國立臺灣師範大學教育學系碩士論文 指導教授:林逢祺 博士 艾略特(T. S. Eliot)文學理論及其教育藴意 T. S. Eliot’s Literary Criticism and Its Implications on The Image of Teacher 研 究 生:陳 冠 妤 撰 中 華 民 國 一〇六年 八 月 i 謝誌 在卸下近二十年的學生身份之前,最要感謝一直在身後支持協助我的家人,每次都 肯定我的努力和付出:謝謝陳爸早上叫我起床還幫我準備早餐,在我餓的時候煮麵給我 吃,你是我心理最大的支柱,我想這就是我最不想離開家的原因;謝謝陳媽每天都會關 心我有沒有吃飽、有沒有穿暖,看到我愛吃的蛋糕一定會買回家給我吃,儘管有時對你 說話的口氣不好,但你最在意的還是我過得好不好。陳爸陳媽,你們女兒終於要畢業了! 感謝我的口委,永泉老師及佳瑾老師。很幸運地在進入師大第一年修了永泉老師的 西教史,因為這堂課的啟發才能讓我有今天的論文的成果,也謝謝老師在課堂上及口試 中給的建議,讓我有進步的機會;非常感謝佳瑾願意擔任我碩班的口委,從大一開始就 非常喜歡上老師的文學課,且西概和英史是我在東吳最喜歡的兩門課,還記得當時下課 後到老師研究室問問題時老師說過「你很適合做研究」,而也是因為這句話我才有勇氣 讀研究所。最重要的是感謝逢祺老師,無時無刻傳遞最正面且溫暖的能量,每次團咪時 都非常鼓勵我在研究上的發想,讓我大膽地寫出自己的想法;雖然在生活上常常讓老師 擔心,但是您還是像爸爸關心女兒般要我注意身體健康,我想進入碩班後最幸運的事就 是成為您的指導學生,而您就是我心目中的「教師即詩人」。 感謝碩班的好友既視野交融成員們:謝謝愛憫總是很有愛,雖然我倆常陷入恐慌; 謝謝遲筠總是給很多寶貴建議、謝謝一直有著很棒笑容的俐蘋、謝謝一直都很可靠的宜 航、怡心、甯雅、皓旻、怡如、郁棠,還有其它這三年間給過我協助的崔麐、冠華、鈺 婷、展有、香汝、仲恩、皓昀,以及身邊好友們:五太太、貴婦團、東吳三加一、逄逄、 Rachel、Vivian、還有很多很多人,因為你們的陪伴讓我在師大這三年感到相當安心且 溫暖。還要感謝無怨無悔陪伴我寫論文的華軒,總是能在我煩躁不安時給我最溫暖的依 靠,因為有你我才能走到今天。最後感謝此刻正在異鄉追夢的摯友佳叡,謝謝你送我你 i 的生日願望 ,在澳洲的這一年不知道你過得好不好,但是謝謝你這十年來無間斷的支持 與陪伴,也謝謝你一直在我身邊看著我一步步實現夢想,未來你還要見證我站上中正講 台的那一刻呢! 最後感謝自己,謝謝陳冠妤勇敢且堅信自己心中的那個夢想會實現,即使動搖過, 卻不曾放棄,一路上的跌跌撞撞辛苦了。最後引上在東吳英文系大三上佳瑾的浪漫時期 英國文學時的一段話,希望日後這段話可以繼續陪伴我完成夢想。 One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. (From Ulysses by Tennyson, 1842:68–70) 陳冠妤 謹誌於臺灣師大 106 年 8 月 5 日 ii 摘要 本文研究旨在探討英國詩人、劇作家、評論家、及哲學家艾略特(T. S. Eliot)的文學 理論在教育中的教師圖像藴義,其中其文學理論包含文學批評及社會批評。全文先從 18 世紀詩人思想及當時的歷史背景切入,以了解艾略特所乘載的傳統,進而分析艾略 特生處的 19 世紀末至 20 世紀中的動盪年代所帶給文學世界的衝擊及影響。接著,將艾 略特文學批評中對於詩人理想圖像的概念帶進教師圖像,將教育與文學做跨學科的結合, 試圖藉由文學理論找出教師圖像的創新樣貌。最後,本研究總結艾略特的文學批評對於 教師圖像的啟示作為教師專業發展的新參照,歸結如下四點: 一、 教師即詩人,意指教師得以在其學生心中創造出永恆且深刻的理想,且其學生 將帶著此理想繼續流傳至下一代。 二、 教師即詩人,意指教師如同詩人,能使用極簡的文字,帶來極深刻的影響。 三、 教師即詩人,意指教師對於學生的教學就如同詩人之於其讀者的啟發,將在人 生每一不同階段產生不同的意義與價值。 四、 教師即詩人,意指教師能開拓學生視野,帶領其至更高境界的世界,正如詩人 能帶領讀者領略真理,昇華生命。 關鍵字:艾略特、教師圖像、教師即詩人、文學批評 iii Abstract This study attempts to trace the image of the teacher reflected in the corpus of T. S. Eliot’s literary criticism. Known primarily for his poetry, Eliot also generated a great number of critical essays discussing not only literature but also education. With the introduction to poets and historical background in the 18th century, this study assesses the impact and influence from Eliot on literature and society in the 20th century. And through the lens of Eliot’s literary criticism, we try to “overlap” the image of ideal poet and the image of teacher by means of comparing the two fields—literature and education—and thereby arrive at a novel image of teacher. The findings of this study are as follows: (a) teacher as poet is able to create poetic images that are timeless and exert a deep influence on students who in turn have their own impact on others; (b) teacher as poet is able to fix a particular emotion in the right and minimum number of words, just as a poet’s poetry does for its readers; (c) teacher as poet performs a lifelong task, which is to help students to increase their understanding at every stage of their maturing; and lastly, (d) teacher as poet is to teach the lesson of breadth of emotional range with his words, to make students see and hear more than they could ever see without his help. Keywords: T. S. Eliot, Image of Teacher, Teacher as Poet, Literary Criticism iv Contents Acknowledgement (Chinese) ........................................................................ i Abstract (Chinese) ................................................................................................... iii Abstract (English) .................................................................................................... vi Content...................................................................................................................... v Figures....................................................................................................................... vii I. Introduction........................................................................................................... 1 A. Research Background.................................................................................. 1 B. Research Objectives..................................................................................... 13 C. Research Structure........................................................................................ 14 II. Life and Works of T. S. Eliot.............................................................................. 17 A. Life.............................................................................................................. 17 B. Historical Background................................................................................ 20 C. Other Works...................................................................................... 22 III. T. S. Eliot’s Criticism......................................................................................... 29 A. What Is a Critic? ....................................................................................... 29 B. What Is Criticism? .................................................................................... 32 C. Why Criticism? ...................................................................................... 35 IV. Educational Implications of T. S. Eliot’s Literary Criticism ....................... 38 A. Poet as Teacher........................................................................................... 38 B. Education as Poetry..................................................................................... 40 V. Teacher as Poet ................................................................................................... 45 A. Belief of Teacher as Poet............................................................................ 45 v B. Features of Teacher as Poet........................................................................ 50 C. Influences of Teacher as Poet..................................................................... 61 VI. Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 67 References (English)............................................................................................... 71 References (Chinese)............................................................................................... 76 vi Figure Figure. 1 Research Structure................................................................................... 13 vii Chapter One Introduction Research Background Teachers as educators and practitioners and in elementary and secondary schools have been subjected to education reforms since the 1990s in Taiwan. Because of the reforms, teachers are destined to come out of the so-called ivory tower, which has restricted teachers’ views and teaching practices for a considerable amount of time. They have faced a series of social and environmental changes, including the Reform of Grade 1-9 Curriculum, the gap between policies and practices (Huang, 2004), the application of non-corporal punishment in schools, the amendment of laws pertaining to teachers’ retirement, and the diminishing of the half-life of knowledge, which results in teachers’ maladjustment to students’ needs and social changes (Huang, 2007; Tang, 2004). These changes result in confusion on the part of senior teachers as well as current teachers about their own role definition and self-belief the in educational field. Teacher have also experienced panic owing to the rapid changes to which they cannot apply what they learned. In fact, teachers become so empty and aimless that they have doubts about their self-image as teachers (Chen, 2009). Based on this information, how can teachers educate and turn students into independent and outstanding individuals if the teachers themselves harbor doubts about their own vocation and value? In consideration of the aimlessness toward the self-image of current teachers, this essay explores T. S. Eliot’s literary criticism and finding out the ideal poets of Eliot’s; therefore, it has further implications for the image of teachers. In the following sections, I will explain why and how I select literary works to address the implications regarding the issue of image of teacher. 1 The Possibility of Inter-Disciplinary Communication. In 1958, a major crisis occurred in the field of comparative literature. Scholars argued about the meaning of comparative and the particularities of its development in the following decades. As Wellek (1963) pointed out in his article “The Crisis of Comparative Literature,” one of the serious issues associated with comparative literature is “not [being] able to establish a distinct subject matter.” With numerous clichés in the contemporary comparative literature, Wellek believed that the reason why this literary field would face the decline is that the scholars did not accept the fact that this academic area ought to be complacent no more but to examine what to be changed next. H. H. H. Remark provided this ambitious definition of comparative literature: . .the study of literature beyond the confines of one particular country, and the study of the relationships between literature on the other hand and the other area of knowledge and belief, such as arts, philosophy, history, the social science, the science, religion, etc., on the other hand. (Stallknecht & Frenz, 1961) Moreover, in the structuralist approach to texts, there is a movement away from the interpretation of the individual work and a parallel drive toward understanding the
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