OUTLOOK HEPATITIS C Alexander Ploss, who developed the animals together with Charles Rice, executive and sci- entific director of the Center for the Study of Hepatitis C in New York. These mice, and others like them, could provide a cheaper, more robust and less ethi- cally fraught route to HCV drug and vaccine discovery. THE HUMAN SIDE Getting to this point has been a hard slog. In the years immediately after the virus was first described in 1989, many research teams devel- oped transgenic mice carrying one or more genes encoding HCV proteins. Thus it was possible to study HCV-induced liver pathol- ogy without infecting mice with the virus. This approach still has some proponents. Last year, a team led by Matti Sällberg, a viral immunolo- gist at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, used mice expressing the viral protease and showed that treatment with a drug targeting the cytokine tumour-necrosis factor-α led to improved liver function1. But the approach is highly artificial, leading RESEARCH TECHNIQUE to overexpression of the introduced viral genes and ignoring the rest of the viral life cycle. Over the past decade, most researchers have moved away from this set-up in favour of systems that The murine involve infecting animals with the virus. The first such model was reported ten years ago by a team led by transplant surgeon Norman Kneteman at the University of candidate Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada. Kneteman’s group engineered mice to express a gene that kills off the animals’ own liver cells, which Small animals that mimic human hepatitis C infection will aren’t susceptible to HCV infection; in their help researchers pinpoint weakness in the viral life cycle. place they transplanted human liver cells, which are. These mice with humanized livers could be infected with HCV2. “This was the BY ELIE DOLGIN However, “for ethical and economic reasons, first [mouse] model that actually allowed HCV the chimp is a terrible model,” says Matthew infection for prolonged periods of time by the he hepatitis C virus (HCV) is hard to Evans, an HCV researcher at the Mount Sinai normal route,” says Kneteman. study. Most of what researchers know School of Medicine in New York. Research These animals have proven useful for test- about how it multiplies comes from involving chimpanzees is banned in many ing many candidate drugs. For example, a Tcell-culture systems. Such cellular set-ups have parts of the world, including Europe. And Japanese team led by Hiroshima University’s proven invaluable for developing new drugs, in most places where experimentation with Kazuaki Chayama treated Kneteman’s liver including protease inhibitors and polymer- great apes is allowed, laws against euthaniz- transplant mice with a combination of new ase inhibitors, which prevent the virus from ing chimps require investigators to fund the drugs: the protease inhibitor telaprevir (from replicating its components inside the cell. Yet animals’ long-term care — a prohibitively Vertex Pharmaceuticals, based in Cambridge, these cell-based systems fail to capture other expensive commitment. Massachusetts) and the experimental poly- important parts of the viral life cycle, such That’s where a colony of ordinary-looking merase inhibitor MK-0608 (from drug giant as the step before replication, when the virus black mice running around in cages on the Merck, headquartered in Whitehouse Station, attaches to liver cells and gains entry. What’s fourth floor of the Rockefeller University New Jersey). Late last year, the team reported more, cell-culture systems cannot reproduce Comparative Bioscience Center in New York that this combination eliminated the virus the interaction between the immune system comes in. These animals might not look spe- from the animals after a month of therapy and and the virus nor can they recapitulate entire cial, but they have been engineered to express prevented the emergence of drug resistance, organs so that liver pathology can be studied. either a pair or a quartet of human genes and, which often arises in mice and humans treated For these reasons, researchers interested in as such, are the first small animals with fully with either drug alone3. how the virus causes disease have long sought functioning immune systems that are prone But to facilitate the human tissue transplant, a small-animal model. to HCV infection. Using the mice must be engineered to lack compo- Common laboratory animals, including these models, “you can NATURE.COM nents of their immune system. The animals rodents and most primates, are not susceptible actually now look at to read the latest are thereby rendered poor models for testing hosts for HCV. Scientists have therefore had hepatitis C virus entry research using drugs that alter the immune system, known to settle for chimpanzees, which, like humans, in vivo,” says Rock- animal models as immunotherapies. Generating these mice are vulnerable to chronic HCV infections. efeller immunologist go.nature.com/ qDG12e also presents special difficulties. For one, S14 | NATURE | VOL 474 | 9 JUNE 2011 HEPATITIS C OUTLOOK researchers can’t breed chimaeric animals. La Jolla, California. “We are light years away after cell entry: the virus does not seem to rep- And the mice are sickly because of the liver from that because that virus does not like to licate. “You can recapitulate HCV entry,” says toxic gene. infect or replicate in mouse cells.” But scientists Ploss, “but replication is still very inefficient Two recent transplant models of HCV are getting closer. and not detectable by conventional methods.” infection provide improvements over Knete- So the big challenge now remains identifying man’s mice 4,5. Both types of mouse are less frail ENTRY LEVEL POSITION whether additional human factors are needed because of technical workarounds that allow To gain entry into liver cells, HCV hijacks four to achieve the next step of the HCV life cycle researchers to introduce the liver deficit later proteins. Although mice naturally produce in mice. in life. The model developed by Lishan Su, an these proteins, the human versions of two of After replication comes assembly, when the immunologist at the University of North Caro- them are needed for viral entry6. The black viral components are gathered into new infec- lina at Chapel Hill, in collaboration with Ploss rodents at Rockefeller are the first animals tious particles that will be released from the and Rice at Rockefeller, also involves transplant- into which the required human entry factors cell and invade other cells. Fortunately, this ing human blood stem cells into the animals to have successfully been introduced. “This has final stage in the viral life cycle seems to be reconstitute a human-like immune system5. Of a lot of applications,” says Ploss. “Right now, possible in mouse cells without introducing all of the published reports, says Su, “this is the it’s useful to measure HCV entry and potential any human proteins, according to research only one that has both the immune system and entry inhibitors.” presented at this year’s International Liver the human liver in a chimaeric animal”, creating “This is a big advance,” says Michael Congress, in Berlin, by Ralf Bartenschlager, a a living platform for testing vaccines and immu- Houghton, a virologist at the University of molecular virologist at Heidelberg University notherapies in a human-like model. Alberta, who co-discovered HCV more than in Germany. If the barriers to replication can Even though Su’s mice generate a human 20 years ago. “It’s been difficult to do vaccine be overcome, Bartenschlager says, it should T-cell response against the virus when research for hepatitis C because of the lack of be straightforward to get a full infection cycle infected, they still lack a complete immune an animal model other than the chimp. Now going in a mouse. “We have the early steps; we system. “What we need now is a mouse — an we can start using different vaccine strategies have the late steps; the big black box now is the immunocompetent, normal, mouse — that in mice to see which are best at eliciting a pro- step in between.” can be infected by a hepatitis C virus capa- tective response.” It took more than a decade for scientists to ble of replicating, spreading and initiating Ploss’s mice are the first such animals with a deduce the factors needed for HCV cell entry. an immune response,” says Frank Chisari, a fully intact immune system that are susceptible But Thomas Baumert, a hepatologist and virol- virologist at The Scripps Research Institute in to the viral infection. But the infection stops ogist at the University of Strasbourg in France, is confident that the community will solve the problem of replication much faster. “We have THE TURN OF THE SHREW better model systems now, so I think we can advance more rapidly.” Within five years, he Unusual model isn’t persuading researchers of its practicality predicts, “it will be possible to produce trans- genic mice for the entire viral life cycle”. Although most of the work developing says study co-author Kyoko Tsukiyama- Rice is equally confident this approach small-animal models of hepatitis C virus Kohara of Kumamoto University in Japan. will work — but he is hedging his bets. Even (HCV) infection has focused on mice, But few research teams have managed such a model would have its drawbacks, some research teams have advanced an to establish long-term infections in the he says, because the more mouse-like the alternative model: the northern treeshrew animals. And given the limited track record model, the further removed it is from the (Tupaia belangeri). This squirrel-shaped of tree shrews in drug discovery, most human system. That’s why even as his lab animal shares a common ancestor with scientists agree that more traditional lab is aggressively pursuing a transgenic ani- apes and is the only non-ape species animal models of infection, such as mice, mal, he maintains active collaborations to known to be naturally susceptible to HCV.
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