Read us and advertise online - - like Dr. LM Mangope laid to final rest in Motswedi Represen� ng the Botswana government and Bo-Manyana family in Botswana, Kgosikgolo Kebinatswene 1 Mosielele addressing mourners during the funeral of Kgosi Mangope in Motswedi last weekend. See ar� cle and more pictures on pages 8 and 9. War of words erupt Mokoena “casual” about Man shot in Anti- assaults by bouncers at on Mandela Highway Mahikeng municipal offices Corruption battle – – p3 – p3 p5 9DOLGXQWLO )HEUXDU\ 1HZ<HDU·V 6$/( Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa transparency you can see Accurate. Believable. Consistent ϰƉůĂƚĞ ( ĐŽŵƉĂĐƚƐƚŽǀĞ 00$66,9(9( Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa 6$9,1*6 2QO\ transparency you can see Accurate. Believable. Consistent ϳ͘ϱŬŐ ^sZϯϬϬ ^sZϰϬϬ Established 1889 dǁŝŶdƵď EŽǁ EŽǁ tĂƐŚĞƌ 13 Martin Street; Galleria Arcade; 5 ĂƐŚ 5 ĂƐŚ Shop no 1 & 2 E-mail: [email protected] 1(: GPS Co-ordinates: 25” 51’ 49,42 S ϮϭϬůƚ <($5 • 25” 35’ 40,52 E ŚĞƐƚ '($/ &ƌĞĞnjĞƌ 02 FEBRUARY 2018 ^sZϰϬϬ 'ŽůĚĂŝƌ,ŝŐŚ ^sZϭϬϬ Tel: 018 381 1330/ EŽǁ WŽǁĞƌ EŽǁ 381 2884 5 ĂƐŚ WĞĚĞƐƚĂů&ĂŶ 5 ĂƐŚ Fax: 018 381 0425 R4-00 VAT INCL PAGE 2 MAHIKENG MAIL 2 FEBRUARY 2018 Diabetes Fourth anniversary Support Group Meeting Emerging Boer Goat of Bolokanang Mahikeng Mail-Mahikeng- Now with Association meeting the “silly season” behind us; we need to MAHIKENG MAIL-MA- evaluate the damage done by the binge HIKENG: Boer Goat Emerging Baagisanyi Society eating and drinking. For people living with chronic condi- farmers Association members tions like diabetes mellitus, it takes a lot only are invited to a meeting on of willpower to make the lifestyle changes February 24 at North West Koo- needed to assist in their management. The correct diet together with regular exercise perasie Econo building (industrial and taking medication timeously forms a site) from 08:30. For more infor- holistic approach in the treatment of Type mation contact Keaobaka Leepile 2 diabetes mellitus. At the first diabetes on 083 645 7412. mellitus support group meeting for the new year we will discuss an overview of dia- 0$7+6 betes concentrating on its causes. The Miss Queen of Queen 6&,(1&( meeting will be held Beauty pageant 2QHRQRQHOHVVRQV at Victoria Private ZLWKUHWLUHG Hospital at 16h30 MAHIKENG MAIL-MAHIKENG: H[SHULHQFHG WHDFKHU for 17h00 sharp on Entry forms are now available for )HH1HJRWLDEOH 7 February 2018. /RFDWLRQ8QLW All are welcome. girls aged between 5 to 21 for Miss \RXUKRPH For any enquir- Queen of 2018. Main event will be &RQWDFW ies please contact December 1. For more information Zandile Dumbu on contact Dineo on 082 424 8911. 0U$J\HPDQJ 0824167855. &DVK$GYDQFH 1(:&203$1<5(*,675$7,21 :KLOHZDLWLQJIRU 2QO\5 9 3HQVLRQ3DFNDJH )UHH%XVLQHVV3URÀOH)UHH6KDUH&HUWLÀFDWH 9 3URYLGHQWIXQG )UHH%XVLQHVV$GYLFH)UHH7D[5HJLVWUDWLRQV 9 5HWUHQFKPHQWEHQH¿WV )5((%%%(( 9 3UR¿WIURP6DOHRI+RXVH :(%'(6,*1:(%+267,1*'20$,15(*,675$7,21: 2IÀFHQR_&DUULQJWRQ 2I¿FH1R &$55,1*721675((7 A day spent well when Bolokanang Baagisanyi Society celebrated their fourth 6WUHHW_0DÀNHQJ 1H[WWR0DUWLQ)XQHUDOV 0DKLNHQJ anniversary at Extention38 on January 27. The Chairperson of the society, Evelyn 7HO _ Mokgadi said “The society started only with seven members which increased &HOO enormously to 20 members today. We plan to increase our number before 2019”. 2 FEBRUARY 2018 MAHIKENG MAIL PAGE 3 Mahikeng Municipality remains mum on assault reports MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: Municipal Manager of the Mahikeng Local Municipality (MLM), Thabo Mokoena said this week that he would only comment on concerns raised by members of Bana Ba Mahikeng concerned group next week when he returns from leave. Mokoena was reacting to a list of questions send to to both the mayor, municipal manager or MLM mayor, Betty Diakano by Mahikeng Mail in which any municipal staff. They have also not the newspaper was seeking the municipality’s reaction to answered questions about whether the the complains raised by the concerned group. According to municipality could in fact afford to pay Abigail Batala, communications head at the municipality, over R2m monthly for security services. Mokoena who was on leave informed her that he would Answers to questions about the duration only respond to our questions when he returned from leave of the KNRNPN contract and who owns next week. the company will hopefully be provided Company director of On the Move Road Construction and According to Bana Ba Mahikeng, they had tried for by Mokoena when he returns from leave Maintenance (PTY Ltd), Peter Maake more than a year to get permission to be allowed to stage next week. (For the record, Mahikeng a protest march to raise several concerns with Diakanyo’s Mail knows the owner but we will leave office. When everything else failed, the decided to discuss it to Mokoena to confirm the name the matter with the mayor and were allowed to approach during our set interview next week). War of words her office. MAHIKENG MAIL – An ugly confrontation was this week However ones at the Mayor’s office, they were simmering between the road construction company, MCivils confronted by a group of about 20 heavily built security 5,9,(5$3$5. Makali CivilsCon Joint Venture and an SMME , On the Move guards who prevented them from seeing Diakanyo. They )256$/(2572/(7 Road Construction and Maintenance (Pty LTD) situated in the were reportedly beaten up thrown against desks and other EĞǁůLJƌĞŶŽǀĂƚĞĚϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵŚŽƵƐĞ Rooigrond area. office furniture. One of the members suffered a broken ŽŶůĂƌŐĞƐƚĂŶĚ͕ĂůůŽǁŝŶŐĨŽƌĨƵƚƵƌĞ MCivils Joint Venture was awarded the tender valued at R465,9m hand and fingers during the incident. The men are part of a ĞdžƚĞŶƐŝŽŶƐ͘ϮĂƚŚƌŽŽŵƐ;ŵĞƐͿŐƵĞƐƚ two years ago to re-construct the Mandela Highway between security company, KNRNPN, appointed to provide security ƚŽŝůĞƚ͕ůŽƵŶŐĞ͕ĚŝŶŝŶŐƌŽŽŵĂŶĚŽƉĞŶ Mahikeng and Lichtenburg and in accordance with the constitution services to Diakanyo and Mokoena. The company is paid ƐƚƵĚLJĂƌĞĂ͘ƵŝůƚŝŶĐƵƉďŽĂƌĚƐŝŶĂůů was required to appoint local residents living in the nearby Danville, well over R2m monthly according to information availed Dihatswana village and Rooigrond areas as beneficiaries of the to Mahikeng Mail. They are said to be foreigners from ďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͘DŽĚĞƌŶĮƩĞĚŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ 28,5km project. Zimbabwe. ǁŝƚŚŐƌĂŶŝƚĞƚŽƉ͕ŽƐĐŚŽǀĞŶ͕ŚŽďĂŶĚ On the Move Construction and Maintenance company director, Complaints by members of the public who have ĞdžƚƌĂĐƚŽƌ͘^ĐƵůůĞƌLJͬůĂƵŶĚƌLJ͘DŽƚŽƌŝnjĞĚ Peter Maake told Mahikeng Mail in an exclusive interview last expressed concern about the presence of the “bouncers” ŐĂƌĂŐĞĚŽŽƌĂŶĚŐĂƚĞĂƐǁĞůůĂƐĂ week that MCivils was instructed to create job opportunities for 560 unemployed people from the affected wards in the areas the company at the municipal offices have not been addressed by the ĐĂƌƉŽƌƚĨŽƌϮŵŽƌĞǀĞŚŝĐůĞƐ͘ operates. municipality whose management has also not explained how ZĞĂůǀĂůƵĞĨŽƌŵŽŶĞLJĂƚ 5P “To date only a handful of unemployed people from ward 27 are and why they were appointed when there is no public threat involved in the project. Our company is at Grade 1 and according to Government Preferential Procurement Legislation which became effective on April 1 2017, any project which is above R30m, 30 percent of it must be sub-contracted to locals and 6 percent must be for job creation. “However, our company has never been considered since the project started seven months ago. We have exhausted all the right channels to get our company involved in the project but to no avail”, said Maake who also told Mahikeng Mail that when he approached the company, “the manager on site was assisted by about 30 employees to severely assault me. I reported the matter to the police who arrested only four of the culprits.” Maake has also reported the failure by the company to involve his company in the project to the provincial Legislature, the local councillor, the department public works roads as wells as Bua Le Puso government initiative at the Setsokotsane Operation Centre in Mmabatho. Dismissing the allegations this week, Luambo Majune, acting chief director at public works , denied that the workers had assaulted Maake claiming that the latter had in fact gone to the site office and fought with the employees who reported the incident to the police. “This is currently a police case and we can’t comment further,” Majune said. He also denied that On the Move had not been involved in the project adding that a total of 63 locals had in fact been appointed where to date MCivils had paid out a total of R2.1m towards local With a broken hand, Tshepo Sebolao labour while a total of R69,000 had been paid to sub-contractors. displays his injuries. 9DOLGXQWLO)HEUXDU\ ZZZIDFHERRNFRP-RRVXEV ZZZMRRVXEVFR]D 7KH3OD]D1HOVRQ0DQGHOD'ULYH7HO 1HZ<HDU 'HDO 2QO\ ^sͲZϴϬϬ ^ƉŝŶ ^sͲZϭϮϬϬ ^sͲZϴϬϬ ^sͲZϭϱϬϬ ^ ϭϱ^ ^ ^ĞĂ Ƶ 5FDVK YƵĞĞŶĂƐĞ^Ğƚ 5FDVK 5FDVK ǀŝŐ 5FDVK 2QO\ ^sͲZϭϬϬϬ ^sͲZϭϬϬϬ ^sͲZϯϬϬϬ ^sͲZϮϬϬϬ , ůŽ ^ĞĂůLJWĂŝƐůLJ Wŝ 5FDVK DŽŶŽŇĞdžYƵĞĞŶĂƐĞ^ 5FDVK WŝůůŽǁdŽƉYƵĞĞŶĂƐĞ^Ğƚ 5FDVK 5FDVK PAGE 4 MAHIKENG MAIL 2 FEBRUARY 2018 Why EFF demand MEC Manketsi Tlhape to resign The former Prime Minister and authoritarian of the MEC of Agriculture and Rural Development out of this illegal transaction is none other than the leader of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, once proclaimed in the North West Province. MEC Manketsi Tlhape (SARGBH) which is owned by the Premiers friends, CAN THIS MONEY BE SAVED? that Singapore will only achieve the objective of is an antithesis of clean and ethical governance. The Matthews Wolmarans, his former municipal manager Cancer Deaths Cost economic growth and prosperity if it chose the best National Portfolio Committee on Environmental in Rustenburg Local Municipality, Andries Boshoff men and women to lead in government. Lee said: Affairs has order MEC Manketsi Tlhape last year to and a business man, Mike de Kock.
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