Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1974 5-16-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 16, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1974 Volume 55, Issue 168 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 16, 1974." (May 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 13gyptianVaiJy Southern lllinois University Pay hikes for 106 to end "inequities' By Jeff Jouett that ·'their pay is not up to the level of Daily Egyptian Staff Writer comparable faculty." ··1 think discrimination could be. on Salarv In(' r t?ases have bee n the surface of It . onE' IIlterpretation.·· authorize.:. for 106 SIU facultv tll currect Merrll said. ·'i nequities·· In pay scales' in accor· Funds have been set aside for con· dance with SILT ·s I"l~ VISed Affirmallve tlnulng the equity adjustments for th(> A(·t ion Plan. next two years, according to Wil son. A Of th~ 106 to rece ive the ··eqult y ad· tulal of S360 ,OOO is available for the af­ justments.·· 47 are f{'male and 11 are firmative acti on project. he said. black or members of other mlllorily Ms . Craig said she hopes the next groups. accordlllg til Ka ren Craig . l'Ound of salary adjustments will be im ­ assistant provost. plemented by Jan. 1975. The increases. ranging from S25 III The first batch of 106 pay adjust­ S350 per month. will be effective wllh ments wer"e ready for im plementation the paychecks covering Ma y I , Hulll :o: 10 March 1974 but were delayed, Ms_ Merrie assistant to interim Preslderll Craig reported. Hiram Lesar. said Wednesday. The faculty satary Increases were Demanded by U.S. Departmenl uf delayed because HEW had nol respon­ Health, Education and Welfare to prove ded to SIU ·s reV ised plan and because before Oct. 30. 1973. lhat SI U had a "we got some negative feedback from specific plan for action against e'!l · Systems Council." Ms . Craig said. ployment discrimination , the first Affll·· "Systems Council suggested it wasn't mati ve Action plan was prepared by appropriate Lo begin equity adjust­ A beast (bear specifically) took time out from his campus terrorism 1Ned­ Ms . Craig after three of four faculty nes:tay to read a newspaper il) "'" Daily Egyptian office. The beast is allegedly men\s in March." Ms . Craig explained. member'S charged with implementing Chief of Board Staff James Brown from·Mata Hari Uniwrsir;..gJ<; believed Ic>-.-<::e>nnection with " Dan­ the plan resigned . They alleged lack of oes From the Beast" a da""" concert 10 be performed by the Southem Reper­ said he remembered no negative reac­ administration commitment to th(' tion Lo the affirmative action plan from tory Dance n-ter at 8 p .m . Friday, saturday and SUnday In the University plan. Theater. (Staff photo) Systems Council though they discussed The onginal plan was rejected by the plan ··at least twice." HEW last December and Stu submitted Merrit said that in Feb. 1914 " it is my a revised plan In January . 51 U has nut understanding that the conc:ensus of the heard from HEW concerning the accep· two 51U campus presidents and the Judge gets 104 petition tability of the revised plan but O1el[ of Board Staff was that we shoul~ decided to go ahead with the "equibility wait awhile longer in anticipation of a adjustments·· becau..-.e ··we finally gave hopefully ravorable decision from up"· Ms. Craig said. HEW .. · AJI faculty memtkrs were evaluated f or dismissal of SIU suit til find salary dlsclepancles III terms of faculty rank. seniority, ti me employed By Jeff JoueU assistant professor of English ; [ngrid at SJU and similar Items. according til DaUy Egyptla.a Staff Wrl\er Gadway, instructor in foreign langua~e ; Dcmald W. Wilson . aSS istant 10 Ih e Robert A. Wosylus , instructor in foreIgn Pl"Ovost . A motioo to dismiss SlU's class actioo language ; and Edwin Delmastro of suit against terminated faculty was Ms. CralJ!, said the 106 raises made Learnign Resources Services. thiS year were tu ··(.'Orrect tht' must received Tuesdar at Jackson County "I have never received a list of the Circuit Clerk's offIce from Carl Runge, crlllcally glaring dlscrepencles ·· In supposed 104 , " Runge said in a salary inequities after the underpaid East St. Louis attorney representing telephone int~rview Wednesday. ·'So I the fired faculty. fllCUIt v were evaluated for respnn· guess I'm not really sure who I'm s lblll!'y and perfurmance by their Cir.. t Judge Peyton Cook will rule 00 defending," he continued. the motioo at a May 23 hearing at 10:30 Runge said Wednesday that . he chalrrTl(!'n and deans. a.m. received a letter from John C. Felnch, That 47 of Ihe ··mos t g laring The motion for dismissal questions SIU's attorney for the case, asking dlscr·epencle5'· wert~ women and 11 SlU's ri~ 0( a class actioo suit and Runge whom he is representing. were blacks or uther mmorities ' ·does tben dealing individually with ter· Runge said he was ··surprised" by the nol nt"Cessarily mean SIU underpaid minated teachers in making out-of-<:ourt questioo. " It could mean he (Feiricb) these people because of sex or race "· settlements. wants to know who has individual Ms. Craig said. n.e thrust of SlU's five-moolb-old suit contracts with me but I suspect Feirich ·'It only Indicates lhal somehow their is to seek a judicial declaratioo that the is not even sure who he is bringing suit salaries got out cf line with others," she terminations were in order because of against," Ru~e said. continued. ' ·It has been so long that SlU's declared financial exigency. A copy of Felricb's lett... was included there is no way to check back and see if The class action suit alleges "all of with Runge's motioo to dismiss the suit any d iscrimination IS involved:' Ms. such persons (terminated faculty) are against the lOt, according to Runge. Craig added. Gus says 51 U can't pay the 104 because so numerous, numbering more than lOt Feirich was unavailable ror comment. Merrit said that the only IOdicabon IS it has to pay the 106. as to make it impracticable to bring .. them all before the court individually." The motion for dismissal claims that letters, phone calls, meetings and in some instances, settlements with in­ Leasure says he will not resign dividual faculty members by "agent of lbe University" sufficiently <femon ­ By Gary Houy Leasure's term as vice president and He said be did not pian to respoocl to strate " that there is no common A .... Debbie Ralermaon provost expires JWlc JO . the report. question 0( law in (act in relation to the Daily Egyptian Staff Write... The senate took its positiGD Tuesday ~rmination of lbe members of lbe by voting 2lH! to adopt a report Leur said he believes lbe senate should hear Leasure in person con­ cIus." In the face 0( Faculty Senate op. requesting that Leasure not be renamed. cerning the cha11lftl in the report. ~e also cites the p1aintilJ's (SIU positiGD to his ~pointment . as vice Leasure said he had not seen a copy of Bc>ard 0( Trustees) "UDwi.IIincDess or president for academIC a(falrs and the Faculty Sena~ report. He said be Prepared by the Senate Committee em inability to sUDPIy couseI (Runge) the provost, Keith Leasure said Wednesday, had discussed the report with Leur, but Faculty Statui and Welfare, the report names of the class or classes "I certainly do not plan to resign." would not comm.",t 00 the diacussioo. first came before the Senate May ·7. It represented by the named defendants." interim President Hiram Leyr Asked whether his relatiooship with char1Ied Leuure'. admlDiatraliClll with Defendants named in the cIasa actioo refused comment on wbether be will the faculty bas lIlffered strain ...,.,..,lIy. violating the otaaa. 01 tile Board 01 suit are William H. Evans, praIesar 01 rec:ammend Leasure for re-appointment Leasure sa.ld, "Do )'GU tbink we could Trult.,.,. and creatine "teuiOD and ~ HarryH. Nie'lle, asaoc:iate to his pomUoa at the June meetinC 01 the II!rminate lO4 (acuity members and not 01 p/Q'SICS; RoIlert H. HaITt!l.l, Boerd -of TnlSIees. have a strain!" fCcinII....s an "-go 31 16 killed at school In• Israeli-Arab fight MAALOT , Israel (APJ - Israeli might follow this second terrorist strite soldiers charged with guns blazing into a in a UWe over a month inside Israel school in this half-Jewish, half-Arab itself. village Wednesday in what officials The three Palestinian guerrillas were described as a desperate last-minute killed in the army assault on the three­ effort to stop three Palestinian story school, but it was not clear guerrillas from blowing up about 85 whether tbey or any Israeli soldiers l.raeli teen·agers being held hostage. were included in the official death toU Sixteen persons were OffiCid!!r. announced by Mrs. Meir in her television address. rerr~~~ll~ofd~ ~~~e~~~:d"fn a~ An explosion went off inside the school emouonal television address that Israel and smoke poured from its windows as " will do everything in its power to chop the Israeli attack began with voUeys of off the h4 .. ds that intend til barm a chila gunfire that lasted about 10 minutes. or an adult, in a city or in a village ..
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