VOL XXVII ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, ÀÜGUST 19IO No. 3I' one or two exceptions in the history ^ he rCTiiarked, *'%at d wish to stfrt-fi ! of our village which has 'been incor- that but for tiie ■ he^ given me by :Sir ! por&ted for about twenty years has Frederick Borden I am quite-coiiti- our taxes been as low as they were in •dent I would not be able to acnotmce m 1909, and never before a tax collec- a settie-ineut at' this time.” tor's record equal to that year on De- Mr. King received last night ïrr.în m cember 15th, when the financial state- Montreal the foHiawing message ïrc>m m Notes of the Week ment was issuetl, as every cent of tax- Messrs- Murdock • and Berry who r re- m es wa.s paid in with one unavoidable presented the anesr. Merchant Tells Ho-w It exception. In that case the party waa Satisfactory Arraagemcnts “Your telagram received and we m not b ring in town, also was not a have alneaciy -SBtft the advices neces- Affects Trade responsible' . person. Yet we do not sail between Co. and Mm sary t-o call the estrike off and ftjave along withouT'iSome unscrupulous op- instnacted all the men who went on position as the "vem aining ten per strike to report'’y<>r duty at once. Rev. Donald .'Stewart, of this to'wn, sion for supply but since his departure cent, are very active\fjsh, and under- me Agre»em fSigited'T’S- IV. Berry. has been appointed Chaplain of East- the party has been confined to his Trade Belter take in their own way ti?^^irculate all '"Tames Murdock."” ern District Ko, 21 .A.F. and A.M. room- -svith illness making it impossible possible unfoun'ded rumors,-iQr in- It w-a-s etatéfl"that the system of for him to take the ■work. Baker Is Collecting Bills That stance, that the town is dead, w.^d .All Men, Save Those Guilty of Depend upon St, -whoever tries to Bîii that there are a large number of vs^ notification "was"such that therffitway you a Bubstitrcte is doing »o for the Don’t miss the great Closing-out Violence or Disorder, Wîll all along the'-systera from Chicago to sale at E. G. Campeau’s store by tbe Were Contracted in the Pre- cant houses, that the surrounding profit and cot Scr your go )d- ' L’.- A countrj’side are going to other places Be Reinstaited Portland would'be ready for ■'duty L.” Menthol Kaeters for stiffness, etc-, Canadian Brokerage Co. vious Ten Years within a-n hotm. to trade where they can get drink. I I ' L-DIJ have many iacitatorB. Beware tf tbs SURPRISED WESLEY'ANS W'inoheeter has been cited as a sig- would not say that the latter is en- ijOttarw^, Aug. 5—The (Srautl substitute. Get the genuine, made by tirely unfounded, as we do know of a Mr. Eng îafft-might wired the ■■pre- Davis Lawreeroe Co. nal mstance of the disasters that fol- fStrike -isfever. Hon. W.. SL. MadKaazie mier:—^ Speaker Said Roman Catholic Church very limited number of instances of King, minister of labor, through If you -want ibo save 53 cents on the low on the adoption of local option. A "Ottawa, August 2nd,'1i®-i0. Was Most Vital Agency for gentleman in this county wrote to the people who in a natural way should whose mediation the setHranent -was dollar on your -groceries, dry good®, Unification of Christendom belong to our village, but who are feffected, rrsoaade the anaasninaaiBBitt hl-ast "Bight Honoraffjie boots and shoes, clothing, then go AVinchester Hotel Company, propoundr ing a series of questions which are in opposed to our dry town, and claim • evening and at the same time handed "Sir "WiTfrid ‘Laurier, to E. G. CampeBfii’s store. London, August 1—The members ol they cando better where liquor is sold. •îout an agreement, dudy œgnsd ,;and part answered by Mr. A. W. Beach, of "Stoughton, Sask. A traveling tnoup consisting of sev- the Wesleyan Reform Union, in ses- that to'wn. The letter and reply are If these parties should go to Chester- «executed Usy both sides, embodying the eral men, women and boys, accompa sion today at Manchester, were aston- villejand buy a paper of pins we terms and sonditaone of t!he eeitSlanaant. "Am ddighted ito be able to ' îSorm published in full, and this, we think, you that the ctnike of conduetcrs i-and nied by, a monkey and fo'ur bears, ar- ished when the Rev. Mr. Freeborough will furnish interesting reading to the would hear of it for the next six ’î Ail of the men save those .güAlty rived in town on AVednesday afternoon. declared it as bis firm belief that the months. of viôlenee or disorder, are to 'be:.sre- I trainmen on the 'Grand Trunk fSiail- friends of the Temperance cause in j way System hae 'been brought ; to They at once swooped down upon the Roman Catholic Church was the most Glengarry County: "On the other hand we know of a iinS'tât6d 8OOD &S f..n^Ziabu.UKU I i . #' ,1 T houses at the st-ation and in the centre t end this aftemaon through gotsern- vital agency for the unification of trade we are getting from people living ] The con^any puts into effect,, inteventiou. of the tow-n, and continued their beg- Christendom. Ko other church, he said, “The Winchester Hotel Co., near Kemptmlle, Chesterville, Morris- I (StatesîfiroHri ; Slay 1st, tine eoheetue ging until dark. They spent the night “Winchester, Ont. ‘W. L. MABKK.MZJB KING” ■had the 'machinery, the wealth, the tra- burg, and Russell who are now com- t ;promiulgated on July IStii, the Aiy in the grove near -'the s-tation. ThA f4 dition and the ability to unite all the "Gentlemen,—Some time last fall I ing to AVinchester to trade and want ■ df the strikp, and which inv-ollwes -iesi presence was not «t all welcome and tierces of the ^ Christian Church, and if wrote you in connection with the hotel to make this their head quarters, as !is»?rease <5f ^aibout 18 per oext.. Make hay whîlsp tsbe sun shines- îEtuy their departure e»i5y Thursday morn- that great power could be moved to that was built by your company, and the women folks aspeciall say that On the first of Januarv, iWâ. the ing was not regrett-ed. meet the needs of humanity as he saw- I am very thankful to you for the in- they come to AA'inchester to trade be- » company agrees to adopt both .tne I Mr. F. T. Costel o has purchased the ifihem, Christ’s coming would be realiz- formation that I obtained and I would cause they know when they are going «tandard-raw»'of pay and tte «twt-I Campeau e-great Closu^caut Harrisor,'property recently occupied by ed by the present generation. like to get a little more light on the to get home, and if they went to any dard rules. "iL'his is a year sooner Mr. A. W. McDongafid. The utterance was received with si- subject. I was in Finch a short of the other above mentioned places tbap .at 'first coffered as regards ■pay. Mt. B. O’Connor is :this week renova- time ago, and in conversation ■with they would be at a loss to give any Pj-esMent Hays hts said nothing ting hi(i nmvly aoq.uired property on business men of that town, they assur- information as to when they were like-. afooui the rüle*, the pi-inciple «"ne di EÏCOBSIiJdCELLED Main street. ed me that they found no change in !y to return. These are facts, and na- wbidh csubsthiçî-es a mileage rate in- bylaw came in force, that is that they turally so. stea'S-cJf pay ai so much per day. .Mrs. W. H. Beteher has this week "The Hotel Co. will give you a re- £)n Account of Grand Trunk moved her millinery stock into her their business since the local option He now agi-ees 'to ])ut them in force did not find their business impaired in ply regarding their side of the ques- simuîSameously ■•with the increased Strike — May Be Held at new quarters. Main «fiüwet north, next tion. I might just say lam one of the door to Mr. Courville’s 'hardware store. Municipal Construction Company, the slightest by the Act. Of course pay a year and-a' half hence. a Later Date they have had but a short trial of it stock holder.s of this Company, and The text rif 'ttiC agreement dated The Closing-out sale ,-at Mr. E. G. of Vancouver, B. C, To yet, but every man who speaks against as we have only been in business such Montreail, -Tuly 1910, is as fol- C-’ampeau’s store, under the manage- a short time I am hardly in a position iOjt Tuesday aftcrnoojn, ..tugust .2nd, Open Branch local option, eithei' traveller or any lows: ment of the Canadian' Brokerage Co., other person, IVinchester is the place of to report from a financial standpoint, ,RPStçe:s were placed throughout the iwihich opened yesterday, ,B(t 9 o’clock, llHE AGBEFMENT tcpvp cancelling the excuiisi.on to Mac- Negofatiions are at present in pro- all others that is used as an evidence but one thing I can say, our Hotel is Uproviug a great success. constantly well patronized, and I am "1—The (toimpaiW .tvill put back a* donaW College, St, Ann* ,de Bellevue, gress with the Municipal Construction against local option.
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