Title index to Separate Publications 69 extracts from letters, marginalia, reports of speeches (as distinct Title index to from speeches whose texts Russell published), and excerpts from unpublished manuscripts. Many are scrappy and not to be relied A Bibliography ofBertrand Russell, upon; others ring true. All are often our only source for the views expressed in them. Part H has a parallel section in Volume II except vol. I: Separate Publications for interviews and speeches, which have their own sections. by Kenneth Blackwell Some statistics may be of interest. The number of main entry items in the five parts is 755. Many items have appeared in more than one edition or changed publisher. The sub-entries number 832. THIS IS AN index of the titles of Russell's books and of those of Main Sub- Total Ms. Re- Cross Copy the books he contributed to in some way. The index provides an Part Entries Entries Entries Cita- prints Refer- Loca- abbreviated finding-list to all of his original book publications. The tions ences tions . ... reader in possession of a book with an apparently original contribu­ A Books &: 161: 560 1 721: 180: 131! 902! 982 tion can thus consult the index to see if it is already known to us.· .P.~·~P.~·~~~~· ·..····· .. 1..··············.. ···...!········..·..· ...1 1 ) ···1···· .. ···············1... .. ············.. There are four parts to Volume I of the Bibliography. Part A .. describes the 89 books, 37 pamphlets and 35 leaflets by Russell, or AA Scholarly ! 7 : 1 ! 8 : 1 : 0 ! 248 : 12 Editions ::::::: co-authored or co:edited by him. Other people's collections of his ~ ~~.~~~~~~~~ ;~·~·j"' ~·~·~·r ~·~·~·r· ··~·;;·r·····1·~~·(· ~·;;T· ....·..·.. ..·..·.. 629 r· ..·· ..·.... ..·....·..·.. .. ·· .. essays are included here-except for definitive or scholarly editions. .. ... .. Part AA describes the scholarly editions. At this time the only such To Books: : ! ::.: ~·~~~~~··~~~~ ~~·r· ·;·~·r ;~T ·~~·r ·;~ ~·~1"' .. ....r....·..·..··.... ·....·..·...... r........·.... ..·..·· 157 .. ...... ·.. .. ·..·...... .... editions-thosebased on a careful collation ofall relevant texts, with .. the textual decisions presented and the verbal variants published with blurbs :;;::: ~ ~~~~~··~~~~· ;·~·~ ~·~·;·i· ·~;~·i ~;~·r· ·~·~ ~·~~ ~·~·~ .. .. ..·r....·..·..·.. .. i......·.... .. ·..·..·.. .... ........ ·.. .. .. r..·..·· .. .. ·..·.. them-are those of the Collected Papers. Parts A and AA have full r.... bibliographical descriptions. I Orig. Quotes ::::::: Parts B, G and H have abbreviated descriptions. Part B concerns Totals 755 : 832: 1587:': 597:. 319: 1,474: 2,429 the books that Russell prefaced, introduced or contributed an essay to. Books containing series ofhis letters are included. In Part G are The figures for Volume II are not yet available, except for the fact his blurbs published on other people's books, usually on the dust­ that Russell's original periodical articles number in excess of2,000. jacket. Such puffs, as Russell called them, are often the only state­ ment we have by him on these works, and several ofthem are fairly The Benrand Russell Archives long. His publishing correspondence reveals far more than the 60 McMaster University Library described in Separate Publications, but many were not used and others were on books impossible to locate in the dust-jacket. Volume II, Serial Publications, has a parallel section for blurbs published in periodical ads. Part H, the final part in Volume I, collects all sorts of SEPARATE PUBLICATIONS: TITLES minor offerings: quotations from conversations and interviews, 16 Questions on the Assassination A131 A.B.C. of Relativity, The ASO 1857 Diary ofAsa Douglas Cowan, The Abdication of Philosophy, The B212 H124 Abolition of War, The: the· 'Peace 1 Bernd Frohmann started the index when he was my assistant on a grant from 80th Birthday Book for Ernest Darwin Movement' in Britain, 1914-19 H195 S.S.H.R.C.C. Sheila Turcon has helped me revise, maintain and edit it for Simon B134 Accidental War B155 publication. A.C. Lewis advised on the export from dBaselV to WordPerfect 5.1. A.B.C. of Atoms, The A45 Act or Perish [leaflet] A114 Harry Ruja's enthusiasm for all such tools to access Russell's works was catching. 70 Russell summer 1990 TItle index to Separate Publications 71 Actes du congres international de philos- Atomic Age, The B91 Morals A91 H281 ophie scientifique B61 Atomic Challenge: a Symposium B8S BR's May Day Appeal to All Workers Celebrities' Choice B182 Address at Manchester, May 1st, 1959 Authority and the Individual A84 [leaflet] AI23 CergeNews B177 A110 Authors Take Sides on Vietnam B189 BR's Opening Statement [leaflet] A143 Change of Sky and Other Poems, A Adventures ofthe Mind B132 Autobiography of a Chinese Woman BR's Philosophy H179 H54 After All H43 H35 BR's Theory ofKnowledge H134 Children in the Nuclear Age B157 After Ten Years H14 Autobiography ofBertrand Russell, The Between Two Worlds 8149 Children ofHiroshima G23 Again, They Are Trying to Deport A142 Bibliothequedu congres international de Children ofthe A-bomb B168 Maurice Paul B166 Autographs and Manuscripts: a Collec- philosophie Bl China in Revolt B33 Against A & H Bombs B188 tor's Manual HllS Black Paper H81 Chineenl'an2001,La G56 Against the Crime ofSilence B199 Balancing Moral Responsibility and Sci- Bloomsbury's Prophet Hl80 Churches and the British Broadcasting Age ofTrial, An BlS6 entific Progress B98 . Bogus Image of Bernard Shaw, The Corporation, 1922-1956 Hl61 Aims and Objectives ofthe International Bankruptcy of Marriage, The G3 8135 Citizen Faces War, The G7 War Crimes Tribunal B181 Basic Writings ofBertrand Russell, The Bolshevism: Practice and Theory A34 Cold War and the Income Tax, The Air Ministry B146 A115 Bomb, The: Challenge and Answer G4S Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist Battle for the Mind G26 BI08 Collected Letters [of Shaw] HI03 H37 BBC Year Book 1950 H40 Brett: from Bloomsbury to New Mexico Collected Letters of Katherine Mans­ Alexander Berkman B41 Beacon Hill School [leaflet] A52 8260 field, The H262 Alfred North Whitehead: the Man and Bell ofJohn Donne, The B174 Brev fran Bertrand Russell B200 Collected Letters of Professor Yin Hai­ His Work Hl72 Berenson: a Biography H69 Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten Kwong H188 Alice Hamilton: a Life in Letters Hl58 Bernard Berenson: the Making 0 f a Con, H187 Collected Papers of G.H. Hardy Hl25 All Stracheys Are Cousins Hl51 .noisseur H224 Briefwechsel,1916-1955 B201 [Collected Speeches ofBertrand Russell Along Came the Witch H196 BR B209, Hl52 Brighter than a Thousand Suns G31 and Dora Black, The] A37 Amberley Papers, The A71 BR and His World Hl40 Britain and Gennany between the Wars [Collected Speeches of Dewey and Rus­ American Crimes in Vietnam H111 BR and Semantography H70 8100 sell] BI0 American Inquisition, 1945-1960, The BR and the Pacifists in the First World British Institute of Philosophical Stud­ Collected Stories of Bertrand Russell, H170 War Hl32 ies, The: Syllabus 1925-26 B22 The AlSl American Saga, An: the Story of Helen BR and the War Office A23 British Institute of Philosophical Stud­ Comfortable Pew, The HI04 Thomas and Simon Flexner HlS9 BR and Trinity Hl8 ies, The: Syllabus 1926-27 B28 Comforts of Unreason, The G11 American Style, The H61 BR Calls for Vast Movement of Protest British Institute of Philosophical Stud- Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare American Use of War Gases and World [leaflet] A118 ies, The: Syllabus 1927-28 B32 AI08 Public Opinion H112 BR Centennial Celebrations B208 Bunch ofOld Letters, A H62 Common Sense of the Exact Sciences, Analysis of Matter, The AS4 BR on Ethics, Sex, and Marriage A161 Burning Conscience B147 The B78 Analysis of Mind, The A3S BR on God and Religion A160 By the Way G27 Companionate Marriage, The H8 Analysis of Mind, The. A Course of BR on India-Pakistan Conflict A136 C.K. Ogden: a Collective Memoir Compleat After-Dinner Speaker, The Lectures [syllabus] A31 BR on the War in Vietnam A128 Hl03 BlS8 And the Floods Came Hl7 BR Peace Foundation B167 C.P. Trevelyan, 1870-1958: Portrait of Condition of India B53 Anti-Suffragist Anxieties A7 BR Speaks His Mind A112 a Radical H206 Confessions and Impressions HI0 Antinomies & Paradoxes H303 BR, O.M. H38 Calling America B67 Confessions ofa Writer H141 Appeal to the American Conscience BR, the Passionate Sceptic H59 Cambridge and Other Memories H125 Confessions ofan Optimist Hl73 A139 BR: 1872-1970 H139 Cambridge Essays, 1888-99 AAI Conflict and the Scope ofReason H180 Architect Errant H148 BR: a Political Life Hl96 Can Industrialism Be Civilized? [sylla­ Conflicts of Power in Modern Culture Architecture of Ludwig Wittgenstein, BR: a Psychobiography of a Moralist bus] A39 B86 The H171 H304 Case for Neutralism, The [leaflet] AI13 Congres mondial pour Ie desannement Art and Argyrol H68 BR: Philosopher ofthe Century H119 Case ofBertrand Russell vs. Democracy general et la paix B159 Art ofPhilosophizing, The A7S BR's America AlS6 and Education, The H32 Conocer Bertrand Russell y ·su obra Aspects ofRevolt G35 BR's Best AI07 Catalog of the John H. Jenkins Collec­ H204 Atheism: Collected Essays, 1943-1949 BR's Dialoguewith His Contemporaries tion, A H140 Conquest ofHappiness, The A60 AlS3 IDOS Celebrazioni in memoria di Giuseppe Conrad's Heart of Darkness H20S Atheist's Bertrand Russell, An AlS9 BR's Dictionary of Mind, Matter and Peano nel cinquantenario della morte Containment and Revolution B190 TItle index to Separate Publications 73 72 Russell summer 1990 Good Fight, The H162 Contemplation and Action, 1902-14 Diaries and
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