Lutz Museum Conducts Its Adult Membership Drive> This Week r- k v m z * Daily Net PrcM Ron The Weather For the Weak Faded Foreeut of V. 8. Weather BoraM Much >i; IMS Fair, diiiHalahim adnda, r tenpentorea late ttmight. lAar Sd 13,559 to SS. Tnaaday m opt^ iamgr, Menber «f the Audit oontenaed cool. High M to "45. BnreM ad CSreoIetldB ManeheiU!r---A City of Village Charm VOL.LXXXl,NO,154 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN4 MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1M2 (OUaalfted AdverthiBg an Fage 13). PRICE n V E CENTS Military Measures Kennedy Aides Blast Jfackson^s ains View on PoKcy Syrian Rebels v r isji UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. (AP)—-Two leiders of the Inspectors Ban Kennedy administration call­ ed odd and nonsensical the suggesticm of Sen. Henry M. Reunion with Nasser, UAR Jackson that the Prudent GENEVA (AP) Soviets control over other kinds of testa—In the atmosphere, outer pays too much attention to the Delegate Valerian A. Zorin space and underwater. United Nations in setting for­ ■aid today the Kremlin has Zorin said the Soviet Union had eign policy. Doctor O^ims changed its mind about allow­ carried out only one underground Ambassador Adlai F. Stevenson, ing nuclear test ban inspec­ test recently and indicated Soviet chief U.S. delegate to the United Damascus Ignoring experts had little opinion of their nations, and Sen; Hubert H, tors on Soviet soil because of Hum^uey, Senate asaiatant Dem­ Checkups Cut new m ilita^ measures taken value. ocratic floor leader, struck back by the Soviet Union. Dean told the 17-nation diaarma- Sunday at the Democratic senator ment conference that the West’s from Waahini^on but did not men­ Cancer Deaths Situation in Aleppo Theae ueaaures, Zorin told the control requirements had ben pared 17-natlon dlsarmanient confer­ tion hinl by name. 0^ - ' •’.¥ down to a minimum. He rejected Jackson, chairman of the Demo­ ence, were prompted by the Berlin Soviet assertions that the control WASHINGTON (AP)—If altuation and the Western military cratic National Oommittee in the machinery would be used as a IMO campaign, recenUy auggeeted every Ameripan acJult had By GEORGE A. MOARIHUB buildup. cloak for espionage. rectal and colon examinations CAIRO (AP)—A m y officers in northern Syria proclaimed He said that was why the Sov­ the American delegation to the iets bached away from their for­ The American diplomat import- United Nations had become a sort annually, 25,000 additional a rebellion today against the Syrian military junta and de­ mer agre^ent In principle for jed to the 13th plenary session of of a secodd Foreign Office and lives could be saved each manded reunion with President Gamal Adbel Nasser’s United year, the president-elect of faitematkihal control‘pools to be (Continued on Fage Two) (Oonthraed on Page Five) Arab Republic. * atationed on ' Soviet territory to the American Cancer Society A broadcast from the pro-Nasser hotbed of Aleppo, SjTia’a aupert^ee a nuclear teat ban treaty. said today. N W that the Soviet Union has second largest city, indicated the rebels claimed cohtrol in Dr. I. S. Ravdin of the Univer­ :he northern and eastern reaches of Syria. There were no re­ tihen theae measures to strength­ Most Teen>as;er8, Students sity of Pennsylvania, one of the en Its defenses, Zorin said, the ~ ^ ........... — surgical ccmsultants in former ports of renewed fighting after clashes Sunday in viurious UAAit. oouM not have foreigners President Dwight D. Eisenhower's parts of the nation. on its territory. He did not go into iltltis case, said this would be detail about the military measures. The Aleppo claims were ignored in Damascus broadciists twice the number now saved }y the junta, which’broke with the U.A.R. in an uprising last Zorin spoke after U.S. Delegate Death Count at 64 through surgical attack on rectal- Arthur H. Dean said the Soviet colon cancer. He said that type of September and then last week toppled the civilan government Union had astounded the world cancer kills more Americans than t had created. by rejecting the oontrola it once any other form of malignant tu­ had agreed were neceosaiy. Dean The junta asserted the am y is united in all paris of Syria In 17 Car Crashes mor. and warned plotters and exploiters and troublemakers that calked on the Sovieta for a rover- Ravdin made hia estimate in re­ aal of the totally unreasonable marks prepared for a National the general command will take severe punitive mehsuteS stm d. By THE ABBOCIATBD PRESS Press Cnub isrmposium "Progress against them Western aourcas said Zorin's and hope; man against cancer,” In booting-out the elvUian gov­ spsech took on more of a oold war Multiplenleath traffic accidents littered highways and featuring five of tte nation's top 1 % . , ernment, the junta had accused tone , than hia previous u^tsrancea streets with an alarming number of dead and .injured during cancer researchers. civilian leaders of nullifying land Swiss R e fuse a t the conference. the second weekend of spring. A ’total of 64 died in 17 acci­ The' Philadelphia surgeon sin­ reforms and othsr measures. It Zorin reiterated that if t(ie gled out this particular form (xily called for a brand of Arab social­ United BUtes carries out nuclear dents, most of them- teen-agers and young college students. ism but no reunion with the To Bar Use of Eight persons, were killed In ae as an example to illustrate hia tests in the atmosphere in late statsment that, as regards cancer U.A.R. April the Soviet Uniwi will be single Canadian accident Sunday. But now, apparently under pres­ They were occupants of a car in general, “We now know enough Nuclear Arms compelled to carry out more teats to save many more patienja by sure from the uprising In the fai turn. Btruclt by a train at a crossing StateNews north, the junto in repeated Zorin aecuaad the United States eas*- of Drumihondville, Que. early detection and tMtment.” broadcasts talked vaguely of GENEVA (AP)—By a vote of of digging in its toes on the issue Six youths, ranging in age from The Amarioan Cancer Society unity with all Arab ’countries. In­ 16 to 21, were kiUed near Modesto, has repeatedly said that whUe one almost 2 to 1, male Bwtaa votori of control over underground tests. cluding the U.A.R. It seemed to rejected a constitutional amend­ He said the purpose of this was to Calif., Sunday in the flaming Roundup out of three cancer patients la call for some sort of federation, heSd-on crash of two autos. Two now bring saved from death rather than a return to the one- ment which would have prevented others were aerioualy injured. through surgery and radiation, it nation setup under wtUch Syrtf thia neutral nation from aoiutrr State highway patrol officers •hcld bripoMdhls to ««ve at least joined Egypt in Uia U.A.R. m Ing, producing 6r ualng nthfiatt Error Alerted said a car drivsn by Jak*<<hNwn, Highway iTatals ohc to taru PW la itoaia get an­ 1958. weapons. 17, of liiodesto swerved at high nual health examUiatlOns, learn Reports from Damamua raach- In a nationwide refeteadnm a p ^ and slammed into one driv­ For ’62 FinaUy the danger rignal# of cancer, ahd Itog Beirut, Lebanon,, said thtrelBunday, the male electotato— S A C During en by D anyl A. Borges, 21,. of q^Sekly tMSli a tfM tw ’s help If they been dbmonstraUons In the DusMna Calif. have any-suel} rigwe:';"'*"-'— ■ Syrian capital this' HtMhInif 'tit- The gas tank on Graen’S ear, Below ’61 Totalff At the Min«°j*yiKpeahim, Dr. Hi fore the Army bannsd all gathsr- 387 'votea to 288.858 tha amand- Berlin Crisrs ruptured by the tremendous im* tn n . ipent backed by the left wing of pact, hurst into flames. Trapped KAATFORD (AP)—An inten­ (OaoNaiiM M Page Two) The reports added that SJrlan the Swiss Socialist party and tha Inaidje Ute vehicle and killed with sive highway safaty dri've and the OMAHA. Neb. (AP)—A falae army ofTtcera were sssembling In Communists. Green were Sherman t,. Frissell, tow ..of averages combined forces Damaartis to try to reach agree­ The vote had no cxmnectlon with signal at the height of the Berlin 18; Darrell Smith, 17f and Allen Sunday to . bring Connecticut's crisis last fall indicated the ment on some istoy out et the dif the 17-nation dlaarmament oon- Berty. 16. ail of Modesto. highway dpaths below last year's, Liz Reported Acuity. Uhlted States might be under at­ larges and one of his three pas­ after three montha In the r^ . Roman OaUiotic Archbishop Jobeph Francis Rummri, left, chats The broadcast from Aleppo an­ (OonUnned on Page Seven) tack and planes loaded with H- sengers—Prank V, Rocha, 20. o t '. The department, of Motor Ve­ with Arehhishop Coadjutor John Patrick 0>dy when the totter, nounced a "free ofAcers com­ bomba prepared for takeoff, the Gustlne—also were killed. The hicles this morning reported 51 Galling Lawyer former bishop of Kansas-Oty, arrived to. assume his new post. mand’’ had rebelled against the Strategic Air Command .said, two other passengers were hospi­ deaths in auto accidents this year, (AP Fbotofax). military junto in Damascus. Maj. John J. Oswald of the pub­ talized. compared to $3 at tills point a year The Aleppo broedcast said ths lic relations ataff said lights on Near Jacksonville, Pla., five co­ ag6.' The last state road death was To Get Divorce rebel command had declared niar- a signal board at SAC headquar­ eds from .Duke University "wars in New Haven last Thursday.
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