i I- I p t THE WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9 1907 I s HERALD t T C eetiK tfv tIM serieS were 43 f Swing gnoft0 I ¬ TIGERS AND CUBS THE OLDEN DAYS ORwrke Whitney Con CONTEST liH DETAIL nor Battery Dan Richardson TltcomK IN DRAWN BATTLE I Gore Welch George Bill Brow Hat field Crane Murphy and Keefe were on Store Closes Da the New York roster CONTINUED FROM PACK ONE i Wonder What 6 Series Was 1J oy Runs WereMadein First stored at P M I First Worlds Hank ODay was on the pitching staff have hail it not been for a piece I of the Giants when they won the worlds Championship Game of poor Judgment by StelnfeWt With two j Played in 1884 championship In 13B They won six gAmes gone Single started to steal homo when Mertz Will v out of ten from OK Brooklyn of the Schmidt dropped the ball and had noarly Saturdays at American Association TIM results of reached the plate when Stotnfeldt jumped Say Today 9 PROVIDENCE WON THE TITLE these games were STRUGGLE A STUBBORN ONE- Into the play making It necessary for P M ¬ I nseeQra H New Y rk is TinrKeaH- the umpire to call the baUer out for In- re crk I lWiskba Caascbaindw terference There was a long dispute vMklym S Jew Y tT J1 ffcM Omaptari but as the ruling was correct ODay re ¬ 1 rook S rl j of Three Oilmen from eIeIa OTMj- Time niul Apiiin Victory Rented with rRraokov New York T TtnyGtaM fused to change his decision Neither the MotronolltniiH Xot Near UN New Yet 11 BroaMjrm 1 CmmOMnrtau One or the Other Clitli Hnttlc Ito tepm had a chance to score in tho next New Yen t Kraaklya 1 H iiadas ODay- n Thrilling ExhiUU entirely too Much Money in n Victory Then Tmy tAVtou TwIrlerN two Innings and as It was goose was RS Xoiv 3Iniiy Ilnrilfontflit Strug-¬ Horn Yet 11 Brooklyn T Gm KfeteLow- tlon of Xcrve Wild hurt Uono dark to play baseball the gles tCunthm IIoldN Ont Until End called off lluoortlcd on the Dininonil- New Ted S AraoU 1 ODitrTeny if nut the Giving I do not think the series will be as Mertz Leads in Value The New Yorks easily excelled in run much of on our club as was was 4 strain TheIr total seventythree to the Loague Brook1yn tetuu last week of the American WorlJPs championship baseball bas AltIix The btt1ng Chicago Oct 1 The manner in which Jennings to the averages were New York SW tH best season said Hughey taken on more tone since the National tt the nine worn scored In todays gamp Is Washington Herald- ever made in such a aeries Brooklyn sporting editor of The Stylish Fall Commission took postseason con below these 216 The team fielding averages were given in detail In President Murphys room befoo th tots bland formally being by giv- ¬ in this in the New York 914 Brooklyn Sft The total Big Overall began the contest game As you know we had a couple of of be- Davy fill Hf5 but pastseason aeries attendance was 47466 which would have ing the first man who faced him hard battles In Philadelphia but since that tween pennant winning teams of major been more but for cold weather The Jones a base on balls Jones comrades time the boys have gotten the idea that Suit to order leagues fe story amount divided was J11382W The really an old The first total could not help him Schaefer forced we the best club in the country series for was New York players received J2508 each fly hah the worlds championship Jones Crawford rocketl a to Single and they are not worrying much about played as long ago as MM says the New Worlds championship players receive and KHngs accurate throw splkod Schae QIJ more these days The New Yorks halt the outcome of the series as we aye all constantly give the value for your money Those York Sun The highsounding title of attempt to 1 Mcrtz is planning to you greatest practically the same team as the year be- ¬ fees steal confident that we will win out worlds championship was bestowed not fore On the Brooklyns were Bushong Schmidt made a wild throw in the first The Score plans mature in this way on them then We weqp simpler then to head off Sheckard who hAd Clark Vumer and Reynolds catchers inn ig AB PO A E fall and perhaps not so grandiloquent There went CHICAGU R H A thorough search of the market revealed three lines of highgrade allwool suitings Carruthers Terry Lovett Hughes and singled and reached first Sheeknrd SlHgle 6 2 2 f being no baseball of our outside the George cf f t duB Foutx pitchers and Hub Collins all the way to third and there was only Shoekard If 5 I 1 2 0 I that could be had for very little moneyspot cash ¬ Germany Tnued States the term worlds cham- Ptnckney Smith Darby OBrien one out but Donovan eradicated Chance Chance Ib 4 2 1 I 0 Pop Ii choose ffom and have a suit built to your measure pionship may tie deceptive yet nobody- Corkhill and Tom Burns on strikes and Steinfeldt sent a tame Steinfeldt 3b S 1 1 1 3 1 Those goods are now here for you to an that the team wins one Kllwg e 4 5 2 7 4 1 uainsav that There series in the fiJi hopper to Donovan the low price of 840 Fit guaranteed See viiidow displays of these is strongest team in was a worlds Evers ss2b 4 I 3 4 2 2 at series the lB the second the Detroits wont out ° the of but It attracted little attention Schulte rf 0 1 2 0 I world Kllng for Chicago c- since Brotherhood being an outlaw bneltwo three but 2 r 3 1 But whether it to a a worlds the Tinker as I national had no part in The Brooklyns this walked Ever put hint on second with a Overall p a I I 2 I r a solar system championship the first it time champions of the National League sacrifice whereat Schaefer throw out Howard 1 1 I I S teams to do battle for it were the Provi- S met the Loutovttlec champions of the Schalte and Tinker whipped the opposite Moma 1 I I 0 lonce champions of the National League one Zimmerman Jb 1 S 0 1 S and Mertz Co0 906 Street games re- Mertz American Association These of 1884 and the Metropolitans champions I Reulbach p 1 2 I S I 0 r the third and fourth Innings tho first of sulted as follows In the American Association the same man up for Detroit steeled but died for year Only three games were played nrooklr t UonteriO 1 Tm Stwttwt- Totals 41 3 IS 16 1 5 and Krocktni Lnriwrine IjowttDrty x- to gauge Overall by the I 1 want of ability Batted TInkor In ninth Batted for records say the series was purely infor- BrooUm T IxMfarOto T TmynH MM fr following batsmen Overall In ninth mal The National League drew the first kin second half of the fourth brought NOTES OF YESTERDAYS BATTLE ROYAL LoorniUe KnMkiyv KbntLotctt- The DETROIT AB R H PO A E Mood Providence winning ajl three i t first run Chance took on four Btookim T LariK e IhwttDrib- the lint Jones If i I I 3 S S games The scores were t to 6 3 to 1 and Laavfflte JtoMkba i Stn M Hbn1iwI- balls Steinfeldt sacrificed and Kling 4 I i Schaefer 2b M 6 1 1 7 5 LI 2 xraMfOe 1 a clean single to left that an- ¬ to Charles Radbourne the great I Kmklr ftmI t Jammed Crawford cf i 1 I 1 I S Jennings has forgotten ReM of his to the The r- star of his day pitched all three games The Brooklyn had about the same brought Chance rubber Cobb rf 4 S S I S tics i in- ¬ innings fur Providence team as in 109 The Louisville forces multitude went delirious The 4 Pennant Winners of 1907 Champions of the Past while Tim Keels pitched Rossman Ib I I I I C bUn failed to win the sasjw sa two cluded Chicken Wolf Weaver Harry sped by and the one run loomed up Coughlin 5 S f the tint two and Becanaon the last for 3b Ji I I 1 I occastoiM Taylor Shinnick Ryan Weckbecker like a beacon of victory Schmidt c I I 3 I 2 1 tape wtMw tile Mets De- ¬ XatfcMMl Lee Chteago la- League Red Ehret Tomney Bligh In both the fifth and sixth the OLeary sc 4 S Zimmerman accepted Ms only chance in National The Stratton I AMriera LMffM e Dtfroit Xfca- roster of the Providence club in troit led off with a base hit in fact SI2 5 fine fashion Yms Winusu W T lmeeis Hamburgh and others Donovan p I I t I Ifaaura Ton OaL ns- Lovett Radbourne and Ed Crane I singled suc- LnwB Il if luded was the end of the National Schaefer and Crawford in receipts tIC todays game t- uvfrfcjfc- That The actual L HP Win lit WiIsssLs a u IM- OUligan nobody pitchers and Daily catchers leagueAmerican Association regime cession in the sixth and with Totate 41 I I 1 14 1 TItAthMtte LogM KM Pa- It N W wereISIJS 1 G V- and Start Irwin Farrell Barrett Denny There came a split in the national agree- outbut there were no lifts to help w LC M OtyfaXew- IrProiidinn S B tStagie out for Interference In tenth Reulbach showed rare fc when he m mechicano IIi 17 IK AMML- Itadfurd and CarrolL In the Metsi line-¬ ment then consolidation into a twelve their cause along and they took root A iniChiep 21 Mt Aww Innings 1 2 J 4 I 7 I Jicu ± d- S up were Keefe Lynch and Becannon season of lStt was on the bags i i JIll relieved Overall Pac Imne1L ± 1I3C1a 9 9 JSi Asses club league The Detroit 3 X LeagacABjMqr X Y 63 75 pitchers Holbert and Retpsehlager- up The Chance was also much la evidence On ew York<Httte IfflJMortom fi guMMtt made of two parts Cleveland Jilts nUll ttrror1 Count Chicago tflllttSIIOte 1 0 2ft 0 I Three > League hiked IN- MSIPrinbiesce 84 9v v0 oatchers Nelson Orr Bsterbrook and the coaching lines ST T7I won the championship of the first Unit There was one out ia eighth inning 2 ftMtben Ltaffae O l55CbieanL S Ames Troy Infielders and Moseman Brady the First base on Overall toff IItng 11 3t laML- two New Lc oc Worcester Lon and the Bostons of the second Tbt when the Detroit battalion unlimbered Donovan 1 Struckballout By Overall I Sheridan had no don Mel EUad tIn 1ii7Jmo 45 5 WfttHM and Kennedy outfielders to was OMHHeOcnt LMgae Hoiyote Man York 84 4T Ml X
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