SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Regular Session i May 23, 2016 16. MISCELLANEOUS A. NATIONAL HISTORIC REGISTER NOMINATION - COURTLAND ROSENWALD SCHOOL Attached for your reference please find notice from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources that they’ve received a completed nomination for the Courtland Rosenwald School to the National Historic Register. The nomination will be officially presented to the Virginia State Review Board and Virginia Board of Historic Resources on June 16. Preservation of the building and preparation of the nomination form has been a true labor of love for Mrs. Maxine Nowlin and her fellow board members at the Courtland Community Center. You may recall their efforts in obtaining a historic highway marker at the site last September. B. NOTICES 1) Environmental Notices - attached for your reference, please find copies of certain correspondence from DEQ and VDH related to privately-owned water systems in the region. 2) Foreclosure Notices – Section 15.2-979 of the Code of Virginia was amended in 2013 requiring any Trustee or Substitute Trustee that conducts a sale under a Deed of Trust to provide notice to the Chief Administrative Officer. Attached for your reference, please find copies of several of these notices. 3) SCC Notices - please find several notices attached from the State Corporation Commission related to applications recently filed by public utility systems. C. CORRESPONDENCE Please find correspondence attached from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requesting comments on environmental issues related to new route and facility modifications, and notice of public scoping meetings associated with the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline. D. ARTICLES OF INTEREST Please find various news articles attached that you may find interesting. RECEJVED MAY 1 Z 2016; COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Historic Resources Molly Joseph Ward 2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23221 Ju lie v. Langan Secrelary of Natural Resources DireCl or Tel: (804) 367-2323 Fax : (804) 367-2391 www.dhr.virginia.gov May 11,2016 Mr. Michael W. Johnson Southampton County Administrator Post Office Box 400 Courtland, VA 23837 Re: Courtland School, Town of Courtland, Southampton County Dear Mr. Johnson: The Department of Historic Resources, Virginia's historic preservation office, has received a completed nomination for the above referenced resource. The DHR is planning to present the proposed nomination to the Virginia State Review Board and the Virginia Board of Historic Resources for recommendation to the National Register of Historic Places and for inclusion in the Virginia Landmarks Register. For your review and comment, a copy of the draft nomination as it is to be presented to the Boards on Thursday, June 16, 2016, will be accessible at DHR's website, http://dhr.vin!inia.Qov/registers/boardPage.html, after about May 20,2016. Your comments will be forwarded to the SHPO Director and the Boards along with the nomination for consideration. Should you have any questions regarding the nomination or the register process, please call me directly at 804-482-6445. Sincerely, ~ James Hare Director, Survey and Register Division Adillinistrmivc Services Eastern Region Office Western Region Office Northern Region Office 10 Cllurthousc A vc. 2801 Kensington Avenm: 962 Kimc Lane 5357 MillO Street PClcrshurg. VA 23803 Richmond, VA 23221 S,tlcm. VA 24153 PO Box519 Tel: (K04) 862-640& Tel : (804) 367 -2323 Tel : (540) 387-5443 Stephens Cily, VA 22655 fax: (S04) 862· 6196 Fox : (&04) 367-2391 Fax : (540) 387-5446 Tel : (540) &68-7029 Fax: (540) 86&-7033 COMMON\xfEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Histotic Resources (DHR), 2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23221 (804) 482-6446; \\,,,,,,-,<1 II r . \·iq:ill ia . ~ol' RifYh t~ of Private Propert), Owners to Comment and /or Object to a Nomination for Listinlf in th e Vir gini a Landrr:.arks Rqris tcr and/or the National Reg ister of Historic Places The Department o( I-li<loric Resources (DI-JR) is Virginia's State Historic Preservation Office (SI-IPO). DHR administers the V"b~ma Landmarks Register on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia and, as the SHPO, adnninisters Virginia's participation In the Naoonal Register o( Historic Places, which is managed by the National Park Service. DHR is your primary point of contact (or al\ matters related to the Virginia Landmarks Register (VLR) and the National Register of Historic Places (NRHI'). Supporting and / or Commenting on ~ Nomination 1\ private property owner who supports a nomination for listing in either or both the VLR and the NRHP is invited 10 send :1 letter of support but is not required to do so in oreier for the nomination to proceed. Private propcny owners al so ar(' wci com e.: to comment on n nomination even if the y do not seck to go on record with either il vo te of support for o r an objectio n to a nomination. Copies of letters of suppo rt and/ or comment arc provided lO the State Rcview Board (SRB) and the Hoard of Historic Resources (BHR) for review, along with the nomimltion to which they [efet, and arc included with the nomination if the.: SIU3 has recommended it to proceed to the NRHP. Objecting to a Nomination /I private property owner has the right to object to listing in either the VLR or the NRHP, or object to listing in both regi"ers. : ~: ')f :' pri" :w: prop'.: n y rn:n !s bt:mg mCiYl duaiJ y nomln:1ttC, ::: :1cn o\\'n c. r 0 :- p:lrD:1 i owner or the i ) :' i \~:tt c jJropcrty m:ty obicer to listing n.:gardless o f rhe porrion o f rh e prope rry tha r pan:y owns. I'or a hi storic district that is beinp, nomlllated, each oWller n( pri:'l1.te pr~perry ~n th e proposed historic district is counted as one individua.l regardless of how many pro perties that party owns, ,1111 .. 1 U ... ~ . LJLlIL:-'J vi .... II LU H... l UIL IJiUllt.:II IC", \....UlililIJUlL 1.\1 1I1 L .... IP illi l\.... iIIlLL \) 1 \I ii. OL.. IlIi,.!. rhe pnv:1lc property owner's ohJec tlon 10 h ~ tin g mll ~ 1 he prOV ided tn D i In. In writing. J\ ny OWIH.:r or parLiai owner ul pri vale.: property who choo~e s to object ro listing shaH submit to DHR a wrincn stal.ement of objection that has been atlested and notarized by 0 notol), public and thot teferences th e subject propert)" by address and/or parcel number and certifying tha I. th e P:-!.! : ~)' i:. the ~ c! t: Q ; ?:-!:.'ti:-:! c'.'.'ne~· of th~ p::i';':lt~ i~:: o pc::tj' , :1 ;' apprc pr::::t c. O:i!r upcm :;u::!-: :; ubiT.ii 3 :;i c ~ :; h;;.!! :;u::h abj c:: :ii1g 0 -.;"; 1(.:;: be counted by DHR in determining whether a majority of private property owners has objected to :t nomination. An obj ectio n to both the VLR and NRHP designations can be ,ubmitted in the same letter. However, in order (or an objection 1" 0 li , ting in Ihe VLR to be counted, it must be submitted to DJ-lR a minimum of 7 business day' prior to the scheduled Board meeting li sted in th e notification letter. An objection to NRI-IP listing will stand even if the letter arrives too late for consideration o( the VLR listing. J=-" or an individually nOlrunated private property, if a majo ri ty of the private property's owners object according to the pro cess described herein, the nomination will not proceed. For a historic district nomination, if a m ajority of th e private property owners within the historic district boundary object according to the process described herein, the nomination will not proceed. In both types of cases, as the SI-[PO, DJ-lR shall subnnit the nonnination to the National Park Service's Keeper for a deternnination of eligibility of the property for listing in the NlU-IP. If the property is then deternnined eligible for listing, although not formally listed, Federal agencies will be required to allow for the Advisory Council on Historic Presetl'ation to have an opportunjt)' to comment before the agency may fu nd, license, or assist a. project which will affect the property. Letters of objection must b ~ :lddr~ s sed to the St:ltc Historic Prcs~!"'!:lcion Officer:l~ the Dep:'..rt!:1enr o f Hisw :ic R:::. sou:ces, 2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23221. Letters of objection received a minimum of 7 business days prior to the Board meeting will be copied to the members of the SRB and BHR for review, along with the nomination to which they refer. If, at the Board meeting, the nonnination is approved to proceed to the NRHP, all letters of objection will be forwarded to the National Park Service to consider with their review o( the nomination, along with any letters of support or comment that DHR has received. Letters of objection to listing in the National Register of Historic Places mal' be subnnitted to DI-IR even after the Board meeting at which the nonnination is approved. DI-IR will forward any letters of objection to the National Park Service. The National Park Service continues to accept letters of objection up to the date of listing in the NRHP. The National Park Setl,iee typically concludes review and approval of a nonninarion within approximately 55 days of receipt of the nomination from DHR. M: \Survcyund Rc gistcr\REG ISTER\Rcg. islcr\LCUer s__ I' cmplmcs\Inscns forNom i nul ion Not ifi eat ion Lei tcrs\Propcrt yOwncrCommcn t Proccss_ N R1-1 P_ VL R,doc;.,: COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Historic Resources (DHR), 2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23221 Kev Points about the National and State Register Process for Property Owners • Listing in the national and state registers is honoraq>.
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