite UDSON"S DYES.—DYKISG AT HOHE.—JVDSOH'S T will be then fixed, J simple DYES are most usefuland effectual. Ribbons, of them straight down before yov Tenders for work required in making additions to ATLASES A DICTIONARIES: LOT 1. their Store at MIDDLETOX-I.V-TEESDALE. Plans and THE SHOW ROOMS silks, feathers, scarfs, lace, braid, veils, hands rcbiefs', over this tremendous rock the youl LL that very desirable and com pact freehold FARM, clouds, bernouses, Shetland shawls, or any small Percy, while fox-hunting, rodej Specifications to be seen at the Store. Tenders at Houghton-le-Side, comprising a Messuage or received up to Thursday, Nor. 23rd, 1876. POPULAR NOVELS, 6d., Is., and 2s. ea A: A articles of dress can easily be dyed in a few minutes hunter. Horse and rider were Farm House, Out-buildings, Stables, and Premises, without sailing the hands, violet, magenta, crimson, and the several Closes of Arable and Grass Land Will display a choice variety of COUNTY OF DURHAM. mauve, purple, pink, ponceau, claret, Ac. ieces. It is on the top of this cat occupied therewith, containing 144a. 2r. 27p., be CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS and the NEW YEAR : JUDSON'S DYES.—PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPEB POSITIVES the same more or less, the Bouse and Land are MILLINERY BONNETS. HATS, write this, beneath the shade ALTERATION OF POLLING DISTRICT IN or PHOTO-PRINTS should be dipped in hot water and f BIRTHDAY CARDS, Ac. in the occupation of Mr. W. Oliver, and the Quarry growing or the edge." The writer! THE SOUTHERN DIVISION OF THE then submitted to a hot bath of JCDSON'S DTES. in the occupation of Mr. R. Binks, as yearly tenants FRENCH A ENGLISH FLOWERS, FEATHERS COUNTY OF DURHAM. Beautiful effects are thus produced in Green, Pink crosses the Tees, aud goes into thel thereof. LOT 2. Cotherstoue, and says, " I ~%ow, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that, at the General RIBBONS, Ac., Brown, and miny other beautiful colours, Use R. W. ATKINSON, A CLOSE, or Parcel of Arable LAND, Judson's Dyes for general tinting ! laughing to see the butcher aittii I Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of near the said Farm, in the Township of Houghton- Durham, held at the City of Durham, on the 16th In all the leading shades. JUDSON'S DYES.—FERNS, GRASSES, FLOWERS, and the paper, in a sort of powder-mapa BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, le-Side, containing 8a. 2r. 29p., be the same more SEAWEEDS may be dyed most exquisite colours, Green, day of October last, the POLLING PLACE of cr legs, and now in the occupation of Mr. W. Oliver. a candle in his hand. His shop hi COCKFIBLD POLLING DISTRICT in the South­ BARNARD CASTLE. Crimson, Purple, Scarlet, Ac., by simply dipping LOT 3. them in a solution of JI-DSON'B DTES. Charming dow." On Sunday, August 13th, ern Division of the said County, was ALTERED by A CLOSE or Parcel of Arable LAND, adjoining constituting LYNESACK and SOFT LEY, in the Bouquets may be composed. morning service at the old church, i J. G. TAYLOR, the last Lot, containing 9a. 2r. 35p., be the same more JUDSON.S DYES.—INK—INK—INK.—A Sixpenny Castle. It is a splendid place, same Division, the Polling Place of such District, in TAILOR AND DRAPER, or less, and now in the occupation of Mr W. Oliver. LADIES' COSTUMES; lieu of COCKFIELD, the Polling Place of such Bottle of JUDSON'S DTES, Violet, Red or Magenta, KINO STREET, BARNARD CASTLE, Lot 4. entirely renovated. It has a District, pursuant to the Act 30 and 31 Vict., cap. will make half a pint of brilliant writing ink in one HILE desirous of thanking his friends and A COTTAGE and GARDEN, at Houghton Bank, We could scarcely get a seat, the cl 102, sec. 34. UNDER AND OVER SKIRTS; minute by simply adding hot water. patrons for the support already bestowed and near Lot 1, containing 33 Perches, be the same well attended, which I was glad to J Dated this Seventh day of November, One Thousand W TUDSON'S DYES—For Colouring Architectural upon bim, hopes, by assiduous application to business, more or less, in the occupation of William Hall, as Eight Hundred and Seventy-Six. PLAIN AND Plans, Ac. Much trouble may be saved in grinding hare a very good service.' Goi and the production of a class of garments distinguished yearly tenant thereof. RALPH PARK PHILIPSON, up colours to a uniform tint. They may be used Wood, to the Spa, in the afternooi for their ease, comfort, and elegance, to merit con­ Lots 1, 2 and 3 are free from Land Tax, but subject Clerk of the Peace of the County of Durham.
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