Connecticut Daily Campus Scrwng Stem Sfnct 1*96 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 43 CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1963 Former Dean Ackerman New Student Publication Honored By Colleagues To Print Third Issue A portrait of Laurence J. Acker- first dean of the school, from 1941 Although only two issues old no permanent writing staff—con- man former dean of the School of to July 31 of this year. Prelude plans on expanding its tributions will compose the paper scope by printing its next issue in in its entirety. Business Administration was un- He attended Lehigh University veiled by President Homer T. Bab- offset type, complete with photos. Prelude is fluid.There is no set bidge, Sunday afternoon in the where he learned the degree of Designed to serve as a sounding editorial policy—articles on any Alumni Lounge of the School. bachelor of law. After completing board for student ideas. Prelude, subject are welcome and we have The photograph, taken last Au- work on his master's at Columbia the latest student publication is made it clear that those articles gust, is the work of Yousef Karsh, Law School and the University of sponsored by Beta Sigma Gamma. will express the opinion of the auth- the world's foremost portrait pho- Pennsylvania, he entered legal "There is a definite need for a or only, not that of the staff or tographer. Karsh. whose studies of practice as an insurance lawyer. circular designed to parry student the fraternity." commented Upton. world figures such as Einstien, Subsequently, he taught at Rut- and faculty views," explained Dave He expressed hope that as many Churchill, and Eisenhower have gers and the University of Pennsyl- Upton, publicity manager. contributions as possible be from brought him much acclaim, flew to vania before coming to the Univer- Articles from anyone on any persons not on the staff. Storrs from Rome to photograph sity of Connecticut. subject will be accepted as long "We want Prelude to move out Mr. Ackerman in his office. Resid- While serving as Dean of the as they meet the standards of the of the house (Beta Sigma Gamma) ing now in Ottawa, Karsh has won School of Business Administration, editors. as it expands," he added. every major photographic award. Mr. Ackerman also acted as Dean Beta Sigma Gamma Publication Mixed Feeling Ackerman Honored DEAN ACHESON, former Sec- of the School of Insurance in Hart- retary of State of the United States, Prelude is the creation of John The first issues of Prelude were "I'm tremendously honored at ford and was acting dean of the delivered the Brian McMahon Lec- Surowiecki and Louis Steadwell, received with mixed feeling. One the generosity and kindness of my School of Law in Hartford for sev- ture before a capacity crowd in the now serving as co-editors. Their student praised the staff's efforts, friends who made this presentation. eral years. Jorgenson Auditorium last night. hope is that the publication will at- saying she "felt alive. There are I look forward to the considered While at UConn, he was advisor Pictured above is part of that tract contributors from all over people in the world, people with expansion of the School of Business to Archons and the Flying Club crowd. See Page 4 for the text. campus, both student and faculty, ideas, imagination, and drive." Administration under the direction and also served on the board of di- (Campus Photo) and that as a result there will be Not everyone agreed with this of Dean Harvey", commented Mr. rectors of many insurance compa- student: according to Upton one Ackerman. nies and corporations. Although letter from a reader "tore it (Pre- President Babbidge added, "The living in Storrs, he is now president portrait itself is magnificent, a lude) apart." Suggested that if a of the Norwich Savings Society. Internationally Acclaimed student disagrees with an article, magnificent reminder of Dean Asked his feelings when the por- Ackerman's years of distinguished he submit a resort instead of crit- trait was unveiled, Mr. Ackerman icizing the staff as a whole, and leadership of the School of Busi- replied. "As I look back over 22 Quartet To Appear ness Administration." stressed that all articles represent years at UConn, I can say that this one student's personal feeling, not First Dean Of Business Internationally recognized as one cooperation behind the Quartet's is the first time I've ever been hung those of Beta Sigma Gamma. Upton Mr. Ackerman served as the publicly." of the world's truly great chamber appearance, the Times stated. "The music groups. The Netherlands Netherlands Quartet is an ensem- asked the readers to judge the pub- String Quartet will make its first ble of deep sensitivity and first- lication by the idea behind it no! by appearance at UConn on Wednes- class skill, and it plays with the the articles themselves. day night at 8:15 p.m. in the Von pooled insight of fine musicians The third issue of Prelude will be der Mehden Recital Hall. who have explored well-loved mu- distributed Monday. It will include The quartet, consisting of Nap sic together on long evenings in in- faculty and graduate student opin- de Klign. Jaap Schroeder, Paul timate surroundings. One left the ions. With the change to offset Godwin and Carel Boomkamp, re- hall with the feeling of having been printing the staff hopes to make turns to the United States for its deeply immersed in music." Prelude a weekly publication. fifth tour during the 1963-64 sea- son since its first visit to the U.S. since 1958. The circumstances of the Quar- tet's initial U.S. tour were describ- ed as extraordinary. A thirty-con- cert tour had been booked for the Amsterdam Duo, comprising violin- ist De Klijn and his pianist-wife. Alice Heksch. The pair were re- nowned abroad for their sonata playing; Mme Heksch was revered not only as a pianist, but as a Mozart-pianist, and she was bring- ing her own Mozart-piano to Am- erica. (Left to right). Persident and M rs. Homer D. Babbidge pose for a picture with former Dean Lawren ce Ackerman and wife before the However, just a few months be- fore the scheduled departure, she portrait by "Karsh of Ottawa." (Campus Photo-Morris) met with a tragically premature death. And it was then that Mr. De Klijn's colleagues of the Nether- lands Quartet volunteered to come Ladies Night Wednesday to America to perform the engage- What looks to be the start of a fensive and offensive plays that the ments and to accept as compensa- delightful new UConn tradition will team will be using throughout the tion the fees that had been agreed upon for the Duo. The Dutch gov- have its initiation Thursday night season. ernment provided the trans-Atlantic as hundreds of eager young coeds A West Hartford basketball of- fares; the Committee for Nether- troop to the Field House for an ficial will be on hand to explain and lands Music and the Netherland- evening of enlightening and enter- interpret a few of the game rules America Foundation of New York taining instruction. which should prove most interesting contributed to presenting the Quar- tet in a New York concert. The subject. basketball. The to the ladies. Never was generosity better re- instructors . Coach Fred Shabel The highlight of the evening will and his Husky squad. The purpose warded: the Dutchmen were re- be an inter-squad scrimmage with ceived with the most overwhelming ... to make the wonderful world master - of - ceremonies Coach of basketball comprehensible to the enthusiasm by audiences and crit- Shabel commentating on the pro- ics alike. other half. ceedings. There will also be a de- According to its founding father. monstration of the conditioning In Indianapolis, the critic for the Coach Fred Shabel. Ladies Night skills ami drills necessary to keep News wrote. "We have the feeling is an attempt to counteract in part the team in top notch condition. that no other string quartet plays with the kind of extraordinary the general neglect the athletic world Exclusive Get-Together has paid to the female population. finesse — and fidelity to the music An exclusive opportunity to meet —the Netherlands made known to Team Eager and talk with our Husky heroes, us. Our memory extends through THE NETHERLANDS STRING QUARTET, Consisting of Nap de "The team is really looking for- puls free admission and door prizes more than half a century of listen- Klijn. Jaap Schroeder. Paul Godw in. and Carel Boomkamp. (left to ward lo it", he remarked. "We're galore (free tickets to home games), ing, but we can think of no cham- right) was formed by Nap de Klijn in 1952 and made its debut in Jan- expecting to have a lot of fun and provide special added attractions. ber music group that possesses in uary of that year at the concertge bouw. Amsterdam at the same time do a lot of good." All in all. Ladies Night is shaping so high a degree every requisite for At UConn the Quartet will play the Quartet in D major, opus 76. The format of the evening in- up to be an evening of fun and en- what we often heedlessly call per- number S, by Haydn: the Quartet in G minor, opus 10. by Debussy: cludes an exhibition of various skills lightenment and an absolute "must" fection." and the Quartet in A minor.-opus 51. number 2. by Brahms. The and game techniques plus a demon- for every coed who plans lo cheer And in New York, in a review group is making its fifth concert tour of the 1963-64 season stration of some of the actual de- the Husky squad to victory.
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