35 Cents B I" -STINGN3ÿ torningside College Linrary THE I 92 VISION AND RADIO Sioux City 6 Iowa DEC NEWSPAPER OCTOBER 16, 1961 TvB reports more homes watching tv more as There'll be pressure for more free time for revenue also hits new high 27 politicians in '64 46 4A report indicates some of the heat may be Collins tells NAB roadshow he has improved off radio -tv ads 38 governmental relations 62 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 MORNITI(iSI9E CMIME 1.1g7-,9:Y NEW WHBQ ; KIND OF , MEMPHIS NEWS 41111111 ,f_ Hollywood Next month, the .RKO General radio stations join inside story from Washington, London, reports are available, Time Inc. in broadcasting a new and specialized news and New York. These distinctive markets. service, TIME -LIFE BROADCAST NEWS. It wraps ón an exclusive basis, to other major the world -wide overage of Time, Life, Fortune and Sports Illustrated d3ito a single service-the exciting TIME -LIFE BROADCAST Chicago's dressed to the 9s On outdoor boards, in newspapers -even in the sky * -as well as on television, Chicago has been decked out with thousands of smiling 9s during the past eight weeks. This was the biggest teaser campaign ever to hit a metropolitan area -a 1 blockbusting, news- making campaign to introduce WGN- Television's exciting new fall program- ming to viewers on Channel 9. This was a campaign promoting greater audiences for Best movies at 10:15 P.M. -pre- More outstanding features ... Chicago Blackhawks, and Chicago's senting the 111 post -1950 film fea- more music, more drama, more spe- new professional basketball team, the tures from the celebrated Seven Arts cial events and service programming Chicago Packers ... every Saturday and MGM packages. -"Great Music from Chicago," "The night starting October 14. More newscasts ... Snappy, exclu- Play of the Week," "Bozo's Circus," For availabilities, contact: WGN- sive "Newsbreak," nine times daily - "Ripcord," "King of Diamonds," TV, 2501 Bradley Place, Chicago 18, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. and at 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, "Dick Tracy," "Your Right to Say It." Illinois. Phone: LAkeview 8 -2311. and 9 p.m., supplemented by com- Exclusive year- around sports WGN -TV, 220 E. 42nd Street, New plete and comprehensive news cover- ... introducing this season the Satur- York. N.Y. Phone: MUrrayhill 2 -7545. age at 7:45 and 11:45 a.m. -5:45 day Sports Spectacular featuring p.m., plus "10th Hour News" at 10 away- from -home hockey games of p.m. and the "Midnight Roundup." last season's hockey champions, the 'more than 1,000 9s via skywriting local program in the interest of youth " Progress is the keynote in the entire GOLDEN MiKr. A 't'r r%PEPP110M! ST LOLL St. Louis metropolitan I(TVI,Sr.Lvis,Mlss,, Dcer LouL P.: Aremsr,,, ,. area, the area with 19G4 1991 the new spirit, where more than one billion dollars is being spent for expansion and major improvements. Progress is the keynote, too, at KTVI, the only television station in the United States to receive the American Legion's coveted Golden Mike Award for its staff produced documentary series, "Expedition! "St. Louis ", acclaimed "America's best local program in the interest of youth." And remember, KTVI Channel 2 Is still your lowest cost per thousand in St. Louis. CHANNEL ST. LOUIS YOU BUY MORE WHEN YOU BUY CHANNEL 4 Time after time both Nielsen and ARB survey figures have shown that KRLD -TV leads all its competitors in market coverage, in TV -Homes delivered, and in consistently higher program ratings - making KRLD -TV your most potent ad voice in the Dallas -Fort Worth market area. To see for yourself just how far your advertising dollar will go, contact your Advertising Time Sales representative. Cover the Dallas -Fort Worth market EFFECTIVELY with KRLD -TV, Channel 4. REPRESENTED NATIONALLY BY ADVERTISING TIME SALES - FORMERLY THE BRANHAM COMPANY THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS Clyde W. Rembert C k,aatnef 4, Dattaa - Fon,i Wottk President MAXIMUM POWER TV -Twin to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, October 16, 1961 New kettle of fish Look for new blast from FCC CLOSED CIRCUIT' Chairman Newton Minow against newspaper and magazine ownership legitimate news story. This policy al- only "an irritant to viewers" but also of radio -tv stations. In interview to so seemed to be extending, in subtle "may be a cause of some criticism appear next week, he cites FCC's re- way, to point where other NBC -TV of overcommercialization." newal rule which allows applications shows would have increasing diffi- for existing stations and will stress culty in breaking into print. Some R, S & G cutoffs vulnerability of newspapers as licen- advertisers reportedly also had ex- With Nov. 1 established as likely sees, notably in so- called monopoly pressed annoyance to network over cut -off date for applications for new newspaper markets. This follows tack Paar's antics. vhf channels open in Rochester, Syra- enunciated in appeal to nation's par- cuse and Grand Rapids, to provide ents (in PTA magazine article) to Rating quandary three -station (and three -network) help commission monitor television Ratings can be tricky, but Arbi- competition, prospects are that efforts programs and turn in evidence at re- tron's instant nationals have provided will be made to encourage interim newal time (BROADCASTING, Oct. 9). extra element of reverse -twist con- authorization of new stations through sternation: In one way or another two whatever feasible means may be de- Rum research networks had indicated skepticism veloped by applicants who get in At least two advertising agencies about nationals, and both have found under wire. FCC, in deciding on Nov. are known to have researchers prob- cause to re -think their positions. 1 cut -off date, met requirements of ing audience reaction to stations NBC -TV didn't subscribe at all and existing rules by establishing that date which have accepted Publicker In- hence finds itself frustratingly limited as one on which then qualified appli- dustries' radio commercials for hard in publicizing some of best ratings cations will be scheduled for hearing. (whiskey and bourbon) liquor (BROAD- reports it's had in years. ABC-TV CASTING, Aug. 21, et seq.). These subscribed but when first returns It's presumed that efforts will be agencies have top -billing, multi -brand showed lags for several of its shows made to have applicants who get in clients who might be interested in it took vigorous steps to plug leaks before deadline agree for "trustee- campaigns of their own. But they that had let those reports get into ship" arrangement so that immediate seek sufficient number of stations that print; almost immediately, however, construction might start, with ulti- will attract high -income audiences ABC-TV found in subsequent reports mate winner in hearings to take all (good music stations, for example) enough favorable results to start leak- after reimbursing others for legitimate for limited- appeal products, say rum ing itself. CBS -TV, which also sub- expenses. One thought advanced was or vodka. scribed, meanwhile has been getting that ABC -TV might take on tempo- at least reasonably solid ratings -and rary trusteeship, without regard to ex- Renewal form compromise? said nothing. (For ratings of last isting multiple ownership rules, with "They'll get just about everything week's premieres, see page 76). understanding that facilities later they want." This was view of several would go to winning applicants. These FCC members following Oct. 6 con- Conference box score three cases are distinguished from ference of FCC en banc with broad- Unofficial appraisal of first two sub -standard drop -in cases in eight caster spokesmen rallied by NAB on NAB conferences: Majority of broad- markets which more than likely will proposed new programming and log- casters thought Pres. LeRoy Collins wind up in courts. ging requirements. But commissioners has improved industry -government re- When Swezey takes over wouldn't commit themselves beyond lations; is acquiring better understand- compromise on logging and some defi- ing of basic issues; professes to have One of first tasks confronting Rob- nitions, to lighten load on smaller sta- thick skin but is bitter about trade ert D. Swezey, NAB's new radio -tv tions. press criticism; hasn't obtained fa- code administrator, as he formally takes over post this week, is drastic Such contested items as program miliarity with grass -roots operating rewriting of tv code. Assignment is and promise problems; shows great agility and elo- categories and guidelines under supervision of Joe Herold, aren't likely to be quence in difficult situations; needs versus performance KBTV (TV) Denver, as chairman of but there is hope that to throw away his political eyeglasses. jettisoned, subcommittee. Goal is more easily commercial "inter- onerous label of Frown on understood language and improved softened. Several fillers ruptions" will be guideposts for station personnel. commissioners admitted they had It seems reasonable bet that tv net- learned things at meeting and hadn't works will be asked by Assn. of Na- Test for tv realized hardships involved. tional Advertisers to shorten up on such so- called "filler" material as One of pet pastimes of television's One more over Paar promos, cross -promos, credits, titles, critics is to talk about chicken-and- of television and juvenile Is Jack Paar's announced leave - etc. ANA authorities are disenchanted egg effect cast as chicken. taking from his nightly program (see with volume of such material, as delinquency, with tv new way to test page 73) also mixed blessing Brown & Williamson's John W. Bur- Soon there may be story, and evaluate for NBC -TV? Network, which fought gard made clear in his testimony dur- validity of that argument true, if at all.
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