MAC SYSTEM FONTS: WHAT TO USE AND WHAT TO AVOID FAMILY NAME TYPE FACES AVAILABLE NOTES .AquaKana Reg Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Al Bayan nonLat Reg, Bd Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH American Typewriter sf Cond Lt, Cond, Cond Bd, Lt, Reg, Bd Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Andale Mono ssf, mono Reg Monospaced font — USE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED Apple Casual ssf, disp Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Apple Chancery script Reg Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Apple Garamond sf Lt, Lt Ital Italw, Bd, Bd Ital Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Apple Gothic ssf Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Apple LiGothic nonLat Med Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Apple LiSung nonLat Lt Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Apple Myungjo nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Apple Symbols picto Reg Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Arial ssf Cond Lt, Nrw, Nrw Ital, Nrw Bd, Nrw Bd Ital, Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Reg, Ital, Bd, Rounded Bd, Bd Ital, Black Arial Hebrew nonLat Reg, Bd Hebrew — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Ayuthaya nonLat Reg Thai — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Baghdad nonLat Reg Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Baskerville sf Reg, Ital, Semi-Bd, Semi-Bd Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Beijing nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH BiauKai nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Big Caslon sf Med Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Brush Script script Ital Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Chalkboard ssf, disp Reg, Bd Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Chalkduster ssf Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Charcoal ssf Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Charcoal CY nonLat, ssf Reg Slavic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Chicago ssf Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Cochin Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Comic Ssf ssf, disp Reg, Bd Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Cooper sf Black Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Copperplate sf, disp Lt, Reg, Bd Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Corsiva Hebrew nonLat Reg, Bd Hebrew — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Courier sf mono Reg, Obl, Bd, Bd Obl Monospaced font — USE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED Courier New sf mono Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Monospaced font — USE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED DecoType Naskh nonLat Reg Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Devanagari nonLat Reg, Bd Devanagari — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Didot sf Reg, Ital, Bd Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Euphemia UCAS Reg, Ital, Bd Phonetic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Fang Song nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Futura ssf Cond Med, Cond X Bd, Med, Med Ital Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Gadget ssf, disp Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Geeza Pro nonLat Reg, Bd Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Geezah nonLat Reg Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH DC SCARPELLI PRELIMINARY VISUAL DESIGN NOTES FAMILY NAME TYPE FACES AVAILABLE NOTES Geneva ssf Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Geneva CY nonLat, ssf Reg Slavic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Georgia sf Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Gill Sans ssf Lt, Lt Ital, Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Gujarati nonLat Reg, Bd Gujarati — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Gung Seoche nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Gurmukhi nonLat Reg Gurmukhi — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hangangche nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH HeadlineA nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hei nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Helvetica ssf Reg, Obl, Bd, Bd Obl Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Helvetica CY nonLat, ssf Reg, Obl, Bd, Bd Obl Slavic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Helvetica Neue ssf Cond Bd, Cond Black, Ultra-Lt, Ultra-Lt Ital, Lt, Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Lt Ital, Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Herculanum ssf, disp Reg Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Hiragino Kaku Pro nonLat W3, W6 Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hiragino Kaku ProN nonLat W3, W6 Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hiragino Kaku Std nonLat W8 Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hiragino Kaku StdN nonLat W8 Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hiragino Maru Pro nonLat W4 Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hiragino Maru ProN nonLat W4 Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hiragino Mincho Pro nonLat W3, W6 Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hiragino Mincho ProN nonLat W3, W6 Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Hoefler Text sf Reg, Ital, Black, Black Ital, Ornaments Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Impact ssf, disp Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Inai Mathi nonLat Reg Tamil — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Jung Gothic nonLat Med Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Kai nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Keyboard Reg PICTORIAL FONT Krungthep nonLat Reg Thai — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH KufiStandard GK nonLat Reg Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH LastResort Reg PICTORIAL FONT LiHei Pro nonLat Med Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH LiSong Pro nonLat Lt Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Lucida Grande ssf Reg, Bd Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Marker Felt ssf, disp Thin, Wide Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Menlo ssf, mono Reg, Bd, Ital Monospaced font — USE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED Monaco ssf, mono Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Monaco CY nonLat, ssf Reg Slavic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Mshtakan nonLat Reg, Obl, Bd, Bd Obl Armenian — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Nadeem nonLat Reg Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH New Peninim ssf Reg, Incl, Bd, Bd Incl Hebrew — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH New York sf Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID NISC GB18030 nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Optima Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital, X Black Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Osaka nonLat Reg, Mono Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH DC SCARPELLI PRELIMINARY VISUAL DESIGN NOTES FAMILY NAME TYPE FACES AVAILABLE NOTES Palatino sf Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Better versions available —USE WITH DISCRETION Papyrus ssf, disp Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID PC Myungjo nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Pilgiche nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Plantagenet Cherokee sf Reg Cherokee — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Raanana nonLat Reg, Bd Hebrew — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Sand ssf, disp Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Sathu nonLat Reg Thai — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Seoul nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Shin Myungjo Neue nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Silom nonLat Reg Thai — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Skia ssf, disp Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Song nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH ST FangSong nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH ST Heiti nonLat Lt, Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH ST Kaiti nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH ST Song nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Symbol symbol Reg PICTORIAL FONT Tae Graphic nonLat Reg Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Tahoma ssf Lt, Reg, Bd Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Taipei nonLat Reg Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Techno ssf, disp Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Textile ssf, disp Reg Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Thonburi nonLat Reg Thai — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Times sf Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Times CY nonLat, sf Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Slavic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Times New Roman sf Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Trebuchet MS ssf Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Verdana ssf Reg, Ital, Bd, Bd Ital Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Zapf Chancery script Med Ital Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Zapf Dingbats picto Reg PICTORIAL FONT Zapfino script, disp Reg Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION DC SCARPELLI PRELIMINARY VISUAL DESIGN NOTES “FREE” ADOBE TYPE: WHAT TO USE AND WHAT TO AVOID FAMILY NAME NOTES ACaslon Okay to use AdobeArabic Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeDevanagari Devanagari — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeFangsong Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeFanHeiti Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeGothic Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeHebrew Hebrew — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeHeiti Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeKaiti Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeMing Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeMyungjo Korean — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeNaskh Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AdobeSong Chinese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH AGaramond Okay to use Birch Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Blackoak Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION BrushScript Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Chaparral Okay to use Charlemagne Display Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION CooperBlack Display Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Giddyup Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Hobo Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Kozuka Gothic Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Kozuka Mincho Japanese — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH LetterGothic Monospaced font — USE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED Lithos Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Mesquite Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Minion Often overused —USE WITH CAUTION MyriadArabic Arabic — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH MyriadHebrew Hebrew — DO NOT USE FOR ENGLISH Myriad Often overused —USE WITH CAUTION Nueva Display Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION OCRA Monospaced font — USE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED Orator Monospaced font — USE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED Poplar Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION PrestigeElite-Bd Monospaced font — USE ONLY WHEN REQUIRED Rosewood-Regular Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION Stencil Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Tekton Bad reputation: amateurish or ubiquitous — AVOID Trajan Historical Letterforms —USE WITH CAUTION DC SCARPELLI PRELIMINARY VISUAL DESIGN NOTES .
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