58080_TulLaw_Cvr:58080_TulLaw_Cvr 2/14/11 9:08 AM Page CvrA TULANE UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL TULANE VO L. 2 8 – N O. 1 LAWYER FALL\WINTER 2 0 1 0–11 THE INFINITE FRONTIER LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP IS PERPETUAL PASSION FOR TULANE LAW FACULTY THIS ISSUE Q & A W I T H N E W L AW D E A N D AV I D M E Y E R I CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS F O R C O R P O R AT I O N S ? I C O M M E N C E M E N T 2 0 1 0 I 6 0 Y E A R S I N L AW 58080_TulLaw_Cvr:58080_TulLaw_Cvr 2/9/11 3:59 PM Page CvrB DAV I D MEYER DEAN LAUREN VERGONA G AV I O L I EDITOR AND EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE DEAN ELLEN J. BRIERRE LAW ALUMNI AFFAIRS TA NA COMAN ART DIRECTION AND DESIGN CONTRIBUTORS NAT H A N BAY S (L ’0 7 ) STELLA CZIMENT (JD C A N D I DAT E 2 0 1 1 ) A S S O C I AT E DEAN SUSAN KRINSKY TULANE NEW WAV E S TA F F TULANE UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS MADELINE VA N N (MPH ’9 8 ) LIZBETH TURNER (L ’8 5 ) PHOTOGRAPHY SALLY ASHER, pages 12, 13 top; FRANK AYMAMI, page 13 bottom; PAULA BURCH-CELENTANO/Tulane University Publications, pages 1, 3, 7, 26, 27, 32; GUILLERMO CABRERA-ROJO, page 11 right; RICK OLIVIER, inside front and back covers; LAUREN V. GAVIOLI, pages 6, 9 top, 14, 20 top, 21, 34–35, 47, 48; JOHN GRIPKA AND COURTNEY HALWIG (JD CANDIDATES 2012), page 17; JOSEPH HALM, page 11 left; ALICIA DUPLESSIS JASMIN/Tulane University Publications, pages 10, 18; ERIK KELLAR/ Naples News, page 42; NATHAN PRIHODA (L ’10), page 15; TRACIE MORRIS SCHAEFER/Tulane University Publications, page 9 bottom. JOIN T HE CONVERSATION TULANE LAWYER is published by Communication is the most powerful proof of the Tulane Lawyer’s value as a Tulane Law School and is sent to the school’s vehicle for alumni participation. So why wait? Contact the editor today. Lauren alumni, faculty, staff and friends. Gavioli welcomes letters, story ideas, alumni news, and original content from graduates and friends of Tulane Law School. Contributors should submit material via e-mail ([email protected]) or the U.S. Postal Service (Tulane Law School, Tulane University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Tulane Lawyer magazine, 6329 Freret St., New Orleans, LA 70118). Employment Opportunity institution. Due to the volume of alumni correspondence received prior to the print phase of each Tulane Lawyer, a response may take several weeks. Acceptance for To update your information, please visit consideration of contributed material does not guarantee publication. Tulane http://tulane.edu/alumni/updateyourinfo.cfm. Lawyer reserves the right to edit all copy for length, content and style. 58080_TulLaw_01-21:58080_TulLaw_01-21 2/9/11 2:01 PM Page 1 34 CONTENTS 3 2 CLOSING REMARKS INTERIM DEAN STEPHEN GRIFFIN RECAPS 2 0 1 0 3 Q&A WITH DEAN DAVID MEYER 6 BRIEFS 22 T H E I N F I N I T E F RO N T I E R The ongoing creative efforts of faculty members build the world of legal scholarship. ON THE COVER Tulane faculty research explores frontiers of law, drawing national attention from colleagues and media. Photograph by JACKSON HILL 30 34 THE CLASS OF 2 0 1 0 36 ALMA MATTERS CLASS NOTES, REUNIONS, TAX TOPICS FALL\WINTER 2 0 1 0 – 1 1 T U L A N E L AW Y E R VOL. 2 8 – N O. 1 58080_TulLaw_01-21:58080_TulLaw_01-21 2/9/11 2:01 PM Page 2 CLOSING REMARKS STEPHEN M. GRIFFIN Interim Dean RECAPPING A July 2009–June 2010 YEAR OF GROWTH y now I hope you have heard Meyer’s appointment is the result of a scholarship, a critical building block of the exciting news that our national search that brought us a scholar our past and future success. While gener- 2010 dean search was of international renown. He also has vast ous donations of chairs and professor- Bsuccessful. Effective July 1, experience working directly with students ships have laid the groundwork, more David Meyer became the 22nd dean of and external constituencies, something we needs to be done. This is an area in which Tulane Law School. He also holds the feel is vital in shaping the future course the law school is constantly competing Mitchell Franklin Professorship. The law of our nationally ranked law program.” with other schools in terms of rankings, school was very fortunate in hiring Dean In addition to completing the dean retaining current faculty and attracting Meyer from the University of Illinois search, we had a very active hiring year, high-quality faculty in the future. College of Law, where he served as pro- which bodes well for the future of the As we enter the second half of the fessor and associate dean for academic law school. For example, Dean Meyer is academic year under the leadership of affairs. The hiring of Dean Meyer speaks joined at Tulane by his wife, Amy Gajda, Dean Meyer, I remind you that this is very well of the extraordinary efforts a former faculty member at the University your law school and our continued suc- made over a two-year period by the Dean of Illinois in both journalism and law. A cess depends largely on the sustained Search Committee under the steady lead- specialist on First Amendment law and engagement of our alumni. Please keep ership of Professor Martin Davies. privacy issues, Gajda is now an associate up in your contacts with the law school, A bit of history on Dean Meyer, whom professor of law. We hired Adam and consider returning to Weinmann Hall I am sure you will meet personally at Feibelman, a commercial law scholar, to see for yourself how much we have forthcoming alumni events around the from the UNC-Chapel Hill School of accomplished. After all, the credit goes country, as well as in the pages that follow. Law, and Colin Crawford from Georgia mostly to each of you. Also, please stand He is a magna cum laude graduate of the State to direct the Payson Center for with your colleagues and former class- University of Michigan Law School, International Development. In addition, mates and keep Tulane Law School in where he served as Editor-in-Chief of the we made two entry level hires. Amy your charitable giving plans. Under the Law Review. He also received his BA in Stein was hired from the Washington, leadership of Dean Meyer and with your History from the University of Michigan, DC, office of Latham and Watkins to loyal support, I am confident Tulane Law with highest honors. After his graduation teach energy and environmental law. School will continue to excel and advance. from law school, Dean Meyer clerked for And Saru Matambanadzo, a graduate of Many of you have asked me whether Judge Harry T. Edwards on the US Court Harvard Law School, was hired from the I am relieved that my role as Interim Dean of Appeals for the DC Circuit and for program in Women’s Studies at UCLA is complete. In truth, my path was made Justice Byron T. White on the US Supreme to teach business law and constitutional smooth by the efforts of our excellent Court. Prior to joining the Illinois faculty law courses. All in all, the post-Katrina faculty and staff, the good wishes of our in 1996, he served as a Legal Advisor to rebuilding of the faculty begun under many friends in Louisiana, and the wel- the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Dean Larry Ponoroff is now complete. come assistance of our alumni across the 2010–11 in The Hague and practiced law in This issue of the Lawyer highlights nation. Thank you for making my year as Washington, DC, and Chicago. He is the importance of faculty research and dean as easy and successful as it was. widely known in the academic and legal community as an expert on family law FALL\WINTER and constitutional law and is a member “I REMIND YOU THAT THIS IS YOUR LAW SCHOOL of the American Law Institute. AND OUR CONTINUED SUCCESS DEPENDS L A R G E LY LAWYER When the news of Dean Meyer’s ON THE SUSTAINED ENGAGEMENT OF OUR A L U M N I .” hiring was announced, Tulane University TULANE President Scott Cowen stated, “David 2 58080_TulLaw_01-21:58080_TulLaw_01-21 2/9/11 2:01 PM Page 3 Q & A DAVID D. MEYER Dean and Mitchell Franklin Professor of Law INTRODUCING DEAN MEYER Why did you decide to attend law school? legislators, corporate CEOs, university from the challenges of Katrina with new presidents, and foundation and non-profit energy and a powerful sense of purpose. I went to elementary school in Tallahassee, leaders have backgrounds in law. At And, partly because of that experience, Fla., when it was undergoing court-super- the same time, given the expense of law I am convinced that Tulane Law School vised desegregation, and my mother was school, it makes sense for students to now has a unique opportunity in active locally in the Civil Rights move- think carefully about what they want out American legal education. ment. I was deeply impressed with the of their careers and how a legal education power of law to change society and to might fit in their plans. serve as a forum for resolving profoundly “I AM CONVINCED THAT important social conflicts.
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