Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 • f' r. ..... ... - .. AN EXPERU1El\"TAL PSYCHIC PROBE OF THE PlANET JUPITER Harold Sherman Ingo Swann April 27. 1973 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 _______ This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 TilE SHEKMA~-S\'i.\NS }:SYCIUC PIWUE or THE p:.;xrT Jt;PITER tempt to carry fo:-ward the poss:1Ll(: \,erity of th~ psychic n~turE.- of men, 1t was decided to holei a psychic prahl: of the planet Jupiter. As ",'ilh any experiment. the n4,'c('ss:l ty (If feedback potential mast characterize any experimental wr"rk undertal~CII ,,'ith the psychical nature of men. "'hile the probing by olher than phy:dcal means of a far distant pl:lnet seems oxtraordinary, 1t was noted thot thE.- Jupiter by-pass NASA space module Pioneer 10 was on i U way I and hopefully wi 11 relay back data as yet not known to science. Based on this situation, it was decided to probe psychically the planet Jupiter. In ~he evening of April 27. 1973, therefore, Mr. Sherman arranged to begill tis probe at 8:00 p.m. Central Standard time, and Mr. S"'ann, cllrrently un the WE.-st Coast at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Standard tim~. The psychic probes thus took place slmultaneously. After on~-ha)f hour, Mr. Sherman was reached by telephone by Mr. Swann, and their results cODlpared. Certain salient points of the obvious similarities between the results of both men follow. The actual responses of both men were recorded and are attached as annex A (Mr. Sherman's response) and annex B (Mr. Swannls response.) Neither Mr. Sherman nor Mr. Swann claim validity for their results, since to do so would be beside any ~cientif1c pOint. What verification might came from Pioneer 10 remains to be seen. _____...,.- __ Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 2 SIMILARITIES Sherman Swann 1. Armosphr:. rt:: ..• gases. i;1\'ing off II gola("n ... th~re ar~ crYFtals. they glow and cr)'stal-1ik~ d131!Ionj g11 ltt.·r. MaybE' tb;:o :>tripeb sparkles. are l1ke ballds of cr)·sta!s ... givinG' off 11 gol den gl ., ...... •. dislinctly YE'llow .•• It 1S a gaseous ~ASS 01 myriad Inside those cloud iayers •... colors - yellow. red, ultra- they look beautiful from the v101et. some greens - like a outside, from thE' inside they giant fireworks dlsplay. look like roiliog gas clouds - eeri~ yellow light - rainbows. The enurr.iC'US cloud cover ... Then I came through the cloud The enormous cloud covel' must The atmosphere of Jupiter is be miles de-ep. very thick. 2. Surface: .•• a reddish-brown formation .•• the horizon looks oranglsh or extending in a curved line as rose-colored ..• the whole thing far as my m1nd's eye can see. seems enormously flat. There appear to be huge ,"olcanic There is an enormous mouotain peaks. great cones rising same range about 31,000 feet high .•• .I miles .•. those mountains are huge. I It looks almost metallic ~ molten . •. the surface of Jupiter will aDd sparks red-hot. give a higb infrared count. --___....... __ Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 3 Sherman 5,. •. nn 3. Other surf8~e characteristics: •.• ice crystalF ..• I am wonder- - ~&n~ ~f cry~tals .•. klnd of ing if t.hey are- not icy cold. bluish. It's colder here .•• .•• swirling VOl·ticel' of in- I sec something that looks like creas1ng velocity ... a tornado . .•• powerful magnet1c forces .•. I seem to be stuck, not moving. ..• winds of terrific velocity ... Tremelldous "·inds ... There must be water. I feel that there is liquid somewhere .•. liquid, like water. The atmos~here seems unusually In the atmospher~ are crystals ••• dense on some levels and ex- they'll reflect radio probes .... tremely rarif1L~ on others. another layer farther down like our clouds. l'either Sherman nor Swann said an)'thing that contradicts the other. but both save certain individual 1~ress10ns: 1. Collision of Pioneer 10 with the 1. Describes an extremely large hydro- largest of Jupiter's mOODS unless this gen mantle 80,000 to 120,000 mlles course is ultimately altered. out from plaDet's surface. 2. Some 17 moons, some undiscovered. 2. Deflection of radio waves. 3. Comments OD moon formation. 3. Smooth large saDd crystals on planet's surface which slide beDeath the wind. 4. Describes a huge red ~ass moving 4. Thermal inversiOns. , across the face of Jupiter, fram right to left, followed by a darker cloud of illllense size. Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 it.XlI.'EX A l 9 - Ha~ld Sherman I I - Ingo Swann P - Ral Putboff StlEItMAN-Sl'iANN Jl"PITER TOliCniJU"'~ PitOL"f" April 27, 1973 'JT.LE?IIOlll"E CONVEIUiAT rON H How."'d you make out'~ I Well, I don I t know. Ilow'd you make out? H I wrote about three pllg(:Eo II!; [::I.st OS I could lI!r'rite. What is contained in it, ~! Lou~se. you'll have to check. I Let me introduc. you fir~t before we start ~ Dr. Puthoff and Russell Targ. Why don't you say h~llo to them. H Hello. Russell T.. rg ::md Dr. Puthoff. I'm very glad to meet you both over the phonE. I'~~ h~ard so much about both of you. I ~ish we could meet in person. P Thanks very much. We're enjoying doing this experiment and it's nice to be talking to you on the phone. D How do you want this material transmitted? Do you bave a recorder and can you hear? P Yes. welre videotaping Ingu's conversation with you and we have a tape recorder gOing. so you two can just talk over wbat you saw and the whole tbing will get recorded. So I'll give you back to Ingo. then. H Yes, that's fine. I Why don't you go first? H All right. will you be hearing what I'm reading at the same time you are recording? I Right. H I have wr1tten, "It is now 8 pm Central Standard T1me and I am s1tting in ~ speclal concentration room in tbe little house wbere Ingo Swann stayed wheD he visited us some weeks ago. As I prepare to direct my consciousness to tbe attempted probe of Jupiter, its occurrences and conditions relative thereto, I am immediately and associately sucked into total contact witb a speeding space module Pioneer 10 and I can clearly see that it is at present traveling on a definite collisiao course with one d the largest Jupiter moons, and unless this course is ultimately altered, it will most cert.iDly crasb into it and end this investigative journey. Now I am carried ahead of it and am approaching the Jupiter moon itself. It seems larear thaD earth - a great shiny revolving ball surrounded by gigantic swirl of g ••ses, ~iving off a golden glow and crystal-like diamond sparkles and unbolievable inner sight. I am still some distance from Jupiter which I can see to the right of this moon, far, far away, a million - I can't tell - perhaps more. Anyway, a great many miles distant. And with an almost eye-blinding bri111ence that is radiating. I'm sure that physical eyesight could not stand what I am perceiving inwardly. I seem to be a "".......... • ft.... ; .. 1 D .ftIn.. h.....,. f' ......... nf' foh .........n·i +a +-1 ....... , -,." _,h~ _h is affectillC Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R0001 0004001 0-3 everything around me. I am able to S(,.," in aJ 1 directions as I mentally look around. It is as though I am looKing through a scope seeing all this in minature and suddenly magnitled Into a normal size. The s~nsation comes and goes. These visions are inside me, then outside. There is a yellow cast to space and seeming dark objects show through it. Can they be other moons of constrasting colors or densities? The impr~ssions come to me that there are 17, some yet undiscovered by earth SCientists, much closer to Jupiter. and the feeling also comes that some of them have been and are being spavo'J1ed by the convulsive, volcc.nic action in the interior of the gaseos Baaases of Jupiter spun off intu space 1n newly forming vn",ti,.po; ,."h1~h Clt~"'t !' !''?'~"·''h'tio!! of th'!'ir o'~:r. ::lth1!!'!r..: ir..~o:!cei\':lble gaseous for~e5 and electronlc particles to them which adhere to these ncwly createll masses and ultimately 501idif)" in the new moons. The feeling also comes that the sun or1ginally, an unthinkably huge gaseous I18.SS, 1n a mighty explosion 1-hrew off vast gaseous balls which began the planets we recognize today, 1ncludlng Jupiter, all ultimately Dchieving a gravitational balance in time and place;and in the process of gath~ring their own forces, these gaseous ba.llH exploded in themselves and cast off parsof themselves in the forms of moons and satellites, holding to them as parents hold their children.
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