JUNE 1 - ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN ... FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE J. EDGAR HOOVER, DIRECTOR JUNE 1967 VOL. 36, NO. 6 --_.-----._-- THE COVER­Recrea· tional boating laws and safety regulations. See page 14. - LAW ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN CONTENTS Message From Director J. Edgar Hoover . 1 ~ Police Day in Finland, by Mrs. Eila Kanno, Chief, Bureau of Investigation, Finnish Central Crimi- nal Police . , Drug Abuse Control, by John Finlator, Director, Bureau of Drug Abuse Control, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare . 6 .. Responsibility in Radio­TV News Coverage, by Chet Casselman, Director, News and Public Af- fairs, Radio Station KSFO, San Francisco, Calif. 12 A Recreational Boating Laws and Safety Regula- Publl.hed by the tions . 14 EDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION + UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Search of Motor Vehicles (Part IV) 21 Wa.hlngfon, D.C. 20535 Nationwide Crimescope 23 Wanted by the FBI . 28 Crime Commission Report Not an Indictment of Police . (inside back cover) CRIMES OF VIOLENCE, such as forcible rape, Rather, it is more like an open invitation to hot· murder, aggravated assault, etc., which increase heads and rabble rousers in those areas to move sharply during the long, hot months, are no into action on cue. It puts them on notice that longer the only major crime problem of many they are expected to riot. Where are the reason communities each summer. Some areas are and judgment in this type of leadership? haunted by an equally grave danger-riots and anarchic demonstrations which leave devastation In the past, law enforcement, with rare excep· and ruin in their wake. tion, has met its responsibilities during riots and disorders in an exemplary manner. Some police This danger places a tremendous burden on officers have been killed and many have been as· law enforcement. Already hampered by under· saulted, abused, and maligned for no greater sin manned staffs, police authorities are forced to than enforcing the law. However, I am sure that marshal their strength in expected trouble spots the public, every man, woman, and child regard· and leave other neighborhoods without proper less of his station in life, can rely upon respon· olice protection. Nevertheless, responsible sible law enforcement to discharge its duties of • olice officials recognize, as do all right.thinking protecting the lives, liberty, and property of all Americans, that all citizens have an undeniable citizens. right to petition and demonstrate for causes they support. In fact, enforcement officers spend Local, county, and city authorities should much of their time protecting and guarding speak out and let everyone know that law and marchers and petitioners. order will prevail. They must support the en· forcement of law and make it abundantly clear However, police officials, as well as the general that mobs, riots, and senseless destruction will not public, are becoming weary of persons who, for be tolerated. And too, all Americans must reo self· aggrandizement and monetary gain, exploit member that under our system of government noble causes and agitate peaceful groups into there can be no true liberty for one unless there rioting mobs. Some so·called leaders seem to is liberty for all. "blow hot and cold with the same breath." Their preachments are beginning to have a hollow ring. Lincoln once said, "There is no grievance that They claim to support nonviolence, but do they? is a fit subject of redress by mob law." This is For instance, to publicly pinpoint certain cities an ageless maxim. The lawful way is the only where riots and violence may occur seems to be way to secure equal rights, liberty, and justice inconsistent with the doctrine of nonviolence. for all citizens. JUNE 1, 1967 .. "T oday-Police Day-all we po• of Police Day. Last autumn it was In Stockholm, gain a footing in the licemen throughout the country be• held for the fifth time in Finland. police force of the towns in our " come silent and listen to the ring of What is Police Day? country. " the church bells. The bells tell us of This celebration clings as closely When our country in 1809 was the tributes today at the graves of the to the history of the police force of united to the Russian Empire, no state policemen who gave their lives to pro• our country as any other remarkable police existed in Finland. According tect the members of our society." event. to the way of thinking in those days, These words were spoken on Police police should be subordinate to the Day, 1966, by the leading police offi• Origins in Finland government, and hence be at the .. cial of Finland, the Commissioner of ruler's service. Development was Police, Mr. Fjalar larva, as he laid The police government of our coun• such that the city government was set a wreath made of white flowers on the try originated in the Middle Ages apart from the police, and for that ~ grave of an officer who 23 years be• when our country was part of the reason a separate office was founded. fore died in the line of duty. On the kingdom of Sweden-Finland. At that By an imperial manifesto, Decem- ~ blue and white ribbon, the following time, the weaker the power of the king, ber 17, 1816, it was decreed that a ~ words were written, "You did your the less the government had to say police department would be founded duty, we continue your work." about maintaining order in the coun• in Turku, the beginning of the whole The short moment, also commem• try. Of old, maintaining order was Finnish state police. J orated with a police chorus and police one of the rights and duties of the Nowadays we have only one cen• I orchestra, occurred in the cemetery burgesses, and not until the late 17th tralized police force in our country. .. "l of historical Turku. The moment was century did the police court (the Every functionary, the lowest as well ~ 1 a traditional part of the celebration Order Collegium) , which was founded as the highest, is appointed, and ob- 2 FBI Low En/."emen' Bull. 1 Thus, the idea for a Police Day for the whole country was born. Com- missioner larva suggested the idea, and it was later maintained by a com- mittee under his leadership. It has now become a tradition. · Police Day Police Day Activity Police Day, which actually lasts a week, is celebrated annually in the whole country. Every Police Day • has its own special celebrations related n Finland to the police work: parades, parties for children, visits in homes for the aged and hospitals by the police choirs and orchestras, visits to nursery schools, etc. MRS. ElLA KANNO Police Day always begins on a Sun- Chief, day with a morning service, assisted Bureau of Investigation, by the police chorus and musicians. Finnish Central Criminal Police All this is traditional, but there is also another tradition by which the police particularly want to thank their de- "You did your duty, we continue your work." ceased colleagues. After every morn- ing service, when the church bells ring, exercises at cemeteries are held in the whole country at the same time, and flowers are laid on the graves of those who died in the line of duty. jectivity is the primary goal of the At the same time the police force On the blue and white ribbons there • department and its officers. improved professionally­today it are always the same words, "You did " In the beginning of this century, can be said to be excellent­the police your duty, we continue your work." our country faced years of severe dis- became aware of the importance of • tress, which among other misfortu~es coming closer to those whom they Purpose of Motto caused police hatred. Police were were to protect. It was necessary to placed on a pedestal and rarely criti- establish closer contact with the gen- Every Police Day has its motto, the T cized. They were considered the same eral public to make them aware of the purpose of which is to characterize ... as oppressors, ­and not always with- fact that the police form an office that part of the wide field of duty out reason. This unfortunate repu- which does not want to bring about which shall be particularly empha- ~ +tation followed our police up to the strained relations, but, on the con- sized during that year's celebrations. ~ time of our independence. trary, to get rid of them. The public When the celebration of Police Day also had to be aS3ured that the police started in 1962, the motto was, "The .. A New Beginning force, by its existence, tries to safe- Police Want To Help." The purpose Now, after a long time, everything guard the people for a peaceful, free was to show the public in different is changed. A purposeful work in life within the scope of good conduct ways that the police not only try to r)< order to correct these circumstances and the law. The public needed to be prevent crimes and wrongdoings of • was started long before the Second reminded that the policeman is a citi- individuals, but also by advising, .I.... World War, but the results have be- zen who has a unique task, a task guiding, and warning in advance, come more apparent only since that which should belong to every citizen: show their desire to help. ~ war. The work was started within the protecting and maintaining society This fact they manifested on that f police force itself. and its laws. first Police Day through lectures, ~'t.
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