JhanL yoiL, JihAt! t Stmi-Wtthty (ftumpw JondhsmA. "Texas' Outstanding Semi-Weekly College Newspaper' J0h. XXI SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, DALLAS, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1935. No. 21 AMPUS POLITICAL PARTY 0R6ANIZED I. M. U. To Have New $400,000 Library Group To Seek 'ondren Makes FONDREN LECTURER Little Toy Soldier By Williams Student Control Ed. Note: It is the policy of the CampuB to print the newa. It is not the policy of the Campus to take unjustifiably the side of any group or groups in the handlln* of TO HAVE DELIVERS LUST OF student affairs. May it be fully understood that the following Btory is printed as new*. not as policy. .'»•» . s~> Startling Gift In an authoritative statement to the Semi-Weekly Campus Tuesday, it was reported that a new political party, the like ANNOUNCED TALKS of which the S. M. U. campus has never before seen, is being Like a thunderbolt amidst a hectic week, of explosive Special Trains Will Carry Stu­ Dr. Holt Completes Series of organized here this week. The "Square Deal Party," boasting knderbolts, President Chas. C. Selecman announced Tues- dents to College Station Five Addresses On •an original membership of 85 stu­ Protestantism dents, announces as its principal that S. M. U. is to have a new library building in the for Game aim "the control of the student tr future, due. to a donation of $400,000 made to the fjversity Monday by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fondren for this Petitioned by yell leaders and The Reverend Ivan Lee Holt, body in all its affairs, promoting a student organizations, university pastor of the St. John's Methodist square deal for all the students and hose. The gift comes as a startling curtain-raiser to the eliminating unfairness and partial­ . Year Plan of building progress for S. M. U. which offi- officials decided in favor of the church in St. Louis, Mo., and pres­ proposed holiday for the coming ident of the Federal Council of SET FOR FRIDAY ity in every phase of campus ac­ ..y began Sunday. tivity." The site for the new library building will be southwest of Saturday, and as a result the en­ Churches of Christ in America, de tire student body is expected to livered the last of a series of five Aptitude Test Fee Must Be Condemns Officials ... hall, immediately across the quadrangle from McFar- move "lock, stock, and barrel" to Fondren lectures Tuesday evening Claiming that student affairs at It is likely that the new build-* Paid in Advance College Station to see a great Mus­ at Highland Park Methodist church. present "are being handled in a * will match the architectural tang eleven pin a fitting finale to The general theme of the addresses haphazard and clumsy manner," • and structure of McFarlin to The Medical Aptitude Test will their regular conference schedule. was "The Search for a New Strate­ and that student officials are at­ ertain extent. be given to some 24 students Fri­ BLUE KEY MEETS The officials decided at this same gy in Protestantism." tempting to play politics by "carry­ Announced in Chapel day, Dec. 6, at 2:00 p. m., in Hyer meeting to extend Christmas holi­ Through the generosity of Mr. hall, Dr. S. W. Geiser, head of the ing water on both shoulders," the ! announcement came at a fit- days until Jan. 6, thereby allowing official spokesman for the new time. With students and fac- and Mrs. W. W. Fondren of Hous­ biology department, announced. TO PLAN PROJECT more time to students going to the ton, a foundation has been estab­ The fee for the examination is %\ party announced that the society gathered in McFarlin to hear Rose Bowl. had been formed, after careful de­ [ Ivan Lee Holt deliver one in a lished which brings to the Univer­ and must be paid before the test is Honorary to Elect Two New sity each year a lecturer upon taken. liberation, as the only remedy for i of Fondren lectures, the very Due to be the last opportunity the disease now prevalent in Members Christian missions. These lecturers "The test is designed to give ision of the announcement was for many to see the team in action S. M. U. student government. are selected by the president of the some indication of the ability of ribute to the bestower of the before its jaunt West, the host of The "Square Deal Party" will Intending to follow up its recent students making the trip to A. & University, the bishop in charge the student to undertake the study work in secret, according to its "Friendship Fete", Blue Key, men's M. is expected to rival closely that of the Texas conference, the chair­ of medicine. It will be given in all i entire $400,000 will be made spokesman, and will admit as many honorary society, meets today at record crowd which journeyed to man of the board of trustees, the pre-medical schools in the United Jilable by not later than Janu- members as are necessary to give noon in Atkins hall to discuss a Fort Worth last Saturday. dean of the school of theology, and States at that hour," stated Dr. 1, 1936. Work on the building the dean of the college of arts and it a controlling hand in student af­ main project, to be worked out for Geiser. "The test measures the 1 likely begin at that time. What Coming at the conclusion of the sciences. The lectures are delivered fairs. the present school year. Harry Shu- ability of the student to organize will be made of the space most successful year in Mustang at the University during the win­ Party Aims ford, president, reports that no the same kind of material that he lerein the library is now con football history, the trip to College ter quarter and are later issued in Among the aims of the new definite selection of a project has will have in medical school, and it |ied has not been decided. Station and that battle should book form. party, several of which have not as as yet been made, but conditions indicates how well he has learned Fondrens prove a fitting climax. Already yet been announced, are the crea­ indicate that such action will take This series of talks by Dr. Holt, in the past." lir. and Mrs. Fondren are al heralded as the most enthusiastic tion of greater school spirit by a tudent place at today's meeting. a member of the board of trustees Idy well-known to the student body the hilltop has ever About 9,6UO students all over the participation of all students in ac­ of S. M. U. and a former faculty Py of S. M. U. as the founders Like Cycen Fjodr, Blue Key has seen, further laurels are certain country are expected to take the tivities, impartial service of stu­ member, was scheduled to be de­ exam and they will have one hour the Fondren Foundation, made it a practice during its ex­ when the Mustang students collide dent officials to the entire student livered last spring, but it was post­ and 30 minutes in which to finish Jough which there is brought to istence to sponsor worthwhile with the A. & M. cadet corps. body, fair selection of student of­ poned because of his trip to the the five tests composing it. At i University each year a lectur- movements on the campus. Its ficers, and the removal of all stu­ Joe Baldwin, in charge of ar­ Orient. the end of the appointed time the lof reputation on the subject of membership is made up of men who dent officials who continue to al­ rangements for the game, has an­ papers will be taken up and sent to Iristian Missions. The lectures are outstanding scholastically and The order of the lectures was as low such trivial factors as fratern­ nounced that for the convenience Washington, D. C, to the Columbia delivered at the University take a major part in the school's follows: --_! of those students who will not go Medical building along with the ity and sorority politics to influence lh year. Delivered this year by activities. 1. "The Confusion in the Prot­ by automobile, a special train will fees. their decisions. Holt, head of the American Other business will be the selec­ leave the Union station, Saturday estant World"--Sunday, 4:30 p. m., Frats Represented deration of Churches, the lec- tion of two new members of the morning, at 8 a. m. Tickets for Highland Park Methodist church. According to the party spokes­ kes began Sunday and continued organization to replace Wilbur the round trip will be §3.60 and 2.. "The Challenge of the Eco­ Rose Bowl Bid man, the original membership of rouch Tuesday. Classes were Cunningham and Charles Shertzer, may be secured in the Co-op. The nomic Crisis"—Monday, 11:00 a.m., Allred Thumbs 85 students includes representa­ }>rtene(l that the students might who are not in school this year.' special will arrive in College Sta­ McFarlin Memorial auditorium. tives of six fraternities and five r.d them. tion at noon. 3. "The Efforts for a Larger sororities, as well as numerous separate library building has Fellowship"—Monday, 7:30 p. m„ Excites Hilltop Ride With Band well-known non-fraternity and non- For those who wish to return to kg been a cherished dream of the Dallas immediately after the game, McFarlin Memorial auditorium. sorority students. It is the inten­ ^ministration of S. M. U. For a Turkey Eaters one section of the special will leave 4.
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