Newry Quar ries (Bell Pit, Dunton, and Nevel Quar ries) Town: Newry, Ox ford County Col lect ing sta tus: The Newry Com plex is now private ly owned. The owners recog nize the ed u ca- tional and sci enti fic value of these sites and therefore will be offer ing publi c ac cess. During the 2005-2006 sea sons ac cess will be granted to mineral clubs and their reg ister ed mem bers only. Addi ti on - ally the owners have arranged for Field Trips to be direct ed through the Au du bon Soci ety begin ning in Oc to ber of 2005. Mem bers of mineral clubs may con tact a rep re sen tative of Newry Quar ries at the website: www.newryquarriesptq.com to schedule a visit. Indi vid u als may con tact Audu bon at www.audubonmaine.com. Direc ti ons and means of acces s to the quarrie s will be pro vided by the aforem enti oned groups prior to the visit. Acces s is through a private ly-owned and secured road sys tem. Bell Pit manganite(?), manganocolumbite, manganotantalite, microcline, microlite, mitridatite, montebrasite, mont moril lo - Type of de posit: Gran ite peg matite. nite, moraesite, musco vit e, opal (var. hyalite), parsonsite, perhamite, petalite(?), phosphosiderite, phosphuranylite, Min er als ob served: actinolite, al bite (in clud ing var. pollucite, py rite, quartz (includ ing rose quartz crystal s), cleave-landite), almandine (gar net), ar seno py rite, augelite, reddingite(?), rhodochrosite, rockbridgeite, romanechite, autun ite/meta-autun ite, beraunite, bertrandite, beryl, roscherite, rutherfordine, rutile, schoonerite, schorl (tourm a- beryllonite, brazilianite, car bon ate-fluorapatite, cas sit er ite, line), scorzalite(?), sid er ite, sphalerite, spodumene, stewartite, colum bite, diadochite, dravite (tourm ali ne), eleonorite, strengite, strunzite(?), switzerite/metaswitzerite, todorokite, eosphorite, fairfieldite, fluorapatite, flu o rite, goethite, torbernite/metatorbernite, triphylite, triploidite, uralolite, gorceixite, goyazite, greenocktite, he ma tite, heterosite, uraninite, uranophane, ushkovite, vandendriesscheite, hydroxylapatite, hydroxyl-herderite, jahnsite-(CaMnFe), vanmeersscheite, vivi an ite, wardite, whitlockite, wodginite, jahnsite-(CaMnMn), laueite, ludlamite, mag ne tite, messelite, wölsendorfite, xanthoxenite, zircon (var. cyrtolite). (List microcline, mitridatite, montebrasite, moraesite, mus co vite, updated from King, 1975.) perhamite, petalite, phosphophyllite, pyrit e, quartz, rhodochrosite, rockbridgeite, roscherite group, schoonerite, Com ments: This quarry is world-fam ous for its green, pink, schorl (tourm ali ne), sid erit e, souzalite, sphalerite, spodumene, blue, and “wa ter melon” tour ma line crys tals, es pe cially the large strunzite, switzerite-meta-switzerite, torbernite-metatorbernite, crystal pockets opened in 1972. Many rare miner als have also triphylite, uraninite, vivi an ite, wardite, whitlockite, been found here. See arti cles by King (1975), McCrillis (1975), whitmoreite, wurt zite(?), zir con. (List up dated from King, and Fran cis (1985). King (1975) and Perham (1987) sum ma- 1975.) rized the history of the quarry. Com ments: The ge ology of the Newry pegmatites has been descri bed in de tail by Shainin and Dellwig (1955) and Barton and Gold smith (1968). The Bell Pit is noted for its vari ety of rare Nevel Quarry (Twin Tun nels Quarry, United phos phate min er als (King, 1980). Feld spar Quarry) Type of de posit: Gran ite peg ma tite. Dunton Quarry (Nevel tourma line mine, Plum- bago gem mine, Hall’s Ridge) Min er als ob served: albite, almandine (gar net), ar seno py - rite, autun ite/meta-autun ite, bertrandite, beryl, bis muthi nite, Type of de posit: Gran ite peg matite. car bon ate-fluorapatite, cas sit er ite, colum bite, cookeite, dickinsonite(?), dravite (tour maline) , elbaite (tour maline) , Min er als ob served: albit e (in cluding var. cleavelandite), eosphorite, fairfieldite, fluorapatite, flu o rite, gainesite, ga lena, almandine (gar net), ana tase, ar seno py rite, autun ite/meta-autun - goethite, he matite, heterosite, hydroxyl-herderite, laueite, le - ite, beraunite, bermanite, bertrandite, beryl, beryllonite, pidoli te, magnesiohornblende, microcline, microlite, beta-uranophane, bi o tite, bis muth, brazilianite, car bon ate- mitridatite, montebrasite, musco vite, py rite, pyrolusite, quartz, fluorapatite, cas sit er ite, chal co py rite, chryso beryl, clarkeite(?), rhodochrosite, rockbridgeite, romanechite, roscherite, schorl cookeite, crandallite, damourite, diadochite, dickinsonite, (tour ma line), sid er ite, sphalerite, spodumene, tapiolite, dravite (tour maline) , earlshannonite, elbaite (tour maline) , triphylite, uraninite, vivi an ite, wardite, zir con (list updated from eleonorite, eosphorite, fairfieldite, ferrostrunzite, fluorapatite, King, 1975, 1980). fourmarierite, francolite, goethite, goyazite, he matite, heterosite, hureaulite, hydroxylapatite, hydroxyl-herderite, Com ments: Much spodumene has been collec ted here. Other jahnsite-(CaMnFe), kaolinite, kivuite, landesite, laueite(?), le - finds in clude well-formed crys tals of montebrasite, large masses pidoli te, löllingite, magnesiohornblende, mangangordanite, of colum bite, and pur ple fluorapatite crystal s. 50.
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