TIDINGSVicar FEBRUARY 2017 Rev. C.Y. Thomas Christ Church Parsonage DBRA-61, Near Devaswom Board Jn, Nanthencode, Trivandrum-695 003 February 2017 Mobile : 94471 76033 Telephone : 2316033 [email protected] Asst. Vicar Rev. Dn. Alex Abraham Christ Church Parsonage Fern Hill Bethel Thycaud P.O., Trivandrum-695 014 Mobile : 9447006033 [email protected] Church Wardens Mr. John Kurien 9847175080 *' +',' Prof. K.V. Thomas 8547247910 Church Secretary ' - Mrs. Omana Abraham 8547242727 ' . / . 0( Lay Treasurer ' - Mr. A.J. Thomas 9447020738 Internal Auditor ' */ Mr. Abraham Mathew 9847181820 ' . $11 Church Committee Members Mr. George Ninan 8289909503 ' 0 ) &) Mr. Godwin Mathew 9895332868 ' $11 Mr. Hezekiel V.S. 9447071185 Mr. M.M. John (Munduparambil) 9544689029 ' 2'-' Mr. Joshy Mathew 9809788681 ' . - Mrs. Laila Jacob 9446018091 Mr. Luke P.K. 9495880774 Mr. Mesfin Zachariah Abraham 9847062108 Ms. Nimmi Rachel Mathew 9995458461 Mr. Reuben Daniel Koshy 9895223223 Mrs. Susan Thomas 9447751085 Diocesan Council Members Mrs. Mary Mathew 9447054335 Mr. Renju Philip 9846065640 Mr. Saji Sam George 9447303524 Mr. Suku C. Oommen 9447059920 Mrs. Susan Ebby 9447890411 Dr. N.O. Varghese 9847065697 Senior Presbyters Very. Rev. Mathew Mathew 2559965 Rev. Dr. Jacob Verghis 2432560 Rev. Mathai John 9447958556 Rev. M.P. Joseph 9539335580 Rev. Joseph Samuel 8281291203 Rev. Dr. George Joseph 9447452473 Rev. A. Viswasaraj (Tamil) 9495349325 Church Staff ! "# Mr. Aji George Jacob 9495304997 $ %&'( Mr. S. Samuel (Joy) 9495300681 Mr. K.C. Thomas 9846807826 )))'&'( Mr. Roy Daniel 9605242882 Online Edition - http://www.csichristchurch.org/tidings/ TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2017 R Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. This financial year 2016-2017 is remarkable in the history of the Diocese of Madhya Kerala. As the valedictory function of the Bicentenary celebrations of the arrival of the first CMS missionary to Kerala was conducted during the month of November; in January the Diocese had hosted the 35th Session of the C.S.I. Synod at Kottayam after a break of 38 years and as usual we have just conducted the 51st Tripple Jubilee memorial Convention of the CMS missionary Advent at Baker Compound. But one of the greatest events which ever remembered in the history of the Diocese was that our beloved Bishop, the Rt. Rev.Thomas K. Oommen was elevated to the highest post of our Church. This is the first time our Diocesan Bishop is becoming the Moderator of the Church of South India. I would like to take this opportunity to offer His Grace, our congratulations and warm good wishes for this new responsibility. The Second Sunday of February we used to celebrate as healing Ministry Sunday. The theme for the healing ministry Sunday is “Partnering together in the healing ministry of the Church”. The theme is very central to our life as it focuses on the Church and our partnership in the healing ministry. In this world there is the cry for healing. Mk.10:46-52. The healing of the blind man in Jericho is recorded by all the synoptic gospels. But mark tells us that his name was Bartimaeus. The blind cried out “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me”. The people around Jesus tried to silence him, but that only made him cry out louder. His persistent cry made Jesus stand still and ask him, “What do you want me to do for you”. The blind man said to him, “Master, let me receive my sight.” Not only did he ask for what was essential for him, but also demonstrated perseverant faith in Jesus. This passage compels us to reflect on several issues. Are we trying to silence the cries of the silent majority that are so desperately in need of Jesus’ healing? As a Church are we obstacles rather than enablers in bringing the lost to salvation? Are we sensitive to the cries of the poor and the have-nots? After murdering his brother, Cain confronted by God. “ Am I my brother’s keeper?” he asked. And the Lord said, “ The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground” (Gen 4:10). Jesus too was very receptive to the earnest cries of the people who needed Him. When Zacchaeus resolved to make a positive change, Jesus said, “ For the Son of man came to seek and save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10) As members of the body of Christ, the Church, we are mandated to further the healing ministry of Jesus and this is not restricted to the TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2017 health professionals, hospitals and health agencies. It is the responsibility of every believers to reach out beyond the Church boundaries to the marginalised, oppressed and ostracized people and exercise our spiritual gifts to be agents of positive change and transformation. May God help us sensitive to the cries of the people around us and to know their needs, and to help them. With regards, Yours lovingly, C Y Thomas Achen I¿Ømhn¬ {]nbtc, \ΩpsS c£nXmhpw I¿Ømhpamb tbip{InkvXphns‚ \maØn¬ kvt\lhμ\w. a≤ytIcf almbnShIbpsS Ncn{XØnse AXnalØmb Hcp kmºØnI h¿jamWv 2016˛2017. \hw_¿ amkØn¬ kn.Fw.Fkv. anj\dn tIcfØn¬ h∂Xns‚ ZzniXm_vZnbmtLmjßfpsS kam]\w sIm≠mSpIbpw, 38 h¿j߃°ptijw P\phcn amkØn¬ Z£ntW¥ym k`m kn\Uns‚ 35˛maXv tbmKØn\v \ΩpsS almbnShI BXnYyacpfpIbpw IqSmsX, P\phcn amkØn¬ ]Xnhpt]mse anj\dn BKa\Øns‚ XrXob Pq_nen kvamcI I¨h≥js‚ 51˛maXv tbmK߃ t_°¿ tImºu≠n¬ h®p \SØs∏SpIbpw sNbvXp. F∂m¬ almbnShIbpsS Ncn{XØn¬ Fs∂∂pw kvacn°s∏Sp∂ G‰hpw {][m\s∏´ kw`hw \ΩpsS {]nbs∏´ ssd‰v dh. tXmakv sI. DΩ≥ Xncpta\n Z£ntW¥ym k`bpsS ]ctam∂X ÿm\tØbv°v Db¿Øs∏´p sh∂XmWv. Z£ntW¥ym k`bpsS tamUtd‰dmbn \ΩpsS almbnShI _nj∏v sXcs™Sp°s∏Sp∂Xv CXv BZyambn´mWv. Cu ]pXnb ÿm\e_vZnbn¬ A`nhμy Xncpta\n°v \ΩpsS A\ptamZ\ßfpw lrZbwKamb BiwkIfpw t\cp∂p. kuJyZmbI ip{iqj Rmbdmbn´mWv km[mcWbmbn s^{_phcn amkw c≠mw RmbdmgvN \mw sIm≠mSp∂Xv. k`bpsS kuJyZmbI ip{iqjbn¬ Hcpan®p ]¶mfnIfmIpI F∂XmWv {]kvXpX RmbdmgvNbnse Nn¥mhnjbw. k`sb tI{μoIcn®p≈ kuJyZmbI ip{iqjbnse ]¶mfnØw \ΩpsS PohnXhpambn _‘s∏´ Hcp hnjbamWv. kuJyØn\pth≠nbp≈ \nehnfn temIØn¬ kZm ams‰mensIm≈p∂p. a¿t°mkv 10:46˛52. sbcntlmhnse IpcpS\v ImgvN \¬Inb kw`hw F√m kaho£W kphntijßfnepw Hcpt]mse tcJs∏SpØnbn´p≠v. F∂m¬ a¿t°mkv am{Xw XnambnbpsS aI\mb ‘_¿Ønambn’ F∂v Ahs‚ t]cv tcJs∏SpØnbncn°p∂p. tbip IS∂pt]mIptºmƒ TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2017 _¿Ønambn ‘tbipth, ZmhoZp]p{Xm Ft∂mSp IcpW tXm∂Wta’ F∂p \nehnfn®p. F∂m¬ tbiphn\p Np‰pw \S°p∂ P\kaqlw Ahs\ \ni_vZ\m°phm≥ {ian°pIbmWv. At∏mƒ Ah≥ G‰hpw A[nIw D®Øn¬ \nehnfn®p. Ahs‚ \nc¥camb \nehnfnbpsS ap∂n¬ tbip \n›e\mbn \n∂p. Aht\mSp tNmZn®p, ‘Rm≥ \n\°p F¥p sNbvXpXtcWw, F∂v \o C—n°p∂p?’. IpcpSs‚ adp]Sn : d∫q\n, F\n°p ImgvN {]m]nt°Ww. Ahs‚ PohnXØn¬ Ah\v G‰hpw AXymhiy ambXv Ah≥ tNmZn®psh∂v am{Xa√, tbiphnep≈ Dd® hnizmkw shfns∏SpØpIbpw sNbvXp. hnhn[ hkvXpXIsf°pdn®v Nn¥n°phm≥ Cu thZ`mKw \sΩ t{]cn∏n°p∂p. tbiphns‚ kuJyw Bhiyap≈ \ncm{ibcmb Hcp _lpP\XbpsS \nehnfnsb \ni_vZam°phm≥ \w {ian°p∂p t≠m? Hcp k`sb∂ \nebn¬, \jvSs∏´Xns\ c£bnte°p sIm≠phcphm≥ ]cn{ian°pIbmtWm AtXm am¿§XS w krjvSn°pIbmtWm? C√mØhcpsSbpw \n¿≤\cpsSbpw \nehnfn bpsS apºn¬ \mw AXohPm{KXbp≈htcm? kzktlmZcs\ sImes∏SpØnbXn\ptijw Ibo≥ ssZhhpambn FXncn´p. Rm≥ Fs‚ ktlmZcs‚ Imhev°mct\m? F∂h≥ tNmZn®p. AXn\p ssZhw Acpfns®bvXXv, ‘\ns‚ A\pPs‚ c‡Øns‚ i_vZw `qanbn¬ \n∂v Ft∂mSp \nehnfn°p∂p’ (Dev]. 4:10). Xs∂ B{Kln °p∂ P\ßfpsS Bflm¿∞amb \nehnfnsb kzoIcn°p∂h\m bncp∂p tbip. PohnXØn¬ hy‡amb am‰ßƒ°v k°mbn hnt[b\mbt∏mƒ tbip ]d™p. ImWmsX t]mbXns\ Xnc™p c£n∏m\t√m a\pjy]p{X≥ h∂Xv (eqt°m. 19:10). {InkvXphns‚ icocØnse AwKßfmbncn°p∂ k`, tbiphns‚ kuJyZmbIip{iqj XpS¿∂psIm≠p t]mIphm≥ _m≤yÿ bmWv. CXp tIhew BtcmKy taJebnse Poh\°m¿°pw, Bip]{XnIƒ°pw BtcmKy GP≥knIƒ°pw am{Xap≈ Hcp {]h¿Ø\ambn ]cnanXs∏SpØcpXv. kuJyZmbIip{iqj Hmtcm hnizmknbpsSbpw DØchmZnXzamWv. k`bpsS AXn¿Øn Iƒ°∏pdtØ°v Cdßns®∂v, ]pd¥≈s∏´h¿°pw a¿±nX¿°pw kaqlw _lnjv°cn®h¿°pw cq]m¥cØns‚bpw hkvXp\njvT amb am‰Øns‚bpw NmeIßfmIphm≥ \ΩpsS Bflob hcßsf D]tbmKs∏SpØmw. \ΩpsS Np‰p]mSpap≈ P\ßfpsS \nehnfnbn¬ kq£vaXtbmsS AhcpsS Bhiyßfdn™v klmbn°phm≥ ssZhw \ap°p Ir] sNøs´. \nßfpsS kvt\lap≈, kn.ssh. tXmak®≥ TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2017 hm¿ØIfpw Ipdn∏pIfpw hm¿jnI I¨sh≥j≥ Cu h¿jsØ CShI I¨sh≥j≥ P\phcn 5 apX¬ 8 hscbp≈ XobXnIfn¬ hfsc `wKnbmbn \SØs∏´p. Rev. Dr. Premjit Kumar, Rev. Viji Varghese Eapen F∂nhcmbncp∂p {]kwKI¿. \ΩpsS k`mwKßfpw CXc kw`mwKßfpambn [mcmfw t]¿ ]s¶SpØp. F√m Znhkhpw I¨sh≥j≥ Izb¿ Km\ip{iqj \SØn. I¨hot\gvkmbn {]h¿Øn® Dr. N.O. Varghese, Mr. Eipe Kuruvilla, Mr. Godwin Mathew, Mrs. Susan Thomas, Mrs. Mary Mathew F∂nhtcmSp≈ \μn tcJs∏SpØp∂p. KmbIkwLsØ ]cnioen∏n® Mr. Franklin Knox, keyboard˛¬ accompany sNbvXp klmbn® Royce Thomas Ipe, I¨sh≥j≥ Izbdns‚ NpaXe hln® Mr. V.S. Hezakiel, Mr. Renju Philip F∂nhtcmSp≈ \μn Adnbn°p∂p. ASq¿ sshZnI Pn√bpsS B`napJyØn¬ ASq¿ anj≥ I¨sh≥j≥ P\phcn 12 apX¬ 15 hscbp≈ XobXnIfn¬ XmgØpa¨ I¨h≥j≥ \Kdn¬ ]q¿Δm[nIw `wKnbmbn \SØs∏´p.
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